B Literature Review

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The report includes the link between social

networking & increasing trend of

entrepreneurship activities



1. INTRODUCTION:...................................................................................................................2

2. PROJECT OBJECTIVE:..........................................................................................................2

3. PROJECT SCOPE:...................................................................................................................2

4. LITERATURE REVIEW:........................................................................................................2

5. CONCLUSION:.......................................................................................................................5

6. REFERENCES:........................................................................................................................5

The essay reported below is grounded on the topic of social networking and its imperative
impact on entrepreneurship activities that are in trend in this era of industrial environment. Social
networking as is a part of modern environment of business industry, its terminology is meant to
make a social arrangement and involve in with other people of similar interests to have a mutual
work relationship. This concept basically has a wide effect on a startup or for the business under
an entrepreneur because ultimately an entrepreneur is the sole person responsible for the business
and its personal Public Relations and social networking capacity will have an ultimate impact on
its business.

Objective of this research project is to identify the importance and relationship between social
networking and an increased trend of activities regarding entrepreneurship taking place because
the essence of entrepreneurship is somehow due to society's need of something or some
interesting stuff that made someone an entrepreneur however because entrepreneurship belongs
to the society there is a relationship that exists between the two. Articles with respect to the same
are analyzed in the literature review section of this project.

Scope of this study entails the relationship between social networking and the high trend of
activities as is a part of modern environment of business industry, its terminology is meant to
make a social arrangement and involve in with other people of similar interests to have a mutual
work relationship.

Joon Y. Park endorsed in his article the impact of using social media as a tool of social
networking for arising of entrepreneurial opportunities and all in the modern environment of
Its abstract showed that the social media platforms are all now a quite valid part of practicing
entrepreneurship effectively. It endorsed the platforms of social networking as platform for
business growth and a tool for development of brand. It’s also suggested that the use of social
media and networking helps to discover the opportunity and sense of entrepreneurship among the
users. The article has findings leading to practical and academic affects in place that also include
various cognitive theories to have an inside idea of background studies over the same. Does
social media use influence ent[ CITATION Tob \l 2057 ]

Here in this article there is a history of social media's network and as part of the article the
history also includes the impact on businesses. It considered how communication and the ease of
coordination has affected positively the entrepreneurship. [ CITATION Sim \l 2057 ]

Social networking sites are a key part of social mediums and these sites are used by 1990s such
as Six Degrees, Black Planet or Asian Avenue.

It taken account for various sites that even provided a platform for the consumers to give
feedback and get in touch with provider of services. Article reported boost of entrepreneurship
and sales level by 2000 due to the increased trend of social media platforms used as way for
networking. While in 2004 it comes to Facebook and YouTube as medium of social networking
and article signifies the depth of relationship between social media platforms and businesses that
Used media for social networking. [ CITATION Sim \l 2057 ]

Trong Hieu Nguyen remarked in his article on the use of social media marketing for small and
medium sized business as the marketing and networking is the key for such businesses to
establish themselves or to gain a market for their selves and as a first step there should have been
some realistic campaign system such as making network and using social media to become the
choice of consumers because they are the users of such platforms. The purpose of their research
was to gain an in depth understanding of how the difference can be created within the marketing
stats and Ultimately the sales by the use of social platforms and specially those small and initial
phased enterprises that are in entrepreneurship or startups. Increased trend of social media, its
acceptability among different ages of population and lifestyles holders are all the key objectives
of the research undertaken. [ CITATION Tro \l 2057 ]
While in a learning phase of students and the researchers, for businesses related subjects and
entrepreneurship, presentation has been written depicting the role of social networks for
researching and finding about the relevant areas of entrepreneurship. The presentation has
identified imperative factors that link and benefits the entrepreneurship with social networks.

A key consideration of this presentation was the chances for socially making network by
entrepreneurs to recognize further opportunities. It also identified the ability in networking as it
enables to find resources such as legal, talented and financial angels etc. while there is an
element of emotional support that can be gained with making of network with those of same
interest or may one entrepreneur be able to find motivation through another.

It highlighted that it is easier for entrepreneurs to rely on the networks at the start stage instead of
at growth or boom. While in order to continuously rely, one has to go for information collection,
advices and problem solving with examples and following others of the same capacity.
[ CITATION Sur10 \l 2057 ]

Social networks and entrepreneurship are written by Arent Greve and Janet while they seek to
endorse the relationship among both of these. It highlighted three particular phases of networking
activities by entrepreneurs while establishing businesses by highlighting the need to discuss.
Discussion is an integral to the networking phenomena and this is something entrepreneurs do to
achieve the desired outcomes. The article emphasized the evolving nature of networking by
entrepreneurs with the changing trend of entrepreneurship phase with respect to maturity. This
also given a light upon the masculine and feminine approaches to networking while in a phase of
entrepreneurial phase. It also considered the experienced vs inexperienced approach and the
patter of networking how it changes with the relevant group of age, gender and country wide
differences.[CITATION Sal \l 2057 ]

Arman ud Dowa referred in his article on topic "how entrepreneurs use social networks in their
business", among other factors of becoming successful social networking is one imperative to
mention as it leads a business to get into more resources it requires to be successful and this is a
worthy way out. It highlighted that this networking is normally a part of establishment time in
era of entrepreneurship. Their research article was more particularly focused on the social capital
as among other investments in the entrepreneurship. It identified industries that are grounded by
social networks such as restaurants at first because until a social relationship isn't developed no
consumer get consistent in joining.[ CITATION Arm \l 2057 ]

Dr David wrote his article on the subject that emphasizes the need of social networking for
entrepreneurs. Making it a need is something enlightening the importance of networking to the
entrepreneurs. He circled the trend of hiring employees solely for the purpose of performing
networking duties.

