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Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-1 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch – 1 Sources of Foods

1. Both carnivores and parasites depend on other animals for food. In what way is a carnivore
different from a parasite?

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. We can test the presence of starch in a food item by putting dilute _________ solution on it.

2. ___________ helps in eliminating the wastes out from the body.

3. Intake of excess of fats in the diet may lead to __________.

4. We need to have a variety in food to obtain all the ___________.

5. __________ and ___________ are the main sources of food.

3. MCQ

1 Which part/parts of the banana plant is/are edible?

a) Fruit b) fruit & stem c) fruit & leaves d) fruit, stem & leaves

2 Which of the following group of animals contains only omnivores?

a) Man, sparrow, cow, buffalo

b) Tiger, lizard, deer, cat

c) Bear, dog, man, insects

d) Deer, man, dog, cat

3 Two examples of plant roots that we eat are turnip and carrot. Name another one.

a) Beans, b) spinach, c) radish, d) lady’s finger

4 Which of the following has different eating habits compared to the others?

a) Elephant b) cow c) dog d) giraffe

5 Which of these is not a cereal?

a.Wheat, b. rice, c. turmeric, d. corn

4. Give one word

1. An edible root 2. An edible Stem

2. An edible leaf 4. Germinated seeds

5. Classify the following animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores:

Squirrel, tiger, jackal, bear, crow, cow, dog, elephant, hawk, snake

6. Nutritious humans eat both plants and animals. Which teeth in humans are suitable for tearing flesh?

7. A food chain consists of several organisms. Suppose one of the organisms in the chain disappears.
What effect can this have on the other organisms in the food chain?

8. In what way is a scavenger useful to the environment?

9. Why does a mosquito not have teeth?

10. We get our food items from plants and animals. Do you agree? Give reasons.


Sufficient food is not available to all the people in our country. At the same time, many people waste
food. Can you think of ways by which we can avoid wastage of food?

What is apiculture?
N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-2 Session: 2019-20

Science Ch – 2 Components of Foods

1. Will you remain healthy if you only drink milk? Why?

2. Identify the deficiency diseases by the following symptoms:

Bleeding gums, pain in joints

Inability to see in dark

Enlarged thyroid gland

Stunted growth, discoloration of hair

3. Give reasons in one sentence:

Overcooking of food should be avoided.

Vegetables and fruits should not be washed after cutting.

There should be variety in food.

High intake of fats should be accompanied with vigorous physical exercise.

Glucose is given to the weak patients.

4. MCQ

Which of these provides energy?

a. vitamins b. minerals c. carbohydrates d. water

Which of these is the quickest source of energy?

a. sugars b. starch c. proteins d. fats

In which vitamin your body be most deficient if you did not eat fresh fruits and green vegetables?

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D

Which mineral is necessary for the formation of strong bones and muscles?

a. iron b. calcium c. phosphorus d. potassium

In which of the following diseases will you advise the intake of iodized salt?

a. beri-beri b. goiter c. scurvy d. rickets

5. Name the following

a) Disease in children due to deficiency of proteins

b) Diseases in children due to deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates

c) Deficiency of which nutrient makes a person loose stamina and get tired easily

d) Deficiency of which disease causes scurvy

e) Deficiency of which mineral cause tooth decay.

6. Our grandmothers often advise that new born babies should be exposed to sunlight. Does this have
any scientific reason?

7. How are our modern dietary habits related to increase obesity?


Food is the feed of living things as petrol is for a car. Both provide energy still they are different why?

What are the symptoms of marasmus?

How do we get most of the water needed by our body?

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-3 Session: 2019-20

Science Ch - 3 Fibre to Fabric

1. Wearing many layers of cotton clothes will keep you as warm in winter as wearing a thick woolen
sweater. Why?

2. Select the best option from the given choices

Which of these is not a natural fibre?

a. leather b. jute c. wool d. cotton

Which of these fabrics will you choose to wear in hot and humid conditions?

a. cotton b. silk c. nylon d. wool

Historians believe that cotton clothes were first worn in

a. India b. Egypt c. Chinad. Europe

Which of these is the leading producer of wool today?

a. Germany b. Australia c. New Zealand d. USA

Which of these is not a property of nylon?

a. light weight b. strong c. absorbs water d. wrinkle free

4. Name one fibre each that is:

a. Smooth b. shiny c. fluffy d. wrinkle free

5. To grow best cotton requires which type of rainfall?

7. Why does jute grow so well in the Sunderbans area?

8. A new item: ‘Silk has come under fire from animal rights activists.’ Why?

9. Why a spinneret is used to make nylon but is not needed to make cotton or wool fibres?

10. Why is the use of jute and cotton bags being encouraged these days?

11. What type of clothing materials are worn by

a. astronauts and b. firemen and why?


