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Bagrodia Public School

Class VI Assignment No. – 3 Session: 2020-21
Science Ch – 3 (Fibre to Fabric)

Ans.1 Many layers of cotton will trap more air in between them and as air is poor conductor of
heat, many layers will not allow heat to escape from body and will keep us warm.

Ans.2 A. (a)
B. (a)
C. (b)
D. (b)
E. (c)
F. (a) Cotton
(b) Silk
(c) Wool
(d) Nylon

Ans.3 Cotton crop is best grown in moderate to light rainfall (60-100 cm).

Ans.4 Jute grows best in Sunderban areas due to following reasons:

(i) Those areas provide sufficient amount of warmth, humidity and plenty of rainfall
to jute crop.
(ii) Jute requires alluvial soil with silt which is provided by Sunderbans in good

Ans.5 This is because the process of extracting the silk from the cocoon requires boiling them
and this practice kills the larvae in a very cruel way.

Ans.6 A spinneret is used to make nylon but not needed to make cotton or wool fibres
because wool and cotton are natural fibre and are obtained in the fibrous form naturally
but nylon is a synthetic fibre. So, it is used to make long threads of nylon.

Ans.7 Use of jute and cotton bags is being encouraged because:

(i) Jute and cotton bags are reusable and reduce the amount of waste generated.
(ii) They are biodegradable unlike polythene bags. These bags do not spread land
pollution by remaining there for a long time.
Ans.8 Nomax is worn by astronauts and firefighters as clothing material because this material
is heat resistant, strong and poor conductor of electricity.

• Yes, paper is also made up of plant as it requires moist fibres of cellulose pulp to be
made which we get from wood, rags or grasses.
• Two mixed fibres are: Polywool (mixture of polyester and wool) and terrycot (mixture of
terylene and cotton).
• We can check the purity of wool by burn test. When we burn a strand of yarn, if it has a
chemical smell and melts rather than turning into ash, it is acrylic. Otherwise, if it smells
like burned hair and turns to ash, it is pure wool.

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