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Dr. Farhana Ferdousi
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Administration


01 Arifa Afroj Abonti 2017-2-10-201
02 Sheikh Araf Ahmed Raad 2017-1-10-316
03 Sayma Mehzabin 2017-1-10-283
04 Hasnat Jahan Khan 2017-2-10-043


OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 4

MANAGERIAL AND NON-MANAGERIAL ROLE .......................................................... 5

TOP LEVEL MANAGER ................................................................................................... 5

TASK & RESPONSIBILITY: ......................................................................................... 5

TASK & RESPONSIBILITY: ......................................................................................... 6

FRONT LINE MANAGER: ................................................................................................ 6

TASK & RESPONSIBILITY: ......................................................................................... 6

NON- MANAGER: .............................................................................................................. 7

ETHICLE ISSUES................................................................................................................... 8

FINDINGS: ........................................................................................................................... 8

Discrimination: ..................................................................................................................... 9

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY..................................................................... 10

FINDINGS: ......................................................................................................................... 10

CONCLUTION ...................................................................................................................... 11

Every organization has a manager and non-manager employees. They do their activity by
following their organizations code of ethics. Social responsibility is an another thing that has
to keep in mind of any other organization. Like any other organization Al-Sami Hospital has
both manager and non-manager employees. They also face many ethical issue and does many
social activities.

Al-Sami Hospital was first established in 2001. It was founded by Sirajul islam, Nishat Islam,
M.D Shamsul Alam, Md. Jahiduzzaman. It is located at 23/B, Adarsha Nagar, Middle Badda,
Dhaka-1212. The purpose of their organization is to ensure proper health care. Their corporate
policy is to provide Quality Health Services to The Community with The Affordable Cost.

On November 21st, 2018 our team visited the hospital. We interviewed with several managers
from all level and discuss about their managerial and non-managerial activities. They have all
three Top level, middle level and front line manager. Top level manager mainly take wide
decision and establish the goals and plans that effect the entire organizations. Mid-level
manager takes carry out the responsibility of the top level manager. First line managers are
directly connected with the workers and deal with them. So, in a organization, different levels
of managers and employees need to face different many ethical issues. They can see unethical
behavior among the workers. We identified their role and we also identified the non-manager.
We also discuss about the ethical issues they are facing currently. And we also discuss if they
have any CSR program.

As we selected ‘Al-Sami Hospital’ that is situated at Badda, a very recognized hospital in this
area, we wanted to know the different levels of management and non- managerial role in this
hospital. For this purpose, our first question was:

i. Do they have any levels of management or non-managerial role?

ii. If they have what is the task and responsibility of different levels of management?
iii. How are they different from each other?

The Director and manager of the hospital replied positively that they have different levels of
management. They strictly follow the hierarchy of the management. They also have three levels
of management and non-managerial role in this hospital. The titles of this hospital belongs to
Chairman, Vice Chairman, Managing Director, Director, Manager, Receptionist, Supervisor,
Representative, Staffs, Doctors, Nurses, Accountant, Finance manager.


Top managers make up the relatively small group of executives who manage the overall
organizations. The Chairman (Md. Akramujjan), Vice Chairman (Dr. Abdul Kayum),
Managing Director (Md. Jahiduzzaman) are working in this level of management.


The chairman and the vice chairman of this hospital, work only for taking wide decision. They
come to the hospital very occasionally if they have any telephone calls for a meeting they come
the hospital and join and conduct the meeting. The Managing Director (MD) of the hospital set
major goals for the hospital. He also takes strategic decision and thinks about marginal profit
of the hospital. They all try to go to their mid-level manager and inform their goals and other
decisions to them.

 Forming an overall strategies and operating policies

 Thinking for marginal profit
 Taking wide decision
 Ability of financial resources analysis
Mid-level management probably the largest group of manager in most organizations. The
Director (Md. Shamsul Alam), Manager (Md. Ashik Iqbal) and all the Doctors are in this level
of management.


The Director of the hospital manage the overall administrative work. He oversees the
laboratory, the diagnostic center and consultant center. Whenever any problem arises he tries
to solve the problem. The Manager of this hospital basically works more as he needs to manage
all the employee and solve all the problems. He also thinks about the financial resources and
manages accounting cash management and investment. Doctors of the hospital also involves
in different types of activities. They take part in decision making.

 Deciding how much financial resources organizations can use

 Managing accounting cash management and investment
 Solving problems within the organizations


Positions like these are often the first held by employees who enter management from the rank
of operating personal. All the receptionist and supervisor are in this level of management.


The supervisor tries to supervise the activities of the staffs and others. All the Receptionist are
directly connected with the nurses, word boys and other staffs of the hospital. They talk with
the patients and refer them to the appointed doctor. Sometimes they deal with the staffs and
patients of the hospital.

