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MAX MARKS: (5 x 6 = 30)

Q.1 In a gas turbine plant, air enters the compressor at 1 bar and 27 0C.The
pressure ratio is 6. The temperature at turbine inlet is 1000 K. The mass flow rate
of air is 10 kg/s. Determine
(i) power required to drive the compressor and the turbine power output,
(ii) the ratio of the turbine to compressor work,
(iii) net power developed by the plant, and
(iv) the thermal efficiency.

Q.2 In a gas turbine plant the air enters the compressor at 1 bar and 300K. The
pressure ratio is 5. The temperature at the turbine inlet is 1200 K. The mass rate
of flow is 12 kg/s.
Sketch the cycle on p-V and T-s planes and indicate the area representing the heat
supply, heat rejection and net work done of the cycle.
(i) compressor and turbine work,
(ii) net work developed,
(iii) the ratio of turbine work to compressor work, and
(iv) the thermal efficiency.
Q.3 The exit velocity from a jet unit is 650 m/s for an air flow of 40 kg/s through
the unit. The aircraft is flying at 250 km/h. Calculate the thrust developed, the
thrust power and the propulsion efficiency.
Neglect the effect of fuel.

Q.4 With a neat sketch and T -s diagram, explain the working of turbojet engine
and also derive the expression for the thrust developed.

Q. 5 Determination of the specific thrust and SFC for a simple turbojet engine,
having the following component performance at the design point at which the
cruise speed and altitude are M 0·8 and 10000 m.

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