World Civ - Winward

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Accent China-

Geographically isolated

Shang Dynasty- (1600-1045) BCE- Oracle Bones, Ancestor Veneration, Bronze ​Casting,​ The
Wheel (chariot)

Zhou Dynasty- (1045-221) BCE- ​The Mandate of Heaven- ​A dynasty is not doing what they
should be doing ​->​ they lose the Mandate of Heaven ​->​ Problems like invaders or natural
disaster ​->​ Somebody claims it ​->​ They fix things, resotes peace, repair defence walls
The cycle restarts
- Daoism- Laozi born 604 BCE (?)
- Doe De Jing
- Doa = the way of the universe
- Wu Wei (non-action)
- Feng Shui
- Yin/Yang - ​Yang-​ Light, Male, Heaven ​Yin-​ Earth, Female, Dark
- Confusius born in 551 BCE
- Analects
- Education and the scholar class
- 4 relationships
1 = Father/Son
2 = Older brother/younger brother
3 = Husband/Wife
4 = Emperor/subject
Sun tzu -- ​The Art of War
Rather than strategies, more about the philosophy of war= still applies today

Eventually the Zhou collapses (about 500 BCE) unto the “Warring States” period ( Feudalism)
Qin Dynasty 221-206 BCE
Qin Shi Huand Di-​ Seen as either hero or villain
- First emperor of China
- Centralized Bureaucracy
- Standardized writing, coins, roads, weights
- Legalism =
Humans evil, so force them to be good
- Great Wall of China
- The Silk Road - probably the most important trade route of all time
Imperial Tomb-​ TerraCotta army
Ancient India-​ ​Starts in the Indus River Valley
Can't read their writing = we don't know a lot
Harspps and Mohenjo Daro
- Strong Government
- Well organized cities
- Good farmers
- No weapons?
- Disappeared… we don't know why,but our guess is something environmental
Aryans Move in about 1500 BCE
- Pastoral nomads
- From eastern Europe?
- Loved cows…
- Their word for “war” means “desire for more cows”
The Caste System
- Priest (religious leaders) = Brahmin
- Warriors (political leaders)
- Framers, Craftsmen, Merchants
- Workers, servants, slaves
- Untouchables or “outcastes” = Pariah
- Hinduism
- You can’t change what caste you are

- The world's oldest religion
- VERY polutheistic
- Each living thing has an Atman (soul)
- When you die, your atman is reborn. This is called … Reincarnation
- Sati- when your husband dies you burn with him
- Ahimsa = non-violence
- Founded by Mahavire
- Extreme non-violence
- Ultimate goal is to starve to death
KAHOOT questions:
"Strict laws and harsh punishments" belongs to which civilization?
Qin China

"Collapse for unknown reasons" belongs to which civilization?

Indus Valley

"Tortoise shells" belongs to which civilization?

Shang China

"Nebuchadnezzar" belongs to which civilization?

The Chaldeans

"The Dynastic cycle" belongs to which civilization?

Zhou China

"Purple" belongs to which civilization?


"A desire for more cows" belongs to which civilization?

Aryan India

"The way of the universe" belongs to which civilization?

Zhou CHina

"Reincarnation" belongs to which civilization?

Ayan India

"Well-organized cities" belongs to which civilization?

Indus Valley

"First emperor" belongs to which civilization?

Qin CHina
"Cuneiform" belongs to which civilization?

"Untouchables" belongs to which civilization?

Aryan India

"Defeated in one night" belongs to which civilization?

The chaladians

"TerraCotta army" belongs to which civilization?

Qin china

"Best bronze workers" belongs to which civilization?

Shang china

"Invented the Alphabet" belongs to which civilization?


"4 relationships" belongs to which civilization?

Zhou China

"Invented the wheel" belongs to which civilization?


"The Great Wall" belongs to which civilization?

Qin CHina

"Caste system" belongs to which civilization?

Aryan India

"​The Art of War​" belongs to which civilization?

Zhou China

"Can't read their writing" belongs to which civilization?

Indus Valley

"Ziggurats" belongs to which civilization?


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