A New Carcharodontosaurian Theropod From The Lusitanian Basin Evidence of Allosauroid Sympatry in The European Late Jurassic PDF

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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology

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A new carcharodontosaurian theropod from the

Lusitanian Basin: evidence of allosauroid sympatry
in the European Late Jurassic

Elisabete Malafaia , Pedro Mocho , Fernando Escaso & Francisco Ortega

To cite this article: Elisabete Malafaia , Pedro Mocho , Fernando Escaso & Francisco Ortega
(2020) A new carcharodontosaurian theropod from the Lusitanian Basin: evidence of allosauroid
sympatry in the European Late Jurassic, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40:1, e1768106, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2020.1768106

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Published online: 10 Jul 2020.

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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology e1768106 (8 pages)
© 2020 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1768106




Instituto Dom Luiz, Universidade de Lisboa, Edifício C6, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal, efmalafaia@fc.ul.pt;
Grupo de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Paseo de la Senda del Rey 9,
28040 Madrid, Spain, fescaso@ccia.uned.es; fortega@ccia.uned.es;
Laboratório de Paleontologia e Paleoecologia, Sociedade de História Natural, Polígono Industrial do Alto do Ameal, Pav. H02 e H06,
2565-641, Torres Vedras, Portugal;
The Dinosaur Institute, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90007, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT—Carcharodontosaurian allosauroids were temporally restricted to the Cretaceous, being known from all land
masses with the exception of Antarctica. In addition to Veterupristisaurus from Tanzania, exceptions to this distribution have
been reported recently, consisting on fragmentary materials from Upper Jurassic strata of China, Germany, and Portugal.
Here, we propose a new Late Jurassic carcharodontosaurian taxon, Lusovenator santosi, gen. et sp. nov. based on the
reevaluation of previously described specimens from the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. The performed phylogenetic analysis
recovered Lusovenator santosi as an early branching carcharodontosaurian allosauroid diagnosed by an exclusive combination
of characters, including three autapomorphic features: (1) large recesses in neural arch of anterior dorsal vertebrae; (2) well-
developed and continuous longitudinal laminae extending from the tip of the prezygapophyses to the distal end of the
postzygapophyses in mid-caudal vertebrae; and (3) supraacetabular crest of ilium forming a prominent ventrolaterally
projecting shelf. Lusovenator santosi is the oldest carcharodontosaurian allosauroid yet discovered from Laurasia and supports
unequivocally the hypothesis of a pre-Cretaceous scenario for the radiation of the clade. The identification of this taxon
highlights the high diversity of medium- to large-bodied theropods in the later part of the Late Jurassic of the Iberian
Peninsula. Carcharodontosauria is not yet known in correlative levels of the North American Morrison Formation, and the
existence of contacts after the late Tithonian between these landmasses could explain the distribution of this clade and other
dinosaur groups present in the Iberian Jurassic and in the North American Lower Cretaceous.


SUPPLEMENTAL DATA—Supplemental materials are available for this article for free at www.tandfonline.com/UJVP

Citation for this article: Malafaia, E., P. Mocho, F. Escaso, and F. Ortega. 2020. A new carcharodontosaurian theropod from the
Lusitanian Basin: evidence of allosauroid sympatry in the European Late Jurassic. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI:

