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Metagenomics in bioflocs and their effects on gut microbiome and immune responses
in Pacific white shrimp

Surapun Tepaamorndech, Intawat Nookaew, Shawn M. Higdon, Pannita Santiyanont,

Metavee Phromson, Kanittha Chantarasakha, Wuttichai Mhuantong, Vetthachai
Plengvidhya, Wonnop Visessanguan
PII: S1050-4648(20)30606-9
Reference: YFSIM 7264

To appear in: Fish and Shellfish Immunology

Received Date: 24 March 2020

Revised Date: 19 August 2020
Accepted Date: 24 August 2020

Please cite this article as: Tepaamorndech S, Nookaew I, Higdon SM, Santiyanont P, Phromson M,
Chantarasakha K, Mhuantong W, Plengvidhya V, Visessanguan W, Metagenomics in bioflocs and
their effects on gut microbiome and immune responses in Pacific white shrimp, Fish and Shellfish
Immunology (2020), doi:

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Credit author statement
ST: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation,

Writing-Original Draft, Writing-Review &Editing, Visualization, Supervision, Funding acquisition. IN:

Methodology, Software, Formal Analysis, Investigation, Resources. SH: Writing-Original Draft, Writing-

Review &Editing. PS: Software, Formal Analysis, Writing-Review &Editing, Visualization. MP:

Investigation, Resources. KC: Investigation, Project administration. WM: Software, Formal analysis.

VP: Conceptualization, Resources. WV: Conceptualization, Resources.

1 Metagenomics in bioflocs and their effects on gut microbiome and immune responses in Pacific

2 white shrimp

4 Surapun Tepaamorndecha*, Intawat Nookaewb, Shawn M. Higdonc, Pannita Santiyanonta, Metavee

5 Phromsona, Kanittha Chantarasakhaa, Wuttichai Mhuantonga, Vetthachai Plengvidhyaa, Wonnop

6 Visessanguana

8 National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Phahonyothin Rd., Pathumthani

9 12120, Thailand
10 Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR

11 72205, USA
12 Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA


Corresponding author:

15 Surapun Tepaamorndech, Ph.D.


16 National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)


17 113 Phahonyothin Rd., Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

18 Email:


20 Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest is claimed






27 Abstract

28 Biofloc systems generate and accumulate microbial aggregates known as bioflocs. The presence

29 of bioflocs has been shown to change gut bacterial diversity and stimulate innate immunity in shrimp. The

30 microbial niche of bioflocs may therefore have the potential to drive shifts in the shrimp gut microbiota

31 associated with stimulation of innate immunity. We performed shotgun metagenomic analysis and 16S

32 rRNA-based amplicon sequencing to characterize complex bacterial members in bioflocs and the shrimp

33 digestive tract, respectively. Moreover, we determined whether biofloc-grown shrimp with discrete gut

34 microbiomes had an elevation in local immune-related gene expression and systemic immune activities.

35 Our findings demonstrated that the bacterial community in bioflocs changed dynamically during Pacific

36 white shrimp cultivation. Metagenomic analysis revealed that Vibrio comprised 90% of the biofloc

population, while Pseualteromonas, Photobacterium, Shewanella, Alteromonas, Bacillus, Lactobacillus,
38 Acinetobacter, Clostridium, Marinifilum, and Pseudomonas were also detected. In the digestive tract,

39 biofloc-grown shrimp maintained the presence of commensal bacteria including Vibrio, Photobacterium,


Shewanella, Granulosicoccus, and Ruegeria similar to control shrimp. However, Vibrio and

41 Photobacterium were significantly enriched and declined, respectively, in biofloc-grown shrimp. The

42 presence of bioflocs upregulated immune-related genes encoding serine proteinase and prophenoloxidase

43 in digestive organs which are routinely exposed to gut microbiota. Biofloc-grown shrimp also

44 demonstrated a significant increase in systemic immune status. As a result, the survival rate of biofloc-

45 grown shrimp was substantially higher than that of the control shrimp. Our findings suggested that the

46 high relative abundance of vibrios in bioflocs enriched the number of vibrios in the digestive tract of

47 biofloc-grown shrimp. This shift in gut microbiota composition may be partially responsible for local

48 upregulation of immune-related gene expression in digestive organs and systemic promotion of immune

49 status in circulating hemolymph.

50 1. Introduction

51 Biofloc technology has been used in aquaculture because of various benefits to marine animals.

52 The biofloc system is operated with no water exchange leading to accumulation of nitrogen wastes from

53 animal excretion [1]. Nitrogen containing wastes cooperating with an exogenous carbon source accelerate

54 microbial growth and deposit substantial levels of the microbial aggregates known as bioflocs [2, 3]. In

55 shrimp cultivation, the presence of bioflocs was shown to significantly stimulate the innate immunity of

56 shrimp [4-7]. As a result, biofloc-grown shrimp become resistant to pathogen infection and mortality.

57 Additional experiments demonstrated that bioflocs triggered innate immune mechanisms against shrimp

58 infection. The effect of bioflocs on shrimp innate immunity has been proposed to act through ingestion of

59 biofloc microflora [8, 9]. Therefore, microbes residing in bioflocs may play important roles in stimulating

60 the immune system of shrimp.

