Aldous Huxley Time Must Have A Stop PDF

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ALDOUS HUXLEY Time Must Have a Stop But thought’s the slave of life, and life's time's fool, And time, that takes survey of all the world, Must have a stop. SHAKESPEARE 1953 Chatto & Windus LONDON PUBLISHED DY Chatto & Windus LONDON * \ Clarke, Irwin & Company Ltd TORONTO Applications regarding translation rights in any work by Aldous Huxley should be addressed to Chatto & Windus, 4o William IV Street, London, W.C.2 FIRST PUBLISHED 1945 FIFTH IMPRESSION 1950 FIRST ISSUED IN THIS COLLECTED EDITION 1953 3 REPRINTED 1953 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER ONE EBASTIAN BARNACK came out of the reading room of the public library and paused in the vestibule to put on his shabby overcoat. Looking at him, Mrs. Ockham felt a sword in her heart. This small and exquisite creature with the seraphic face and the pale curly hair was the living image of her own, her only, her dead and vanished darling. The boy’s lips were moving, she noticed, as he struggled into his coat. Talking to himself—just as her Frankie used to do. He turned and began to walk past the bench on which she was sitting, towards the door. ‘It’s araw evening,’ she said aloud, acting on a sudden impulse to detain this living phantom, to turn the sharp memory in her wounded heart. Startled out of his preoccupying thoughts, Sebastian halted, turned and, for a second or two, stared at her uncomprehending. Then he took in the significance of that yearningly maternal smile. His eyes hardened. This sort of thing had happened before. She was treating him as though he were one of those delicious babies one pats the heads of in perambulators. He’d teach the old bitch! But as usual he lacked the necessary courage and presence of mind. In the end he just feebly smiled and said, Yes, it was a raw evening. Mrs. Ockham, meanwhile, had opened her bag and pulled out a white cardboard box. ‘Would you like one of these?’ She held out the box. It was French chocolate, Frankie’s fayourite—her own too, for that matter. Mrs. Ockham had a weakness for sweet things. Sebastian considered her uncertainly. Her accent was all right, and in their rather shapeless tweedy way the clothes were I TIME MUST HAVE A STOP substantial and of good quality. But she was fat and old—at least forty, he guessed. He hesitated, torn between a desire to put this tiresome creature in her place and a no less urgent desire for those delicious langues de chat. Like a pug,he said to himself, as he looked at that blunt, soft face ofhers. A pink, hairless pug with a bad complexion. After which he felt that he could accept the chocolates without compromising his integrity. ‘Thanks,’ he said, and gave her one of those enchanting smiles which middle-aged ladies always found completely irresistible. To be seventeen, to have a mind which one felt to be agelessly adult, and to look like a Della Robbia angel of thirteen—it was an absurd and humiliating fate. But last Christmas he had read Nietzsche, and since then he had known that he must Love his Fate. Amor Fati—but tempered with a healthy cynicism. If people were ready to pay one for looking less than one’s age, why not give them what they wanted? ‘How good!’ He smiled at her again, and the corners of his mouth were brown with chocolate. The sword in Mrs. Ockham’s heart gave another agonizing twist. ‘Take the whole box,’ she said. Her voice trembled, her eyes were bright with tears. ‘No, no, I couldn’t...” “Take it,’ she insisted, ‘take it.” And she pressed it into his hand—into Frankie’s hand. “Oh, thank you. ...’ It was just what Sebastian had hoped, even expected. He had had experience of these sentimental old dodoes. ‘Thad a boy once,’ Mrs. Ockham went on brokenly. ‘So like youhe was. The same hair and eyes...’ The tears overflowed on to her cheeks. She took off her glasses and wiped them; then, blowing her nose, she got up and hurried into the reading room. Sebastian stood looking after her until she was out of sight. All at once he felt horribly guilty and mean. He looked at the 2 CHAPTER ONE box in his hand. A boy had died in order that he might have these Jangues de chat: and if his own mother were alive, she would be nearly as old now as that poor creature in the spectacles. And if he had died, she’d have been just as unhappy and senti- mental. Impulsively, he made a movement to throw the chocolates away; then checked himself. No, that would be just silliness and superstition. He slipped the box into his pocket and walked out into the foggy twilight. ‘Millions and millions,’ he whispered to himself; and the enormity of the evil seemed to grow with every repetition of the word. All over the world, millions of men and women lying in pain; millions dying, at this very