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Chapter 4

Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods

Carole Tonello

1. Introduction suppliers, and scientists. The Association was sup-

ported by, Japanese government funding from 1989
This chapter illustrates how food-processing compa- to 1993 (Hayashi, 1992).
nies have commercialized high-pressure processing
(HPP). Examples demonstrate how basic scientific
findings and unique equipment designs have come 2.2. Ulti: Freshly Squeezed Juices
together to yield successful commercial solid and
The company Ulti in France, noting the development
liquid food products treated by high pressure.
of HPP technology in Japan, was the first company
in Europe to use HPP commercially. In 1994, Ulti
launched pressure-pasteurized citrus juices to a local
2. Pioneers in Industrial High-Pressure market. The juices marketed as “freshly squeezed”
Food Processing were processed in polyethylene bottles in a 15-L, 400
2.1. Meidi-Ya: Cold Pasteurized Jams MPa (58,000 psi), production machine built by ACB
Alstom in France. Ulti has progressively expanded
The first commercial high-pressure processed foods its HPP production capacity to four machines using
were produced by the Meidi-Ya Company and were ACB-Alstom-designed equipment. Today, its HPP
marketed in Japan in the early 1990s. Products orange and grapefruit juices and line of smoothies,
included strawberry, apple, and kiwi jams, pack- launched in 2008, are marketed across France.
aged in plastic cups (Hori et al., 1992; Dumoulin,
1998). Packaged jams were treated in a 50-L Mit-
subishi Heavy Industry (Japan) cold isostatic press at 2.3. Fresherized Foods: Revolutionizing
400 MPa (58,000 psi) for 20 minutes. This process the Fresh Guacamole Market
was shown to provide commercial sterility in an acid
In 1997, a US company, Fresherized Foods
product while maintaining fresh fruit sensory quali- (www.fresherizedfoods.com) (formerly Avomex),
began the first industrial production of pressure-
This innovation was the result of an ambi-
pasteurized avocado products at a plant in Mexico.
tious research and development program initiated by Products were exported to the United States for
Hayashi from Kyoto University in the 1980s. He cre-
food service use. The company started with a 50-L
ated the “Association of High Pressure Application”
machine operating at 690 MPa (100,000 psi). This
composed of food manufacturers, HPP equipment machine was supplied by ABB Pressure Systems,
Sweden, now owned by Avure Technologies, USA
Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Food
(Ennen, 2001). Today, Fresherized Foods is the lead-
Edited by H. Q. Zhang, G. V. Barbosa-Cánovas, V. M. Balasubramaniam, ing company in the high-pressure treatment of foods
C. P. Dunne, D. F. Farkas, and J. T. C. Yuan based on number of high-pressure machines (vessels
© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-813-81668-5

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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 37

from 215 to 350 L) and volume of production. Fresh- during the initial period of use while establishing a
erized Foods uses machines built by Avure Technolo- market. In most countries (except Japan), improve-
gies and NC Hyperbaric (Spain) with production fa- ments in food-processing technologies may not di-
cilities in the United States, Mexico, Peru, and Chile. rectly translate into a stronger marketing position.
The use of high pressure revolutionized the market Thus, few companies make the effort to use new
for ready-to-eat (RTE) avocado products, and espe- process technologies as the basis for new product
cially the guacamole market. HPP offers consumers introductions. Rather marketers highlight improved
much higher quality products than those preserved convenience, flavor, and nutrition provided by high-
by heat or freezing. High-pressure pasteurized avo- pressure processing.
cado products have a refrigerated shelf life of over The following data summarize industrial informa-
4 weeks. The strong sales of Fresherized Foods tion collected since 1992 from direct company in-
chilled avocado, RTE products have led several other quires, scientists, and equipment providers working
avocado producers to invest in high-pressure equip- on HPP food applications, and from food magazine
ment for processing guacamole or avocado paste. publications. Data concerning the actual number of
machines in production and associated vessel vol-
umes have been corrected for the decommissioning
2.4. Espuña: High-Pressure Pasteurized
of earlier equipment. Laboratory and pilot plant ma-
RTE Meat Products
chines are not included except where they are used as
The Spanish company Espuña (www.espuna.es) pi- tolling equipment for commercial food productions
oneered the use of HPP for the pasteurization of on a regular basis.
meat products. Sliced cooked ham with the label
“High Pressure Pasteurized Product Remains Fresh
3.1. Equipment and Its Location
Until Eaten” was launched in Spain in 1998 (Grèbol,
2003). Even now, it is being sold and distributed By mid-2008, about 125 industrial HPP machines
in several supermarket chains in Spain. The prod- were in production for food processing worldwide
uct’s ham slices are vacuum skin-packed with plastic (Figure 4.1). Almost 85% of these machines were in-
film interleaves to facilitate the separation of slices stalled after 2000. The slow initial use of HPP in food
by the consumer. It has a refrigerated shelf life of processing can be attributed to the novelty of the pro-
60 days and it’s processed for 10 minutes at 400 MPa cess and a lack of knowledge of the marketing ben-
(58,000 psi) in a 320-L, horizontal, ACB-Alstom efits of high-pressure processing. Another challenge
unit. In 2003, Espuña launched a line of ready-to- was the limited capabilities of the HPP machines
microwave meat snacks consisting of small sausages, offered by equipment suppliers before 2000. Ma-
spicy diced chicken, turkey products, and bacon and chines were not yet designed to meet food-processing
cheese rolls. These have been successful in Spain, conditions where stainless steel coverings, ease of
Great Britain, and France. In 2005, the company de- cleaning, ease of maintenance, and high productivity
veloped the first sliced cured ham stable for 40 days are needed. High-pressure process equipment did not
at nonrefrigerated temperatures (Astruc, 2006). look like standard food process equipment.
This shelf-stable product is processed at 600 MPa About 60% of the world’s HPP equipment is lo-
(87,000 psi). cated in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Sev-
eral units are in Peru and Chile. Europe has 22% of
the installed HPP machine capacity located in Spain,
3. Worldwide High-Pressure
Italy, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Czech Re-
Commercial Food Applications
public, Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands.
All industrial uses of high pressure for food treat- The remaining 18% of the equipment is in Asia, espe-
ment may not be made public. Detailed data on com- cially in Japan and more recently in China and Korea.
mercial applications may be considered confidential A few machines are located in Australia and New
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38 Section I Physical Processes



