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In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

I an grateful to Him
who confounded me with the abilities to carry out this thesis work.
I would like to indicate my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr Humaira Afzal,
for her friendly behavior and forthrightness to my point of view, highly
experienced human being, who provoked enthusiasm in me for doing this whole
thesis work. I am obliged for her worthy ideas, fertile discussions, feedback and
patience. It won’t be possible for me to finish this thesis without her precious
suggestions and endorsement.
At last I would like to show my wholehearted credit to my parents, siblings and
pals for giving me colossal support and non-stop encouragement in my whole
study years and in the method of researching and writing this thesis. This
achievement is unimaginable without their presence.

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