He endorsed the trend of expensive marketing campaign and suggested that there is an increased
trend of networking instead of certainly investing in adverts at the initial phase of business. He
made to interview and wrote up as the interview regarding the benefits of hiring others to
manage business's YouTube and Facebook and explained the benefits of hiring others. He
enlisted the networking for small businesses now a days while there is a slot between community
networking and social media network because community networking should have been spread
out among the employees and to which extent is it valid. There are various other types of
networking as part of his writing and they also included blogging and thereby benefits for

[ CITATION Dan08 \l 2057 ]

Dan explained top most ten social networks for the entrepreneurs and these all are the media
platforms that even provided a platform for the consumers to give feedback and get in touch with
provider of services. Article reported boost of entrepreneurship and sales level by 2000 due to
the increased trend of social media platforms used as way for networking. While in 2004 it
comes to Facebook and YouTube as medium of social networking

[CITATION Mas \l 2057 ]

Inspirit is a journal that explains in an article the ways in which making a connection with other
entrepreneurs could be beneficial in respect of learning, helping, challenge acceptance, support
received, finding other networking from one element of network or individual, bouncing of ideas
among all and inspirations & motivation sharing among all. she highlighted some spiritual
aspects of making bonding and sharing and cheering for the lust of information and boosting the
inner you while boosting the business theme.

[ CITATION Mic17 \l 2057 ]

Entrepreneur India suggest 6 ways in which making a social network can help or assist
entrepreneurs such as raising ones profile, offering to help at first instance, making connections
by questioning for what and who in matters, becoming a resource on social media, some basic
press reaching and lastly making and sharing opportunities among others.

[ CITATION RAM17 \l 2057 ]

Importance of networking can be seen in a variety of ways but Nidji Ann Raj endorsed some
advantages in his article regarding the networking benefits and advantages such as ensuring the
right mix of people reach out, promotion of product and services and imperatively one can tap in
a wider group.

He explained the ways in which network can be established and is coped up with smooth
maintenance of network while beneficial at all the stages of a business.

[CITATION Wri \l 2057 ]

Small business BC as a team has mentioned in their article the 5 benefits of networking, it has
highlighted the benefits of networking for business as a reflection of one’s personal growth. The
benefits include sharing of knowledge among the team involved in networking both in personal
knowledge and would be helpful in progression of entrepreneur business. It weighed out the
networking as naturally leading to the opportunities for the involved and it connects the
interested ones not for a particular business but for future too.

An increased level of confidence and other personality traits such as communication,

coordination and sharing spirit is spread out while there is an addition in the profiling sense of

[ CITATION BYS18 \l 2057 ]

The list of benefits of networking socially in not exhaustive as is a part of modern environment
of business industry, its terminology is meant to make a social arrangement and involve in with
other people of similar interests to have a mutual work relationship. There is a list of
considerable factors that needs to be utilizing the key considerations of all planning for
entrepreneurship because the initial phase is more useful for networking while there are various
other important factors that need to be considered for defining of a clear relationship between the
creation of networks and how they created or added value to the entrepreneurship. The literature
review above shows there are articles written with different aspect of the same topic suggesting
the scope of this study and how it could be helpful to make network for longer term benefits.


Bhagavatula, S., Learning, N. R., & Bangalore, I. I. (2010). THE ROLE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN

BY SMALL BUSINESS BC. (posted: FEBRUARY 12, 2013 and updated: JANUARY 16, 2018). FIVE
BENEFITS OF NETWORKING. SIT: https://smallbusinessbc.ca/article/five-benefits-

Dan Schawbel, a. l.-Y. (24 OCTOBER 2008). Entrepreneurs Need Social Networking.

Dowla, A. U., & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, F. o. (n.d.). HOW ENTREPRENUERS

Edosomwan, S. O., & University, N. D. (n.d.). The history of social media and its impact on business.
Entrepreneurs., Mashable’s Dan Schawbel has written about the Top 10 Social Networks for. (n.d.). Top
10 Social Networks for Entrepreneurs. https://publicrelationssydney.com.au/top-10-social-

Harris, M. D. (April 19, 2017). The Importance Of Networking For Entrepreneurs.

Home » Blogs » The Importance Of Networking For Entrepreneurs.

Nguyen, T. H., & sciences, u. o. (n.d.). Social Media Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises in
HelsinkiCase Meng Loan Oy.

S.Siegelb, D. P. (Received 31 March 2013, Accepted 31 January 2014, Available online 21 May 2014.).
A theoretical analysis of the role of social networks in entrepreneurship.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048733314000729, 43(7), Pages 1157-1163.

Salaff, Arent Greve & Janet W. (n.d.). Social Networks and Entrepreneurship.
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1540-8520.00029?journalCode=etpb, 28(1).

Toby E. Stuart from Columbia University & Olav Sorenson from University of California; Los Angeles.

Ventures, Written by Nidhi Ann Raj for Gaebler. (n.d.). Importance of Business Networking for
Entrepreneurs. Articles for Entrepreneurs> SOCIAL MARKETING OPTIMIZATION.

Zuket, R. K. (August 22, 2017). #6 Ways Networking Helps Entrepreneurs.


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