Oceania 71
Europa 53

America 40
Total 30
7 8 5
7 7
1 2

20 7




















Figure 4.1. Evolution of the number of HPP industrial machines installed versus years and continents.

Zealand. To date, there are no machines in Africa. EC n◦ 258/97.” Food processors intending to use high
HPP appears to be advancing where consumers want pressure as a preservation method needed to prove the
premium, convenient RTE products. The safety and safety of the process through a scientific study. The
extended shelf life of HPP-treated RTE products is a study needed to demonstrate not only the microbial
bonus to the processors of these products. safety of the product, but also toxicological and al-
HPP appears to have developed more rapidly lergenic safety. Additionally, studies should demon-
in North America than in Europe possibly due to strate no detrimental effects to nutritional quality and
the need for extended safe, refrigerated shelf life the resulting product should not mislead consumers
and food preservation legislation more favorable to in perceived value. Eisenbrand indicated that HPP-
innovation. Food safety authorities in the United treated food should not be considered novel. The lack
States have supported efficient techniques to kill of standardized requirements from one country to the
microbial pathogens. United States Department of other prevented compliance.
Agriculture (USDA)—Food Safety and Inspection The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United
Service—wrote in 2003, and updated in 2006, a Kingdom declared that “High-Pressure Processing
guideline to control Listeria monocytogenes in RTE per se is no longer considered a novel process”
meat and poultry products (Anonymous, 2006). HPP (Hattersley, 2001, 2002). FSA recommended that
was approved for its efficiency with minimum effect food processors need to only demonstrate ade-
on organoleptic quality. quate kill of pathogenic bacteria and have strin-
The European Union (EU), by contrast, consid- gent measures in place to prevent the germination of
ered HPP a novel technology and required food pro- Clostridium botulinum spores. The French position,
cessors to comply with the “Novel Food Regulation in contrast, is illustrated by a novel food filing for
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 39