61 Increased efforts to investigate the biofloc microbiome stem from their ability to confer

62 immunomodulatory effects on marine animals. Previous attempts to characterize biofloc microbiota


identified complex bacterial populations as the predominating microbial components [3, 6, 10]. First,

64 enrichment cultures were performed to characterize the composition of biofloc microbial communities.

65 Vibrio, Lactobacillus, and Bacillus were isolated and applied as probiotics in aquacultures[11]. Other

66 genera including Halomonas, Providencia, Nitratireductor, and Pseudoalteromonas were also detected

67 [12]. Nevertheless, culture dependent approaches present a limitation to characterizing the complete

68 microbial population present in bioflocs, where the cultivation approach commonly reveals only a small

69 bacterial portion of which only 0.1% are estimated to have been characterized [13]. To address this,

70 microbial community analysis based on DNA sequencing was subsequently applied to elucidate the

71 complexity of bacterial niches in bioflocs. For example, analysis of water collected from the biofloc

72 system with Litopenaeus stylirostris cultivation using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed that

73 Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria were found to be the bacterial taxa of the highest

74 relative abundance in the biofloc system [14].

75 The gut microbiota is known to be associated with human and animal health [15, 16]. In

76 mammals, alterations of gut bacterial communities are considered to be an early response prior to

77 physiological changes in the host [17, 18]. Similar to mammals, vibrio infected shrimp showed gut

78 microbiome shifts before disease symptoms were observed [19]. Other factors including growth, diet and

79 habitat have been reported to alter bacterial diversity in the shrimp digestive tract [20-23]. A recent study

80 demonstrated that gut bacterial communities of biofloc-grown shrimp were not identical to those of

81 shrimp cultivated in clear seawater [14]. While previous microbiome studies have primarily focused on

82 the key factors shifting bacterial community in the shrimp gastrointestinal (GI) tract [19-27], functional

83 aspects of the gut microbiome on shrimp health remain largely uncharacterized.

84 Although bioflocs have been shown to alter the shrimp gut microbiota and promote innate

immunity in the host, these findings were accumulated from different investigations that varied in shrimp
86 breed, growth stage, cultivation time, and experimental factors [4-7, 14]. This study aimed to decipher the

87 bacterial complexity in bioflocs, investigate their potential to modulate the gut microbiome of Pacific


white shrimp, and identify causal links between microbiome shifts and host innate immunity. We

89 evaluated bacterial similarity using community fingerprints followed by shotgun metagenomic analysis to

90 acquire in-depth characterization of bacterial members present in bioflocs. Subsequently, analyzing


91 amplicon sequencing libraries targeting the 16S rRNA gene enabled community profiling for bacteria

92 present in the shrimp GI tract. Performing gene expression analysis and biochemical evaluations also

93 determined local and systemic innate immunity, respectively. Our findings not only improve the current

94 understating of biofloc effects on the shrimp gut microbiome, but also exemplify the potential application

95 of gut microbiome alteration to promote shrimp health.


97 2. Materials and methods

98 2.1 Shrimp cultivation and tissue collection

99 Pacific white shrimp at the postlarva (PL) stage 8 to 12 were purchased from a hatchery farm in

100 the coastal region of Thailand. During acclimation in a 2,000 L tank, the postlarvae were screened for
101 pathogen contamination as described previously [28]. The study design was illustrated in Fig. 1A. Shrimp

102 at an average body weight of 0.9 ± 0.1 g were transferred to 220 L tanks in an indoor facility (100

103 shrimp/tank). Three tanks were randomly assigned to operate with biofloc systems as described

104 previously [29]. Briefly, molasses was supplemented as a carbon source to stimulate biofloc formation.

105 The carbon to nitrogen ratio was maintained at 15. The levels of bioflocs were measured using an Imhoff

106 cone every week. Cultivation water was collected and centrifuged at 10,000×g, 4ºC for 5 min, and stored

107 as biofloc samples at -80ºC until use. Bioflocs collected from each of the three cultivation tanks at 6-week

108 cultivation were designated as BF-1, -2, and -3, respectively. The biofloc samples were collected at three,

109 five, and six weeks during shrimp cultivation. Three additional tanks were operated as controls using the

110 clear water system. No carbon source was supplemented. Suspensions were continuously removed using a
111 filtration unit. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and salinity were monitored every two
112 days. Alkalinity, ammonia, ammonium, and nitrite were measured weekly. Both systems were similarly

113 controlled as follows. Aeration was generated using air blowers with DO >5 mg/L. Water temperature

114 and pH were maintained at 29 ± 1ºC and 8 ± 0.5, respectively. Alkalinity was maintained from 130 to 150

115 mg/L. Ammonia, ammonium, and nitrite were controlled < 0.1, 1.0, and 1.0 mg/L, respectively. Salinity

116 was adjusted to 15 g/L. Water change was prohibited during shrimp cultivation. Water was only filled to

117 replenish evaporation loss. Shrimp were fed a diet consisting of 38% crude protein (Wave, Inteqc) four

118 times a day for 6 weeks. The survival rates were recorded at the end of the study. Shrimp were

