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Time-Trial: Specialisation in a smooth and regular race against the clock.

Climber: specialisation on steep slopes, ascending and descending.

Puncher: favouring hills, ability for short accelerations and forming breakaways.
Northern classics: specialisation in races on flat but demanding cobbled roads.
Baroudeur: specialisation in early accelerations and breakaways, keeping the
peloton at distance.
Stage Races: Specialisation in multi-day races, especially time trials.
Sprinter: specialisation in intense bursts of acceleration for intermediate or end
of race sprints.

Each rider can be rated according to the following attributes:

FLA Flat: speed on flat terrain.

MON Mountain: capacity for intense, long-term effort on ascending terrain.
HIL Hills: capacity for intense, short-term effort on short inclines.
TTR Time-Trial: speed in a race against the clock. (20kms and +)
PRL Prologue: speed in short time-trials (-20kms).
COB Cobblestones: speed on rough cobblestones roads.
SPR Sprint: speed at maximum power (final sprint to the line).
ACC Acceleration: speed for changing pace (sprints or attacks).
DHI Downhill: speed on descending terrain.
BAR Baroudeur: combative temperament of the rider. Skill in creating breakaways or
in riding alone.
STA Stamina: energetic potential for long distance effort.
RES Resistance: energetic potential for intense effort.
REC Recovery: potential for recovery between two stages from effort expended.

Heat rate <140 recover energy

140<160 maintain energy
>160 lose energy
Exceptional Rating at 125%

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