HPP treatment of smoked and dry cured duck ham Meat products
(Briand, 2007). The file was considered unaccept- 30%
able by the French food safety authorities because of products
a poor bibliography, lack of studies on the impact of 36%
HPP on nonpathogen microflora commonly present
in the product, such as lactic acid bacteria, lack of
information on possible pressure-induced spore ger-
mination, lack of information on the effect of HPP
on physical and chemical changes of microorgan- Seafood and fish
isms growing or surviving post treatment, and also
Juices and Others products
lack of data on toxicological aspects, such as com- beverages 6%
parative volatile compounds profiles, allergenic risks 14%
induced by the process, and packaging specific mi- Figure 4.2. Distribution of high-pressure processing indus-
grations. The conservative attitude of the EU coun- trial machines versus food product type processed.
tries toward new processes, and the uncertainty of
costs and the time required to have a Novel Foods In 2008, 50% can be considered large organizations
petition accepted, has slowed down the commercial- employing more than 500 workers and 17% of these
ization of HPP in Europe. companies are international groups with more than
Japan has not embraced the commercial use of 5,000 employees. Small and medium enterprises rep-
HPP in food processing. As far as known, only four resent the other half of the companies using HPP
companies produced pressure-treated foods in 2008. employing 10–250 people.
Earlier users, namely, Meidi-Ya, Wakayama, and Roughly one-third of the HPP machines are in
Pokka, have abandoned the technology. Reliability use for processing RTE vegetables, primarily avo-
problems with early HPP machinery may have dis- cado products (Figure 4.2). A third of the installed
couraged these companies. Japanese machines sup- HPP machines are used to process meat products
pliers who were the major players in HPP in the such as sliced or diced cooked pork, chicken, and
1990s are large companies such as Mitsubishi Indus- turkey. The last third are used to process juices
tries, Kobelco (Kobe Steel Group), and IHI Corpora- and beverages such as smoothies, seafood and fish,
tion. These companies may have decided to leave the and other products such as dairy or for coprocessing
market for high-pressure food processing machines or in tolling applications.
due to its very small size in Japan and the high cost of
developing reliable machines for the food industry. 4. Commercial HPP Application by
Food Sectors
3.2. High-Pressure Processing Companies 4.1. Juices and Beverages
Worldwide, 60 companies are marketing more than Juices, beverages, and vegetable products were the
250 different HPP-treated products. The companies main commercial applications of HPP equipment,
using HPP for food preservation appear to have se- based on vessel volumes installed, during the 10-year
lected this technology on the basis of the follow- period from 1998 to 2007 (Figure 4.3). Acid juices
ing advantages: ability to innovate new products, and beverages, with their low pH and high aw , can
desire premium fresh qualities, want extended refrig- be pasteurized using pressures in the range of 400–
erated shelf life without sacrificing microbial safety, 450 MPa (58,000–65,000 psi) and process times gen-
or want to produce fresh-like products that cannot erally under 10 minutes. These process parameters
be heat-treated without losing nutritional or senso- matched the machines available at this period. Fur-
rial qualities. Companies owning one or several HPP ther investment in HPP equipment for beverage pro-
machines represent a large range of sales volumes. cessing has been moderate. While semicontinuous
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40 Section I Physical Processes


Juices and beverages
1,600 Vegetable products
Meat products
Vessel volume installed/year

1,400 Seafood and fish

Others products






1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.3. Evolution of high-pressure processing industrial machines vessel volume installed/year in the different food sectors
versus year, during the last 10 years.

machines were available in 1990s, their capacity found that the uniformity of pressure treatment al-
were too small for larges companies. Juice and bev- lows the pasteurization of any product independent
erage companies using HPP are almost exclusively of size, shape, composition, or package form. A ben-
small enterprises with less than 50 employees pro- efit of high-pressure pasteurization of meat products
cessing bottled premium juices and smoothies for is post-package treatment without the loss of fresh
regional markets. quality.
USDA regulations include HPP as acceptable pro-
4.2. Vegetable Products cesses to control Listeria in RTE refrigerated meat
products. HPP processing provides a natural pasteur-
The HPP capacity devoted to vegetable products, pri- ization technology to deliver RTE convenience meat
marily avocado processing, has been increasing over products with a “clean” label.
the last 10 years. Avocado processors have invested The availability of larger diameter machines with
in equipment year after year to meet the expand- increased volumetric efficiency and capacity per cy-
ing US market. Avocado processors found that pres- cle has allowed meat processors to take advantage of
sures in the range of 600 MPa (87,000 psi) yielded HPP. Machines can be automated to further reduce
a high-quality product with a hold time of less than processing costs.
10 minutes. Guacamole packed in flexible bags al-
lowed pressure vessels to be filled to a volumetric
ratio at or near 70%. The relatively short hold time 4.4. Seafood
and volumetric efficiency made the process econom-
ically feasible. High pressure in the range of 200–300 MPa
(30,000–43,500 psi) provides a simple and efficient
method for the removal of edible meat from shell
4.3. Meat and Poultry Products
and carapace of shellfish and crustaceans. Industrial
Pressure-treated meat has been the fastest growing applications use high pressure to extract crustacean
sector in the last 5 years. Meat processors have meat from crab and lobster, and open oysters and
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 41

