Some A Few Others: in Many Country There Are Many Kind of Punishment For The Corruptors

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In many country there are many kind of punishment for the corruptors. Somecountry
use the jail punnishment for the corruptors, and make sure they will stay a long time in
jail. A few country in Asia like to use death penalty for that bully. And othersprefer to cut
their hand for the punishment.

There are three ways to ruin even the best friendship. Best friends tell each other secrets they would
be unlikely to tell anyone else. Betray that confidence, and the friendship can end overnight. If a best
friend’s romance goes down in flames, don’t date the ex. No matter what your friend says, he or she
will not be happy about the two of you getting together. Finally, if your best friend confides in you
about a problem, don’t immediately come up with a solution. Sometimes friends just want a listener,
not a problem solver.

Time order
Last year I took a month-long trip to Europe. First, I went to London. I stayed there for two

weeks. I saw many historical places and went to several shows. After London, I flew to Paris, where I went

shopping and visited the Louvre. I stayed in Paris for a week. Then I went to Rome by train. In Rome I saw

the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and Vatican City. After a week in Rome, I flew home. It was an educational and

enjoyable trip.

Last weekend we put on our annual drama club play. It was a great success, but it was also hard work.

We began planning two months ago. First, we selected the play. Next, a director was chosen. After that, we

began casting the play. The next step was to find people to design and make the costumes and sets. All this

while, we were rehearsing. Finally, two weeks ago, we held a dress rehearsal, and, at last, we felt we were ready

for opening night. Because of all our hard work and careful preparations, the play was a big hit.


Many college students face a number of pressures. For instance, many students have to manage a
job while at the same time balancing their school work. This can be very stressful for a college
student. Students also face many financial pressures. For example, numerous students have to pay
for their college on their own. This gives them no other alternative bbut to take out student loans.
Which could leave them in debt for many years. Another example of financial pressures for students is
having to support a family while attending college. Supporting a family while attending college can be
extremely difficult. Finally, many college students go to college students go to college in different cities
and states and have to make new friends and adjust to a different atmosphere. Being a college
student can be very rewarding but, there may also be a lot of pressures that need to be dealt with.

Wrestlers put in lots of time and effort to even become considered great or even somewhat good.
Wrestlers run five miles every morning and lift in the mornings as a team. Practice go from two or two
and a half hours a day. Practice includes takedowns and other technique work for athletes. They also
have live matches and intense conditioning after words. Many serious wrestlers have to work extra by
doing a hundred takedowns and stand ups a day to make them selves better. Dieting and strike
workouts runs many wrestlers lives by haveing to make there weight limit every week. To be wrestlers
, people have to be mentally tough and physically tough. It is a sport made for men, not little boys.
Definition and example
The viola is a stringed instrument in the violin family. It is only slightly larger than the violin
and is tuned at a lower pitch. Like its smaller relative, the viola is held on the shoulder under
the chin and is played with a bow. While the violin has many uses, the viola is used mainly in
orchestral and chamber music.
Repression is the mind’s power to block fearful thoughts, impulses, and memories. For
example, a person may repress or forget painful childhood memories.
There are three different types of rock music, alternative rock, classic rock, and hard rock,
also known as metal. Alternative rock features a steady bass drum laying down the beat,
with easy flowing guitar riffs over the top. The bass line is toned town, and the lyrics are
sung with intensity an authority. Depending on the song, the guitars can either be acoustic
guitars or electric guitars. Classic rock combines a steady driving bass drum sound, with
high snare overtones, steady and often repeating guitar riffs, and an intensive bass line. The
guitars are more often than not all electric guitars, and distortion is rarely used. The lyrics are
sung with style and enthusiasm. Hard rock, or metal, features a hard rolling bass drum with
an abundant amount of cymbal work. This style of rock uses several electric guitars with
heavy distortion to bring a very intense sound. A hard, intense, driving bass line rounds out
the style. The lyrics aren’t really sung so much as screamed. It doesn’t matter what your
preference is, each different style of rock music is unique on its own.
Shoppers can be classified according to their shopping techniques, as necessity shoppers,
over spenders, and impulsive shoppers. Necessity shoppers have an uncomplicated and
normal shopping technique. They purchase only the items that are necessary, such as food
and toiletries, and they only get these items when they need them. The overspenders
purchase too many items and they spend too much money on them. They buy unnecessary
products, such as clothes and accessories. They can turn a simple trip to the store into a
wallet draining extravaganza. Finally, there are impulsive shoppers. They are a combination
between necessity shoppers and over spenders. They intend to be necessity shoppers by
buying items that they need, but they turn into over spenders by buying unnecessary clothes
and useless items. Even though there are millions of shoppers worldwide, they can easily be
classified by their techniques as necessity shoppers, over spenders, or impulsive shoppers.

