Receiving Job Descriptions/ Requisition Sourcing / Screening of Resumes

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The job descriptions are floated to HR, for approved requirements


1. Direct resumes received through the Company’s website.
2.Internal Employee Referrals
3.Job Portals


Applicable for entry level applications

Interviews conducted with Respective Functional Head + HR

On selection, a job offer is issued based on the candidate’s technical / functional skills,
qualifications and experience and how he or she measures up to current industry

Post employment reference checks made, as needed

Excellence is rarely found, more rarely valued.

- Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe

The Performance Management System is a vital tool with a two fold objective:-

 To assess employee performance and motivate growth

 To act as a base for rewarding performance

 The appraisal cycle is as per the calendar year i.e. January to December.

 Employees confirmed on or before 31st December of the ongoing appraisal year are
eligible for appraisals in that particular year.

 The activity begins with the Performance Appraisal forms being rolled out by
Corporate HR to all locations and offices.

 Employees and their respective superiors complete the appraisal forms which are
reviewed by the concerned functional / unit heads.

 The Executive Committee reviews all the appraisals and finalizes increments based
on corporate and individual performance. Annual increments are awarded and
implemented on the 1st of January every year
 Management Philosophy

 Ambuja Cements entered the cement business with the driving conviction that
challenges are there to be met and opportunities are meant to be seized. As the
David among the established Goliaths, it saw a way to put the competition at a
disadvantage-and that was to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity at the
lowest cost. Cost per tonne of cement had to be the lowest. Plants had to be set up
in record time. Capacity utilisation had to be above 100%. Power consumption had
to achieve a record low. In short, the Company had to emerge unbeatable on all key
 Given this line of thinking, empowerment was not just a fashionable term, it was the
only way to achieve our goals. It is a natural corollary to this approach that
responsibility and empowerment go hand in hand down the line. Engineers were
given greater decision-making powers. They know their plants, their capacities and,
more importantly, the capacities of their people when motivated.
 In plants, in offices, on the shop floor, people take charge. And impossible goals
begin to be achieved.
 From this has emerged a strong company culture, encapsulated in two words: I

The I CAN Rationale
 The ‘I Can’ spirit signifies that each person contributes his potential to achieve the
goal. It does not mean that he is the only one responsible for the achievement of the
goal. For example a person working under an engineer in a plant has a right to give
a suggestion which if worthwhile is appreciated by the person above him and then
the whole team works together to achieve the goal
 This process of tapping individual initiative for team synergy is at the heart of the
culture nurtured over the years
 Give a man orders and he will do the task reasonably well. But let him set his own
give him freedom and authority and his task becomes a personal mission: I Can.

 Learning & Organisation Development Perspective

In our endeavor to build and sustain the competencies of our employees for continuous
growth and development, we want to create a “Learning Culture” in our organisation. The
objective is to improve performance of our employees through:

 Updating knowledge & skills

Enabling transfer of new learning to the work environment

This ensures that the manager not only demonstrates excellence in his or her defined role
but is able to take on bigger responsibilities and deliver higher levels of performance.
All our learning programs are aligned with the 14 core competencies identified for success
and effectiveness in the organisation at various managerial levels. All modules are based
on the experiential learning approach.


APEX aims at inculcating grooming skills and developing the right attitudes among our
Front Line Managers, enabling them to enhance their professional and personal
performance. APEX is a reflective and interactive module and aims to remove various
barriers to growth and professional effectiveness.
Program Objectives:

 To enhance self-awareness and learn how to use this awareness for personal
and professional development
 To encourage teamwork
 To develop communication skills
 To align individual and organisational objectives

The organisation’s middle level managers have achieved high levels of proficiency in
technical and functional skills. To enable them to handle larger roles they need to be
formally introduced to the next level of managerial competencies. BTL is designed to
help middle level managers understand and achieve the required managerial
competencies, through continuous learning and practice.
Program Objectives