INTRODUCTION Ceratosaurus (e.g., Malafaia et al., 2015), Torvosaurus (e.g., Hen-

drickx and Mateus, 2014b), and Allosaurus (e.g., Pérez-Moreno
The Portuguese Upper Jurassic record of theropod dinosaurs
et al., 1999; Mateus et al., 2006). However, this record also
comprises members of deeply nested clades that are abundant
includes some exclusive taxa interpreted as related to Jurassic
and diverse in Cretaceous faunas. It includes Carcharodonto-
forms from both Laurasian (e.g., Lourinhanosaurus antunesi;
sauria (Malafaia et al., 2019), Tyrannosauroidea (Rauhut,
Mateus, 1998) and Gondwanan (e.g., Carcharodontosauria; Mala-
2003a), and a great diversity of maniraptorans (Zinke and
faia et al., 2019) landmasses. The combination of shared and
Rauhut, 1994; Zinke, 1998; Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014a; Mala-
endemic forms is compatible with a model of incipient vicariance
faia et al., 2017b). The Portuguese specimens represent some of
pattern for the Late Jurassic dinosaur faunas of North American
the earliest evidence of these clades in Laurasia and have signifi-
and Iberian domains (e.g., Ortega et al., 2017). This vicariant
cant implications for understanding the paleobiogeographic
pattern was possibly related to the establishment of geographic
context and dynamics of Late Jurassic theropod fauna in the
barriers (e.g., opening of the North Atlantic Ocean) that would
peri-Atlantic realm. The Upper Jurassic theropod record in the
enforce an increase in continent-scale endemism during the
Lusitanian Basin is mostly composed of medium- to large-sized
Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous (e.g., Benson et al., 2013).
taxa with a trans-Atlantic distribution, such as the genera
It has been assumed that Carcharodontosauria has a ghost
lineage extending back to the Late Jurassic (Brusatte et al.,
2008). More recently, some isolated elements from Upper Jurassic
*Corresponding author. strata in different localities have been identified to this clade,
This article was originally published with errors, which have now been including a specimen from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian
corrected in the online version. Please see Correction (https://doi.org/10. Basin (Malafaia et al., 2019), some isolated teeth, caudal ver-
1080/02724634.2020.1810451). tebrae, and an ilium from the Tendaguru Formation (Rauhut,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found 2011; Carrano et al., 2012), some teeth from the Middle–Upper
online at www.tandfonline.com/ujvp.

Published online 10 Jul 2020

Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-2)