Is paper also made up of plant? If yes how?

Name two mixed fibres.

Your father purchased a woolen sweater to you. It is labeled as “pure wool”. How do you check its
N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-4 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch – 4 Sorting Materials into Groups

1. Name two liquids that are immiscible in water

Q2 All matter takes up space. What is the name given to the amount of space something takes up?.

Q3) MCQ-

Which property is common to all matter?

a) Matter takes up space and has no mass.

b) Matter can be seen and has some mass.

c) Matter takes up space and has mass

d) Matter takes up space and may or may not have mass.

There are about 117 different types of

a. elements b. molecules c mixtures d compounds

Which of the following is not matter?

a. water b. air c sound d fruits

The state of matter which has a definite shape but no definite volume is

a. solid b. liquidc. gas d. none of the above

Gases possess neither fixed volume nor fixed shape because

a) Molecules are loosely packed.

b) Molecular motion is fast.

c) There is very little force between molecules

d) It is difficult to make the molecules move away from each other.

Q4) Name one natural material we get from trees.

Q5) ) Fill in the blanks:-

a) Materials that can be compressed easily are called______________.

b)________________ have luster.

c) Grouping of similar things together is called__________________.

d)Iron is a _______________ metal.

e) Vinegar is ________________ in water.

f) ______________ will sink in water.

Q6) What is the smallest particle of an element called?

Q7) What is the smallest particle of a compound called?Q98) What are translucent materials?

Q8) On what basis do we classify objects?

Q9) Which has greater density-ice or water? Explain.


Why does a piece of wood float on water?

Why a tumbler is not made up of a piece of cloth?

Why is diamond used to cut glasses?

When ever you go out with your parents, you ask them to get a

cool drink for you. As soon as the cap is opened, you might have

observed the liquid coming out.Why?

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-5 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 10 Motion and measurement of distances

Q.1 ? In our daily life is it essential to measure everything accurately?

Q4 Arrange the following lengths in their increasing magnitude

7.5m, 75m, 7.5cm, 75km

Q5)Do as directed:-

a)Convert 3.75 km into metre.

b)Convert 7375m into kilometer.

c)Convert 58cm into metre.

d)Convert 990mm into centimeter.

Q6) Write which kind of motion is shown in the following examples.

a) A falling stone.

b)Rotation of earth

c) Child on a swing

d)Cycle moving on a curved line.

Q7) What two kinds of motion does the earth have

Q8) Which type of movement is performed by each of the following

1. The needle of a sewing machine

2. The hands of a clock

3. A man pushing a box along a road

4. Movement of chalk on the blackboard while writing

Motion of a child on a merry go round

Q9) In which year did we start using metric measures in India?

Q10) Which kind of motion produces sound?

Q11) Give an example of an object that has more than one kind of motion at the same time.

Q12 What is rotational motion?

Q13) When you spin a top, it spins and may also move around. What kinds of motion does such a top


1. Why is a measuring tape used by a tailor for taking for taking measurements and not a meter

3. Write SI unit of temperature and volume.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-6 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 15 Air Around Us

Q.1 During which process bodies of living things release energy?

Q.2 Select the best option from the given choices

1 The presence of which of these components in air varies from place to place?

i. Oxygen, ii. Nitrogen, iii. Carbon dioxide, iv. Water vapour

2 Which of these is not true for combustion?

i. Oxygen is formed, ii. Carbon dioxide is formed,

iii. Oxygen is used up, iv. Nitrogen does not change.

