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Historical Background of the Philippine Democratic Politics


Philippine travelled the long road of evolution from barangay of pre-Hispanic time to the present form
of government under 1987 constitution.

We already have government and civilization before being colonized by the Spaniards. Spaniards
introduces central government which awakened the Filipinos sensed of nationhood. The abuse of the
colonizers prompted initially calls reform of government thru revolution uniting many Filipinos
throughout the archipelago. American colonizers introduces democratic practices of the west. Left in
their own Filipino had the bumpy road to the democratic politics beginning with the third republic of

Ancient Filipinos and their government;

200,000 to 300,000 years ago, Philippines and other islands of southeast Asia may have been sites of
human evolution and had already a civilization and its own system of government.

No central government. Instead governance came from barangay scattered throughout the islands
which is independent to other barangay. Ruled by the Datu ( Chieftain) and exclusively wielded
executive, legislative and judicial powers. Supreme commander during war time, assisted by council of
elders (maginoos) as lawmaker and which advised him during administration of justice.

Datu as legislator:

When datu want to enact law, he will consult the maginoos .If the proposal was s approved then he will
call the barangay announcer (crier) called the Umalohocan to announce the approved law.

Datu as judiciary or judge.

Datu as judge while maginoos as members of the jury. In this respect Filipinos pioneered the jury
system. Ancient Filipinos use trial by ordeal determining who among the contending parties was lying
and telling the truth.

The Philippine under Spanish Rule:

After Magellan expedition, the Philippines was administered by the council of the indies. The king of
Spain use royal decrees and orders appointing the Spanish officials in the Philippines. In 1863 Philippines
was under the jurisdiction of Ministry of the colonies or overseas ministry ( Ministry de Ultramar).
The National Government, Head and Branches:

The Spaniards establish a highly centralized government, was so powerful that it controlled almost every
aspect of governance. It was headed by a Governor-General appointed by king of Spain as his official
representative of the colony. Governor-general can appoint minor officials in the government including
parish priests. He was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

There were only two branches of the government. Executive and Judiciary. No legislative because laws
was already crafted by the Spaniards in Spain.

The King of Spain has the power to issue Royal Decrees or orders. The Governor general however has
the power to issue superior decrees or order with the force of law.

The Governor general had the power of cumplase or the right of the governor to refuse to implement a
royal decrees or order of the king of spain if the order or decree would not be beneficial to the
administration of the country. The judicial power of the government were vested in the royal audencia
(the highest court of the land with the power to audit the finances of the government) and the lower

The Local government :

Provincial government was headed by a governor or alcalde mayor who was appointed by the governor-

Municipal Government was headed by gobernadorcillo or captain municipal who was chosen by thirteen

Barangay was headed by cabeza. maintain peace and order and collect taxes in the barangay

City or Ayuntamiento served as the center of social, commercial and religious and cultural life.

Revolts against the Spanish rule:

Spaniards implemented oppressive policies in governing the Philippines. As results local revolts in many
parts of the country not because of nationalism but because they wanted to regain their freedom.
Bonifacio and his men fought Spaniards forces which were vastly superior in weapon and numbers.
Revolts failed because of Spaniards more advance weapon and even use native volunteer and
mercenaries. Lastly Spaniard gave the local chieftains government positions in the government and
granted privileges.

On the account of the abuses of the government and the lack of participation of the Filipinos began the
peaceful campaign in 1872 called the propaganda movement. The most famous of these reformist was
Jose P. Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jeana, And Marcelo H Del pilar.

After the failure of the propaganda movement, Andress Bonifacio founded KKK to secure the
independence and freedom of the country from spain.

The discovery of the katipunan by the Spaniards authorities on august 19,1896 marked the outbreak of
the 1896 revoulution.Many of the Filipinos suspected to be members of the katipunan were
captured,tutured and persecuted.The revolution spread to provinces in Luzon. In response, the
Governor-General placed under martial Law the first eight provinces of Luzon.
Cavite,manila,Laguna,batangas,Bulacan,papanga,tarlac, and the nueva ecija..

The reaign of terror continued with the colonial goverments policy of repression.Suspected members of
the Katipunan were punished and without trial. In other places, Spaniards massacred innocent people.

In the morning of December 10,1896, Rizal was executed for his alleged connection with the katipunans
attempt to topple the government. This event angered the Filipinos and further emboldened them to
fight for the country and its independence.

The Tejeros Convention and Naic Military Agreement:

Under the leadership of Aguinaldo Filipino won every battle in cavite. Katiponeros were devide in to two
groups. MAGDALO group headed by Aguinaldos cousin and MAGDIWANG group headed by Bonifacios
uncle. Owing to the success of Aguinaldo in battle,Magdalo regarded him as General Miong and
demanded to lead the Katipunan but Magdiwang group did not accept this beacause they had accepted
Andress Bonifacio was their supreme leader although he is not a skillfull general. The rift worsened
whene in a meeting held on March 22,1897 the Katipuneros decided to form a new government(Tejeros
Convention). Aquinaldo was elected as the President, while Aguinaldo was elected as Director of Interior
Bonifacios educational attainment was questioned which prompted the election was void..On the next
day Bonifacio and his men signed the Acta de tejeros convention nullifying the results of tejeros
convention. Bonifacio also signed a document known as the Naic Military Agreement stating the a new
form of government will be stablished.

Execution of Bonifacio:

Upon the orders of Aguinaldo, A group of katipuneros were sent to persuade Bonifacion to persuade
Bonifacio to recognized the Tejeros Convention. Bonifacio was captured for and was tried for treason.
Sentenced and shot to death but commuted by Aguinaldo into the Penalty of Banishment. But because
of the Generals who hated Bonifacio, they conviced Aguinaldo to withdraw the commutation order.On
may 10,1897 Bonifacio and his brother were executed.

