Reservas Semana Actual Fits

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Colombian Journeys

Tour Summary Report

Status Agent Reference Booking Name Consult Date Entered Travel Date Pax EDG Currency Cost Agent Commission Profit Value Profit PC Invoiced Receipted
OK IMAGIN CJFI115151 EICHLER SM 18 dic 19 26 mar 20 2 0 USD 2,034.55 3,284.00 0.00 1,249.45 61.41 3,284.00 3,284.00
OK ABERUK CJFI114861 RAWNSLEY SM 01 nov 19 27 mar 20 2 0 USD 3,636.05 5,079.00 0.00 1,442.95 39.68 5,079.00 0.00
OK TRATRE CJFI115325 GORDON WR 17 ene 20 28 mar 20 2 0 USD 1,268.65 1,858.00 0.00 589.35 46.46 1,888.00 1,888.00
OK LATROU CJFT115761 ACADEMY LATIN ROUTES NC 05 mar 20 29 mar 20 60 4 USD 77,522.11 0.00 0.00 -77,522.11 -100.00 0.00 0.00
OK IMAGIN CJFI115595 CASA WR 17 feb 20 30 mar 20 4 0 USD 7,676.31 11,600.00 0.00 3,923.69 51.11 11,600.00 94.00
OK TRAILF CJFI115543 MEADOWS IC 11 feb 20 31 mar 20 2 0 USD 1,731.16 2,948.00 0.00 1,216.84 70.29 2,948.00 0.00
OK ABERUK CJFI115340 WHITE WR 17 ene 20 01 abr 20 3 0 USD 3,338.03 5,103.00 0.00 1,764.97 52.87 5,103.00 0.00

Report Total 75 4 USD 97,206.86 29,872.00 0.00 -67,334.86 -69.27 29,902.00 5,266.00

Report Parameters:
Travel Date From = 26 mar 20, Travel Date To = 01 abr 20
Booking Status = Include OK, Department = Include ,AD,CA,CL,FD,FI,FT,IB,OH
Show Booking Services = No, Show Tax = No, Hide Costs = No, Output IATA Code = No
Tax Inclusive = Yes
Show Costs = Cost, Balances Currency = Base, Invoice Status = All, Tax Inclusive = Yes
Order By Travel Date
Run By User CAMILA

Date Printed: 10 mar 20 11:36:23 Page: 1 Of 1

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