other bivalves (shucking process). This last activ- ment in this technology during product development,
ity is generally run by small companies, which have test marketing, early launching, or to meet a niche
invested in low-volume machines to meet the mod- market opportunity.
est size of the market. By using a 1-minute hold at
300 MPa (43,500 psi), sufficient products can be 4.6. Estimates of Worldwide High-Pressure
treated to meet developing market needs. Seafood Food Production
companies using HPP are located in the United States
and Canada. There is one company in Japan. HPP of The total worldwide production of high-pressure
seafood has not been of interest to European seafood treated food is showing steady growth. Estimates for
processors because the European consumer generally production in 2008 are in the range of 200,000 metric
buys only fresh “live” oysters and lobsters. tons/year (about 450 million lbs/year) and use the to-
The existence of several patents covering the use tal vessel volume in production as indicated in Table
of HPP for opening bivalves (Miura and Hatsukade, 4.1. The 200,000-metric ton estimate is calculated
1992; Voisin, 2000) and extracting meat from crus- using typical process data derived from food compa-
taceans (Hognason and Jabbour, 2005; Raghubeer nies operating high-pressure food-processing lines.
et al., 2006) has tended to restrict the development Process data include number of cycles per hour, op-
of the technology. The similarities among the patents erating hours per day, and working days per year.
make for a confusing intellectual property situation New machines are capable of higher hourly produc-
which is further confounded by claims covering the tion rates so that actual production may be higher
inactivation, by high pressure, of pathogens associ- as new machines are installed. The estimate is cor-
ated with seafood. Pathogen inactivation has been rected for machine downtime of about 10% for main-
noted in the published research literature before the tenance and repair, and with certain commodities, for
filing of these patents (Styles et al., 1991). seasonal downtime.

4.5. Other Products 5. Incentives and Constraints to Be

Considered in the Use of High Pressure
Machines labeled for “other products” in Figure 4.3
for Food Processing
are those used by coprocessors in the United States.
Food companies use these machines on a per-cycle or Capital costs, operating costs, and production rate per
per-kilogram processed. This avoids capital invest- hour per high-pressure machine are decisive items

Table 4.1. Estimation of HPP food global production in 2008

Production in
Vessel Volume Number of Vessel Filling Working Working Metric Tons/
Products in Liters Cycles/Hour Ratio Hours/Day Days/Year Year (lbs/year)

Vegetable products 6,412 5 0.65 12 300 75,020

Meat products 9,015 5 0.45 12 300 73,022
Seafood and fish 2,487 7 0.70 16 180 35,096
Juices and beverages 2,032 6 0.45 12 250 16,459
Other products 1,137 5 0.50 12 200 6,822
Total 20,962 206,420
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42 Section I Physical Processes

for companies looking to establish an HPP facility. pressure allows available intensifiers to compress wa-
Additionally, realistic market demand, price points, ter in 400-L vessels to 600 MPa (87,000 psi) in sev-
range of product styles, and seasonal supply and de- eral minutes. The rate of compression directly influ-
mand issues must be known to a reasonable accuracy. ences cycle rate. Operating pressure and hold time at
High-pressure equipment suppliers can provide ac- pressure may determine 75% of the cycle time. (See
curate data on capital and operating costs, including also Chapter 3)
labor, utilities, repair, and maintenance, and up time.
Production rates per hour must be determined from
6. Capital Costs and Production Rates
actual tests, with actual product, since the volumet-
ric efficiency of any machine is directly related to the Capital costs for horizontal, throughflow, 600 MPa
actual packaged product. Additionally, the planned (87,000 psi), high-pressure food-processing units are
number of hours per day the machine will be run- primarily a function of pressure vessel volume. For
ning must be known. For example, a food-processing example, in 2008, a unit with a 55-L vessel (Figure
line may produce product at twice the hourly ca- 4.4) costed in the range of US$14,000 (€10,000)/L.
pacity of the high-pressure process equipment us- A unit with a 420-L vessel (Figure 4.5) costed in the
ing a single 8-hour shift. The high-pressure process range of US$7,500 (€5,500)/L. High-pressure inten-
equipment would be operated for two 8-hour shifts sifier systems for these machines are able to reach
to treat the daily production. A refrigerated storage 600 MPa (87,000 psi) in about 2.5 minutes. A typi-
system would be needed to accumulate product to be cal cycle time (without holding time) is in the range
pressure-treated during the second shift. of 4 minutes for loading product, closing, filling the
Food processors who are contemplating the use vessel with water, compressing to 600 MPa (87,000
of high pressure to pasteurize or otherwise treat food psi), releasing the pressure (less than 3 seconds),
products should start a dialog with equipment sup- opening the unit, and unloading. A 3-minute hold
pliers as soon as possible. This dialog will form the time at pressure gives a total cycle time of about 7
basis for both a business and technical plan and will minutes or 8 cycles/hour. A 55-L vessel operating at 8
highlight such needs as space for equipment, utilities, cycles/hour can treat 440 liters/hour. A 420-L vessel
and process parameters such as hold time at pressure can treat 3,360 L/hour at 8 cycles/hour. The actual
and needed process temperatures at pressure. production rate per hour for any food product will
HPP machines continue to undergo improvements depend on the volumetric efficiency of the packaged
to increase the cycle rate per hour. Horizontal or food in each pressure vessel. Volumetric efficiencies
tilting units can increase productivity over verti- of 75% are possible with packages designed to op-
cally mounted pressure vessels loaded and unloaded timize vessel loading. For packaged, RTE, sliced,
through the top closure (similar to a top loaded ver- meats, a volumetric efficiency may be 50% due to
tical retort). These systems use throughflow and au- unique package designs. Thus a 55-L vessel can de-
tomated loading and unloading. Throughflow design liver about 220 1-L packages/hour. A 420-L machine
helps to prevent accidental mixing of treated and un- can produce about 1,680 1-L packages/hour (Her-
treated product, can provide improved process tem- nando Sáiz et al., 2008). The lower per liter capital
perature control, and, in some cases, eliminate the costs of a larger vessel has provided a major incen-
use of carriers. tive to purchase 300–400-L machines to obtain the
The industry has found that an operating pres- lowest per package processing cost.
sure of 600 MPa (87,000 psi) provides a satisfactory Figure 4.6 shows estimates of processing costs for
pasteurization pressure and hold time (3–5 minutes) juices, meats, and seafood products processed in (a)
for most vegetative microbes. Pressure vessels can a 420-L machine and (b) a 55-L machine. Volumet-
be built to handle this pressure for up to hundreds ric efficiency, operating hours per day, and operating
thousands cycles before replacement. Wear parts and days per year are those used in Table 4.1. The cycle
seals can perform satisfactorily at this pressure. This rate per hour is based on actual production experience
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 43