3 Which of these is not an organ for taking in oxygen?

i. lungs, ii. gills, iii. stomata, iv. Atmosphere

4 Which of the following gases protects us from ultraviolet rays?

i. Oxygen, ii. Ozone, iii. Carbon dioxide, iv. Nitrogen

5 Which of these can plants not absorb directly from the atmosphere?

i. Oxygen, ii. Nitrogen, iii. Carbon Dioxide, iv. All of these

Q.3 Can you think of one observation in your daily life which shows the presence of water vapour in the

Q.4 Which one is the major component of air?

Q.5 Respiration and combustion remove caron dioxide from the air. True or false?

Q.6 Plants respire at what time? Day or night?

Q.7 The atmosphere is responsible for weather changes. True or false?

Q.8 What is the name given to the blanket of air surrounding the earth?
Q.9 Is it good to sleep under a tree a. During the day, b. At night? Give reasons.

Q.10 People living in a certain region have a higher possiblities of skin cancer. Can you identify one
possible cause for this?


1 Discuss the harmful effects of dust and smoke on humans, plants and animals

3 Why is nitrogen needed by living organisms?

4 Your father while going to the office, keep a mask to his nose. Did you ever ask your father why
he will keep it?
N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-7 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 14 Water

1. Select the best option from the given choices

A) The purest form of natural water is

a) Rainwater b) Groundwater,

c) Surface water d) Sea water

B) Which of the following processes in the human body needs the presence of water?

a) Digestion b) Transport of nutrients,

c) Excretion d) All of the above.

C) Water table” refers to

a) level of groundwater b) Level of surface water,

c) Level of sea water d) Any of these depending on the location

D) Rainwater harvesting means

a) Harvesting of crops during rains. b) Using rainwater to add to underground water,

c) Storing rainwater in tanks. d) Both b and c

E) Water in seas cannot be used because of

a) Problems of transporting it to land, b) Pollution

c) High salt content d) High Nitrogen content

F) Which of the following does rainwater contain?

a) Dissolved salts b) Dissolved gases

c) Sewage d) pesticides
G) Rainwater that does not seep into the soil and runs off on land is called

a) Water table. b) Surface water

c) Ground water d) glacier

Q.2 Water drops fall as rain as soon as water vapour in clouds condenses to form water. True or false?

Q.3 The water that seeps under the ground does not participate in the water cycle any more. True or

Q.4 In places where the air is polluted, rainwater sometimes contains an acid. True or false?

Q.5 How is evaporation dependent on temperature?


1. Why is rainwater the purest form of water?

2. On a hot summer day we like to splash water on our face. Explain the phenomenon which helps
us to feel cold?

3. How do the animals living in soil get affected by heavy rain?

4. You are drenched completely while playing in the rain. But

you did not stop playing. To your surprise, your clothes dried

after some time.How?

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-8 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

Q.I A beam of light consists of several rays. True or False?

QII . Select the best option from the given choices

1. What kind of medium is mineral water

a. transparent

b. translucent

c. neither totally transparent nor translucent

d. opaque

2. Which one of the following is a luminous source?

a) moon b) glow signboard c) star d) all of them

3. What would be the colour of your shadow?

a) black b) dark green c) dark blue d) colour of your dress.

4. Which of these is true for an image?

a) It is formed when light is blocked by an opaque object.

b) It is formed when light passes through a transparent object.

c) It is of the same shape and colour as the object.

d) It is always black.

5. Which of these is not a property of an image formed by a plane mirror?

a. It is of the same shape as the object.

b. It does not show any details in the object.

c. It is of the same colour as the object.

d. It is always black.

6 A image formed in pin-hole camera is always

a. erect and of the same size as the object.

b. erect and either smaller or bigger or of the same size as the object.
c. inverted and of the same size as the object.

d. inverted and either smaller or bigger or of the same size as the object.

7 A lunar eclipse occurs when the

a. earth is between the sun and the moon.

b. moon is between the sun and the earth.

c. sun is between the earth and the moon.

d. in all the above situations.

QIII. Identify whether the following objects are transparent, translucent, or opaque:

a) Cling film

b) Mirror

c) Glass sheet

d) Wooden screen

e) Coloured water

QIV. Light travels from sun to earth in how much time?

QVI. When does a solar eclipse occur-on a new moon day or on a full moon day?

Q VII. If you can see the faint glow of a lighted torch through an object, but not the torch itself, is the
substance opaque, translucent or transparent?

