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From the novel that you have learnt, describe an event that changes the life of a character

and how the event affects his / her life and the people around him/her. Support your
answer with close reference to the text
Sample Answer :

Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story
is about a boy named Newton Newman who went through many difficulties and challenges in
order to be recognised by the people around them.The event that changes Newt’s life is
when, with the help of his best friends JJ and Cecil, he created an original superhero
costume using Chris’s old clothes. This event had affected his life and the people around

Firstly , when Newt wore his Captain Nobody costume, he felt strong and confident.
For instance, because he was wearing the costume, Newt was able to climb a tall dumpster in
order to retrieve a big bass drum for his friend Cecil even though he was afraid of heights.
Cecil, who had always wanted to have a drum was beyond happy to finally own one with the
help of Captain Nobody. So, by creating his Captain Nobody costume, Newt who at first
a timid person had changed into a person who can conquer his fears and fulfil his
friend’s wish.

Next, after he wore the costume, Newt was able to do an impressive act which was
saving Ferocious, his school‟s football team mascot. He dashed onto the highway
and screamed at the vehicles to stop in order to save the ferret. No one was brave enough to
save Ferocious except for him. On top of that, by clearing the road, he had unwittingly saved
an aeroplane full of passengers that needed to do an emergency landing. In my opinion,
this once again shows that by making the Captain Nobody costume, Newt had changed his
life and the people around him.

Lastly, wearing the costume had given Newton Newman the courage and confidence to
climb up the Appleton water tower in order to save Reggie Ratner. After watching the
news report about Reggie climbing to the roof of the Appleton water tower, Newt
immediately rushed to tell him the truth about the big tackle incident. Even though he could
not stand heights, he courageously climbed up the water tower to save Reggie. In
my opinion, because of the costume, Newt was able to conquer his fear and save Reggie
who was stuck on the water tower.

In a nutshell, based on the evidences above, I think I have made my point clear why I believe
that creating the costume is an event that had changed Newt' s life as well as the people
around him.

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