Taeng Chacha!with Chart

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Frequency Percentage

Excellent 14 23%

Very Satisfactory 27 46%

Ave. Satisfactory 17 23%

Satisfactory 2 3%

TOTAL 60 100%

TABLE and Graph 1.1 Speaker

3% Excellent



Based on the table above it can be inferred that 23% or 14 of the total respondent
viewed the speaker as an excellent one 46% of the audience or 27 audiences rated the Speaker
as very satisfactory, 23% or 17 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 14 audiences
or 24% rated her as excellent, 3% or 2 audience rated her as minor satisfactory and 0 audience
rated her as unsatisfactory.
TABLE 1.2 Program

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 30 50%

Very Satisfactory 27 45%

Ave. Satisfactory 3 5%

Satisfactory 0 0%

TOTAL 60 100%

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 45% of the audience or 27 audiences
rated the Program as very satisfactory,5% or 3 audiences rated the speaker average
satisfactory, 30 audiences or 50% rated it as excellent, 0 audiences rated it as minor
satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory.
TABLE 1.3 Objective has met

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 20 33%

Very Satisfactory 28 47%

Ave. Satisfactory 10 17%

Satisfactory 2 3%

TOTAL 60 100%
Frequency Percentage
Based on the table above it can be
inferred that 47% of the audience or 28
Excellent 33 55% audiences rated the Objective as very
satisfactory, 17% or 10 audiences rated
the speaker average satisfactory, 20
Very 17 28% audiences or 33% rated as excellent, 3%
Satisfactory or 2 audiences rated as minor
Ave. 7 12% satisfactory and 0 audience rated as
Satisfactory unsatisfactory.

Satisfactory 3 5%

TOTAL 60 100%

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 28% of the audience or 17 audiences rated the speaker as very
12% or 7 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 33 audiences or 55% rated it as excellent,
5% or 3 audiences rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory

Very Satisfactory
Ave. Satifactory

TABLE 1.5 Registration

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 30% of the audience or 18 audiences rated the Registration as very satisfactory,
8% or 5 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 36 audiences or 60% rated it as excellent,
2% or 1 audience rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 36
27 60%

Very 18
22 30%

Ave. 5
11 8%

Satisfactory 1
0 2%

TOTAL 60 100%

Very Satisfactory
Ave. Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Ave. Satisfactory

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 37% of the audience or 22 audiences rated the Evaluation Sheet as very
satisfactory, 18% or 11 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 27 audiences or 45% rated it as excellent,
0 audience rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory

TABLE 1.7 Stage Decoration

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 45 75%

Very 13 22%

Ave. 2 3%

Satisfactory 0 0%

TOTAL 60 100%

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 22% of the audience or 13 audiences rated the Stage Decorations as very
satisfactory, 3% or 2 audiences rated the Stage Decorations average satisfactory, 45 audiences or 75% rated it as excellent,
0 audience rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory

TABLE 1.8 Equipment

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 25 41%

Very 28 47%

Ave. 7 12%

Satisfactory 0 0%

TOTAL 60 100%

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 47% of the audience or 28 audiences rated the Equipment as very satisfactory,
12% or 8 audiences rated the Equipment average satisfactory, 25 audiences or 41% rated it as excellent,
0 audience rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory

TABLE 1.9 Sound System

Frequency Percentage

Excellent 14 23%

Very 24 40%

Ave. 19 32%

Satisfactory 3 5%

60 5%
100% 33%

3% Excellent
Excellent Excellent Excelent
50% Very Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory Very Satisfactory
Average Satisfactory
45% Avg. Satisfactory
Ave. Satisfactory Ave. Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
Avg. Satisfactory
Average Satisfactory



Based on the table above it can be inferred that 40% of the audience or 24 audiences rated the Sound System as very satisfactory,
32% or 19 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 14 audiences or 23% rated it as excellent,
5% or 3 audience rated it as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated it as unsatisfactory
Frequency Percentage

Excellent 23 38%
TABLE 1.10 Hospitality
Very 27 45%

Ave. 10 17%

Satisfactory 0 0%

TOTAL 60 100%

Based on the table above it can be inferred that 48% of the audience or 27 audiences rated the speaker as very satisfactory,
20% or 17 audiences rated the speaker average satisfactory, 14 audiences or 24% rated her as excellent,
3% or 2 audience rated her as minor satisfactory and 0 audience rated her as unsatisfactory

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