Jurassic Shishugou Formation of China (Han et al., 2011), and AVETHEROPODA Paul, 1988
possibly some teeth from the Lower Saxony Basin of Germany ALLOSAUROIDEA Marsh, 1878
(Gerke and Wings, 2016). Here, a new taxon, Lusovenator CARCHARODONTOSAURIA Benson, Carrano, and
santosi, gen. et sp. nov., related to Carcharodontosauria, is Brusatte, 2010
defined, and the phylogenetic position of the type and referred LUSOVENATOR SANTOSI, gen. et sp. nov.
specimens is presented. The new taxon supports the previously (Figs. 1, 2A, C, D)
referred evidence for the presence of carcharodontosaurian ther-
opods in Portugal (Malafaia et al., 2019). It is the first taxon of the
group defined in the Jurassic of Laurasia and extends the fossil Holotype—SHN.036, a partial postcranial skeleton preserving
record of this clade already represented in the Lower Cretaceous odontoid, atlantal intercentrum, a cervical vertebra (previously mis-
of Europe (e.g., Brusatte et al., 2008; Ortega et al., 2010). interpreted as the articulated axial intercentrum and axis; Malafaia
Institutional Abbreviations—MB.R, Museum für Naturkunde, et al., 2017a), isolated cervical neural spines, dorsal vertebrae, frag-
Berlin, Germany; ML, Museum of Lourinhã, Lourinhã, Portugal; ments of sacral vertebrae, caudal vertebrae, chevrons, fragments of
NCSM, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, cervical and dorsal ribs, right ilium, both pubes, and ischia (Fig. 1).
U.S.A.; SHN, Sociedade de História Natural, Torres Vedras, See Malafaia et al. (2017a) for a full description of the specimen.
Portugal. SHN.036 is interpreted as a juvenile individual because it has open
neurocentral sutures on all preserved posterior dorsal, sacral, and
anterior caudal vertebrae, which is a criterion traditionally used to
assess ontogeny in archosaurs (e.g., Brochu, 1996; Irmis, 2007).
A phylogenetic analysis of the specimens here assigned to the Etymology—The generic name is composed from the Latin
new species Lusovenator santosi was performed using the data words Luso, referring to Lusitania, the province in Roman Hispa-
matrix of Carrano et al. (2012), including modifications proposed nia related to the current Portugal, and venator, from the Latin
by Coria and Currie (2016) and Zanno and Makovicky (2013), as word for hunter; the specific name santosi after José Joaquim
well as the addition of seven new morphological characters and dos Santos, who found and collected the holotype.
four taxa. A modification of the description for character 278, con- Locality and Horizon—Praia de Valmitão, in the locality of
sisting of elimination of the second state (because most Neothero- Ribamar and municipality of Lourinhã (central-west region of
poda taxa have ilia with postacetabular length that is doubled the the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). Praia da Amoreira-Porto Novo
ischial peduncle length) proposed by Rauhut et al. (2016), was Formation (upper Kimmeridgian) (see Fig. S1).
also included. Some characters were rescored for Lourinhano- Diagnosis—A carcharodontosaurian theropod diagnosed by the
saurus antunesi Mateus, 1988, based on review of the holotype following autapomorphies (the diagnosis is only based on the type
(see Appendix S1 in Supplemental Data). A left femur (ML 555) specimen, SHN.036): large recesses in neural arch of anterior
previously assigned to Lourinhanosaurus by Antunes and Mateus dorsal vertebrae (Fig. 1C); well-developed and continuous longi-
(2003) was removed from the scoring of this taxon because it was tudinal laminae extending from the tip of the prezygapophyses
collected from a different site and does not share any diagnostic to the distal end of the postzygapophyses in mid-caudal vertebrae
characters with the holotype; ML 555 has a femoral head that pro- (Fig. 1H); and supraacetabular crest of ilium forming a prominent
jects dorsomedially, which is a feature that has been interpreted as a ventrolaterally projecting shelf (Fig. 1I). Additionally, Lusovenator
synapomorphy of Carcharodontosauria (Brusatte et al., 2008; differs from other carcharodontosaurs in the following unique
Benson et al., 2010). Considering this hypothesis, the fossil record combination of features: absence of ventral keel on anterior
of carcharodontosaurs in the Lusitanian Basin extends from the dorsal vertebrae (Fig. 1D); presence of hyposphene-hypantrum
Kimmeridgian to the upper Tithonian (see Fig. S1). articulation in at least the anterior-most caudal vertebrae (Fig.
The data matrix, with 358 characters and 65 taxa, was analyzed 1G); presence of a lateral lamina projecting from posterior articu-
through TNT 1.1 (Goloboff et al., 2008). The 358 characters were lar facet to base of caudal rib in mid-caudal vertebrae (Fig. 1H);
scored using Mesquite 2.72 (Maddison and Maddison, 2009) and mid-caudal vertebrae with spinoprezygapophyseal lamina project-
were considered to be unordered and equally weighted in the per- ing from the medial surface of the prezygapophysis (Fig. 1H); and
formed analyses. Herrerasaurus Reig, 1963, was selected as the out- almost flat ventral surface of the pubic boot (Fig. 1J).
group taxon. Given the large size of the matrix and following the Referred Material—SHN.019, a partial skeleton represented by a
procedures executed in the analyses of Carrano et al. (2012), a heur- series of articulated caudal vertebrae and an almost complete right
istic search using the ‘New Technology Search’ options was per- pes collected from another locality and horizon. See Malafaia et al.
formed. These included noncollapsing rules and the default (2019) for a full description of the specimen. Although SHN.019 was
settings for sectorial, ratchet, tree drift, and tree fusion, using a found in a different locality and formation (around 8 Ma younger
driven search that stabilized consensus twice with a factor of 25. Sub- than SHN.036), this specimen is tentatively referred to Lusovenator
sequently, the resulting most parsimonious trees (MPTs) were sub- santosi based on the presence of a shared feature proposed as diag-
jected to tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) branch swapping. nostic of this taxon: the presence of longitudinal laminae extending
The strict consensus using all trees was then calculated. from the tip of the prezypapophyses to the distal end of the postzy-
For the phylogenetic analysis, the holotype and the referred gapophyses in mid-caudal vertebrae. Besides, both specimens also
material were coded separately. When the two specimens are share the presence of a distinct lateral lamina in mid-caudal ver-
included, the resulting consensus tree places them within Allosauria, tebrae, which is a feature unknown in other theropods from the
but the resolution of the clade is low, with most taxa forming a large Late Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin.
polytomy. When the referred specimen (SHN.019) is excluded, there SHN.019 was collected at Praia de Cambelas, in the locality of
is a great improvement in the resolution within Allosauria. An analy- São Pedro da Cadeira and municipality of Torres Vedras (central-
sis with both specimens codified together was also performed in order west region of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal) and comes from
to verify the differences in the results between the two analyses, but sediments belonging to the Freixial Formation (upper Tithonian).
the typology of the consensus tree is the same.
The first search of the performed cladistics analysis, based on
THEROPODA Marsh, 1881 the ‘New Technology Search’ option, retained 77 MPTs with
TETANURAE Gauthier, 1986 length of 1,084, and the following ‘Traditional Search’ produced
Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-3)