119 anesthetized on ice before hemolymph and tissue collection. Shrimp GI tract and hepatopancreas were

120 harvested, snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80ºC until use. All animal experiments were

121 conducted in accordance with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the Care and Use of

122 Experimental Animals and were approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of BIOTEC.


124 2.2 DNA isolation and automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA)

125 Shrimp GI tract containing feces was homogenized using a Dounce tissue grinder (Sigma-

126 Aldrich). DNA was isolated from bioflocs and fecal lysates using a Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe kit
127 (Zymo Research). DNA extraction was processed according to the manufacturer’s instruction. DNA

128 integrity and concentration were determined using gel electrophoresis, and a NanodropTM 2000

129 spectrophotometer (ThermoFisher Scientific), respectively. The DNA samples were stored at -20ºC until

130 use. Bacterial communities were examined using ARISA as described previously [30]. TSF primer (5′-

131 GTCGTAACAAGGTAGCCGTA-3′) tagged with 5′-FAM, and ITSeub primer (5′-

132 GCCAAGGCATCCACC-3′) were used to amplify ITS fragments. The PCR condition included 94°C for

133 3 min, 30 cycles of 94°C for 45 s, 55°C for 45 s, 72°C for 90 s and a final extension at 72°C for 5 min.

134 The amplicons were subjected to fragment analysis using a 3730xl DNA analyzer (ThermoFisher

135 Scientific) with a Genescan™ 1200 LIZ™ dye size standard (ThermoFisher Scientific). Visual alignment

136 with the standard was performed using Peakstudio, version 2.2 [31]. Size compensation was used as

previously described [32]. DNA fragments sized from 300 to 1250 bp with fluorescence intensities higher
138 than 100 fluorescence units were used in downstream analysis [33].



2.3 Library preparation and metagenomic analysis

141 DNA isolated from bioflocs was subjected to shotgun sequencing analysis. DNA concentration

142 was measured using a Qubit Fluorometer (ThermoFisher Scientific). DNA libraries were constructed

143 using the Nextera XT library preparation kit (Illumina) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA

144 inputs were fragmented using transposome and tagged with adaptor sequences. Fragmented DNA with

145 adaptors were PCR-amplified and cleaned up using Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Beckman). Library

146 quantity was determined using the 2100 Bioanalyzer system (Agilent Technologies). Paired-end libraries

147 with an insert size of 150 bp were normalized, diluted, and sequenced using a short-read NextSeq 500

148 (Illumina). The taxonomic composition was analyzed using the MEDUSA pipeline as described

149 previously [34].


151 2.4 16S rRNA gene amplification, Nanopore sequencing, and data analysis
152 DNA samples were obtained from the ZymoBIOMICS microbial community standard (Zymo

153 Research) or shrimp feces. DNA concentration was analyzed using a Qubit Fluorometer (ThermoFisher

154 Scientific). 16S barcoded primers (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) were used with ExTaq DNA

155 polymerase (Takara) in PCR amplification. The PCR condition was performed according to the

156 manufacturer’s instruction. 16S rRNA amplicons were purified using Agencourt AMPure XP beads

157 (Beckman). DNA libraries were constructed and sequenced using a 16S Barcoding Kit and FLO-MIN106

158 R9 Version (Oxford Nanopore Technologies), respectively. Base calling was performed using Albacore.

159 High quality reads with Q score ≥ 8, and sequence length ≥ 1000 bp were blasted to Ezbiocloud database

160 and individually summed into each bacterial taxon [35]. Due to limitations in species identification of

161 long-read Nanopore sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, bacterial taxonomic classifications were only

assigned to the genus rank in this report [36]. Heatmaps were generated based on the relative abundance
163 levels within the bacterial populations using Heatmapper [37].



2.5 Gene expression analysis

166 Shrimp GI tract and hepatopancreas samples were homogenized in TRIzol (Thermo Fisher

167 Scientific) using a Dounce tissue grinder (Sigma-Aldrich). RNA was purified according to the

168 manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA was synthesized from total RNA samples using an iScript cDNA

169 synthesis kit (BioRad) and diluted with distilled water before use. Quantitative PCR was performed using

170 a SsoAdvancedTM SYBR® Green supermix (BioRad) on a CFX384 Real-time System (BioRad). Specific

171 primers were adopted from previous reports [38-41]. The reactions were performed in duplicate with

172 melting temperature analysis. The amount of specific target amplicons was normalized to that of the

173 housekeeping Actb amplicons. The relative expression of the target genes was calculated using a 2-∆∆CT

174 method.


176 2.6 Analysis of systemic innate immunity

177 Hemolymph was collected from the ventral sinus using a syringe coated with the anticoagulant,

178 10% (w/v) formalin in 0.45 M NaCl. Total hemocyte count and the phenoloxidase activity in hemocytes

179 were performed as described previously [30]. Plasma superoxide dismutase and total antioxidant activity

180 were examined using commercial assay kits (Cayman Chemical). Plasma protein was measured using the

181 BCA assay (Millipore). The protein concentration was used to normalize the phenoloxidase, superoxide

182 dismutase and total antioxidant activity. A microplate reader (SparkTM 10M, TECAN) was used to

183 measure optical density in all colorimetric assays.


