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Starter A

Vocabulary: Greetings








1. A: Hi, Andrea.

B: Hello, Scott.

2. A: Bye, Clara!

B: See you, Dani!

3. A: How are you, Luka?

B: I´m not feeling very well.

4. A: How is your mum?

B: She´s OK, thanks.


1. Hi

2. How

3. thanks

4. you

5. fine

6. That´s

7. Bye

8. soon



1. Alice is not 13 years old. She is 12 years old.

2. She isn´t from Liverpool. She is from Brighton.

3. Her best friends aren´t Eve and Polly. They are Molly and Beth.

4. Her school is Greenwood High. It isn´t Greendale High.

5. She is in Class 10. She isn´t in Class 7.

6. Alice´s favourite teacher isn´t Mrs. Williams. It´s Mr. Samuels.


1. Are you happy? Yes, I am.

2. Is your mum OK? Yes, she is

3. How are you? I am fine, thanks.

4. Are you at school now? Yes, I am.

5. Is your best friend in your class? No, he is not in my class.


1. We´re from Salamanca.

2. Laura isn´t 12 years old. She´s 13 years old.

3. Sami and Joe aren´t in Class 11. They´re in Class 14.

4. Kerry, Lily and I are happy today. We aren´t sad.

5. You and Sandra are students. You´re at school today.

6. Marco is 17 years old now. He isn´t 16 years old.

7. The weather is cold today. It isn´t hot!


1. Hi

2. I´m

3. I

4. aren´t

5. they´re

6. is

7. she´s

8. are

9. we´re
10. Are you

Starter B

Vocabulary: Family


1. Aunt. 6. Grandmother.

2. Brother. 7. Husband

3. Cousin. 8. Mum.

4. Dad. 9. Sister.

5. Grandfather 10. Uncle


1. Brother.

2. Sister.

3. Mum.

4. Father.

5. Grandmother.

6. Grandfather.

7. Husband.

8. Aunt.

9. Uncle.

10. Cousin



1. haven´t got.

2. Have your parents got

3. have got

4. Has your brother got

5. hasn´t got

1. Has Lisa got a brother? No, she hasn´t got a brother.

2. Have Dan and Sam got a sister? Yes, they have got a sister.

3. Has Jenny got a mobile phone? Yes, she has got a mobile phone.

4. Have Mark and Tom got a computer? No, they haven´t got a computer.


Subject pronouns Possessive adjective

I My
You Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
They Their


1. Hello. What´s your name?

2. Hi. I´m Amy and this is my friend. Her name´s Beth.

3. Jim and Joe are cousins. Their mums are sisters.

4. We´re in our English class.

5. Oliver´s phone is in her bag.

6. My dog hurt its tail. Poor Jasper!


1. John and Alison are Ben´s parents. Possession

2. Teresa´s got four sisters. Has

3. My grandfather´s 90 year sold. Is

4. Your English teacher´s got a dictionary. Has

5. My brother name´s Harry. Is


1. Dad.

2. Mum.

3. I´ve got.
4. sisters.

5. Their.

6. ´s got.

7. aunts.

8. grandfather.

9. dad´s.

10. grandmother.

Starter C

Vocabulary: Classroom instruction


1. Work in pairs. 4. Open your book

2. Look at the board. 5. Close the door.

3. Listen to the CD. 6. Write your name.


1. Open.

2. sit.

3. Close.

4. Look

5. Move



1. Don´t talk in class.

2. Sit down!

3. Listen to the CD.

4. Work in groups of four people.

5. Don´t write in your book.

6. Don´t eat in class.


1. Close the door

2. Listen to the teacher.

3. Don´t be late for class.

4. Don´t send text messages in class.

5. Don´t talk to other students in an exam.


-s: books, brothers, desks.

-es: classes, busses, sandwiches.

-ies: activities, diaries, families.

Irregular: children, women, people.


1. Students.

2. Diaries.

3. Women.

4. Classes.

5. Activities.


1. Do

2. notebook.

3. Use.

4. pen.

5. pencil.

6. Open.

7. sandwiches.

8. Don´t eat.

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