moment; millions more grieving over them, their faces distorted, like that poor old hag’s, the tears running down their cheeks. And millions starving, miillions frightened, and sick, and anxious. Millions being cursed and kicked and beaten by other brutal millions. And everywhere the stink of garbage and drink and unwashed bodies, everywhere the blight of stupidity and ugliness. The horror was always there, even when one happened to be feeling well and happy— always there, just round the corner and behind almostevery door. As he walked down Haverstock Hill, Sebastian felt himself evercome by a vast impersonal sadness. Nothing else seemed to exist now, or to matter, except death and agony. And then that phrase of Keats’s came back to him—‘The giant agony of the world!’ The giant agony. He racked his memory to find the other lines. ‘None may usurp this height...’ How did it go? None may usurp this height, returned that shade, But those to whom the miseries of the world Are misery, and will not let them rest... How exactly right that was! And perhaps Keats had thought of it one cold spring evening, walking down the hill from Hamp- stead, just as he himself was doing now. Walking down, and stopping sometimes to cough up a morsel of his lungs and think a* 3 TIME MUST HAVE A STOP of his own death as well as of other people’s. Sebastian began again, whispering articulately to himself. None may usurp this height, returned that shade, But those... But, good heavens, how awful it sounded when you spoke it aloud! None may usurp this height, returned that shade, but those . . . How could he have let a thing like that get past him? But, of course, old Keats was pretty careless sometimes. And being a genius didn’t preserve him from the most ghastly lapses into bad taste. There were things in Endymion that made one shudder. And when one reflected that it was supposed to be Greek . .. Sebastian smiled to himself with compassionate irony. One of these days he’d show them what could be done with Greek mythology. Meanwhile, his mind went back to the phrases that had come to him just now in the library, while he was reading Tarn’s book on Hellenistic civilization. ‘Ignore the dried figs!’ that was how it was to begin. ‘Ignore the dried figs...’ But, after all, dried figs can be good figs. For slaves there would never be anything but the spoilage and refuse of the crop. ‘Ignore the stale figs,’ then. Besides, in this particular context of sound, ‘stale’ carried the proper vowel. Ignore the stale figs, the weevils and the whippings, The old men terrified of death . . . But that was horribly flat. Steam-rolled and macadamized, like bad Wordsworth. What about ‘scared of dying’? The old men scared of dying, the women... He hesitated, wondering how to sum up that dismal life of the Gyneceum. Then, from the mysterious source of light and energy at the back of his skull, out popped the perfect phrase: ‘,.. the women in cages.” Sebastian smiled at the image that bobbed up—a whole zoo of ferocious and undomesticable girls, a deafening aviary of 4 CHAPTER ONE dowagers. But these would be for another poem—a poem in which he would take vengeance on the whole female sex. At the moment his business was with Hellas—with the historical squalor that was Greece and the imaginary glory. Imaginary, of course, so far as a whole people was concerned, but surely realizable by an individual, a poet above all, Some day, some- how, somewhere, that glory would be within his grasp; of that Sebastian was convinced. But meanwhile it was important not to make a fool of oneself. The passion of his nostalgia would have to be tempered, in the expression, with a certain irony, the splendour of the longed-for ideal with a spice of the absurd. Forgetting all about the dead boy and the giant agony of the world, he helped himself to a Jangue de chat from the store in his pocket and, his mouth full, resumed the intoxicating labour of composition. Ignore the stale figs, the weevils and the whippings, The old men scared of dying, the women in cages. So much for history. Now for imagination. In a perpetual June... He shook his head. ‘Perpetual’ was like the headmaster talking about the climate of Ecuador in those asinine geography lessons of his. ‘Chronic’ suggested itself as an alternative. The associations with varicose veins and the language of Cockney charwomen delighted him. In a chronic June, what Akibiadeses Surround the beard of Plato! Vile! This was no place for proper names. ‘What muscu- latures’ perhaps? Then, like manna, ‘what heavyweights’ fell from heaven. Yes, yes; ‘what highbrow heavyweights.’ He laughed aloud. And substituting ‘wisdom’ for ‘Plato’ you got: Ina chronic June, what highbrow heavyweights Surround the beard of wisdom! 5

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