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CE 23 - Construction Methods and Project Management technique permits start-to-start and finish-to-finish

Lesson 3: Planning and Scheduling relationships.

As you already know, some planning must be done I order

to perform any function with a minimum of wasted time and
effort. This is true whether the function is getting to work on
time or constructing a multi-million dollar building. A schedule
is nothing more than a time-phased plan. Schedules are used
as guides during the performances of an operation at the
desired or required time.
Scheduling is utilized for many different phases of the
construction process, from master planning through facility
construction to facility operation and maintenance. In the
construction phase itself, schedules are useful for a number of
purposes before starting a project and after completion of the
project as well as during the actual conduct of construction
work. Some of the principal uses for schedules during each of
these phases of construction are listed below
Before Starting
1. Provides an estimate of the time required for each portion
5. PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique)
of the project as well as for the total project.
The same with CPM that uses network diagram. The major
2. Establishes the planned rate of progress.
difference with PERT and CPM is that PERT utilizes probability
3. Forms the basis for managers to issue instructions to
concepts to deal with uncertainty associated with activity-time
4. Establishes the planned sequence for the use of personnel,
materials, machines, and money.
During Construction
1. Enables the manager to prepare a checklist of key dates,
activities, resources, and so on.
2. Provides a means for evaluating the effect of changes and
3. Serves as the basis for evaluating progress
4. Aids in the coordination of resources
After Completion of Construction
1. Permits a review and analysis of the project as actually
carried out.
2. Provides historical data for improving future planning and

Project Work Scheduling

1. Bar Chart or bar chart schedule is a graphical schedule
relating progress of items of work to a time schedule. The bar
schedule traces its origin to a chart developed by Henry L.
Gantt, a pioneer in the application of scientific management Definition of terms:
methods to industrial production. These charts, referred to as Activity- the performance of a specific task
Gantt charts, took several different forms, depending on their Event- the completion of an activity
application. Because of their origin, all forms of bar graph Arrow- represents an activity included in the project
schedules are sometimes called Gantt charts. Network- the arrow diagram representing the sequential
2. Critical Path Method - Activity-on-Arrow Diagram relationship of activities and events for a project
A major deficiency of the bar graph schedule is its failure to Dummy- an artificial activity, represented by dotted lines, to
show relationships between project activities. Thus there is no indicate that an activity following the dummy cannot be
way to determine from a bar graph schedule whether the started until the activities preceding the dummy are completed.
person preparing the schedule was, in fact, aware of these - has zero duration
relationships. A related weakness of the bar graph schedule is Duration (D) - the estimated time required to perform an
its failure to identify those activities which actually control the activity
project duration. We will refer to such duration-controlling Earliest Start (ES) – the earliest time that an activity can be
activities as critical activities. started
3. Precedence Diagram Method - Activity-on-Node Diagram Earliest Finish (EF) – the earliest time that an activity can be
This technique uses the same general principles of network finished : EF =ES + D
logic and time calculations as does the activity-on-arrow Latest Start (LS) – latest time that an activity can be started
technique. However, the activity-on-node network diagram without delaying the completion of a project : LS = LF – D
looks somewhat different from the AOA diagram. Latest Finish (LF) – the latest time that an activity can be
4. Lead Lag Method - Variation of PDM, with lead and lag finished without delaying the completion time of a project
The lead Lag Method is an extension of the AON format that LF = LS + D
provides for incorporation of lag-time factors as well as Total Float (TF) – the amount of time that the start or finish of
permitting additional precedence relationships. The use of lag an activity can be delayed without delaying the completion of a
time is very useful when diagramming construction project project : TF = LF – EF = LS - ES
relationships, where activities can often start as soon as a Free float (FF) – the amount of time that finish of an activity
portion of a preceding activity is completed. In a addition to can be delayed without delaying the earliest start for a
the usual finish-to-start precedence relationship, this following activity FF = ES following activity - EF this activity
Critical Path - the series of interconnected activities through
the network for which each activity has zero float time. It
determines the minimum time required to complete a project

Conducting a Crash Program

Purpose is to reduce the total time to finish a project at the
least possible additional cost.
1. Increase the rate of providing materials
2. Increase the number of workers which may reduce the
productivity per worker
3. Assign workers to do overtime at premium wage rates
4. Increase the number of units of equipment assigned to
critical activities

Cost slope - additional cost per unit of time of reduction in the

duration of activity
Example 3: Conduct a crash program to reduce the completion
CrashCost  NormalCost time of the project by five days.
CostSlope 
NormalDura tion  CrashDurat ion

Sample Problems:

Example 1: Draw the AOA and AON for the activities below.
Indicate ES, EF, LS, LF. Determine the critical path and tabulate
the float for each activity.

Duration Activities immediately

(Days) Preceding Following
A - Lay-out 1 None B,C
B - Slab 4 A D
C - Slab forms 1 A G
D - Place 1 B E,F
E - Rough 2 D H
F - Rough 2 D K
G - Place 1 C I,J
H - Place 1 E K
I - Remove 2 G L
J - Cure 7 G L
K - Hook-up 4 F,H L
L - Clean-up 2 J,K,I None

Example 2: Given the estimates of duration of activities,

a. The expected completion time of the project
b. The probability that the project will be finished in less than
or equal to 17 days.
c. The probability that the project will be finished within 17 to
19 days.
Activity Duration Estimates
a m b
A 5 11 11
B 7 7 7
C 3 5 13
D 2 9 10
Figure 1: Bar graph schedule for construction project

Figure 2: Scheduled Cumulative Progress

Figure 3: Bar Graph with Cumulative Progress Curve

Figure 4: Precedence diagram for example project.

Adding logic constraints to figure 4:
a. Erection of the tower and tank cannot begin until 3 days after completion of foundation.
b. Installation of pump cannot be completed until 1 day after completion of pipe installation.
c. The foundation can start 3 days after start of excavation

Figure 5: Revised precedence diagram for the constraints mentioned above (Lead Lag Method)

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