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Learning Activity 10


Monica Gutierrez Rendón

Tab 1881670


Technology in International Negotiation

Evidence 6: Video “Steps to export”





what is exported in colombia? where is it exported to?

The first product that Colombia exports to the world is Crude Oil.

The second place is occupied by the coal briquettes

the third most exported Colombian product, despite the drop in production experienced during
the year, continues to be coffee

Colombia exports mainly to countries with a high demand for raw materials.

Colombian exports continue to be highly dependent on the mining sector.

Colombia is still a suffering country for exports. Only three items sustain more than half of
the income from foreign sales. The challenge? It is not so much to increase, but how to
diversify exports.

To do this, local entrepreneurs must have a long term view, aiming to invest in areas that are
not part of traditional exports. Technology, high value-added products, textile manufacturing,
specialized services, etc. All those places where the Colombian economy is weak, waiting for
capital, entrepreneurial creativity and risky investors.
Learning Activity 10

Evidence 6

There are many requirements to start the export process in Colombia:

To be registered as an exporter in the National Register of Exporters of Goods and Services.

 Certificate of origin, issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

 Customs procedures, are in charge of the Society of Customs Intermediation.
 Foreign currency refund through an exchange intermediary.

What documents are required to export?

The documentation you must have is the following:

 Commercial Invoice.
 Packing List, if requested by the person in question.
 Sanitary Registration or Good Standing (depending on the product in question).
 Transport document.
 Other documents that are requested to know more details of the exporting product.

How is the export process?

1. Registration as an exporter

The Colombian Government, in its Decree 2788 issued in 2004, imposed the RUT, which is
considered the only mechanism to locate, identify and classify citizens according to their
administrative obligations that are controlled by the National Tax and Customs Directorate,

It is indispensable to have the RUT to make exports in the country specifying this activity. On
the other hand, it is important that those inclined to export are aware of the legal provisions
established for this purpose.

2. Market study and location of potential demand

To start exporting, it is necessary to choose the markets where the product will arrive, that is
to say, it is necessary to have knowledge of the characteristics of each country or the place
where the product is going to be exported: export prices, identification of distribution
channels, habits or customs of the consumers of the country, income requirements, taxes,
good looks, tariff preferences, among other factors.

3. Location of the tariff subheading:

To find the location you have two options:

 By means of the Customs tariff.

 With the help of the ZEIKY Business Information Center
 With the help of the Mincommerce Library.

IMPORTANT: The DIAN is the only authority in charge of determining tariff classification.

4. Process before the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism

Request for Determination of Origin - Affidavit: This will depend on whether the person who
is buying abroad requests the certificate of origin, if so, the person who produces the good
must process the affidavit for all products. If it is the person who commercializes the product
the producer must authorize it, through the web.

All this procedure is done via Internet, no printing is required.

5. Good Viewing Procedures

This means that the products will go through a revision to be able to export and know if you
need any permit, if so, the permits are processed before submitting the export declaration to
the DIAN.

There are products such as sugar and panela that are subject to quotas by the United States
and the case of tuna or bananas to the European Union.

6. Customs processes to make the dispatch in front of the DIAN

When you have the list of merchandise you must verify the terms of the negotiation and if it is
necessary make use of a cargo agent either by air or sea for the transfer of the goods.

You must go to the airport and to Avenida 68 Numero. 22-81, in the city of Bogotá, to ask for
the password to access the DIAN computer system and in this way finally be able to process
the request for shipment authorization. Provided that the amount of the import is less than
USD $10,000 and if it is greater the process is done through a customs agency and you will
need the following:

 Commercial Invoice.
 Packing List if requested by the person in question.
 Sanitary Registration or Good Standing (depending on the product in question).
 Transport document.
 Other documentation requested for the export product.

7. Means of payment

Undoubtedly the payment is a fundamental aspect and it is necessary to have it clear. In

Colombia there are several ways to make the cancellation of exports, using international
payment instruments such as letters of credit, standby guarantees, among others, which gives
security in the process.

8. Exchange procedures (currency refund)

Every time products are imported, it is mandatory to reimburse the foreign currency through
exchange intermediaries such as commercial banks and other financing entities, then, the
exporters must carry out the sale of foreign currency to this type of intermediary using the
exchange declaration form number 2.

For the export of Samples without Commercial Value is required:

Elaborate a Proforma Invoice or Commercial Invoice, where the cost for customs purposes
and quantity is indicated.

Certificate of origin as long as it is required by the buyer outside Colombia.

Completion of the Simplified Export Declaration (Cod. 610) at the DIAN office where the
goods will be dispatched (this is done through the electronic system of the DIAN).

Note: There are some products that cannot be exported. To find out which ones, consult the
list in the Customs Statute. Under this modality, each exporter has a quota of USD $10,000
per year.
General tips

 Make an economic feasibility study of the export and market, to analyze the costs of
international transport and the price of the product in the international market.
 Make the consultation of the Customs Tariff to corroborate if the export product has
good views or any registration with ICA, Ministry of Mines, INVIMA, Ministry of
Environment and Sustainable Development, Superintendence of Surveillance and
Private Security, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, among others.
 Verify the tariff sub-quantity of the export product so that you know the customs
duties and other requirements for export.
 If you have the merchandise ready, proceed to hire a maritime or air freight forwarder
according to the international transport required.
 Confirm the way the customer will cancel the export, can be with international
payment instruments such as, letters of credit, standby guarantees, among others.
 Go to the airport and ask for the access code to the DIAN system, in order to approve
the shipment request. This is done directly with the Customs Administration where the
merchandise will be cleared, adding the packing list, commercial invoice, records
sanitary or seen good (if required by the product), transport document among others.

I believe that knowing the necessary steps for the export, makes this operation easier and
simpler, so I know which documents I require at the time and which are the agencies to which
I must go. It is also very important to know the nature of my product for this way to ask for
the certificates that endorse the product and make it duck for the exportation by the legal

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