185 2.7 Statistical analysis

186 Biological replicates of bioflocs were obtained from three cultivation tanks at each sampling time

and used in bacterial community fingerprint and metagenomics analysis (Fig. 1A). Physicochemical
188 parameters were also measured from all the cultivation tanks and computed from the means of each

189 measurement. Shrimp were randomly sampled from each cultivation tanks and used in metagenomics or


biochemical analysis. Three to nine shrimp were used in each experiment as indicated in Fig. 1A. The

191 results were shown as the mean ± S.D. The student’s t test was used to compare physicochemical data, the

192 levels of gut bacterial taxa, gene expression, immune-related activity, and survival of shrimp cultivated in

193 the biofloc and control groups. Cluster analysis of ARISA was computed based on Bray-Curtis similarity

194 matrix and plotted using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). All analyses showed stress values

195 below 0.1 indicating adequate ordination of the data [42]. Statistical significance was tested using analysis

196 of similarities (ANOSIM). ANOSIM-R is the degree of group separation with a score of 0 to 1 indicating

197 no to complete separation, respectively [43]. SIMPER was also used to estimate % dissimilarity

198 between/among groups. NMDS, ANOSIM, and SIMPER were performed using PAST3 software [44].

199 Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.


201 3. Results

202 3.1 Biofloc formation and alterations in biofloc bacterial community

203 The presence of bioflocs was observed one week after the cultivation system was established. The

204 biofloc levels were constantly elevated and accumulated in the cultivation system until shrimp were

205 harvested at 6 weeks (Fig. 1B). Physicochemical data collected during shrimp cultivation demonstrated

206 that pH and water temperature in the biofloc system were slightly, but significantly lower than those in

207 the control system (Table 1). We also detected a significant decrease in the ammonia (NH3)

208 concentrations of the biofloc system when compared to the controls. A downward trend in the levels of

209 alkalinity and nitrite (NO2-) was also observed. The degree of bacterial community similarity in three

210 biofloc tanks was analyzed at 3, 5, and 6 weeks. As shown in Fig. 1C, a NMDS plot illustrated a close

211 similarity in bacterial diversity among the tanks at the same week. In contrast, bacterial communities were

212 distinctly separated over cultivation time. ANOSIM indicated that bacterial communities in bioflocs

collected at different weeks were remarkably dissimilar (R = 0.942, p = 0.004). The mean rank within and
214 between groups was 5.778 and 22.740, respectively. SIMPER reported 65.64% overall average

215 dissimilarity among groups. These results indicated that bacterial communities in bioflocs were


significantly shifted during shrimp cultivation.


218 3.2 Metagenomic analysis of bioflocs during shrimp cultivation


219 Bacterial diversity in bioflocs was characterized after 6 weeks of cultivation when shrimp were

220 simultaneously harvested for analyzing innate immune responses. Sequencing of biofloc DNA samples

221 including BF-1, -2, and -3 generated 93,691,977 total sequencing reads across all three libraries. Raw

222 reads were analyzed using the MEDUSA pipeline, which identified 1,139 bacterial genera. As shown in

223 Fig 2A, bacterial taxa were categorically similar in each sample. Vibrio was the most abundant genus

224 found in all the tanks. The average percent richness of Vibrio was 90.22±10.89% of the total bacterial

225 population. These results indicated that other genera were considerably less abundant than Vibrio. We

226 observed deviations of some minor genera in BF-1 compared to that of BF-2 and BF-3.

227 Pseudoalteromonas had the most discrete detection levels at 6.47%, 0.353%, and 0.317% in BF-1, BF-2

228 and BF-3, respectively. The average number of Photobacterium, Shewanella, Alteromonas, Bacillus,
229 Lactobacillus, Acinetobacter, Clostridium, Pseudomonas and Paraglaciecola was 0.32±0.17%,

230 0.24±0.33%, 0.19±0.29%, 0.18±0.15%, 0.16±0.14%, 0.14±0.14%, 0.14±0.14%, 0.11±0.11%, and

231 0.08±0.11%, respectively. We also characterized vibrios at the species level. V. parahaemolyticus was the

232 most prominent taxon in BF-1 with a relative abundance level of 26.19% (Fig. 2B), whereas V. campbellii

233 was the most enriched species detected in BF-2 and BF-3 at 71.66% and 71.96%, respectively. Other

234 species detected in all three biofloc tanks included V. vulnifucus, V. alginolyticus, V. harveyi, and V.

235 jasicida. These results revealed the diversity of bacterial populations in bioflocs, where Vibrio spp.

236 including V. parahaemolyticus, V. campbellii, V. vulnifucus, V. alginolyticus, V. harveyi, and V. jasicida

237 were the most dominant taxa during shrimp cultivation.


