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What is an assessment?

Assessment Principal Purpose

 Evaluating programs
It is the process of gathering  Assessment should  Monitoring students’
evidence about a student’s
knowledge of, ability to use,
enhance students’
progress Assessment
 Evaluating students’
and disposition towards
mathematics and of making
inferences from that
 Assessment is a
valuable tool for
achievement Chapter 5
 Making instruction
evidence for a variety of making instructional decisions
purposes. decisions.
There are 2 types. Paris Ware

Formative Assessment
It is a planned process
of regularly checked
understanding during
your instructional
activities & by
providing quick
Example: streaming
a video.


Are cumulative evaluations

that might generate a single
score such as an end-of-unit
test or the standardized test
that is used in your state or
state or district.

Example: digital snapshot

Maximize value of What do teachers
test by: assess?
1. Permit students to use
 Concepts and A grade is a statistic used to communicate
calculators (except tests
that include computational procedures to others the achievement level that a
skill) student has attained in a particular area of
 Mathematical
2. Use manipulatives and processes study.
drawings The accuracy or validity of the grade is
 Productive dependent on the information used in
3. Include opportunities for
explanation disposition generating the grade, the professional
4. Avoid always using “pre- judgment of the teacher, and the
answered” tests Examples: Problem alignment of the assessment with the true
solving, reasoning, and goals and objectives for the lesson.

Student self-
assessment should
not be your only
measure of their Grading must be
learning or based on
dispositions, but performance tasks
rather a record of on assigned rubric
how they perceive
these things.

Observation tools:
 Anecdotal notes
 Observation
 Checklist for
 Checklists for full

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