Although dementia and Alzheimer's disease both couse mental decline, they are very different
disease processes. Dementia can cause people to become forgetful, it may cause speech
impairments and even affect their swallowing capabilities, as well as causing disorientation to person,
place and time. Often dementa starts with memory loss in activities of daily living, such as
appointments and not being able to find the car keys. While a normal part of the aging process is
memory loss, it becomes a problem when it happens on a daily basis, or has an impact on your way
of life. Dementia many times makes living alone difficult, and brings anger and frustration to the
person involved. Memory loss is frustrating, but when you have forgotten a loved one, this can be
devastating. People with dementia can usually be reoriented to person, place and time; on the other
hand, the reorientation decreases as the disease progresses. Similarly, Alzheimer's disease also
causes memory loss, speech impairments, swallowing difficulties, as well as disorientation. Unlike
dementia the symptoms of this disease are permanent, making reorientation unlikey. Alzheimer's also
starts with memory loss, with a higher degree of devastation. These people do not just lose their car
keys; they may also forget to turn the stove off, which can be very dangerous. They often can not find
their car in a parking lot, and may wander aimlessly around the lot, possibly not even knowing what
they are looking for. These people, like people with dementia, feel frustrated, angry, lonely, and
separated from their loved ones because they do not realize what is happening to them. The
Alzheimer patient often lives in the past, and this may be devastating to the family, as the patient
usually has no memory of their family members. Finally, both of these diseases are devastating, each
of them in their own way, but the medical profession has made great strides in finding a cure.
Dementia can be diagnosed by a physician; unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease can only be diagnosed
by a pathologist after the person has expired. There are; however, some new tests that appear to be
promising in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, the great thing about these tests is that they can be
done early in the disease process while the person is still living. The cure may be in my lifetime, and
that would be a great gift to all of us.

Alcoholism is a disease that the nonalcoholic has a hard time understanding, and the two lifestyles
are quite different. The nonalcoholic has a lifestyle that involves family and friends. He enjoys going to
family functions and interacting with his loved ones. In contrast, the alcoholic tries to avoid family
functions unless alcohol is offered. Even then, the alcoholic is consumed with drinking rather than
interacting with loved ones. If the nonalcoholic is lonely, he tends to seek out a family member or
friend to talk to. He will find ways to fill the void of loneliness. However, when the alcoholic feels
lonely, sad or angry, he turns to the alcohol to fulfill that void so he does not have to deal with his
feelings. Disagreements with a nonalcoholic are often handled quite differently than with an alcoholic.
As an example, a nonalcoholic may often walk away from an argument opting for a time to come back
when both parties have had time to cool down. Because the disease of alcoholism has a detrimental
effect on the judgment of the alcoholic, he may simply lash out relentlessly, not realizing his
tactlessness and the hurt he is causing. Goals can be very different for the afflicted person. An
unaffected person will set goals to ensure the basic necessities of life, whereas an alcoholic will
orientate his goals to achieve a result that satisfies his needs for alcohol. To a nonalcoholic, family
rates number one in his life. To the alcoholic, alcohol is number one in his life. The only conclusion
that can be drawn is that alcohol is the single factor that consumes the life of an alcoholic.