239 3.3 Shrimp gut microbiome

240 Community fingerprinting analysis illustrated that the gut bacterial populations of shrimp

241 cultivated in the biofloc and control systems were positioned closely (Fig. 3A). However, ANOSIM


showed the significant mean rank within and between groups at 36.240 and 54.270, respectively (R =

243 0.389, p = 0.009). Additionally, the calculated ANOSIM-R values between 0.5 and 0.75 indicated that

244 bioflocs had a moderate effect on shrimp gut microbiome composition. The overall mean dissimilarity of

245 gut bacterial diversity in both systems was 63.61%. These results pointed out a significant shift in gut

246 bacterial community composition for shrimp cultivated in the presence of bioflocs. We characterized the

247 bacterial community in shrimp GI tracts using long-read Nanopore technology. To validate Nanopore

248 sequencing and taxonomic analysis of the 16S rRNA amplicons, we analyzed a mock community

249 containing eight bacterial taxa and found each bacterium to be classified correctly at the genus level (data

250 not shown). In the shrimp microbiome study, nanopore sequencing of the 16S rRNA amplicons generated

251 46,032 reads with an average read length of 1,411 bp. Taxonomic analysis of the amplicons revealed five

252 dominant taxa that included Vibrio, Photobacterium, Shewanella, Granulosicoccus, and Ruegeria (Fig.

253 3B). All of those bacteria showed ≥ 1% of the total bacterial population. Regardless of the cultivation

254 systems, Vibrio was the most dominant member in shrimp GI tract. The proportion of Photobacterium
255 and Shewanella was significantly larger than those of Granulosicoccus, and Ruegeria. The average

256 proportions of 16S rRNA reads classified as Vibrio, Photobacterium, Shewanella, Granulosicoccus, and

257 Ruegeria were 80.14±10.49%, 4.77±4.05%, 10.35±6.59%, 0.10±0.17%, and 0.77±1.13%, respectively, in

258 biofloc-cultivated shrimp, while those of the same taxa accounted for 54.53±0.93%, 31.23±15.21%,

259 10.96±12.72%, 1.26±0.79%, and 0.08± 0.09%, respectively, in the control shrimp. Comparative heatmap

260 analysis of the relative abundances for each identified bacterial member in both cultivation systems

261 revealed that the levels of Vibrio in the GI tract of shrimp samples from the biofloc system were

262 remarkably higher than those of the controls (Fig. 3C). In contrast, the relative abundance of

263 Photobacterium found in shrimp GI tracts collected from the biofloc system was significantly lower than

264 that of those from the control system. Granulosicoccus exhibited the trend of decreased relative

abundance in the presence of bioflocs but did not reach the significance threshold (p = 0.067). These
266 findings showed that while major bacterial types in shrimp GI tracts were similar across treatment groups,

267 the relative abundances of Vibrio and Photobacterium shifted significantly between the cultivation




270 3.4 Immune-related gene expression analysis


271 We further determined immune related gene expression in shrimp GI tracts which have direct

272 contact with shrimp gut microbiota. As shown in Fig 4A, the mRNA level of the gene encoding lectin in

273 biofloc-grown shrimp was 1.80-fold higher than that of the control. Moreover, compared to the control,

274 the presence of bioflocs showed 3.13- and 2.60-fold upregulation of the prophenoloxidase and serine

275 proteinase genes, respectively. We also analyzed gene expression in shrimp hepatopancreas, a food

276 digestive and absorptive organ connecting to GI tract. Our results demonstrated that the mRNA level of

277 prophenoloxidase, and serine proteinase in the biofloc system were 3.78-, and 4.17-fold greater than that

278 of the control, respectively (Fig 4B). No significant differences in the expression of other genes were

279 observed between the two groups in both GI tract and hepatopancreas samples. These results showed

280 consistent upregulation of prophenoloxidase and serine proteinase in digestive organs, which suggested a
281 functional link between the shifted gut microbiome and the expression of genes related to the shrimp

282 immune system in digestive organs.


284 3.5 Shrimp innate immunity and survival

285 In addition to gene expression analysis, we investigated whether the levels of systemic immune

286 status differed between shrimp that were cultivated in the presence and absence of bioflocs. As shown in

287 Fig. 5A, shrimp cultivated in the biofloc system displayed a significant increase in total hemocyte counts

288 compared to the controls. Biofloc grown shrimp with high loads of commensal vibrios in the GI tract

289 showed 1.5-fold elevation in total hemocyte counts. No difference in the phenoloxidase activity was

290 detected between two groups (Fig. 5B). We also quantified their respective levels of antioxidant activities.

Compared to the control shrimp, biofloc-grown shrimp showcased 1.80- and 2.05-fold increases in
292 plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant activity, respectively (Fig. 5C and 5D).

293 Recording the number of shrimp present at the end of the study indicated that shrimp cultivated in the


biofloc system displayed a significantly higher survival rate than that of those grown under the control

295 condition (Fig. 5E). Collectively, these results showed that the presence of bioflocs promoted the

296 hemocyte number, increased antioxidant activity, and led to an increase in shrimp survival.


298 4. Discussion

299 Bioflocs ingested by shrimp contain a niche of microbes [2, 3, 45]. Shrimp cultivated in the

300 biofloc system showcase a number of health benefits, most notably of which include an increase in innate

301 immunity [4-7]. While the presence of bioflocs was shown to affect the composition of bacterial

302 populations in the shrimp GI tract [14], the degrees to which bioflocs shift the gut microbiome and

303 enhance innate immunity in shrimp have never been investigated concurrently. Our findings showed that

304 bioflocs contained Vibrio spp. as the predominant taxon. In addition, the relative abundance of vibrios

305 was also significantly enriched in shrimp GI tracts and found to be coincident with an increase in local

306 immune related gene expression, and systemic immune activities. These results suggested that bioflocs
307 significantly modified the shrimp gut microbiota and, potentially, had priming effects on shrimp innate

308 immunity.