FIGURE 1. Lusovenator santosi, gen. et sp. nov., SHN.036, holotype, selected skeletal remains. A, odontoid and atlantal intercentrum in anterior view.
B, cervical vertebra in right lateral view. C, D, anterior dorsal vertebra in C, right lateral and D, ventral views. E, sacral neural arch in posterior view. F,
neural arch of anterior caudal vertebra in left lateral view. G, H, middle caudal vertebra in G, dorsal and H, left lateral views. I, right ilium in lateral view;
J, K, pubes in J, left lateral and K, ventral views. L, silhouette showing preserved elements of SHN.036. A plus sign (+) indicates a diagnostic character
and an asterisk (*) indicates an autapomorphy of Lusovenator santosi, gen. et sp. nov. Abbreviations: acdl, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; act,
acetabulum; at in, atlantal intercentrum; bf, brevis fossa; cpf, cupedicus fossa; isp, ischial peduncle; mec, medial crest; ms, medial symphysis; ncs, neu-
rocentral suture; ns, neural spine; od, odontoid; pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; posdf, postzygapophyseal spinodiapophyseal fossa; poz,
postzygapophysis; pp, parapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; pup, pubic peduncle; spof, spinopostzygapophyseal fossa; tp, transverse process. Scale
bars equal 25 mm (A), 50 mm (B–H), 100 mm (I–K), and 1 m (L).

5,832 MPTs with length of 1,084 steps. The consensus tree 294) (Fig. 2C–F). In addition, SHN.036 shares with other carch-
recovers Lusovenator santosi as an early branching carcharo- arodontosaurian theropods the absence of ventral keel on
dontosaur within Allosauroidea (Fig. S1). The consensus tree anterior dorsal vertebrae (shared with Neovenator; Brusatte
has a consistency index (CI) of 0.397 and a retention index et al., 2008); the presence of spinoprezygapophyseal laminae
(RI) of 0.684 and places Lusovenator santosi in an unresolved in mid-caudal vertebrae extending from the medial surface of
carcharodontosaurian polytomy with Siats meekerorum and the base of the prezygapophysis (shared with Veterupristisaurus:
the clade including neovenatorid and carcharodontosaurid Rauhut, 2011) (Fig. 2I, J); and the presence of well-defined
carcharodontosaurs. The consensus tree topology is similar to anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina with associated centropre-
those obtained by previous works (Carrano et al., 2012; Coria zygapophyseal fossa in anterior mid-caudal vertebrae (shared
and Currie, 2016). Only the early branching position of Siats with some carcharodontosaurian allosauroids, including Neove-
differs from that obtained by Zanno and Makovicky (2013), nator [Brusatte et al., 2008], Veterupristisaurus [Rauhut, 2011],
which places this taxon within the neovenatorid carcharodonto- and Siats [Zanno and Makovicky, 2013]). Also, the presence of
saurian group. Synapomorphies that clearly nested Lusovenator well-developed lateral lamina at the base of the neural arch of
within carcharodontosaurian allosauroids include the presence mid- and posterior caudal centra is a feature shared with other
of a ventral ridge on the ventral surface of anterior caudal ver- carcharodontosaurs, such as Veterupristisaurus (Rauhut, 2011)
tebrae (character 202), a strongly developed ridge on the and Concavenator (Cuesta et al., 2019). However, in Lusovena-
medial surface of the ilium adjacent to the preacetabular notch tor, there is an additional smaller lamina adjacent to the pos-
(character 273) (Fig. 2A, B), and the peg-and-socket mor- terior articular facet that is not present in Veterupristisaurus or
phology of the ischium articulation with the ilium (character Concavenator (Fig. 2G, H).
Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-4)

