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Sample Recommendation Letters

Many times, especially in terms of the “outside” recommendation writers, the individuals
might ask what should be included in the letter. Students could give the person this sample.
In addition, some recommenders would like to have Miss Hoyt review their letters before
we submit them. She would be very happy to do this: the person could just e-mail the letter
to her at:

 A business form letter: everything on the left hand side of the margin
 No indentations – just space between paragraph’s
 Usually 12 font
 Written on the recommender’s letterhead (if he/she has this)


To Whom It May Concern (or Dear Undergraduate Admissions Officer):

First paragraph should include information such as: the student’s full name, that the
writer is recommending him/her for consideration in acceptance as a freshmen, how long
the recommender has known the student, and under what circumstances (employee, coach,
neighbor, priest/minister, community service supervisor, etc.)

Second paragraph should include such information as: the personal characteristics the
recommender sees in the student and examples of how this has been shown, any special
talents the student exhibits

Third paragraph should include why the recommender feels the student would be a good
candidate for college acceptance/what the student could bring to the college community,
etc. (If the recommender wishes, he/she could add that the admissions officers could
contact him/her for further questions –and give the recommender’s e-mail address) – that
the recommender (adjective – such as highly, very strongly, enthusiastically, etc.)
recommends (put in the student’s full name again)


Signature in Cursive/black ink

Typed Name

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