QVIII. Which of these formed by light reflected by an object-image or shadow?

QIX. Can a shadow be formed without a screen?

QX Can an image be formed without a screen?

QXI. What will be the colour of a shadow formed in red light?


Will the number of shadows remain unchanged if the number of sources of light is increased or

What is lateral inversion?

How do we get sunlight from moon when the moon is a non-luminous object?
N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-9 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch – 5 Separation of Substances

1. How can we dissolve more salt in an already saturated solution?

Fill in the blanks:

Grass is separated from coriander leaves by __________________.

Corn is separated from husk by_______________.

The simplest way of separating broken dal from whole dal is ______________.

The simplest way of removing iron scrap from junk heap is _______________.

Mustard oil which has been accidentally mixed in water can be separated using ______________.

Cream from milk can be separated by the process of _______________________.

2. Name Methods of separation for following:

a) Sand from water g) Stones from rice

b) Dust from pulses h) Sugar from sugar solution

c) Stones from sand i) Nails from saw dust

d) Wheat grains from chaff j) Paneer from cuddled milk

e) Pearls of different sizes k) Wheat from flour

f) Solid impurities from water

3. Which property of material will be used in separation of following method:

Winnowing iii) handpicking

Sieving iv) sedimentation

4. What happens when excess of salts is stirred in a given amount of water solution?

5. A mixture of salt and sugar is prepared by grinding them together. Do the molecules of the salt and
sugar undergo any change?

7. A saturated solution of sugar in water is prepared. The temperature of water is lowered by 5°C. Will
the solution continue to be saturated? Give reasons.
8. Why are objects at a distance seen more clearly after rain?

9. You are given a sample of water. How will you find out whether it is pure or not?

10. Which property of a filter paper is used to separate an insoluble solid from liquid?


1. Name five pure substances (not mixed with other substances) from your daily life.

2. Make a mixture of sand, salt, water, iron fillings. Make a flow chart to show how you will
proceed with the separation of these components.

What is filterate?

Differentiate between solute and solvent.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-10 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 13 Fun with Magnets

1. What will happen to the poles of a magnet if it is broken into two?

2. Give one word answer:

a) The ends of the magnet having maximum magnetic strength. ___________

b) The area till where a magnet can exert its strength. ____________

c) Producing electric current with the help of a magnet. ____________

d) A cylinder of soft iron on which coil of copper is wound. ___________

e) A device used to find directions. _________

3. Give reasons:

a) A freely suspended magnet always point toward North-South direction.

b) Magnets should be kept away from mobiles, televisions, CDs and computer.

4. Can a magnetic north pole exist without a magnetic south pole?

5. The single touch method of making a magnet is extensively used nowadays to make magnets true or

6. Why are magnetic keepers used to store magnets?

7. Given a bar magnet how will you find out the west direction?


1. Before invention of the compass, sailors used stars to find directions. In what way is using a compass

2. Maglev train moves while floating in air just above its track. This way friction is minimized and the
train moves very fast-at speeds exceeding 500km per hour. How do you think it is made to float above
the rails?

3.How can you separate nails and screws from wood shavings?

4.Give one use of temporary magnet.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-11 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 16 Garbage In and Garbage Out

Q.1 Why is there a need to segregate the two types of wastes?

Q 2. Select the best option from the given choices

1. The garbage which rot completely and do not smell is used as

i. Manure, ii. Landfill, iii. Waste material, iv. Food

2. Which of the given garbage is useful garbage

i. Vegetable peels, ii. Egg shells,

iii. Waste food, iv. All of the above.

3. This is called farmer’s friend-

i. Snake, ii. Rats, iii. Earthworms, iv. None of the above

4. We should say “NO” to

i. Polythene bags, ii. Cloth bags,

iii. Natural things, iv. Food materials

5. A paste made of clay and paper is called

i. Paper-mache, ii. Compost, iii. Manure, iv. Fertilizer

Q.3 Classify each of these as biodegradable or non-biodegradale

a) Banana peel

b) Sawdust

c) Broken glass

d) Paper

e) Dried flowers

f) Plastic flowers

Q.4 Which type of wastes can be recycled?

Q.5. Give examples of (two in each case)

a) Biodegradable waste b) Recyclable waste

c) Domestic waste d) Reusable waste

Q.6 What will you do if you have to reuse plastic bottles and metal cans?

