RIZAL - Education Essay

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Date submitted: September 21, 2020

“Write a 300-500 word personal reflection on the value and significance of education in
the success of a person in the modern world. Keep in mind Jose Rizal’s undying
commitment to education in writing your reflection”.

Education is important, it gives us the opportunity to be a better person, we gain new

skills, information, and techniques. I somehow see education as a social obligation, and proper
education is required for a person to have a job. But it does not mean we are only gaining new
skills but it also helps us see the injustices, violence, and corruption. Education gives us the
knowledge to do what is right, it shows us different perspectives it expands our vision and it
creates awareness.

Rizal considers education as a ticket to free the Philippines from the Spaniards. Rizal
was fortunate enough to get an education, he used his knowledge to right the wrongdoings he
saw in our country. Rizal views education as a way to develop people’s mentality. It is still
relevant today, Filipinos who aren’t given the chance for proper education often have the wrong
mentality about certain injustices and political figures. But why do we say they are wrong and
we are right? That’s when we see how important education is. What we learn simply influences
us in what we believe. Every person has different beliefs and principles, Rizal's beliefs about
why education is important and his way of fighting for our country helped Filipinos to gain
perspective and information that they need to fight for their country.

I see education as a way for us to be better, education does make us better. In what I
observed in today's modern world, I see education as a privilege and a social obligation.
Education does not guarantee that we will be successful. People who are less fortunate are
suffering from our current situation. Online education is not for all. Given the fact that the
Philippines has the slowest internet connection, and also not everyone has the gadget and the
money to buy their own internet connection. Many people have lost their job because of this
pandemic and they cannot afford online schooling. Yes, I know that some would say that “where
there’s a will there’s a way”. But we should always check our privileges, Filipino students should
not suffer and should have the freedom to have access to free education. The number of people
that have no access to education is increasing every year. What more this year? What saddens
me most is the fact that our government is incompetent.

For me, a college degree doesn’t define success. College is a place to learn and it helps
us to achieve something we somehow call success. I’m taking college because I need it for the
job that I want but if I have a choice either to take college or do the career that I want I would
choose to go to college because our whole life is the process of learning and gaining new useful
knowledge. Talent, creativity, and traits are useless if they are not guided by proper education.
Education can make us a better person and it helps us to be a functioning member of society. I
don’t really think we can define success in our lives. Success depends on an individual’s
satisfaction with what he or she did. But as a part of society, we use the things we learn in
school to improve our lives and make our country better. Education is imperative in today’s
society because the future depends on today’s knowledge and learnings. We need to value our
education because it doesn’t just help us individually it helps our society.

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