Figure 4.4. Wave 6000/420 NC Hyperbaric high-pressure processing equipment (420-L vessel volume—maximum working
pressure: 600 MPa/87,000 psi).

with installed 55-L and 420-L machines. It should be (43,500 psi). Fruit juices held at 450 MPa (65,250
noted that the production rates shown in Figure 4.6 psi) for 2 minutes allow 10–11 cycles/hour.
are twice those shown in Table 4.1. This is due to the A depreciation period of 5 years is generally used
use of a 2-minute hold time for vegetable juice prod- for high-pressure food-processing systems; however,
ucts allowing 10 cycles/hour at 600 MPa (87,000 psi) field experience indicates that properly maintained
and 8.6 cycles/hour at 600 MPa (87,000 psi) with high-pressure systems can have a useful operat-
a 3-minute hold time for meat products. Seafood ing life in excess of 7 years. These operating cost
products processed to allow pressure-assisted sepa- figures yield processing costs between €0.044/kg
ration of edible meat from shell can be treated at and €0.104/kg using a 420-L machine. Processing
14 cycles/hour using a 1-minute hold at 300 MPa costs are between €0.087/kg and €0.205/kg using a

Figure 4.5. Wave 6000/55 NC Hyperbaric high-pressure-processing equipment (55-L vessel volume—maximum working
pressure: 600 MPa/87,000 psi).
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44 Section I Physical Processes

(a) 420-L vessel machine

Wear parts
Depreciation charge
Production cost in €/Kg (US$/lb)




Vegetable Meat Seafood Juice

(b) 55-L vessel machine

Wear parts
Depreciation charge
Processing cost in €/Kg (US$/lb)




Vegetable Meat Seafood Juice
Figure 4.6. Estimated processing cost for vegetable products, meat products, seafood, and juice processed in (a) a 420-L
machine and in (b) a 55-L machine.
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 45