Q.7 Which type of wastes is causing the most harm to the environment today?

Q.8 Why redworms are used?

Q9. Name the process of using waste to make new products.


Repairing is also a way to reduce generation of waste. Discuss

Why is composting better than burning leaves?

Name two gaseous sources of waste.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-12 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch-7 Getting to Know Plants

Q1) What kind of leaf venation would you expect to find in a plant with a tap root?

Q2) Give one word answer:

a) Flat green part of a leaf.

b) The place from where a leaf arises.

c) The part of the flower having stigma, style and ovary.

d) The process by which plants release water vapors through their stomata.

e) The part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem.

f) Distance between two nodes

g) Specialized roots in the banyan tree

h) Minute pores on the leaf?

i) A stem that is full of starch

j) A leaf that performs the functions of protection

Q3) Name a plant which has storage root?

Q4) Give reasons why weeds should be removed from the garden or field from time to time.

Q5) Green leaves give blue-black color with dilute iodine solution. Explain why?

Q6) Is the fleshy underground part of the ginger plant - a root or a stem?

Q7) Fill in the blanks:

a) The leaves of rose plant have __________ venation.

b) The smaller roots coming out from the main root are called ________.

c) Petals attract insects for ____________.

d) In _______ - shaped flowers, petals are joined.

e) The stem conducts water through _______ and food through _________

Q8) How leaves in cactus help it?

Q9) Insectivorous plants like the pitcher plant grow in soils deficient in?

Q10)What are the functions of the network of veins in a leaf?


What would happen if a polythene bag is tied at the base of a plant without leaves and is kept in sunlight
for 2-3 hours.

How do leguminous plants make soil fertile?

What happens when pollen grains fall on stigma?

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-13 Session: 2020-21

Science Changes Around Us

Q1. Select the best option from the given choices

1. Process involved in converting steam to water is called

a. evaporation b. condensationc. boiling d. sublimation

2. Change caused in black tar (used in road construction) after heating

a. Can be reversed b. Can not be reversed

c. None of the above, d. Both of the above

3. Burning of cooking gas is a

a. physical change b. chemical change

c. undesirable change d. none of these

4. When lemonade is prepared

a. no new substance is formed b. a new substance is formed

c. the change can be reversed d. heat is given out

5. A physical change is

a. always reversible b. always irreversible change

c. usually reverble d. none of these

Q.3. Classify the following changes as Physical or Chemical

i. Formation of clouds

ii. Turning a key to open a lock

iii. Boiling a potato

iv. Melting of wax

v. Baking of bread

vi. Digestion of food

vii Deflating of a cycle tyre tube

viii. Unripe green mangoes changing to yellow ripe mangoes

ix. Burning of an incense stick

x. Glowing of iron when placed in a fire

Q.4. Why the idli batter rises when kept overnight without refrigeration?

Q.5. Why is cooking food an irreversible change?

Q.6. Give an example of a physical change which cannot be reversed?

Q.7. How melting of wax is physical while burning of candle is a chemical


Q.9. Give an example of a physical change which cannot be reversed?

Q.10 What kind of change is observed when copper utensils appear to be greenish in colour?


What happens to material size when it is heated and cooled?

Give an an example of change brought about by pressure.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-14 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 9 Living Organisms & its Surroundings

Q.1 What prevents grass from breaking in windy conditions?

Q.2. Select the best option from the given choices

The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in

a. Aquatic Habitat b. Terrestrial Habitat

c. None of the above d. Both of the above

Cells can be seen with help of:

a. hand lens b. naked eye c. kaleidoscope d. microscope

Which of the following is not an example of animal waste?

a. sweat b. urine c. resin d. carbon dioxide

The reaction of living organisms to stimuli is known as:

a. reaction b. response c. stimulation d. adaptation

Which of the following cannot be grouped with the rest?

a. amoeba b. yeast c. bacteria d. snail

3. Give one word for the following

The process of removal of waste products from the body

Ability of the living to produce more of their kind

Gas produced during respiration

Living things that can make their own food

Gas used in energy production in the bodies of most living organisms

4. Complete the analogy in the two case below:

Cactus leaf:: protection: : cactus steam : ______________________.

