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D~partment of Justice
Dn.lg Enforcement Administration


TFO Monique Doll
5. By:
At Anchorage DO o
o 8, Date Prepared
o 01/22/09
9. Other Officers: Detective Alvin Ken.'1edy

10, Report Re: Interview with REID on 01-16-2009


On 01-16-20.09 at appro:ximate1y 1700 hours, 'TFO Monique Doll

belonged to him, save the Dodge Magnum
Station Wagon. Multiple items from the vehicles were seized were
returned to REID.


1. Det. Kennedy showed REID a photograph of to see

if REID identified . . . . . . . as the indivi
Washington who was ~ng REID with cocaine. to
i d e n t i f y _ REID stated he knew only . obtained the
cocaine.~ed in the Seattle area, and ew to Alaska to
distribute cocaine on an unknown 'airline. s ted that at the.
i e the search warrant was executed at his residence, he owed ,
$15,~OO.OO for the last kilo o~ cocaine he had received and
I ad
W no . been able to sell ent~ REID stated that the· most ,
cocaine he had received f r o m _ w a s 3· "bricks" or kilQs, and
that had been approx. 1/5 years prior. REID also statedllllllP had
been in.incarcerated in ~ Federal Prison in Seattle.for Drug
, Trafficking charges.

12. Signature (Agent) 13. Date

TFO Monique Doll . 200.9

14. ApproVed (Name and Tl1Ie) 15. Date

Richard T. Jones 01-22­
Group Supervisor 200.9


(Jul. 1996) DriJg Enforcement AdminIstration

This report is the property of 'the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8194 may be used.

"------_.... /
, U.S. Department of Justice
D~g ~nforcement Administration



Page 2 of 4

6, Daie Prepared

2. When asked by Detective Kennedy if REID had ever flown out of state
to obtain cocaine, REID vehemently denied ever taking any trips to
purchase or distribute cocaine or any other controlled.substance.
REID also denied receiving cocaine via USPS, UPS, or FedEx- stating
that he had avoided getting cocaine in that manner because there was
too much exPosure to law enforcement.

3. REID stated he purchased cocaine for $33,000.00 per kilogram, and

would add approx. 10 .. ounces of cut· to each kilo. REID stated that

by adding the· cut, he would add enough weight to the kilo to turn a

profi t from <;l.istribution.


4. REID stated that all the vehicles that were seized from his
residence belonged to him although they weren't registered to him
except the black Dodge Magnum Station wagon (Exhibit N-41). REID
stated the station wagon belonged to ~and''''''''''
had been allowed to store the vehicle at REID'S house over~
winter. REID stated the vehicle had beenp~rked at his res~ence
since approx. Octobe~ 2008, and that he did not have a key or access
to the vehicle. REID stated that his wife, Kristen ~viously'
owned the Dodge Magnum, but had sold the ~ehicle, to . . . . . . . . in
April 2008 for $17,000.00- although ~~sti11, owed Kristen REID
$3,000.00 for the vehicle. REID stated that'the registered.owner of
the Dodge and that he was
confident from Kristen REID using

5. When asked,REID stated he had deliberately had. the vehicles he

owned placed in other's names, so that if. he were ever arrested, the
vehicles would not be seized from him. REID stated that t i t Imeala
(Exhibit N...,.45) was placed in _ n a m e , and that. was
Kristen REID'S cousin. The R~(Exhibit N-39) s in
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIname, as was the lien for the vehicle. Per REID, he
~s on the. lien -to the vehicle and owned the vehicle .
. T he Black GMC (Exhibit N-38) was in Kristen REID'Sname, but
was owned and operated by Sean REID. The black Hummer H2(Exhibit
N-40) was in Kristep REID'S brother;s name, and had additional
equipment of $12,500 rims, $5,000.00 sound system, 'and $1,500.00 DVD


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement AdminIstration'

This'report'!s the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration. .