55-L machine. Processing costs in the 420-L ma- (www.kraft.com) and AmeriQual in the Dual Use
chine are about half to those of a 55-L machine due Science & Technology (DUST) Program, headed by
to the lower capital cost per liter of the pressure ves- Dr. C. Patrick Dunne at the US Army Natick Sol-
sel and the associated operating costs of the 420-L dier Center, Natick, MA. Research focused on high-
machine for labor and maintenance. A 420-L ma- pressure sterilization of low-acid foods using high
chine can process almost 8 times more products each pressure to assist heat sterilization. AmeriQual, as a
cycle than a 55-L machine with a cost per liter of major supplier of military food rations for US Army,
the pressure vessel in the 420-L machine being only was interested in this technology to improve senso-
twice to that of a 55-L vessel. rial qualities of some of its shelf-stable products. It
Wear part costs for a 420-L unit are one half to was found that high pressure combined with heat
those of the 55-L since the larger machine cycles less sterilization could greatly reduce process hold times.
for a given yearly production rate. Mechanical parts In 2007, AmeriQual installed an additional
wear out due to cycling, with the associated pressure 300-L horizontal system to be used by Tyson
increase and decrease, but not with hold time at pres- Foods (www.tyson.com) to pasteurize oven-roasted
sure. Processing costs are 65–75% for depreciation, chicken products like breasts halves, thighs, and
22–33% for wear parts and maintenance, and 2–3% bone-in whole birds. These products were the first
for utilities including process water and electricity. bone-in, packaged, products to be industrially pro-
Labor costs must be added to the figures presented. cessed under pressure. Whole chickens were oven-
Labor costs can be estimated from the number of roasted to soften the bones so that they would not
workers required to operate the equipment each shift break or puncture the packaging during the pres-
and can represent from 10 to 40% of the final pro- sure treatment. The 600 MPa (87,000 psi) process
cessing cost. For automated systems, up to two addi- of several minutes duration, at room temperature,
tional workers may be required each shift including extended the refrigerated shelf life of these vacuum-
maintenance worker costs. packed preservative-free products from 14 to 45 days
Seafood processing costs are lower because of (Crews, 2007a). Two 300-L machines allowed a pro-
high volumetric efficiencies and the modest pres- duction rate of 45 metric tons (100,000 lbs)/day op-
sures required. Vegetable product process costs, such erating two 10-hour shifts.
as for guacamole packaged in flexible pouches at
600 MPa (87,000 psi), are lower than meat because
7.2. Foster Farms: Preservative-Free RTE
of the higher volumetric efficiencies obtained by us-
Poultry Products
ing flexible pouches for vegetables and trays for meat
products. Juices packed in plastic bottles have a high- Foster Farms (www.fosterfarms.com) started HPP
process cost because of the lower volumetric effi- RTE sliced turkey and chicken strips, free of ni-
ciency of the bottle. trites and other preservatives, in 2007. Foster Farms
wanted refrigerated, pasteurized, RTE, poultry prod-
ucts with a “clean” (preservative-free) label and ex-
7. Examples of Commercial tended refrigerated shelf life. The company invested
High-Pressure Food-Processing in a pair of 300-L, horizontal, pressure vessels which
Companies were installed to operate in tandem using two in-
tensifiers to shorten compression times by 50%. The
7.1. AmeriQual-Contract Manufacturer for
600 MPa (87,000 psi) treatment for several minutes at
Kraft Foods and Tyson Foods
room temperature provided a refrigerated shelf-life
AmeriQual (www.ameriqual.com) installed an NC of 55–60 days (Crews, 2007b). This is double the
Hyperbaric 300 L (79 US gal)—600 MPa (87,000 shelf life obtained without high-pressure treatment.
psi) system at their facilities in Evansville (IN). HPP products are sold nationally. Foster Farms in-
This unit supported studies by Kraft Foods stalled a third 300-L system in 2008.
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46 Section I Physical Processes

7.3. SimplyFresco: Premium product where L. monocytogenes cannot grow dur-

Tomato Sauces ing post-process storage. It was found that micro-
bial reduction was less when the sliced ham was
SimplyFresco (www.simplyfresco.com) is a small high-pressure-treated in the frozen state at −15◦ C to
firm based in San Antonio (TX) that produces high- −12◦ C (5–10◦ F). This was the temperature of the
quality tomato sauce preserved by high pressure. A product just after slicing. The current process in-
55-L, horizontal, HPP machine was obtained in 2006 cludes a tempering step in a chill room to adjust the
to pasteurize a range of refrigerated, premium, pasta temperature of the ham slices to 5◦ C before HPP
and salsa sauces for markets in Texas and southeast- treatment.
ern states. The system was designed to operate at A 150-L, horizontal, 600 MPa (87,000 psi) system
8 cycles/hour with a volumetric efficiency of 80% was installed in the Abraham factory in 2005. The
using a flexible pouch packaging system. A hold system can compress a full vessel of vacuum-packed
time of a few minutes at 600 MPa (87,000 psi) at ham products to 600 MPa (87,000 psi) in 3 minutes.
room temperature yields a refrigerated shelf life of If the ham is packaged in a modified atmosphere
100 days and a throughput of more than 350 kg/hour package (MAP), compression to 600 MPa (87,000
(770 lbs/hour). psi) will take 4 minutes. In the case of MAP products,
The sauces, all preservative-free, are made of compression is longer since the gas in the packages
fresh natural ingredients including peppers, onions, must be compressed to a supercritical fluid before the
coriander, and garlic. As herbs and spices are not water in the system can be compressed. Cycle times
heat-treated, they keep their natural strong flavor. The are 7–8 cycles/hour.
sauces have a unique sensorial quality, very close to Abraham was the first company in Europe to use
homemade sauces. MAP under pressure. It pioneered the use of semi-
rigid, MAP, thermoformed, packaging. This pack-
aging is flexible enough to recover its shape after
7.4. Abraham Traditional German Dry
processing under pressure. It was developed in col-
Cured Ham
laboration with Wipak (www.wipak.de) and fulfills
Abraham Schinken GmbH & Co. KG (www. marketing requirements for this premium meat prod-
abraham.de) produces dry cured ham for the domes- uct. The package has good oxygen barrier properties
tic German market, and starting in 1980, for export and high flexibility. The volume of MAP gas is min-
to the United States (Harms, 2006). Dry cured ham imized to minimize compression time and maximize
can be contaminated by L. monocytogenes at very the volumetric efficiency of the package.
low levels. These levels meet European food safety
standards, but US legislation requires the absence of
7.5. Rodilla Sandwich Market Expansion
L. monocytogenes in 25 g of product. Abraham
started to study the use of HPP in 2004, in collabora- Rodilla (www.rodilla.com) is a chain of sandwich
tion with the Technical University Berlin and the Hy- shops located principally in Madrid (Spain). The
giene and Environment, Food Safety and Zoonoses company grew rapidly from 1997 to 2002 (Barciela,
Division, Hamburg. The process could eliminate 2006), but subsequent growth was limited as long
L. monocytogenes to satisfy US standards while pre- as the chain remained in the Madrid area. In 2003,
serving sensorial qualities of this heat-sensitive prod- the company evaluated the possibilities of nation-
uct. Challenge tests showed a reduction of more than wide and foreign expansion. A major obstacle to re-
5 log cycles in chilled dry cured ham inoculated with gional and national expansion was the distribution of
L. monocytogenes. Packaged hams were treated at fresh sandwich fillings made in a central location in
600 MPa (87,000 psi) with a 2-minute holding time Madrid. The fillings contained cheese or mayonnaise
at a temperature of 5◦ C (41◦ F). This process insures mixed with a wide range of ingredients including
a high level of safety for a minimally contaminated ham, cooked vegetables, shrimp, smoked salmon,
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 47