Long eyelashes: _________________: : long root : : cactus

5. Give examples of the following ( Two in each case)

1. Terrestrial habitat

2. Aquatic habitat

3. Abiotic components

6. Animals that hibernate eat a lot before hibernating. Why?

7. In a habitat which are expected to be more in number- herbivores or carnivores? Why?

8. Suppose a Scientist came up with a medicine that could kill all bacteria and fungi, and gave it to you to
use. Would you use it or not? Why?

9. Give one example of each of the following type.

a. a fully submerged hygrophyte

b. a free-floating hygrophyte

c. a bird with webbed-feet

d. an amphibian with webbed-feet

e. an aquatic animal without gills


* How does a sea animal like a dolphin survive in water without gills?

* What is camouflage?
N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-15 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch - 12 Electricity and Circuits

1. MCQ

What is used in torches?

a. dry cell b. secondary cell c. generator d. fuse.

What is dry cell?

a. a solar cell b. a storage equipment

c. a simple cell d. a device to maker or break a circuit

What is used in making or breaking a circuit?

a. plug b. battery c. wire d switch

Which of the following is not a component of a circuit?

a. battery b. wires c. key d. filament

Which of the following are source of electric current?

a. solar panel and storage cell b. switch and wires

c. wires and clips d. glass beaker and switch

2. Correct the wrong statements:

Electric current can flow through plastic.

Switches are made up of conductors.

When an electric circuit is closed, no current flows through it.

The supporting wires break in a fused bulb.

The electric current flows from the negative terminal to positive terminal of the cell.

3. Classify the following into conductors or insulators

Silver f) Graphite

Air g) Aluminium

Glass h) Copper

Cardboard i) Wood

4. Name the coiled wire in an electric bulb which glow and give light.

5. What kind of Metals are used to make electric wires.

6. Name one non-metal which is a conductor of electricity.

7. Name the particles of which atom composed?

8. Name device which converts chemical energy to electrical energy.

9. Can the current supplied by a dry cell give you an electric shock?

10. Why are only solar cells used as a source of power in satellites?


• Discuss some safety measures adopted while handling the electric equipment.

• What alternative devices can we use if there is sudden breakdown in electric supply?

• Draw a labelled diagram of a torch bulb.

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Class-VI Assignment No-16 Session: 2020-21

Science Ch – 8 Body Movements

Q1) Fill in the blanks:

1. Only movable joint of the skull__________________.

2. Longest bone of the body____________________.

3. Type of the joint present in the neck region_____________________.

4. Tissue which covers the ends of the bones______________________.

5. Substance present in the hollow of the bones__________________.

6. Name of the joint in the hip region__________________.

7. Name of the joint in the knee_______________.

8. Joint between vertebrates of our vertebral column is ___________.

9. Animal with exoskeleton______________.

10. Framework of bones in our body_______________________.


1. Which of the animal without a backbone

a) cockroach b) fish c) frog d) bird

2 Movement in fish is brought about by

a) fins b) feathers c) scales d) all of these

3. The organs for locomotion in an earthworm are

a) segments b) slime c) muscles d) setae

4. The bone at joints held together by

a) cartilage b) ligaments c) muscles d) tendons

5. The joint at the elbow is the _____________ Joint.

a) Pivot b) hinge c) ball and socket d) gliding

6. Which among the following has no bones?

a) spider b) shark c) snail. d) all

Q3) Identify the type of joint that is being used in the action for carrying out the following activities

a. lifting a bucket

b. kicking a football

c. Nodding to say yes

d. swinging a ball while playing cricket

e. squeezing a ball with the hand

Give Brief Answers

Q4) Give few examples of animals/things having streamlined body shape.

Q5) Name the group of muscles you use to lower your arm?

Q6) Worms do not have bones. True or false?

Q7) The movements of some parts of your body are not within your control. Can you name two such

Q8) What kind of skeleton does a cockroach have?

Q9) A child has more bones than an adult. True or false?

Q10) What is the name given to animals with backbone?


Can the movement from one place to another and change in position of a part of the body be used to
distinguish locomotion and movement?

How is vertebral column formed?

How many legs does a cockroach have?

Why is the upper part of our ear not soft as the ear lobe?

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