FIGURE 2. Selected elements of Lusovenator santosi, gen. et sp. nov., and other carcharodontosaurs showing some of the features that clearly nest the
new taxon within Carcharodontosauria. A, L. santosi, SHN.036, right ilium in medial view. B, MB.R 3628, possible carcharodontosaur from Tendaguru,
right ilium in medial view. C, D, L. santosi, SHN.036, right ischium in C, proximal and D, lateral views. E, F, Acrocanthosaurus atokensis, NCSM 14345,
left ischium in E, proximal and F, lateral views. G, I, L. santosi, SHN.036, middle caudal vertebrae in G, lateral and I, dorsal views. H, J, MB.R 1938,
Veterupristisaurus milneri, middle caudal vertebrae in H, lateral and J, dorsal views. Abbreviations: acdl, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; alr,
anterior lateral ridge; ilc, iliac peduncle; pamr, preacetabular medial ridge; polr, posterior lateral ridge; sprl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina. Scale
bars equal 100 mm (A–F) and 50 mm (G–J).

DISCUSSION of the prezygapophyses to the distal end of the postzygapophyses

in mid- and posterior caudal vertebrae. The morphology of the
SHN.036 was previously interpreted as belonging to an indeter-
ilium, oval with an extremely convex dorsal margin and relatively
minate allosauroid with a combination of features distinct from
short anteroposteriorly, is distinct from the almost straight and
other taxa known for the Upper Jurassic of the Iberian Peninsula,
elongated ilium of Allosaurus (Gilmore, 1920; Madsen, 1976;
Allosaurus and Lourinhanosaurus antunesi (Malafaia et al.,
Chure, 2000) and Lourinhanosaurus antunesi (Mateus, 1998).
2017a). The type specimen of Lusovenator santosi (SHN.036)
Another unusual feature of the ilium of Lusovenator santosi is
differs from Allosaurus in several features, including the
the supraacetabular crest that forms a prominent ventrolaterally
absence of ventral keel on anterior dorsal vertebrae, the triangu-
projecting shelf, which is somewhat similar to the hypertrophied
lar morphology of the hypantrum, mid-caudal vertebrae with
supraacetabular crest present in some basal theropods, such as
well-developed lateral crests projecting from the dorsal margin
Monolophosaurus jiangi, Ceratosaurus nasicornis, and Dilopho-
of the centra adjacent to the anterior articular facet, and presence
saurus wetherilli (Zhao et al., 2010; Carrano et al., 2012). Some
of well-developed and continuous laminae projecting from the tip
Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-5)

