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Course Learning Outcomes

Skills ID 353 ID 252

1- Recognize the technical aspects of interior design, building system technology,
internal structures, and components.

2- Describe the role of construction technologies in realizing the designer’s idea for
1-Recognize correct application of details in a design project.
an architectural space.
2-Define solutions and techniques of interior construction.
3- Define the technical aspects of interior design, building system technology,
internal structures/components and spaces.

4- Draw the details of construction, building systems technology & internal

5- Draw correct working drawings, (plan, sections, interior elevations, stairs,
Skills window, doors detailing)

3-Demonstrate detailed solutions in projects to further design 6- Illustrate the awareness of the origins and intent of laws, codes, and standards in
intent. working drawings.

4-Illustrate the use of a project-specific visual design vocabulary 7- Demonstrate the materials and products used in construction and Interior
in developing space. Design.
5-Illustrate accurate technical drawings and quality verbal

6-Produce clear documentation of construction detailing.

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