309 Cooperation and competition among bacteria could be expected in bioflocs due to fluctuations in

310 nutrient availability and physicochemical conditions, as well as differences in the capability of microbial

311 proliferation, growth, and colonization. Our community fingerprints of bioflocs demonstrated constant

312 alterations in bacterial community composition over time during shrimp cultivation. The dynamic

313 changes in each microbial population were previously reported in both biofloc aggregates and water [10,

314 46]. To successfully establish in bioflocs, bacteria were likely to be found as microflora in water, shrimp,

315 or feed, and later introduced into the cultivation system. In order for bacterial populations to expand and

316 establish dominance within the community, bacterial flora must compete for utilization of carbon and

nitrogen sources present in the system. Our metagenomic analysis found that Vibrio spp. were the most
318 dominant taxon in bioflocs. These findings were expected as vibrios are known to be the prevalent

319 microflora in shrimp, and these marine bacteria are likely to thrive under the conditions in which shrimp


were cultivated [47]. Additionally, vibrios were previously shown to be capable of assimilating ammonia

321 and nitrate accumulated in the biofloc system [48, 49]. The toxicity of these nitrogenous compounds to

322 shrimp and their ability to suppress shrimp immunity is well-established. In our study, the abundance of

323 vibrios in bioflocs may have been responsible for a decrease in ammonia and nitrate concentrations that

324 partially promoted shrimp immune activities and survival. The major vibrio species in bioflocs were

325 characterized as V. parahaemolyticus and V. campbellii, both of which were previously shown to cause

326 acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) [50]. A plasmid containing the pirABvp toxin gene is

327 essential for an AHPND outbreak. However, absence of plasmids encoding the gene among eighty

328 percent of known V. parahaemolyticus strains indicated that the majority of these bacteria are non-

329 virulent [51]. Other bacterial taxa identified in our study included Pseualteromonas, Photobacterium,

330 Shewanella, and Alteromonas. These bacteria were consistently found to comprise ≥0.05% of total

331 bacteria classified within biofloc populations. These results collaborated similar findings among a number

332 of other culture dependent studies [11, 46, 52].

333 Environmental factors significantly impact the composition of the microbial communities in

334 bioflocs. A previous metagenomic study showed that Leucotrix spp. was identified as the predominant

335 taxon rather than a Vibrio spp. in the water of the biofloc system [14]. We hypothesized that dissimilarity

336 in the dominant taxon of the community may result from stark differences across cultivation conditions.

337 Cardona et al. constructed an outdoor biofloc system using seawater from a lagoon. As a result, both algae

338 and the algae dependent bacterium, Leucotrix, were detected at high levels of relative abundance.

339 Contrariwise, our study established the biofloc system using artificial seawater in an indoor facility. These

340 differences highlight the need for consistency in procedural aspects of biofloc utilization for shrimp

341 cultivation. In this study, Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, Photobacterium, Shewanella, and Alteromonas

342 accounted for 93.35% of total bacterial abundance in bioflocs, which are taxa commonly found in

seawater or in association with marine animals [53]. This bacterial group is likely to be associated with
344 shrimp and simultaneously transferred into the cultivation system. In addition, these marine bacteria have

345 the potential to flourish in artificial marine habitats [54, 55]. Moreover, this bacterial group may be


considered as a bacterial inoculum that plays a crucial role in microbial community-forming bioflocs [56].

347 The addition of molasses also promoted vibrio proliferation in the biofloc system during shrimp

348 cultivation [57]. However, dominance of Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, Photobacterium, Shewanella, and

349 Alteromonas in bioflocs may not be profoundly abundant during the early periods of biofloc formation. In

350 fact, ARISA indicated dissimilarity of bacterial community across samples from different cultivation

351 times. Therefore, these abundant bacterial taxa were likely introduced as low-level shrimp flora that rose

352 in population size due to favorable environmental factors, especially salinity, of the artificial marine

353 habitat. Despite these findings, further investigations are needed to monitor species changes over time

354 during biofloc formation.

355 Another focus of this study was the effect of bioflocs on the shrimp GI tract microbiota. The

356 observed dissimilarity of gut bacterial fingerprints between the biofloc and clear water systems over time

357 supported previous investigations, which suggested that the presence of selective pressures leads to the

358 recruitment of specific microbial inhabitants within the shrimp GI tract [14, 53]. Although five major taxa
359 including Vibrio, Photobacterium, Shewanella, Granulosicoccus and Ruegeria were detected in both our

360 biofloc and control systems, proportions of some bacterial taxa remained significantly dissimilar between

361 groups. Interestingly, while Vibrio and Photobacterium have been characterized as the dominant members

362 of the shrimp GI tract [14, 23, 53, 58, 59], results from our study suggested that shrimp cultivation in

363 bioflocs contributed significantly to both Vibrio enrichment and a lowering of Photobacterium density in

364 the shrimp digestive tract. Despite the presence of their pathogenic strains, most of shrimp inhabitant

365 Vibrio spp. were determined to be non-pathogenic [26]. Moreover, the use of bioflocs as a dietary

366 supplement directly ingested by shrimp has been proposed repeatedly [29, 56, 60]. To this point, our

367 results also suggest that vibrios may be directly delivered as a dietary component into the shrimp GI tract


as a means to outcompete Photobacterium in biofloc-grown shrimp. This is further supported by previous

studies that demonstrated shrimp ingestion of bacterial species with high environmental abundance
370 resulted in alterations to their gut microbiome, and that some vibrios had an in vitro inhibitory effect on

371 the growth of photobacteria [61, 62].


