Exploring The Ambiguity of Bisexuality in Men and Women: A Dawn Study Purpose of Study

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Informed Consent



You are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide to participate in this
study, it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve.
Please read the following information carefully. Please ask the researcher if there is anything that
is not clear or if you need more information.

The purpose of this study is to explore the ambiguity of bisexuality among self-identified
bisexual and bi-curious students in Philippine Academy of Sakya (Davao), Inc. (PASDI) in order
to formulate ideas and explanation how bisexual identity develop gradually over time

You are given an informed consent to be informed of all procedures, potential risks, and benefits
that this research will bring. The process will involve semi-structured interview to generate large
amount of data. During the interview, researchers will record an audio that will be transcribed in
verbatim regardless of how intelligible the transcript may be when it is read back before data
analysis will begin. Once they are transcribed and checked, coding will begin to enable
researchers to begin understanding your perspective, as well as other participants’ perspective.

Your experiences as you identify your gender role in the society, as well as your experiences of
having sexual or romantic relationships with people of the same sex will be disclosed; rest
assured that researchers will uphold confidentiality in this study. You may decline to answer any
or all questions, and you may terminate your involvement at any time if you choose.

The results of this study will have no direct benefit to the participants. However, conducting this
study may lead to formulation of greater knowledge and understanding of the ambiguity of
bisexuality. This may also help demonstrate the existence of bisexual people. Besides, this can
pave a way for conducting further researches on the inexactness of the meaning of bisexuality as
there are studies showing that bisexuality is relatively ignored in the literature.

Your responses to this interview will be anonymous. However, your comments will not be
anonymous for the purposes of this research study. Every effort will be made by the researcher to
preserve your confidentiality including the following:
 All personal information extracted from you will not be disclosed to the public at all
 All information gathered will be used only for the purposes of this research.
 Assigning of code names/numbers for participants will be utilized.

Participant data will be kept confidential except in cases where the researcher is legally obligated
to report specific incidents. These incidents include, but may not be limited to, incidents of abuse
and suicide risk.

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Participant’s Initials: ________
Informed Consent

If you have questions at any time about this study, or you experience adverse effects as the result
of participating in this study, you may contact the researcher at 09973272295. If you have
questions regarding your rights as a research participant, or if problems arise which you do not
feel you can discuss with the Primary Investigator, please contact the Institutional Review Board
at (865) 354-3000, ext. 4822.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part
in this study. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form.
After you sign the consent form, you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a
reason. Withdrawing from this study will not affect the relationship you have, if any, with the
researcher. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be
returned to you or destroyed.


I have read and I understand the provided information and have had the opportunity to ask
questions. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any
time, without giving a reason and without cost. I understand that I will be given a copy of this
consent form. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study.

Participant's signature ______________________________ Date __________

Investigator's signature _____________________________ Date __________

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Participant’s Initials: ________

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