E Marketing

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E-Business – using electronic platforms in business

E-commerce – buying and selling electronically (online)

E-marketing – communicating, promoting, selling via internet

Types of E-commerce/E-marketing:

- B2C
o Businesses selling to consumers
 Physical distribution
 Product shipped to consumer (direct channel)
 About 10% of retail sales
 Go on as a consumer and business is trying to sell you something
 Virtual Distribution
 Text
 Music
 Video
- B2B
o Businesses selling to businesses
 Much larger dollar amount (trillions of dollars)
 Automotive companies buying paint
 More worldwide transactions
- C2C
o Consumers selling to consumers
 Auction sites
 Ebay
 Blogs
- C2B
o Consumers “selling” to businesses
 Filling out surveys
 Comments back to businesses

Web business models

- “brick and mortar” (non-revenue-based on internet)

o Not going to sell anything
o Just using internet to provide information
o Might be small business that just wants web presence
o No matter what business, should have a website
- “click and Mortar” (revenue-based on internet)
o Traditional retail store and online sales
 Ex. Barnes and Noble
- Advantage of retail name reputation
- Advantage of brand recognition

- “click only” (revenue based internet)

- web used as only outlet for sales

- Better for “high-involvement” products

- Must become “known” entity to generate sales

- May be difficult as start up

- Ex. Amazon

- Advantages to consumers
o Convenient
o Reduced costs
o Comparative info
o Access tom ore products
o Interactive communication
o Online customer support
 Online choice assistance/personalization
- Advantages for business
o Build relationships
o Don’t have that market chain so distribution costs lower
o Reduce costs
o Access to global markets
o Interactive communication
o Closed loop marketing
 Cant rack exposure to advertising through to actual sales
 Figure how long people are on different parts of website
- Disadvantages for consumers and businesses
o Online privacy issues
o Cluttered environment
 Too much stuff popping up in search engines
o Numerous competitors
- Who is online?
o ~75% U.S. population
 Hunter-gatherers– get info
 Brand loyalists – favorite sites
 Time sensitives – music, books software
 Hooked, online, singles – banking, gaming
 Newbies – seek info

Promoting and e-marketing

- Design and maintain web site

- Place advertising to promote website
- Develop web communities
- Email
- Develop interactivity and individuality with website

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