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Penguin Readers Answer Key level

Detective Work INTERMEDIATE 4

Detective Work ■ Student’s activities Chapter 3

Activities before reading the book. 1 (a) Cora saw the dark TV screen at 1 1
Answers to Book activities 1 This is a difficult question. First, the words o’clock.
from the book at the beginning (’the Chief (b) Derek asked Linda to go out with him at
1 Open answer Inspector looked ... Is the thief one of us?’) about eleven o’clock.
2 a attendant, curator, pirate show that the story is told in the first person. (c) Mr Balfour was going to return at 12
b wax dummy For example, there are the words ‘us’and o’clock.
c cell ‘we’. Second, the part which follows (’When (d) People could leave the building until ten
d necklace Paul gets ... to prove he is right.’) is mainly past eleven.
e treasure chest about Paul. So Paul must be telling the story. (e) Anna came back with coffee just before
f insure 2 (a) The Gilbertson family (ii) have lent a 11 o’clock.
g screen necklace to the museum. 2 (a) Paul is glad that the policewomen
3 a display (b) Roger Fox (v) is the museum guard. doesn’t recognise him because (v)
b security (c) Linda (i) works as a secretary at the there’s something she knows about him.
4 The necklace belonged to the Gilbertson museum. (b) Paul is suspicious about Anna because
family for over one hundred years. It was (d) The police think that Paul (iv) might be (iii) she went to the coffee machine just
made in France and was believed to have the thief. before the alarm went off.
belonged to Marie Antoinette. (e) Anna Wain (iii) is going to work with Paul (c) Paul becomes nervous because (ii) the
5 One hundred thousand pounds at the museum. Chief Inspector makes it seem as if he
6 Because it is locked in a glass case and took the necklace.
Activities while reading the book. (d) Inspector Todd is tired because (iv) he
there is a security camera in the room.
7 He owns a number of jewellery shops. Chapter 1 has been working all night.
8 Roger Fox 1 (i) that no one can steal the necklace. (e) Inspector Todd is sure that the thief has
9 Open answer (ii) that there are no criminals in the left the museum with the necklace
10 a at the ticket desk museum. because (iv) there were ten minutes
b in Mr Balfour’s office 2 (a) Mr Balfour - (v) the museum curator before the doors were locked.
c in the entrance room (b) Derek Halliday - (ii) a museum attendant (f) Inspector Todd makes a big mistake
11 He sees that the fake jewels in the pirate’s (c) Linda Jones - (iv) works in the office because (i) he stops looking at the
treasure chest have been moved. (d) Cora Turner - (iii) takes the money from displays.
a gamble b alibi c suspect d saw the visitors Chapter 4
13 Because he needs money for his business. (e) Patrick Yardley - (i) a businessman
14 She was in the Ladies room at the time of (a)(part of) the wall at the back of the pirate
3 (a) Paul is going to work in the new part of
the theft. display
the museum.
15 Because it is the same newspaper that was (b)Anna
(b) The Gilbertson necklace is over a
put over the security camera, The Daily (c) the thief
hundred years old.
Chronicle. (d)the police
(c) Mrs Gilbertson has lent the necklace to
16 Because he started at the museum two (e)the treasure chest
the museum.
weeks before the necklace was stolen and it (f) the jewels in the treasure chest
(d) The necklace is in the old part of the
was the first thing that had ever been stolen. museum. Chapter 5
17 Open answer (e) There are no security cameras in the
(a)Because he thinks that the police already
18 That his motor bike wasn’t insured. new part of the museum./There are
suspect him.
19 He asked Linda what time Mr Balfour was security cameras in the old part of the
(b)1 Because it was not easy to see the
coming back but he already knew. museum.
necklace under the other jewellery; 2
20 Because his fingerprints are on it. (f) Mr Yardley owns several jewellery shops
because there was no security camera in the
21 Open answers called ‘Jane’s jewellery’.
22 a Anna b Mrs Morgan c Derek Halliday (g) Mr Yardley’s business is going badly.
(c) 1 Because he was in the other room using
d Paul
the saw; 2 Anna was out of the room getting
23–28 Open answers Chapter 2
her coffee.
1 (a) Roger went to the big room at the front of
(d)1 Because she had the opportunity to steal
the building. – 5
the necklace while she got the coffee; 2 she
(b) The police arrived. – 8
Answers to Factsheet activities had the opportunity to hide the necklace
(c) Cora returned from the ladies room. – 2
because Paul was in the other room; 3 she
■ Communicative activities (d) Roger took Cora’s place selling
told Paul not to paint the wall behind the
tickets. – 1
Open answers for all activities pirate display; 4 she stopped the Inspector
(e) Anna, Paul and Roger saw that the
Chapters 5-6: answers to add to table in from looking carefully at the displays.
necklace had gone. – 6
Chapter 6 exercise in Student’s activities: (e)He needed money.
(f) Roger rang the security alarm. – 4
(f) Yes, because no one saw him coming up the
(g) Cora noticed that the security camera
stairs. He also usually carried a newspaper.
name alibi motive opportunity was dark. – 3
(g)1 Because he doesn’t want the police to
or evidence (h) Roger Fox locked the doors of the
think he is the thief; 2 because the thief will
Mr Balfour out ? ? museum. – 7
probably move the necklace soon.
2 Open answer
Mr Yardley *?
Chapter 6
Anna *?
Suggested answer.
Cora *?
Ian Maxton *?
Linda with Derek
Derek Halliday with Linda
Roger Fox at the ticket