FIGURE 3. Time-calibrated evolutionary tree for Allosauroidea. Agreement subtree produced in TNT, with additional taxa incorporated (Veterupris-
tisaurus milneri) marked with dashed line (see Fig. S1 for the full version of this tree). The pie charts represent relative frequencies of the clades in
different paleogeographic areas calculated based on the number of taxa known in each area. Silhouette of dinosaur modified from the drawing of
Scott Hartman. Global paleogeographic reconstructions modified from maps in Blakey (2019).
Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-6)

small Allosaurus specimens have a more oval, shorter, and higher Early and Late Cretaceous of North America (e.g., Harris,
morphology of the ilium, suggesting that this feature is somewhat 1998; Zanno and Makovicky, 2013). A land reconnection
variable. However, even in those small-sized specimens, the between Europe and North America due to a drop in sea level
supraacetabular crest does not project ventrolaterally and the during the mid-Valanginian (ca. 137 Ma) was previously proposed
overall shape of the ilium is more elongate than in SHN.036. explaining the paleobiogeographic context of other dinosaur
Lusovenator santosi is the oldest carcharodontosaurian allosaur- groups such as the turiasaurian sauropods (Royo-Torres et al.,
oid yet discovered from Laurasia and supports unequivocally 2017). Within this paleobiogeographic context, the fossil record
the hypothesis of a pre-Cretaceous radiation of the clade indicates that the Iberian Peninsula had a key role in the dis-
(Fig. 3). Until recently (Rauhut, 2011; Malafaia et al., 2019), the persion of dinosaurs to North American landmasses during the
fossil record of carcharodontosaurs was restricted to the Cretac- Jurassic–Cretaceous transition.
eous and they were a significantly diverse group of large-bodied
carnivorous dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous and, especially,
present in southern landmasses. The first exception to this tem-
poral distribution was Veterupristisaurus milneri from the A new carcharodontosaurian theropod, Lusovenator santosi, gen.
Middle Dinosaur Member of Tendaguru Formation in southeast- et sp. nov., is defined based on a partial skeleton of a juvenile indi-
ern Tanzania (Rauhut, 2011). In the case of the contemporaneous vidual, SHN.036, collected in upper Kimmeridgian levels of the Lusi-
L. santosi, its presence in uppermost Kimmeridgian to Tithonian tanian Basin. A second specimen, SHN.019, corresponding to some
strata represents a second exception. Thus, the temporal distri- axial and appendicular elements of a large-sized individual, from
bution of Lusovenator and the carcharodontosaurian affinity of upper Tithonian strata in the same geographic area, is tentatively
V. milneri clearly indicate that the origin of this allosauroid proposed as referred material. Also, an isolated femur previously
clade of predators should move to at least the earliest Kimmerid- tentatively assigned to Lourinhanosaurus antunesi is interpreted
gian (∼157 Ma). Despite sharing some features, L. santosi can be as belonging to a carcharodontosaur. Thus, the fossil record of
distinguished from V. milneri by the morphology of the caudal these allosauroids in the Lusitanian Basin spans from the Kimmer-
vertebrae, namely, by the absence of an additional lateral idgian to the upper Tithonian. Lusovenator santosi represents the
lamina adjacent to the posterior articular facet in V. milneri or oldest member of Carcharodontosauria defined in the Upper Juras-
the much more developed anterior lateral lamina in the taxon sic of Laurasia and extends the record of this clade, which was
from Tendaguru. These differences indicate that despite being already represented in the Lower Cretaceous of Europe. Despite
closely related, L. santosi and V. milneri are sufficiently distinct the great similarity in the theropod faunal composition, the recog-
not to be considered synonyms. The discovery of L. santosi nition of a carcharodontosaurian allosauroid taxon provides a com-
demonstrates that the oldest representatives of Carcharodonto- ponent of the Upper Jurassic Lusitanian Basin distinct from its
sauria, similarly to Tyrannosauroidea (Rauhut, 2003a), were contemporaneous Morrison Formation in North America. The
already present in the Iberian Peninsula before reaching the development of a terrestrial dispersal route connecting these land-
