Mid Test Task - Y Supriyadi - 15131040

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Y Supriyadi/ 15131040


Education in Indonesia is very lagging behind other countries in the world. Not only in terms of
cost but about very poor quality. In accordance with the 1945 Constitution article 31 that every
citizen of Indonesia behaves to get a basic education. But the fact that there are still many
people who still do not get a decent education. Quoted from CNN Indonesia (Tuesday,
04/18/2017) said that in Indonesia is still high dropout rates due to lack of costs. I think the
government should not only the central government but the local government must monitor the
distribution of education funds in their respective areas so that the assistance will be absorbed
maximally. The existence of the parties who use these funds is not in accordance with the
portion of worsening the problem of education in Indonesia.

Not much different from education in public and private schools, better for those with enough
money. The number of teachers who do not have good quality and lack of teachers in school is
one of the problems faced in the field of education today. Teachers who have no awareness of
their responsibilities to educate their students well are also issues to be considered in
Indonesia. The striking difference between public and private schools on the quality of students
should be a matter of consideration for the government to further advance teachers. From my
experience during high school, that I was once taught by a teacher but he rarely entered the
classroom but only gave me daily tasks. I think this is one of the poor teachers in public schools
in the quality of a teacher.

Inadequate school facilities for persons with disabilities are also an impediment for those with
special needs to get a decent education. Many school buildings still need to be changed. On the
side of the government is also less intensive attention for those who have special needs.
Governments should pay more attention to them more specifically in the curriculum. They have
the same rights and should be considered as well. There should be at least a specially created
institution or private agency working with the government to advance students with special
needs or those with disabilities so that they have equal opportunities. The government should
also invite the community to play an active role in handling such problems. Because with the
existence of community intervention will be easier for the government in handling the problem.

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