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Por: Jhonier Hernandez Beleño.

Grade: 8-3

Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple of the verb in brackets: Complete los
espacios con los verbos que están en paréntesis teniendo en cuenta el presente

The students _____ (describe) their homes easily. The Students describe their homes

Tom ____ (collect) stamps. Tom collects stamps.

I normally ____ (talk) to John on the phone. I normally talk to John on the phone.

We _____ (admire) our grandmother. We admire our grandmother.

Fill in do not or does not: Complete con “do not” o “does not”.

You …………do karate. You do not do karate.

Mario……………learn Spanish at school. Mario does not learn Spanish at


They…………eat apples. They do not eat apples.

Write Do or Does: Escriba “Do” o “Does”

___ they go to the zoo on Sundays? Do they go to the zoo on Sundays?

___ Luis like to draw animals? Does Luis like to draw animals?

___ I drive my car well? Do I drive my car well?

Write Affirmative, Negatives and Interrogatives as in the example. Add “S” or

“ES” when you need it: Escriba oraciones negativas y preguntas como el ejemplo.
Agregue “s” o “es” cuando lo necesite.

Aff. He works in a coffee shop.

Neg. He does not work in a coffee shop.

Ques. Does He works in a coffee shop?

They – watch

Aff. They watch the magic show.

Neg. They do not watch the magic show.

Ques. Do they watch the magic show?

Yaneris – go

Aff. Yaneris goes to the bus.

Neg. Yaneris does not go to the bus.

Ques. Does Yaneris go to the bus?

You – read

Aff. You read the journal.

Neg. You do not read the journal.

Ques. Do you read the journal?

We – wáter

Aff. We drink water.

Neg. We do not drink water.

Ques. Do we drink water?

Miguel – cry

Aff. Miguel cries too much.

Neg. Miguel does not cries.

Ques. Does Miguel cries?

Translate the following activities : Traduzca las siguientes actividades. (haga esta
traducción en otra hoja)

1. archery= Arqueria

2. swimming= Natacion

3. baseball= Beisbol

4. basketball= Baloncesto

5. boxing= Boxeo

6. surfing= Sorfear

7. chess= Ajedrez

8. camping= camping

9. cycling= Ciclismo

10. judo= Judo

11. diving= Buceo

12. football= Futbol

13. golf= Golf

14. hockey= Hockey

15. horse riding= Equitacion

16. athletics= Atletismo

17. karate= Karate

18. ping pong= Ping Pong

19. roller skating= Patinaje de rodillo

20. rugby= Rugby

21. skating= Patinaje

22. aerobics= Aerobicos

23. dancing= Danza

24. fishing= Pesca

25. tennis= Tenis

26. volleyball= Voleibol

27. weightlifting= Ponderacion

Complete the chart with sports you have above. Complete el cuadro con los
deportes del punto anterior. (Si no le cabe toda la información en este pequeño
cuadro, haga otro, por favor.)

Play Go Do
Golf Cycling Judo
Basketball Swimming archery
baseball surfing Hockey
Football boxing chess
ping pong camping athletics
Rugby Diving Karat
Tennis horse riding aerobic
Volleyball roller skating

Group the sports into the following categories: Organice en grupos las actividades
anteriores teniendo en cuenta las categorías:

Sport Team Pair Individual Sports Outdoor Indoor

Sports Sports Sport playing sports sports
with a

Archery X X
Swimming X X X
baseball X X X
Basketball X X X X
Boxing X X X
Surfing X X
Chess X X X X X
Camping X X X
Cycling X X X X
Judo X X X
Diving X X
Football X X X X
Golf X X X X
Hockey X X X
Horse X X X X X
Athletics X X X X X
Karate X X
Ping Pong X X
Roller X X X X X
Rugby X X X
Skating X X X X X
Aerobics X X X X X
Dancing X X X X X
Fishing X X X
Tennis X X X X
Valleyball X X X X
Weightliftin X X X X X

Read and translate the following texts: Lea y traduzca los siguientes textos:

Hello! My name is Sylvie. I am 13 years old. I am from Barranquilla. I like tennis. The
objective of this sport is to hit a ball over a net landing and the result is that your
opponent being unable to return the ball. I play tennis with my sister.


¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sylvie. Tengo 13 años. Soy de Barranquilla. Me gusta el tenis. El

objetivo de este deporte es para golpear una pelota sobre un aterrizaje neto y el
resultado es que su oponente no es capaz de devolver el balón. Juego de tenis con mi

Hello! My name is Michael. I am 9 years old. I am from Cienaga. I hate archery. The
objective of this sport is to shoot the target with an arrow. I do not like archery because
I do not have an excellent aim.

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Michael. Tengo 9 años. Soy de Ciénaga. Odio el tiro con arco. El
objetivo de este deporte es disparar al blanco con una flecha. No me gusta el tiro con
arco porque no tengo un objetivo excelente.

Write two paragraphs related to sports. In the first, you express what you like; in
the second, what you hate. Escriba dos párrafos propios relacionados con deportes.
En el primero, exprese el deporte que le gusta. En el segundo, el que odia.

Hi, my name is Jhonier. I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Santa Marta. I love playing
baseball. the aim of this sport is to beat the ball very hard so that the runners can pass
all the bases. Also this sport is very good for physical exercise.

However, I don't like chess. I feel that I have no clear objective and I think it is a very
slow game in which you have to imagine many strategies, I do not give emotion. In
short, I do not understand the game for more than I have seen videos on him.

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