apices of the trophic pyramids during the Cretaceous. Similarly, masses after the late Tithonian could explain the absence of Carch-
the dinosaurian fossil record of the Iberian Peninsula and Tanza- arodontosauria in the diverse theropod faunas of the Morrison
nia also includes the possible first occurrences of somphospondy- Formation and, additionally, their presence during the Early and
lan sauropods, a group that also became dominant during the Late Cretaceous of North America. The new carcharodontosaurian
Cretaceous (Mannion et al., 2019; Mocho et al., 2019). theropod provides the first evidence for sympatry among allosaur-
The identification of carcharodontosaurian theropods in the oid theropods in the Late Jurassic of Europe. Additionally, the dis-
Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin highlights an interesting eco- covery of L. santosi sheds light on a poorly known period of
logical feature, the sympatric coexistence of, at least, two medium- to carcharodontosaurian history and adds important data to the knowl-
large-sized allosauroids: Allosaurus europaeus and L. santosi, poss- edge of the early evolution of these allosauroids.
ibly in addition to Lo. antunesi. The last taxon has been recovered in
some recent phylogenetic analyses as belonging to Coelurosauria
(e.g., Carrano et al., 2012). The analysis performed here also recov-
ered this taxon as a coelurosaurian theropod based on a single
feature related to the morphology of anterior and middle chevrons We thank J. J. dos Santos for collecting the specimen. J. J. dos
with unexpanded distal ends. In fact, this morphology is shared with Santos donated to the Sociedade de História Natural (SHN) a
some coelurosaurs (e.g., Compsognathus longipes; Peyer, 2006), but large collection of vertebrate fossils that he collected during
also with ceratosaurs (e.g., Ceratosaurus nasicornis; Madsen and more than 20 years, mostly from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusita-
Welles, 2000) and Concavenator corcovatus (Ortega et al., 2010; nian Basin, and that has allowed the description of several new
Cuesta et al., 2019). Moreover, Lo. antunesi shares with allosauroid taxa, including the pleurosternid turtle Selenemys lusitanica, the
tetanurans the presence of a distinct kink in the anterior margin of ornithopod Eousdryosaurus nanohallucis, and the sauropod
mid-caudal neural spines, which has been interpreted as a synapo- Oceanotitan dantasi. We also thank the editors and reviewers
morphy of Allosauroidea (Rauhut, 2003b), and the presence of an for comments and suggestions, G. Ramalheiro for preparation
anterior spur in the neural spine of mid-caudal vertebrae (also of some elements of SHN.019, E. Cuesta for photos of carcharo-
shared with some non-allosauroid tetanurans; e.g., Rauhut et al., dontosaur specimens, C. Moniz and M. Cachão for comments on
2016). The phylogenetic position of this taxon is unstable, but its the paper, and the following for access to specimens: B. C. Silva
relationship with early branching allosauroids, closely related to (Sociedade de História Natural), R. Castanhinha and C. Tomás
metriacanthosaurids, currently seems to be the consensus hypothesis (Museu da Lourinhã), V. dos Santos (Museu Nacional de História
(Mateus, 1998; Benson, 2010; Benson et al., 2010). Natural e da Ciência), S. Langreo (Museo Paleontológico de Cas-
The identification of L. santosi as a member of Carcharodonto- tilla-La Mancha), R. Allain (Muséum national d’Histoire natur-
sauria has some relevant paleobiogeographic implications. elle), L. Chiappe (Dinosaur Institute of the Natural History
Despite the similarity of Late Jurassic faunas from the Morrison Museum of Los Angeles County), K. Carpenter (Denver
Formation and the Lusitanian Basin, carcharodontosaurian allo- Museum of Nature and Science), R. Scheetz and B. Britt
sauroids are absent in the former area. The development of a ter- (Brigham Young University), M. Getty, M. Loewen, and
restrial dispersal route between Europe and North America after R. Irmis (Natural History Museum of Utah), D. Chure (Dinosaur
the late Tithonian could explain the absence of this clade in the National Monument), S. Chapman (Natural History Museum),
Morrison Formation and, additionally, their presence during the P. Jeffery (Oxford University Museum of Natural History), and
Malafaia et al.—New carcharodontosaurian dinosaur from Portugal (e1768106-7)

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