 Supervising and coordinate the activities of operating employees

 Hire operating staffs and handle administrative works of middle management.
 Overseeing the day to day operations
Non manager cannot take any decision. They work directly on job or task and have no one
reporting to them. The Accountant and Representative are playing this non-managerial role in
the hospital. They are working to give support to the manager. The representative works for
the promotion of the hospital. They go various kinds of pharmacy to promote the activities of
the hospital and they report it to the manager.






A problem or situation that require a person or organization to choose between alternatives that
must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). we need to know about the ethical
issues of the organizations that it needs to confront usually and about the mechanism of the
organizations if they face any type of ethical problems.

In every organization, many people work together to achieve organization’s goal. So the ethical
issues are very usual for the organization to manage it among the employee. Many ethical
issues usually confront by the organizations. If any ethical problems are happened, the
organizations need to follow some rules and regulations and a code of ethics for all the manager
and worker. We asked many question to different levels of manager of Al-Sami hospital.

i. What are the ethical issues your hospital usually faces?

ii. Who are involved in unethical behavior?
iii. Are you sure about the ethical behave of all employees of your hospital?
iv. If you find any kind of ethical problems in your hospital how you manage it?

We found different types of answer from different levels of manager.

When we asked the first question to the top manager of the hospital, they replied positively that
they never see any kind of unethical behavior among the staffs and other managers. But when
we asked the same question to the mid-level manager, they replied negatively that they face
many ethical issues in the hospital. The first line manager also told facing of some ethical issues
at their hospital.

When we asked the second question to the top manager of the hospital they told us nobody are
involved in unethical behavior. But the middle manager and the first line manager also had
objection in this opinion. The middle manager told that the unethical behavior mainly happened
by the top management and the staffs and nurse. The first line manager said this unethical
behavior mainly occurred by the staffs and the top manager.

When we asked the third question to the different levels of manager they couldn’t ensure us
about the ethical behavior among all the workers. The ethical problems that they mainly find

There are 40% male and 60% female are working in this hospital. The manager said this
happens only for the top manager as they are aged and they think women can work better than
a man worker.

Employee favoritism: The top manager has a great fascination to the female worker or
sometimes they give authority to an unskillful person.

Conflicts of interest: Many employees work as their own wish. They never pay head to the
mangers word.

Bad leadership behavior: The mid-level manager and the first line manager said mainly the
top level manager are unethical. As they are in the top position of the hospital they cannot do
whatever they wish.

Finally, when we asked about any mechanism to solve the ethical problems the middle manager
told us that they have some rules and regulations for the employees and all the managers. If the
authority finds any fault they have a “Board of Director” consist of 8 members, they charge
50% fund return from the person who do wrong work in the hospital. Sometimes they are not
allowing to do job here for next time. The authority consult with them to solve the issues. The
staffs or nurse must follow the rules and they are not allowing to give wrong medicine, injection
to the patient. If anyone is involving with this, they must be punished for their works. The
authority may cut the salary of the employee.

•Allocation of •Conflicts of
resources interest


•Discrimination •Confidentiality

we need to know about the CSR programs of the organizations. Corporate social responsibility
is a kind of obligations that protect and enhance the society so that the people can be benefited
by the functions. CSR programs are very important for the organizations to use their resources
for the development of the society. Many recognized organizations have CSR programs so that
they can serve people properly.

For this purpose, we asked the manager of Al-Sami Hospital one question

i. Do you have any kind of CSR programs?

ii. If yes, what are they?

All levels of manager replied positively about their CSR programs. As Al-Sami hospital is a
service provide institute, they do some corporate social responsibility for the rural patient. This
hospital’s CSR programs are:

 Free vaccination to the slum areas where they can serve the poor people who are
suffering from proper nutrient.
 Giving 40000 taka every year for the fund of hermaphrodite.
 80% discount for the lower class people.
 75% discount for the workers and their relatives, so that they can ensure a sound health.


AL-Sami Hospital, a very renowned hospital in Badda area. Since 2001, this hospital is
working for ensuring better health of people. But this hospital may face some problems in near
future as there are may be some unethical person who are leading the top position. As Badda
is an under developing area, there are many slums in this area. The authority of the hospital
must concern about the people of slum area. They should increase their CSR programs so that
the people and society may be benefited.

In management of any organizations it is very important to know about the level of

management and their activities. Al-Sami hospital, a very popular hospital in Badda area and
this hospital has different levels of management. All levels of managers are dependent to each
other. Different levels of mangers work together for the welfare of the hospital. Each of their
activities are different from each other. But there are some ethical issues that the hospital need
to face usually. The middle manager and the first line manager’s opinion is like that for all
unethical behavior the top level manager and the nurse and word boys are responsible. But they
have mechanism to solve the ethical problems. They have some rules and regulations for the
employees and they follow a code of ethics. “Al Sami hospital” has also CSR programs for the
welfare of the society. “Al-Sami hospital” is trying a lot to provide best service for a healthy

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