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Module 1

What a Devotional Is

A devotional is a short, inspiring illustration with a biblica1


1. Unique in length: short

2. Unique in structure: 3 parts

3. Unique in content: inspiring over instructive


Word Wise: © Kathy Widenhouse

Module 2
A Devotional’s Structure

A devotional has a standard 3-part structure.

1. Scripture
A short passage from the Bible

2. Illustration
A narrative that connects the scripture’s principle to a real-life situation

3. Takeaway
A way to apply to principle to daily life

Reasons why this 3-part structure works

1. It’s simple
Readers organize information easily with “The Rule of 3”

2. It’s short
Readers like things to be quick

3. It’s practical
Readers are doers


Word Wise: © Kathy Widenhouse

Module 3
A Devotional’s Content

A tool for quality devotional content: S-A-M

S: Simple
It makes one point

A: Authentic
It is truthful

M: Memorable
It makes unforgettable connections

Extra tip: Devotionals are one tool in a reader’s faith journey,

not the sole tool.


Word Wise: © Kathy Widenhouse


Follow the Blueprint

Use the 3-part structure: scripture, illustration, takeaway

Use the bonus content self-check

S-A-M (Simple, Authentic, Memorable)

Join the Writing for Ministries FB Community

Share your devotional and get encouragement

For more information:

Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

© Kathy Widenhouse

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