Jessica Simpson and Ashley Simpson are both same in a sense that they are both famous singers
and even sisters, yet they are quite different in many ways. Jessica was always sure what she wanted
to do with her life and worked very hard whereas Ashley enjoyed what life had to offer her at the
moment. Jessica was in voice lessons and started to sing Gospel music during her high school
career. On the other hand, Ashley took dance classes and learned how to perform to Hip-hop music.
Jessica is more well known as the air head sister. For example, they both did a breath mint
commercial together, and it poked fun of Jessica’s blond moments by having Ashley point them out.
Jessica is more “girly” of the sisters. She loves to wear dresses, high-heels, and has the blond
bombshell look, unlike Ashley who has more of a punk style. Jessica Simpson’s music has more of a
classical pop tone, while Ashley’s music has more of a pop-rock ring to it. Both of these girls are hard
workers and both are very successful singers although they are very extraordinary in their own ways.

Cause and effect

Since my daughter has been in daycare she has become better at a few different things. To start off,
her vocabulary is much larger and more developed. Before she started daycare, my daughter had a
few select words that she would say like; momma, dada, Cocoa (one of the puppies), and some other
simple words. Now she tries to repeat everything that is said. Another result of her being in daycare is
that she has the ability to interact with other children better. In the past, she was only around one
child. Now she is around about six to eight kids, and she has learned to share her toys and to play in
a group with the other children. Her learning to share has carried over at home when she tells her
daddy or me that it’s his turn or mommy’s turn when putting her socks on. A third outcome of her
being in daycare is the fact that she is becoming more self-reliant. Before daycare, she wouldn’t try
very hard to help me with getting dressed, but now she wants to try to do it all on her own. She puts
her pull ups on and tries to pull on her shirts and pants herself. Socks still go on upside down, but at
least her shoes go on the correct feet I am really glad that I decided to put her in a daycare, for the
benefits have been great.

Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a person and the people
around them. One important effect is the damage you can do to your body. Drinking can lead to
severe illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to consider might be liver
disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn child. Another detriment is
that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving; possibly causing a fatal car accident for either
yourself and/or an innocent by stander. Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol can
destroy. Alcohol abuse can have very serious affect on a person’s temperament, which can lead to
spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one cause in divorce and spending time in
jail. It can also affect relationships outside of the family; many people have lost life long friends
whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or possibly death. Lastly, drinking has negative
effects on self-esteem and rational thinking. People become more self-centered, develop low self-
esteem, doing things or behaving in ways that they would not normally. They have little or no regard
to the outcomes of what is said or done when they grow reliant on getting that alcohol high. The
negative effects of alcohol abuse are overwhelming when considering the many consequences that
drinkers and the people around them have to deal with


Volcanoes are a feared and destructive force for good reason.  A volcano is like a
pressure valve for the inner earth, but they can also be very beautiful.  One part
of the volcano that people rarely see is the magma chamber. The magma
chamber is way beneath the Earth’s bed rock.  It is tremendously hot. Running
from the magma chamber to the crater of the volcano is the conduit. The
conduit connects the magma chamber to the outer world.  At the top of the
volcano is the the crater. This is where the magma exits. Volcanoes are a
beautiful yet dangerous natural phenomenon.

My favorite room is my living room. It's rectangular with the door on the left side of the south wall.
In the wall opposite the door is a picture window. Below the window is a sofa. A rectangular coffee
table is in front of the sofa. Facing the sofa are two armchairs. An abstract painting is on the west
wall. Along the east wall you will see a long cabinet with a vase of flowers on it. To the right of the
cabinet is a small table with a telephone on it. This bright and uncluttered room is my favorite place
to relax

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