372 The beneficial effects of Vibrio as commensal bacteria in marine animals are underrepresented

373 and require additional investigation, as this marine bacterium has been suggested to be a source of various

374 antimicrobial compounds [63]. For example, several non-pathogenic strains of Vibrio were shown to

375 potentially inhibit pathogen growth [64-66]. This provides support for the concept that deposition of

376 commensal vibrios may mitigate the potential risk of infection by lowering or inhibiting colonization of

377 virulent strains. On the other hand, biofloc-modified shrimp gut microbiota, which exhibited an increase

378 in Vibrio population, may be associated with shrimp immune stimulation. The local effects of microbiota

379 on gut immune development have been established in mammals [67, 68]. We performed gene expression

380 analysis in the shrimp GI tract where its microbiota was altered. To our knowledge, these results indicated

381 the first reported upregulation of immune related genes in the shrimp GI tract in concordance with

382 heightened commensal vibrios density. The genes encoding lectin, serine proteinase, and

383 prophenoloxidase all function in the phenoloxidase cascade [69, 70]. Upregulation of the serine
384 proteinase and prophenoloxidase encoding genes was also detected in shrimp hepatopancreas at similar

385 levels. Interestingly, bioflocs are comprised by many viable microbes, but also contain dead bacterial

386 cells and their respective compartments. Routine exposures to membrane components isolated from gram

387 negative bacteria may prime the immune responses of an invertebrate animal [71]. Hence, the abundance

388 of vibrio membrane components in shrimp GI tracts may be a key factor to stimulating immune-related

389 gene expression.

390 In mammals, intestinal bacteria play important roles in hematopoiesis and innate immune cell

391 development [72-74]. The number and activity of the innate immune cells are influenced by the type and

392 content of gut microbiota in the digestive tract. For example, previous investigations in mice found that

393 reduction of the host intestinal microbiota leading to the reduced production of stimulating molecules

associated with neutrophil formation [73]. As a result, the number of neutrophils and innate immune
395 progenitor cells declined. Moreover, innate immune cell activities could be depleted in mice with poor

396 colonization of intestinal bacteria. In germ-free mice, a signaling cascade triggering inflammatory


responses and interferon gene expression was impaired in non-mucosal lymphoid NK cells [74]. A lack of

398 bacterial peptidoglycan recognition also suppressed the ability of neutrophils to eliminate pathogens [72].

399 These aspects of impaired immunity increase host susceptibility to pathogen infection.

400 We sought to determine whether effects similar to those observed in mice also occurred in

401 shrimp. Considering that hemocytes are considered to be innate immune cells in shrimp [75], our results

402 agree with those of previous studies, where a high number of circulating hemocytes was observed in

403 biofloc-grown shrimp[4, 5]. Indeed, bioflocs not only raised relative vibrio accumulation, but also

404 promoted total bacterial population density in shrimp GI tracts [76]. Increased number of commensal

405 bacteria plays an important role in modulating the systemic innate immunity of shrimp in a similar

406 fashion to the trend observed in mice. Intestinal microbiota richness in biofloc grown shrimp may

407 stimulate production of hematopoietic growth factors. Previously, shrimp intestines were shown to

408 express genes involved with the synthesis of astakine, which is an ancient cytokine that may induce the

409 proliferation and differentiation of hemocytes [77]. In contrast, the phenoloxidase activity was not
410 different in shrimp hemocytes. This difference may be due to the fact that shrimp haemolymph contain a

411 very low number of bacteria [78]. The availability of microbes or their components in hemolymph may be

412 insufficient to promote hemocyte phenoloxidase. We also observed an increase in the antioxidant systems

413 including the superoxide dismutase and total antioxidant activity. This was likely due to an elevation in

414 both the hemocyte number, and antioxidant activities, which conferred health benefits and supported the

415 high survival of biofloc grown shrimp. However, further investigation is required to elucidate whether the

416 shrimp gut microbiome systemically regulates the production of hemocyte, influences antioxidant

417 activities, and, potentially, determine the associated mechanisms.

418 In summary, bioflocs demonstrated dynamic changes in bacterial population and contained

419 vibrios as the dominant member during Pacific white shrimp cultivation. The presence of bioflocs

preserved bacterial categories, but significantly promoted an abundance of Vibrio, and suppressed
421 Photobacterium density in the shrimp GI tract. We observed upregulation of genes involved in the

422 phenoloxidase cascade in digestive organs of biofloc-grown shrimp containing shifted gut microbiome. In


addition, biofloc-grown shrimp showed an elevation in hemocyte number and antioxidant activity, which

424 possibly contributed to high survival rate.