and nuts. The fillings had a refrigerated shelf life total of 2,400 metric tons (5,300,000 lbs) of these
of 4–6 days depending on the ingredients. Rodilla products in these three plants. High-pressure-treated,
wanted to keep their sandwich fillings preservative- RTE, brown rice or white rice, is packaged in single
free. Heat pasteurization was not feasible because it serve trays. The products need only to be heated for
would destroy the fresh texture and flavor quality at- 3 minutes in a microwave oven. Starch retrogradation
tributes. Rodilla spent 2 years looking for a technical is reduced and gelatinization is increased by the high-
solution to this problem. These studies led to exper- pressure treatment. This contributes to better sensory
iments with high-pressure preservation of sandwich quality (Hayashi, 2005), and digestion in brown rice
fillings in 2005. Studies showed that high pressure when compared to conventional cooked brown rice.
could pasteurize the fillings and provide a refriger- These products have a shelf life of 1 year using a heat
ated shelf life of up to 21 days without changing the sterilization step after HPP.
texture and flavor of the fillings. Single portion, RTE, cereal mix is composed of
Rodilla installed a 120-L, 600 MPa (87,000 psi), eight kinds of grains including brown rice, black
horizontal system. An immediate advantage was that beans, soybean, azuki bean, oats, barley, millet, and
the production costs could be reduced. The extended red rice. High-pressure accelerates water hydration
product shelf life allowed larger batches of filling to of the grains to improve the cooking step, which
be prepared, and every type of filling did not need occurs during the final step of heat sterilization.
to be prepared every day. All fillings are processed A sweeter and more digestible product is obtained
at 500 MPa (72,500 psi) for several minutes in 1 or (Yamazaki, 2000).
2-kg flexible pouches for shipment to Rodilla shops Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)-enriched
all over Spain. brown rice is known for its health benefits such as
reducing blood pressure and improving menopausal
disorders and liver functions. HPP is used for two
purposes in the preparation of this product. First, it
7.6. Echigo Seika: High-Pressure
increases the contact between glutamic acid and glu-
Transformation of Rice and Cereals
tamate decarboxylase, the enzyme catalyzing GABA
The Japanese company Echigo Seika (www. synthesis. This is accomplished by rice cell wall
echigoseika.co.jp) pressure treats rice and cereal structure modifications under pressure (Yamazaki,
products. Since 1994 (Suzuki, 2002), the company 2005b). Second, HPP acts as a precooking process to
has used high pressure to modify the structure of pro- shorten the long cooking time normally required to
teins and starches without heat, accelerate enzyme prepare brown rice. Consumers have a more conve-
reactions, speed penetration of water into grains, ac- nient product. The product is dried after HPP treat-
celerate the breakdown of cell walls, and eliminate ment, sold in traditional 0.5-kg pouches, and is stable
air or other gases in grains. The process is called during room temperature storage.
“high pressure-induced transformation” (Hi PiT) Hypoallergenic rice is prepared by HPP treatment
(Yamazaki, 2005a) and Echigo Seika has patented of partially hydrated brown rice to enhance rice cell
several of its processes. The patented processes wall porosity. The increased cell diffusion facilitates
require a combination of pressures from 200 to salt-extraction of allergenic proteins (Yamazaki et al.,
400 MPa (29,000 to 58,000 psi) with moderate heat 1998). This product is dried after extraction.
treatments at 50◦ C (122◦ F). The company operates In 2002, the HPP processing cost of a 0.3-L,
two factories in Japan and one in China. Each factory single-serve portion of rice was estimated by Echigo
has a processing line equipped with two 130-L, ver- Seika to be 1.25 cents (US) on the basis of 100%
tical, 400 MPa (58,000 psi) systems for processing utilization of the HPP equipment (2.50 cents at a
rice or cereal grains in package or in bulk. 50% use rate). These costs included depreciation,
Echigo Seika produces four types of HPP products energy, wear parts, operation, and administration
for the Japanese market and, in 2006, processed a (Sasagawa & Yamazaki, 2002).
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48 Section I Physical Processes

