Cultural Variable and Communication

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Cultural Variable and Communication

Cultural variables discussed on an international and national level in



From giving an interview to emailing a client or participating in the meeting , being

fluent in communication skills is mandatory. It can be recognized between getting your
view across the table or can be easily misinterpreted. Establishment of powerful and
positive working relationships in professional communication are preferably significant
from being left at workspace to tackle the problems and barriers which often shows
imperfect sportsmanship. Consequently , mastering the art of communication seems to
be influential in workplaces.

The ability of rectification of written, oral, visual and digital communication in

workplaces circumstances authorize you to merge in with the rules of technology,
software, and learning theory to enhance and deliver the communication effectively. To
individual ones the communication skills are scathing because involvement is required
for all the changing standards such as; for writing, reading ,editing, speaking, listening,
software applications and internet search. Having an upper hand on the employed
candidates who accompany the background of professional communication are more
expected to track enlightened outlook on society, culture, science, and technology.

Professional communication is known to be of most significance and the subject with

greater prospective. Distinction in behavior, outlook and values between people from
divergent societies are cultural variables. In inconsistent cultures, body language, style
of humor and attitudes toward family, authority figures, religion, gender roles and
time can all be very dissimilar. In depth look is required of the word culture, into the
branches that split into national and internal cultural variables, to comprehend the
cultural variables. In the idea of natural culture a whole country may have sequence of
cultural standard; individual groups within the country may agree with the rules in
addition with their own rules. The foremost element that plays an essential role in
both national and international cultures. It matters most to those who approach from
background of professional communication. A person culture can influence the way
he or she treats others in workplace. You can deny differences of interest or are
related to diversity because it’s decisive to comprehend others cultural difference. By
authenticating that work colleagues around you acknowledge the importance of
multiculturalism in the workplace, not only increase your self-confidence and self-
esteem it also gives the opportunity to boost your career and increase your
professional life’s potential.
Create Culture Awareness Guidelines and Policies

Generating and establishing guidelines and strategies involving manifoldness is a

decisive step to guarantee that your employees are culturally well-informed. By
providing them with the rules, which are acceptable and ethical in workplace,
employees can be made clear about how they have to treat their mates from
different backgrounds.

By analyzing the local laws surrounding discrimination in the workplace, those

rules can be implemented in your company policies. Make sure that all the
leaders in front team are well aware of the criteria of discrimination.

Celebrate Diversity and Cultures

Dissimilarities gives an opportunity to employees to explore different cultures.

Diligently listen to the employee’s conversation and try to ask question in order
to perceive from where they are. By wishing your employees on their religious or
cultural days you can express the, that you respect their differences.

Food is considered to be a good method of knowing about other’s culture.

Arrange monthly lunches at the restaurants, that offers a variety of food, for your
staff or you can demand them to share the recipes of their favorite foods from
home. And can get the treats from the related culture to dividend with
employees during their religious or cultural festivals. Making staff familiar with
different traditions, by generating shared adventures, can help to create a bridge
between the differences.

Communicate Clearly and Avoid Misunderstandings

Many problems come into light as a consequence of miscommunication and

misconception. People belonging to different cultures have different ways of
physical and verbal communication. Lets take an example, in some countries,
greeting are given rather with bow than handshake. But in other cultures,
looking directly into eyes is counted as disrespect, while in other places it is
taken as a good sign of honesty and trust.

From one culture to the other verbal communication styles also changes. As in
some places, saying elders something straight away is considered to be
unmannered and disrespectful. Moreover in some areas, it is taken as a sign of
convenience and efficiency, nevertheless of the person you are talking to.

