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ryaArellano University

College of Nursing
Legarda – Pasay - Pasig
Course Audit 2

NAME: Ray Edsel Salvador Borgonia BRANCH: Legarda
INSTRUCTIONS. Answer the following questions. Write your answers neatly and clearly with complete
citation of reference used (with pages). 25 pts.

1. Emergency care is a care that must be rendered without delay. One of the first principles the
Emergency Department follows is Triage. Define Triage and state its purpose.
Ans: Triage is the process of sorting people based on their need for immediate medical
treatment as compared to their chance of benefiting from such care. Triage is done in
emergency rooms, disasters, and wars, when limited medical resources must be
allocated to maximize the number of survivors.

2. Enumerate and describe the 3 categories of Triage.

a. Emergency b. Priority c. Non-urgent

Those with emergency signs Those with priority signs Those who have no
require immediate should be given priority in emergency or priority signs
emergency treatment queue for rapid assessment are non-urgent cases and can
and treatment wait their turn for
assessment and treatment

3. Give 6 examples of real life natural disaster that has occurred here and abroad in the last decade.
1. The 2010 copiapo mining accident.
2. The 2011 japan tsunami
3. The 2013 Typhoon Yolanda
4. The Gujarat 2001 earthquake
5. The 2014 Kashmir Floods
6. The 2020 taal volcano eruption

4. Hemorrhage is one emergency condition that can be

anticipated during disaster situations. Stopping the bleeding
is essential to the care and survival of patients. Label the
image with the different pressure points for controlling

a. Temporal artery in front

of the ear
e. Facial artery on the
b. Carotid artery in the neck_
c. Subclavian artery
f. Brachial artery on
the upper arm

g. Femoral artery d. Radial artery

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