 To develop leadership skills

 To foster teamwork
 To enhance self-development
 To align individual goals towards organisational objectives
 To enhance understanding of core functions and the curriculum
To develop the potential competencies of future leaders, we have designed an LDP
program in partnership with IIM–A. The program combines skill building with the
exploration of good management practices, as well as exposure to critical new
perspectives and approaches in general management and leadership development.
Program Objective:

 To understand general managerial concepts and frameworks in the context of

blending the best from both Ambuja Cements and Holcim
 To develop strategic orientation and ability to integrate long term and short
term perspectives
 Become customer focused; create and deliver customer value
 To manage operations strategically
 To understand financial metrics and the impact of operating decisions on
financial performance
 To learn how to lead team members to high performance and lead by
 To manage change and transformation in the organisation

 Focus:The major focus of the program is on knowledge and skills in order to increase
operational performance and managerial effectiveness - both within and across functions.
The program focuses less on "what" to achieve and more on "how" to achieve performance
targets. CORPORATE
Our corporate learning events such as the Senior Management Program (SMP) and the
Management Seminar (MS), Senior Leadership Program (SLP) and Leadership Seminar
(LS), are designed to hone leadership competencies of senior and middle management
employees. The programs are in line with our parent company’s philosophy of
empowering people by enhancing the requisite leadership competencies.
Program Objectives:
To enhance competence in the areas of strategic execution, effective delegation,
fostering team development, networking and collaboration among Holcim managers,
leading to self-development and improved professional effectiveness.

The changing market dynamics requires new HR approaches and strategies. Assimilation
as part of a global company, also poses new challenges for the organisation.

In a rapidly changing business scenario, business leaders provide direction and resources,
while Human Resources ensure an enabling organisational culture. To this end, Ambuja
Human Resources has undertaken a series of initiatives as part of the HR Transformation
This HR Transformation programme will focus on the following systems and other
interventions in order to bring about a healthy cultural change across the organisation:-

 Employee Engagement Survey

 GET Program and Employee Value Proposition
 KRAs for all executives
 Job Evaluation – Hay MSL
 Succession Planning and Talent Bank
 Management Development programs across all levels
 Knowledge Portal
 Development Centre
 Performance management and Dialogue
 Innovations program
 Reward and Recognition program
 Learning Academy at Nerul, New Mumbai ,by March 2010

 People & HR Initiatives

Ambuja Cements is a company of people. The environment brings out the best in people,
helps them fulfil their true potential. The strength of the company lies in its ‘people power’.
The technology is cutting-edge, the facilities world class, but it’s people who make the
difference. Respect for the individual at every level is strong and evident in every Ambuja
Cements plant or office. This is a company that truly believes that its people are its most
important asset.

HR Initiatives
A ‘stretch assignment’ requires an employee to go beyond the job description. It
challenges people to ‘stretch’, learn new skills, surprising everyone, specially

As the saying goes,

"Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp. Or, what’s heaven for?"

First, people who are ready to step out of their comfort zones and are enthused about
challenging themselves, are short listed.
One by one, each person is given the opportunity to grow and fulfil his or her true
The persons concerned interact with a panel of experts who assess their backgrounds,
capabilities and potential.
The most important consideration is whether the person is willing to stretch, do whatever
it takes, put it all on the line, to reach the next level… and the next.
Three important ingredients go into the ‘change factor’ for every individual:
1.Top management support
2.Self-drive and motivation
3.The Holcim factor: Holcim acts as a catalyst. It allows group companies to develop
their own formula… and often the formative mettle in the test-tube does turn to gold.

This is a modern management tool to monitor the performance of employees at all levels
within the organisation. When the concept was explained it was enthusiastically received.
It serves literally as a measure of how each one scores on crucial parameters.

Under this programme middle to senior level employees are given two weeks of intensive
training focusing on their ‘stretch objectives’. Each batch consists of 30 people. The
programme has been designed in consultation with IIM Ahmedabad and is followed by a
360-degree evaluation of each participant.

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