426 Acknowledgements

427 This study was supported by BIOTEC (P-16-50847).


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686 Figure legends
688 Fig. 1. Biofloc formation and bacterial community fingerprints during shrimp cultivation. A. A schematic
689 diagram of the study. Shrimp postlarvae (PL) 8-12 were acclimatized and transferred to the biofloc and
690 control system. Bioflocs were collected to compare similarity of bacterial community at 3, 5, and 6 weeks
691 of shrimp cultivation. Shrimp were cultivated for 6 weeks and harvested to examine gut microbiome,
692 immune-related gene expression, and innate immune activities. The survival rate was also recorded. B.
693 The levels of bioflocs measured using an Imhoff cone. Values are the mean ± S.D., n = 3 per group. *, p <
694 0.05, ** p < 0.01. C. Cluster analysis of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity using ASIRA. The yellow dots, pink
695 triangles, and red squares represented bacterial population isolated from bioflocs collected at 3, 5, and 6
696 weeks, respectively. n = 3 per group.
698 Fig. 2. Bacterial characterization in bioflocs. The biofloc and control system were used to cultivate
699 shrimp for 6 weeks in which bioflocs were harvested for DNA purification, and metagenomic analysis. A.

700 Proportions of bacterial taxa at the genus level found in each biofloc samples: BF-1, BF-2, and BF-3, n =
701 3. Pie charts and bar inserts illustrate proportions of bacterial genus present in at least one biofloc sample

702 at > 0.2% relative abundance. B. The relative levels of Vibrio spp. present in each biofloc, n = 3. Bar plots
703 show proportions of vibrio species present in at least one biofloc sample at > 1% relative abundance.
704 Bacterial taxa and vibrio species present less than 0.2% and 1.0% were grouped into Other in A. and B.,
707 Fig. 3. Analysis of shrimp gut microbiome. Shrimp were cultivated in the biofloc and control system for 6
708 weeks and their GI tract with fecal contents were collected for DNA purification. A. NMDS plot of Bray-

709 Curtis dissimilarity using ASIRA. The blue dots, and green triangles represented gut bacterial community
710 isolated from shrimp in both the systems, respectively. n = 7 per group. B. Proportions of gut bacterial
711 genera present in shrimp cultivated in the biofloc and control system. Bar plots show proportions of

bacterial species present in at least one biofloc sample at > 1% relative abundance. Taxa present at less
713 than 1.0% were grouped into the “Other” category. n = 3 per group. C. Cluster analysis and heatmap of
714 bacteria genus found in shrimp intestine. The relative levels of gut bacteria in shrimp were compared

between two groups. n = 3 per group. *, p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

717 Fig. 4. Gene expression analysis in shrimp tissue. GI tract and hepatopancreas were collected from shrimp

718 cultivated in the biofloc and clear water system for 6 weeks. A. Expression of immune related genes in
719 the shrimp GI tract. B. Expression of immune related genes in the shrimp hepatopancreas. The levels of
720 the targeted genes including lectin, prophenoloxidase, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and β-1,3-glucan-
721 binding protein, serine proteinase, penaeidin 3, and heat shock protein 70 were measured using a SYBR-
722 based qPCR. Actb was used as an internal control. The PCR reaction was performed duplicated. Values
723 are the mean ± S.D., n ≥ 4 per group. *, p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
726 Fig. 5. Immune-related activities in shrimp hemolymph. Hemolymph was collected from shrimp
727 cultivated in the biofloc and clear water system for 6 weeks. A. Total hemocyte count (THC). B.
728 Hemocyte phenoloxidase (PO) activity. C. Serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. D. The serum
729 total antioxidant activity. E. The survival rate of shrimp. Values are the mean ± S.D., n ≥ 3 per group. *, p
730 < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

749 Table 1. Water quality parameters of Pacific white shrimp cultivation water in the control and biofloc
750 system for 6 weeks. pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured every two days. Alkalinity, ammonia
751 (NH3), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrite (NO2) were measured weekly. Values are the mean ± S.D., n = 3
752 tanks per group. Student’s t test was used for calculation of P values *, p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
Parameters Control system Biofloc system P-value

pH 8.16 ± 0.09 7.44 ± 0.77 0.001**

DO (mg/L) 5.88 ± 0.24 5.75 ± 0.33 0.171

Alkalinity (mg/L) 116 ± 14.88 107 ± 26.00 0.404

NH3 (mg/L) 0.02 ± 0.02 0.01 ± 0.00 0.015*

NH4+ (mg/L) 0.23 ± 0.19 0.32 ± 0.26 0.449

NO2 (mg/L) 0.25 ± 0.22 0.20 ± 0.23 0.686

• Bacterial community in bioflocs dynamically changed during Pacific white shrimp cultivation.

• Metagenomic analysis revealed that Vibrio was the major bacterial population in bioflocs.

• Bioflocs maintained the presence of shrimp gut bacteria, but shifted the bacterial proportions.

• Alteration of gut microbiome was associated with promotion of both local and systemic


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