The Biak-na-Bato Republic and the Truce of Biak-na-Bato

Aguinaldo first established the first republican government, but later entered into the agreement
(Truce) with the Spaniards whereby he and his men would go into exile in honking in exchange of
P.800,000.000.Truce fell because of the one Filipino military leader , Gen Francisco Makabulos of tarlac
which has an independent government. Armed clashes between government and Spaniard followed.
The Spanish American War:

American Battleship USS Maine was blown by Spaniards at Havana cuba.On April 25,1898, US congress
formally declared war on spain. Soon After American fleet proceeded to manila bay, on may 1,1898
Americans Spanish might was on the wane. The US a new world power was eager to spread its wings to

The return of Aguinaldo.

Convinced the American has no interest to colonized the Philippines, Aguinaldo agreed to return in the
Philippines and continue the struggle against the Spaniards. By June 1898, The entire Luzon was already
in the hands of the Filipino rebel. On June 12,Philippine independence was signed in kawit cavite. In the
wake of battlefield success the American and Spaniards entered into agreement and staged a battle to
make Filipino rebels believed that Spaniards surrendered to Americans.( The mock battle of Manila)

The Dictatorial and revolutionary form of government:

Aguinaldo established a dictatorial government called wherein chief of state was called the dictator.
Upon the advised of apolinario mabini Aguinaldo change the government into a revolutionary
government where the head of state is called the president.

Initially it has a four departments the increase into six..

The First Philippine Republic and the Malolos Constitution:

The Malolos Constitution established the government intended to be popular, representative and
responsible. Unlike to Spanish Rule it is now divided into three branches. Executive, Legislative and
Judiciary. President was elected by unicameral assembly which took place of the congress. Dept.
secretaries were responsible to the assembly.

The First Philippine Republic was inaugurated on January 23,1899 with Aguinaldo as the President.
The Treaty of Paris:

Dec 10,1898 Spanish and American peace signed the treaty of Paris wherein Spain turned over the
Philippines to the US the sum of $20,000,000.00 as payment for the improvement made by spain in the
Philippines. Us granted Spain the right to export commodities to the Philippines for ten years same with
the US. The treaty was not immediately ratified because majority in the US believed that it was unfair to
the Filipinos. But when the Filipino-American War broke out, the imperialist propaganda machine
convinced the majority in the US to ratify the treaty by blaming the start of the hostilities to the

The Filipino American War /American Colonial Rule;

After the defeat of the Filipinos, the Philippines was administered by the President of the US through the
Military by a Military Governor that had a Vast authority which included the Executive ‘ Legislative and
Judiciary. One of its duties is to pacify provinces which refused to recognize the authority of the US.

The US sent to the the Philippines the Shurman Commision to investigate the country and give
recommendation. There after it recommended that US enforce sovereignty to the Philippines.

The US sent again the second commission the Taft Commission and was task to establish a civil
government in the Philippines in the Philippines and train the Philippines in self governance.

In March 1902 the US congress passed the army Appropriation act which authorizes the president to
established a civil government which then inaugurated on July 4 1901.

July 1 1902,The Philippine bill of 1902 was enacted by the congress, that provides the bill of rights of the

The first Philipine assembly.

First Philippine assembly was achieved under the Philippine bill of 1902. As law making body composed
of Filipinos, Philippine Assembly become the lower house. On the other hand Philippine commission was
the upper house. Through this Philippine assembly, Filipinos were able participate in making the laws of
the country..
The Jones Law of 1916

Signalled that American would fulfil their promise to help the Philippines attain independence as soon as
the government was in place and stable. The government under this has the three branches of the
government headed by the Governor General. The law abolish the Philippine commission. And establish
the Philippine Senate which became the Upper House and the legislative branch and the Philippine
assembly became the Lover house. The law also provide the bill of rights.

The 1971 constitutional convention, Declaration of martial law, and 1973 constitution

Several Groups called the replacement of the 1935 constitution which they criticized as product of US
dictation. In 1971 Constitutional convention started framing a new constitution. June 1971 , the
ConCom started framing a new constitution.

Sept 21,1972, President Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081 declaring martial Law in the Philippines.
With this Marcos as the president Assumed the executive, Legislative and Judicial power. Military court
took place regular courts. Marcos orchestrated the adoption of the 1973 constitution and introduced
several amendments such as extension of term of office of the President until martial law has been lifted
and grant emergency legislative powers to the president. Because of this Marcos ruled the country as
dictator. Marcos lifted martial law on Jan 17,1981.

The assassination of Senator Benigno Aquino on August 21 1972 intensified the clamour of the people
for the restoration of democracy.

The 1986 Snap election and the people power of edsa revolution;

Towards the end of Marcos term as president, protest and rallies called parliament of the streets
erupted in manila. This prompted US to pressure Marcos for an early election. He won the election but
the widow of Benigno ( Corazon Aquino) claimed victory and accused Marcos of electoral fraud. This
events led people to People power revolution at EDSA on Feb 25,1986 which brought end of the term of
Marcos and prompted his exile in the US.

The 1987 Constitution:

When Corazon Aquino ascended the Presidency after EDSA Revolution, She refused to abide the 1973
Constitution. She then proclaimed the provisional constitution called “ Freedom Constitution” on March
25,1986. This requires the creation of Constitutional Commission and drafted the 1986 constitution
where the people ratified .This is now our present constitution. This restored the independence of the
three branches of the government, bill of rights and to further institute the check and balance in the

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