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned,

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

~: ------II~-·"'~-....,- . . -,-----­
'-. ._------#
u.s. Department of Justice
~ Dru,~ Enforcement Administration

( Continuation)


player installed in it. REID stated the Chevy Corvette (Exhibit N-

55)was registered to Kristen REID/S cousin

6. REID also stated the Chevy Monte Carlo (Exhibit N-44) had $4 / 000.00
in customized upholsteryl $2 / 500.00 in rims and $5 / 000.00 in I

customized exterior paint. Per REID the Chevy Impala (Exhibit N­ I

45) had a stereo system he had purchased for $5 000.00. 1

7. When asked who, he knew in An~hOr e

that was a drug deal
stated that before he knew' , he was supplied

brother, who he knew orily as REID stated

incarcerated in the seattleillrea'aprox. 1 year pri

r or
distribution. REID stated had a website called

When as ed who else he knew, REID stated he did

what other persons in the Anchorage area were
doing as he ted 1 keep to' himself, but· tha the had heard a
male named and a male n~~d _ were all

8. When asked by TFO Doil l REID stated he and his wife had a checking
account at Alaska USA Federal Credit union but did not hav.e any I

add~tional bank accounts to include safe deposit boxe~. REID denied

having any' storage units rented· in Anchorage and stated he and l

Kristen REID had purckased their home in 2008 for $425 / 000.00 and'
still owed'approx. $400 / 000.00 on the mortgage. REID denied owning
.any other real properties' or any aircraft.

9. REID was fin~erprinted and photographed by Detective Kennedy before

leaving the Anchorage DO. In addition, TFO Doll returned all non­
seized items from the vehicles to REID '(See DEA12' s) .

, '

1. REID Seah Casey - I Previously Indexed.

REID is a cocaine


(Jul. 1996) Drug Enforcement AdminlslraUon

This report Is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Neither It nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

Previous edition dated 8/94 may be used.

U.S. J?epartment of Justice
Dn<gf.,r..forcement Administration
r;:~ ..~~o


1. Code i 2. Cross Related Files
File d1
5. By: Mark J Schmidt, SA

7. 0 Closed 0 Requested Action Completed

o Action Requested By:
9. Other Officers: S/A Alan Lopez

10. ReportRe: Interview of Sean Casey REID on 12/04/2009 AF+Q ('Jew po-pel- C/IPf-J Jn3'


On 12/4/2009., Sean Casey REID was interviewed by DEA in Anchorage, AK.

REID provided information regarding his previous drug trafficking
activities with'Naron CELBSTINE, Tillman BRADLEY, Steven L. RILEY and
others. NA({oO G:k6-tI()G }c)\R CclJ.•
. '

1. On 12/4/2009, Anchorage D.O. S/A Mark J. Schmidt and S/A Alan Lopez
interviewed Sean Casey REID in Anchorage,AK regarding his previous drug
distributioL activities with Naron CELES'rINE and associates. REID
stated that he had. n:icei ved no direct threats since the arrest of _
earlier in 2009. REID stated that Ron CELESTINE,.
Naron rother. had recently returned to Anchorage.
Additionally, stated tha.t he had recently seen another associate of
Naron CELESTINE's known as "A-RAH". REID stated that "A-RAH" had been
involved in music production with·CELESTINE .

.2. S/A Schmidt asked REID j f he knew Ti] )man BRADLEY lIlt' REID replied
that he knew Tillman BRADLEY III and described him as a "do-boy" for
CELESTINE. REID stated that BRADLEY made cocaine deliveries at CELESTINE's
direction and then retrieved the cash drug proceeds from CELESTINE's
customers. REID estimated that he had received kilqgram quantities of
cocaine from BRADLEY on four or ve occasions. REID stated that all of
this cocaine came from Naron CELESTINE. According to REID sometime in 2004
or 2005, BRADLEY fled with approximately $22,000 to $23,000 in cash which
12. Signature (Agent)
Mark J Schmidt

DEA Form - 6'

(Jul. 1996)

This'report is the property of the Drug Enforcement Administration,

Neither it nor its contents may be disseminated outside the agency \0 which loaned.

Previo~s edition dated 8/94 rna)' be used.

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