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Glass escalator is a condition that happens not at all levels, only at certain levels from the
middle of the job ranking to the higher position, glass escalator could happen. What is glass
escalator actually? It is from what I’ve gathered; glass escalator is a situation where there is a
rapid promotion of men over women even in the sector where females are predominant in
such as nursing. In other words, it is a fast track to promotion. Examples of this are in
management and even nursing for men. What is the culprit of this varies depending on the
situation surrounds the men or women. However, most of the time it is cause by those in
power of a certain organisation just being sexist about women in the work force. In this case,
women, mostly are being excluded from their surrounding like informal leadership, decision
making and sense of hostility from male workers, affecting the environment where they are
working. Minorities are also not off the hook as some of them are also experiencing the same
situation. Ironically, others believe that men in female-dominated professions are
discriminated against and treated worse than women, the way women are treated in other
professions. In other words, you could say that it is about stereotyping of the bosses in a
certain organisation can be the one of a glass escalator situation.

Mommy track is a story of flexibility and choices. Mommy track is a term describing
employer’s act of discouraging women from goals in the work force due to responsibility if
being a mother. Usually, a working path for a mother is being given lots of privileges but a
small or no chances of being promoted in the career path chosen. Even it is bitter, but the fact
is as if the working mums are forced to make an almost impossible decision; to choose
between their job or their family. The companies providing those privileges are very small in
number and it is somehow not yet accepted by the norms of companies to provide such
privileges for their female staff as the cost of providing those only benefits small amounts of
working mums. Many of those taking the mommy track ended up being a side-line worker;
not too important and the chances for them to move on a better spot in the organisation is an
uncertainty. Many mums had been assumed by their employers that they don’t want
demanding works. In the end, most of the working mum gave in under pressure and start their
own business in which they can juggle work and home at their own flexibility and needs.

Glass ceiling
Glass ceiling is a term used to refer to situations where advancement in jobs are stopped at a
lower level due to some form of discrimination, most commonly sexism and racism despite
that person is very qualified to move on. However, minorities are not an exception, such as
the disabled, the elderly and the others are also encountering this glass ceiling situation.
There is a symbolic of using the words “glass” and “ceiling”. The word ceiling is used
because it pictures the limitation blocking upward advancement and the word glass is used
because it describes the limitation received is not immediately apparent and it is also not in
black and white. This blockade exists even though there are no explicit obstacles that keep
the minorities from acquiring advancement in job positions. Glass ceiling is distinguished
from any formal barriers such as education or experience. This social condition seems to exist
more in of the developing countries. This prevents large numbers of women, ethnic
minorities, sexual minorities and religious minorities’ form obtaining and securing the most
high, prestigious and high salary jobs in the work market. The effect of this is that it makes
most women felt that they feel they are not worthy enough, because their bosses did not take
them seriously and see them as potential candidates (for promotions). This is proven when
researchers do agree that women and minorities do encounter considerable glass ceiling.
There are several types of glass ceiling in which they are of different pays, discrimination and
harassment at workplace, lack of family-friend workplace policies, stereotyping and
preconceptions, and a long duration for advancement. The employers can’t be blame 100%,
this is because in the service sector, studies shown that customers prefer male than female
and this is a contributing factor for glass ceiling occurrence. Segregation that happens at the
workplace for women makes them have less chance of promotion or having any type of
power. The wage differences are mainly also caused by the seniority of the male workers and
the new, constantly coming female workers, thus wage difference can be easily seen. Their
responsibility toward family matters causes their wage to be different too. However, there are
case where women did surpass this glass ceiling even the numbers are very small. The
stereotypes are the actual culprit as people stereotypes the way women thinks in leaderships
thus causing the glass ceiling condition to occur.

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