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Table 2: Potential user’s Acceptance on Cleansebot

Response Cateogry: SA= Strongly Agree, A=Agree, N= Neutral, D=Disagree, SD= Strongly Disagree

Question SA A N D SD Mean
In the event that you go
traveling, will you bring
along your Cleansebot in
order to sterilize the
accommodation? 18% 20% 30% 18% 14% 3.10
If you are working in the
housekeeping industry,
are you interested in
using Cleansebot in your
workplace? 8% 22% 26% 30% 14% 2.80
Are you interested in
buying Cleansebot
because of the size which
is compact and super 18% 24% 22% 22% 14% 3.10
lightweight (220g)?
Are you interested in
purchasing Cleansebot
because of the patent-
pending bedding surface
wheel technology which
can run over any surface
without falling off an
edge? 16% 28% 22% 20% 16% 3.04
Are you interested in
purchasing Cleansebot
because of its chemical-
free cleaning features to
sanitize and disinfect the
surface of your choice? 18% 30% 28% 20% 4% 3.38
Cleansebot's battery
capacity 4800mAh
(around 3 hours) is
sufficient to fully sanitize
your house. 2% 12% 28% 34% 24% 2.34
Do you agree that 4
hours is time consuming
to fully charge a
Cleansebot? 12% 8% 28% 28% 24% 2.56
Do you agree that
Cleansebot is using UV-
C rays that could cause
skin cancer after
prolonged exposure? 16% 30% 42% 6% 6% 3.44
Do you think having a
USB-C port on
Cleansebot is useful
when it comes to
charging your other
devices? 22% 22% 18% 22% 16% 3.12
In the healthcare
industry, do you think
that Cleansebot helps to
reduce the workload of
healthcare workers? 14% 18% 40% 24% 4% 3.14
Linear Scale Question Explanation
Highest mean value: >=3.35, Moderate mean value around 3, Low mean value: <=2.6
Q1. Most of the respondents are has neutral willingness in bringing along Cleansebot
to sterilize the accommodation in the event of travelling, it is shown with a neutral
mean of 3.10 and there are 38% respondents will bring along the Cleansebot when
they are travelling. 30% of respondents choose neutral and 32% respondent choost not
to bring along.

Q2. Respondents are not interested in using Cleansebot in their workplace eve though
they work in the housekeeping industry. It is shown with mean value of 2.80 and only
30% respondent are interested to use Cleansebot in the workplace while 44% of the
respondent are not interested to use the Cleansebotin their workplace.

Q3. Respondents are having neutral interest in buying Cleansebot that has a super
lightweight specialty and compact size. It is shown with a neutral mean value of 3.1
and there are 42% of people have interest to buy based of the aspect of lightweight
and compact size. 36% of people are not interested in buying the Cleansebot based on
the lightweight and compact size specialty.

Q4. Respondents are having moderate interest in purchasing Cleansebot based on the
unique feature of patent-pending bedding surface wheel technology, it is shown with a
mean value about 3.04 and there are 44% of people agree to purchase this device
because of the patent-pending bedding surface wheel technology which can run over
any surface without falling off on edge. 18% of people do not have interest in buying
Cleansebot that has patent-pending bedding surface wheel technology.

Q5. Respondents are highly interested in buying Cleansebot because of its chemical-
free cleaning feature. It is shown with a high mean of 3.38 and a high percentage of
agreement (48%) on it buying this device that has chemical-free cleaning feature that
could help to disinfect and sanitize surface. 24% of respondents are not interested
with the chemical-free cleaning feature.

Q6. Respondents are not satisfy with the battery capacity of Cleansebot that could
only operate for 3 hours. It is shown with a low mean value of 2.34 and only 14%
people satisfy with and believe that 3 hours of operating duration is sufficient to
sanitize the house. 58% of respondents are not satisfy with the battery capacity of
Cleansebot that could only operate for 3 hours.

Q7. Respondents are not satisfy with the charging duration of Cleansebot that takes 4
hours to fully charge the device. It is shown with a mean value of 2.56 and only 20%
of people are satisfy with the time spend to fully charge Cleansebot. 52% respondenrs
are not satisfy with the charging duration of Cleansebot.

Q8. Most of the respondents agree that the UV-C rays Cleansebot used could cause
skin cancer after prolonged exposure. It is shown with a high mean about 3.44 and a
high percentage of 46% people agree that the UV-C rays of Cleansebot could cause
skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Only 12% respondents disagree that the UV-C
rays could cause skin cancer after prolonged exposure.

Q9. Respondents have moderate thoughts over the USB-C port used by Cleansebot
when it comes to charge other device. It is shown with a mean of 3.12 and 44%
people agree that USB-C port is useful when it comes to charge other device. 38% of
people do not agree USB-C port is useful for charging other device acting like a

Q10. Respondents have moderate thoughts over the usefulness of cleansebot when it
comes to reduce workload of healthcare workers in healthcare industry. It is shown
with a mean value of 3.14 and 30% of the respondents agree, 28% respondents
disagree and 40% respondents are neutral that Cleansebot is useful in reducing
workload of healthcare workers.

In conclusion, respondents has moderate acceptance towards Cleansebot. From our

survey, out of 10 question, most people provide an average answer for 5 questions and
the mean is average. 3 questions was provided with disagreement and 2 question of
agreement. Therefore, we can say that the acceptance of people towards Cleansebot is

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