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Penguin Readers Answer Key
Detective Work
(c) 5 Mr Balfour Answer
name motive opportunity or evidence
(d)3 Inspector Todd Derek Halliday was my gardener. I knew he
(e)1 Mr Balfour was not an honest person so he would do
Mr needs money He had the opportunity to (f) 4 Mr Balfour what I wanted. No one knows I’m not
Yardley for his business steal the necklace rich/poor. I thought if my necklace was
because no one saw him Chapter 9
stolen I could get the insurance money and
coming up the stairs. 1 Suggested answer get my necklace back. Halliday telephoned
During the afternoon: cut the pieces of me to say that the pirate display was going
wood under the pirate display to be moved. He wanted more money
Anna ? She had the opportunity to
5.00 p.m.: show Anna the pieces of because he was going to take the necklace
hide the necklace
wood. Say I’ll have to fix it tomorrow. from the museum. I decided to kill him
because Paul was in the
Between 5-5.30 p.m.: tell everyone because I thought he would ask me for
other room; She told Paul
about the pirate display, Also Mr more and more money.
not to paint the wall
Yardley. But not Mr Balfour Activities after reading the book.
behind the pirate display;
5.30: leave the museum. The title of the book is quite clever because
She stopped the Inspector
Between 5.30-6.30 p.m.: Phone mother. we often use detective work as an idiom.
from looking carefully a t
Go to a café. Check in your dictionary for the meaning of
the displays.She knew Mr
6.30 p.m.: Go back to the museum. Ask the word idiom if you do not know it. Then
Balfour was out.
Mrs Morgan to let me in. Pretend to look in a good dictionary to see how to use
Cora needs money She had the opportunity to collect a library book. the idiom detective work. Also, Paul’s job
quickly for her steal the necklace when After 6.30 p.m.: Wipe my finger prints turns out to include some detective work.
brother who she went to the ladies; off the necklace. Find somewhere to
gambles. Shek new Roger would hide. Wait for thief.
not be watching the TV 2 Open answer
screens because he would Chapter 10
be busy; She knew Mr
Balfour would not be 1 There are several reasons: First, he is
watching the TV screens already wondering why Derek asked
because he would be out Linda when Mr Balfour would be back
until 12 pm. when Derek already knew the answer.
Then Mrs Morgan tells him that the
might need clock in the office had been ten minutes
Ian He looked at the pirate
money because fast. This suggests two things: one,
Maxton display the other day; He
he had a motor Derek did this so that Linda would think
reads the Daily Chronicle.
accident it was 11 o’clock. Then she would say
Derek had been with her at 11 o’clock
Linda ? She knew Mr Balfour when the theft happened. The second
? would not be watching the thing is that the extra 10 minutes would
? TV screens because he give Derek time to steal the necklace.
would be out until 12 pm. Thirdly, it wasn’t Roger, Mr Balfour and
Mrs Morgan who had come into the
Derek He knew Mr Balfour would
museum through the window because
Halliday not be watching the TV
they had keys. Fourthly, the thief knows
screens because he would
where to switch off the burglar alarm.
be out until 12 pm.
Finally, Paul recognises the laugh.
Roger He knew Mr Balfour would 2 Suggested answers:
Fox not be watching the TV (a) The thief didn’t see Paul in the room
screens because he would because he looked just like a wax
be out until 12 pm. dummy.
(b) Derek stole the necklace because
someone paid him to steal it.
(c) Paul switched off the light because
he thought the hooded person was
Chapter 7
going to shoot Derek again.
Anna apologises to Paul for her bad mood (d) The woman walked into the prison
yesterday. Paul finds that the thief has still cell because it was dark and she
not returned for the necklace. Anna tells didn’t know where things were in the
Paul that Ian Maxton will have to pay two room.
thousand pounds for his motorbike 3 Open answer.
accident. Paul talks to Derek in the café at
lunchtime. Paul remembers that Linda said Chapter 11
Derek had asked what time Mr Balfour was Mistakes are in bold:
coming back. But the problem is that Derek Derek Halliday was my cook. I knew he
already knew the answer because he had was a brave person so he would do what I
been talking to Cora and Roger when Mr wanted. Everyone knows I’m rich. I thought
Balfour left the museum in the morning. if my necklace was found I could get the
Paul wonders whether Linda and Derek insurance money and get my necklace
have both been telling lies. back. Halliday visited me to say that the
prison display was going to be destroyed.
Chapter 8
He wanted more money because he was
(a) 6 Anna going to go away. I decided to help him
(b)2 Paul because I thought he would ask me for the

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