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Danna Meliza Martinez Lopez


7.2 The ability that he consider that is important is the flexibility.

7.3 TIME: Is very important to culture aspect.
1) Make a comment on the topic to try to start a conversation and not go
straight to the topic, because that could scare them a little.
2) I really haven't visited many places, and definitely none has been a "eye-
3) Teacher, sorry but I don't understand this point.

1) Italy
2) Brasil
3) South korea
4) Italy
6) Brasil
7) United Arab Emirates
8) Brasil
9) South korea
10) South korea
11) Brasil
12) United Arab Emirates
D: I would advise you to do some ecotourism after or before joining a business
meeting, to relax your body and mind.

A) The phrase that can be changed is nothing special.
2: I´m sorry, i have business meeting, maybe another time.
3: I´m sorry, i´m alergy to that foot.
4: Excuse me, i going to continue with my job.
5: How are you, wellcome to my office.
6: Nice to my you i´m introduce to with my friend, this is Karolina, she is my office
manager and he is Mario, he is my boss.
7: Don´t worry, i pay the bill.
9: Excuse me, that sounded redundant.
10: Excuse me, there where many rush hours.

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