7.7. Mitsunori RTE Clams purees packaged in flexible, transparent, pouches,

and lines of HPP fruit juices and smoothies. The
Mitsunori (www.mitunori.co.jp/html/kaisya-annai. juices and smoothies are packaged in bottles with a
html) is a Japanese company specializing in seafood triangular cross section in order to maximize volu-
processing. The company purchased a 55-L, hori- metric efficiency.
zontal system in 2007 for opening clams and whelks
(scungilli). A pressure treatment in the range of
1 minute at 300 MPa (43,500 psi), with seawater as 7.9. Fonterra Colostrum-Based Products
the compression medium, causes the shells to open.
The meat can be removed manually. The shellfish Fonterra (www.fonterra.com) is a New Zealand
meat is rinsed in seawater and packaged in flexible cooperatively owned processor of dairy products,
pouches or trays also filled with sea water. Refriger- and is a world-leading exporter of these products.
ated shelf life is from 3–6 days, depending on the type Fonterra’s research on the high-pressure treatment
of seafood. HPP greatly reduces the cost of labor for of milk and milk fractions has resulted in the issue
opening small size clams and helps preserves fresh- of several patents. These patents cover several ap-
ness. This is very important for Japanese consumers plications including the preservation of starter cul-
who are used to eating raw seafood. tures and probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria. By
optimizing pressure-processing conditions, spoilage
microflora such as molds and yeasts are reduced
7.8. Donny Boy Premium Fruit Products (Carroll et al., 2004).
Fonterra has demonstrated the high-pressure
Donny Boy is an Australian fruit-processing com-
preservation of heat-sensitive bioactive components
pany dedicated to the processing and marketing of
such as lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and growth
high-pressure preserved fruit-based products includ-
factors. Unwanted microbial growth is prevented
ing purees, sauces, and juices. These products are
(Palmano et al., 2006; Carroll et al., 2006). The patent
used in yogurt, ice cream, food service, and as bev-
will form the basis of a commercial beverage us-
erages. HPP provides a pasteurized fresh fruit ingre-
ing colostrum (Hembry, 2008). Fonterra has signed
dient that can be used in products, such as yogurt
its first license in 2008 for industrial production for
and ice cream, which are not pasteurized after prepa-
Asian market, where consumers associate colostrum
ration. Fruit products are held at 600 MPa (87,000
with good health and better immunity. This beverage
psi) for a few minutes in a 55-L, horizontal system
will be shelf stable up to 6 months at room tempera-
operating at room temperature. The company started
ture using an HPP treatment of 500 MPa (72,500 psi)
the marketing of its first products, apricot, peach,
and a pH below 4.5.
and apple dice, for use in yogurt in 2007 under the
trademark “Preshafruit” (www.preshafruit.com.au).
HPP fruit preparation for yogurt is not new.
8. Conclusion
Danone applied for a Novel Food Authorization for it
in France in 1998. The authorization was obtained in HPP has been successfully used in the commercial
2001 (Anonymous, 2001), but Danone did not com- preservation of foods for more than 15 years and the
mercialize the process. Thus, after two years of in- number of installed high-pressure systems world-
tensive studies and recipe development, Donny Boy wide is constantly growing. The increasing use of
is the first to market HPP fruit preparations. Prod- HPP by food processors reflects industry needs for
ucts are packaged in flexible bags designed to give a safe, refrigerated, convenient packaged foods that
volumetric efficiency more than 0.85. In 2008, their deliver just prepared freshness and have a reasonable
range of fruit preparations, including dice, has been shelf life. The technology has been adopted all over
extended to include strawberry, cherry, and mango. the world by large and small processors in all food
Donny Boy has also launched a line of exotic fruit sectors.
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Chapter 4 Case Studies on High-Pressure Processing of Foods 49

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