Defensive Bob Woodward Claims He Withheld Interview Since Journalism Hasn't Worked On Trump So Far

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Defensive Bob Woodward Claims He Withheld

Interview Since Journalism Hasn’t Worked On

Trump So Far
9/11/20 11:15AM • SEE MORE: POLITICS

WASHINGTON—In response to criticism for withholding “bombshell” audio of the president,

veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward defended his actions Friday by noting
journalism has had no effect on Donald Trump so far. “In my defense, I only kept this damning
interview with the president from the American people because it’s not going to make any
difference whatsoever,” said the reporter famous for breaking the Watergate scandal, adding
that he has filed hundreds of hard-evidence-backed stories on the myriad unspeakable things
Donald Trump has said and done in the past four years and none of the articles resulted in a
single consequence. “Trust me, I would have released this tape of Trump openly brushing off the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans back in February if we lived in a world where
ironclad evidence of the president’s dishonesty would lead to repercussions—but we don’t. All
I’m saying is there were plenty of other stories that made you say, ‘Oh my God, the president
behaved unprofessionally,’ back in March, and not one of them moved the needle. I actually
thought I was helping by not piling on.” Woodward added that the only way he could see Trump
being affected in the slightest by the damning audio would be if someone threw the recording
device at him.




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