Utilize some time time investigate about the communication norms of your’s
colleagues, partners and clients if they belong to different part of the world. In this
way you will be able to know the physical and verbal communication signs which are
dissimilar to your own culture.
Learn From Differences

Getting aware of different cultures is same as getting more information about the
different areas of the world. Express employees that you respect their diversity by
admitting and solemnizing it. Ask your employees to mark their home places on the
large map in the common room who belongs to different areas. It is a eminent
conversation starter and initiative point in learning about other cultures

Having knowledge about your own culture like how it improves your behaviour is
also significant in becoming culturally well informed. For example if you have to
overlook the cultural behaviour which is totally different from your own culture than
analyse yourself that why you would behave differently. This much deeper knowledge
of your own culture can impart perception about other cultures.

National cultural variables

A country may have a sequence of cultural norms; the individual group may accept that
norms by adding their own into it.

The national culture variables are following

 Education
 Regulation
 Economics
 Politics
 Social norms
 Language


That result people take out after visiting companies in other countries is that their
manager are not enough educated. As communication depends very much on education
so, we must me familiar with the education level of the person we are talking with.

Law and regulation

Many government regulations strike the business communications and sale of products,
in both developed and under-development countries.

 Advertisement on tobacco products is banned in Europe

 Advertising directed at adolescents is restricted in the US, and other European
 European countries lays restrictions on advertisements supporting foreign

From nation to nation the proximity of capital and transportation and the
standard of living per capita changes. The scope of borrowing money, the rate of
inflation and the exchange rates affects the business and country’s capability to
communicated related businesses. . For example in Pakistan the competitors
usually set their own prices. In contrast IEEE set their own standard for different
computer equipment’s.


Our communication is influenced by the politics when we are doing business

with our own company can cause personal distress. Hypothesis of democracy are
different in Korea the Philippines form the Great Britain. The future business
worldwide will be influenced by the comprehensive changes it the politics in the
Eastern Europe and its amended postulation of government. There are classic
indices and research indices that examine the occasions such as antigovernment
demonstrations, arrests, assassinations, elections, exile, general strikes, guerilla
warfare, government crises, purges, revolutions and riots, which determine the
stability of a country.

In different areas in the world , it can influence the business and communication in
different ways. Recent studies indicate that some religions have completely changed
the method of business and even the structure of the country. e.g. In Afghanistan,
Chechnya, Arabia, Iraq etc. In different ways national environmental constraints,
education, law and regulations, economics, politics and religion effect a nation’s
social norms. However some fundamental beliefs flap, if these differences are not
understood it can cause personal distress. International communications and working
schedules get interrupted by the religious holidays.


Almost everyone is aware that knowing the language of a country results in better
communication on both personal and business behalf. When sender and receiver can
understand the same languages so the communication gets easier. To a great extent
English is considered as business language because it is somehow a recognizable
language. The thing is you are aware of the fundamental vocabulary of your own
country as each language has its own patterns and vocabulary. So writing and
speaking in the second language susceptible to greater errors. Mistakes in language
can often lead to the misconception.

All the factors mentioned above play an important role in influencing nations social
At last the culture variables are distinguishable batch of beliefs, values, and
assumptions that are normally held by members of a national group. National culture
variation can be indicated as values on a number of dimensions: power distance,
individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-
term/short-term orientation, and indulgence/restraint. These can be utilized to produce
particular country’s profile.

International (cross) cultural variables

The people having differences in styles of working, age, nationality, ethnicity, race,
gender, sexual orientation, etc. are considered to have international culture variable. It
also cite to the aims that are constructed to communicate and mediate cultural
differences by the body language, gestures and the language.

Culture can be practiced at individual level. There is the culture in which he grow up,
the work culture where he works and other culture in which person gets involved or
gets apart. A person is always gets challenged by the contradict between his own
culture and the major culture that a majority of people follow. These contradiction
occurs because of the belief that my culture is superior than all.

It is always advisable to ignore the things that causes contradict between individual
and group. International communication develops a sense of trust and allows
cooperation. The main comes to giving right response rather than right message.

When two people having different cultural backgrounds collapse, they not only have
different culture but also difference in talking style. International cultural
communication can be made simpler and easier by allowing just one person to speak
at a time during conversation.

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