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Name: Haychell Olmos.


 Country: Italy
 Country problem: lacking of domestication of dinosaurs.
 Fact 1: few dinosaur trainers.
 Fact 2: in Italy not exist a good culture of dinosaur care.
 Fact 3: the Italian dinosaurs travel other countries causing problems.
 Solution 1, Step 1: must be open calls at the university to study dinosaur trainers.
 Solution 1, Step 2: create campaigns of the correct care of the dinosaurs.
 Solution 1, Step 3: create frontiers against dinosaurs.
 Solution 2, Step 1: create companies that permit better conditions to trainer
dinosaur and a good salary for workers.
 Solution 2, Step 2: do activities aimed at children and adults about the importance
the dinosaurs.
 Solution 2, Step 3: deport dinosaurs that are in other countries and are registered in


For a long time dinosaurs have lived with humans and these were domesticated but
in Italy there are problems with the domestication of dinosaurs. First of all, there
are very few dinosaur trainers. Also, there is not a good culture of caring for
dinosaurs. All this has caused dinosaurs to become a problem because they travel to
other countries causing disturbances.

Measures must be taken with situation. First, must be open calls at the university to
study dinosaur training. Second, must to create campaigns of the correct care of
dinosaur. Also, frontiers must be create against dinosaurs to these can’t cross.

Other measures that can be taken are the creation companies that permit better
conditions to trainer dinosaur and a good salary for workers. Also do activities
aimed at children and adults about the importance the dinosaurs. On the other hand
the dinosaurs that are in other countries and are registered in Italy must be deport.
In conclusion, Italy need to do something to domestication your dinosaurs.


Smith, J. (2019). The problem with dinosaurs in Italy. The New York Times.
Jones, M. (2013). Why the dinosaurs of Italy are migrating?. Annual Report of the
Geological Survey of Arkansas.
Brown, F. (2015). Lack of dinosaur trainers in Italy. American Bee Journal.

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