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Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 09/16/2020 04:37 PM Sherri R.

Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by N. Alvarez,Deputy Clerk

Assigned for all purposes to: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Judicial Officer: William Fahey

1 STEVEN A. STEIN (SBN 287401)
3 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600
Los Angeles, California 90067-4590
4 Telephone: 310.553.3610
Fax: 310.553.0687
Attorneys for Plaintiff KUNG FURY 2 EUROPE
6 UG



11 KUNG FURY 2 EUROPE UG, a German Case No.

private limited company,
Los Angeles, California 90067-4590

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600



14 (2) FRAUD
15 INC., a California corporation; MINGLU JURY TRIAL DEMANDED
MA, an individual; and DOES 1 through
16 20, inclusive,

17 Defendants.














2 1. This lawsuit is the result of Defendant Creasun Entertainment USA, Inc.’s

3 (“Cresaun”) blatant violation of its contractual duty to provide $10 million in financing for the

4 film Kung Fury 2. Creasun holds itself out to be a big-time Hollywood player with vast resources

5 at its disposal. But Creasun has not put its money where its mouth is and paid what it owes.

6 Creasun’s failure to pay has shut down production of a feature film that is poised to be a creative

7 and box-office success. No amount of rhetoric or bullying by Creasun changes this fact.

8 2. Plaintiff Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (“KF2EUG”), a producer of the film, confronted

9 Creasun about its failure to pay and requested that it do so or step aside. In response, Creasun

10 offered a litany of excuses and purported to exercise its right to take over production of the film

11 even though the conditions for exercising this right did not exist. Creasun has created these
Los Angeles, California 90067-4590

12 sideshows to distract from its fundamental failure to fund.

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 3. Making matters worse, when the film’s producers raised concerns about Creasun’s

14 ability to fund, Defendant Minglu Ma, a corporate director of Creasun, represented that Creasun

15 had $4 billion dollars available. Yet the “Proof of Funds” document she provided appears to have

16 been altered to show the $4 billion amount and, in any event, is for a different entity. When

17 KF2EUG asked for information showing that the document was authentic and that Creasun had

18 access to purported funds belonging to a different entity, Creasun did not respond.

19 4. Creasun and Ma’s conduct threatens to jeopardize the film and cause tens of

20 millions of dollars in damages. KF2EUG is filing this lawsuit as a last resort to hold Creasun and

21 Ma accountable for their actions and get production of the film back on track.


23 5. Creasun is a California corporation with its principal place of business in Los

24 Angeles.

25 6. Minglu Ma is an individual who is a corporate director of Creasun and the

26 chairperson of what KF2EUG understands to be Creasun’s Chinese-based parent company,

27 Shanghai Creasun Media Culture Corporation Ltd. (“Shanghai Creasun”). Ma resides in Los

28 Angeles.
50696-00002/3860190.8 2
1 7. KF2EUG is a German private limited company that was formed to produce Kung

2 Fury 2, which is being produced in Europe.

3 8. KF2EUG is unaware of the true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does

4 1 to 20, inclusive, and therefore sues these defendants by fictitious names. KF2EUG will seek

5 leave to amend to allege the true names and capacities of said Doe defendants when ascertained.

6 KF2EUG is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that at all relevant times mentioned

7 each of the fictitiously named defendants conducted business in the Los Angeles County, and is

8 responsible in some manner and/or conspired with one or more of the other defendants for the

9 conduct, acts, omissions, occurrences, injuries and damages alleged herein, and that KF2EUG’s

10 injuries and damages were directly, proximately and foreseeably caused thereby.

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12 A. Kung Fury is a Groundbreaking, Award-Winning Short Film that Has Become a

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 Cult Classic

14 9. David Bergvall, professionally known as David Sandberg (“Sandberg”), was a

15 talented but struggling filmmaker who decided to stop directing commercials to pursue his dream

16 of becoming a feature film director. Sandberg hatched an absurd but inspired premise: create a

17 film paying over-the-top homage to 1980s action movies in which a bandana-wearing, Kung Fu-

18 fighting Miami cop goes back in time to kill Hitler.

19 10. Sandberg did not have access to financing for the film, so he spent $5,000 of his

20 own money to create a trailer, which he posted to the fundraising platform Kickstarter in 2013.

21 The trailer went viral, and Sandberg raised more than $600,000 to make a 30-minute film.

22 11. That film, Kung Fury, received rave reviews—one critic called it a “a 31-minute

23 masterpiece that feels like it fell right out of 1985 and hit just about every awesome b-movie

24 genre on the way down”—and was selected to debut at the Cannes Film Festival in 2015. Kung

25 Fury already has become a cult classic, amassing more than 35 million views on YouTube.

26 B. Sandberg Decides to Make a Feature-Length Version of Kung Fury, to which Arnold

27 Schwarzenegger and Michael Fassbender Attach Themselves

28 12. Sandberg next sought to make a feature-length version of the film.

50696-00002/3860190.8 3
1 13. Because of the success of Kung Fury, Sandberg did not need to bootstrap the film

2 this time. Hollywood took notice of Sandberg’s creative vision and was eager to become

3 involved in the feature.

4 14. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Fassbender were each admirers of the short

5 film and attached themselves to the feature. David Hasselhoff, who had a voiceover cameo in the

6 short film, also agreed to reprise his role in the feature.

7 15. Studios vied for the feature. Concerned that they would want to change Kung

8 Fury’s aesthetic, Sandberg decided to maintain creative control and make an independent film.

9 C. Looking to Make its Mark in Hollywood, Creasun Agrees to Finance Most of the

10 Production of Kung Fury 2


11 16. The feature, which became known as Kung Fury 2, attracted a powerhouse team of
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12 producers and financiers, including KatzSmith Productions (the producer of the smash film It),
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13 Argent Pictures (“Argent”) (a backer of acclaimed films such as Hacksaw Ridge and The Birth of

14 a Nation) and KF2EUG (of which Philip Westgren, a producer of the films Hellboy and

15 Midsommar, is a principal). Endeavor Content and CAA agreed to handle North American rights

16 for the film, and Jellyfish Bloom International, LLC (“Bloom”) agreed to handle its international

17 sales.

18 17. Creasun, a recently launched, Chinese-backed financing and production company,

19 was looking to make its mark in Hollywood. Creasun jumped at the opportunity to fund the

20 majority of the film’s budget.

21 18. When Kung Fury 2 was announced in 2018, it generated tremendous buzz, and the

22 script for the film earned praise.

23 D. Creasun Enters into Contracts Requiring it to Provide About $22 Million in Funding

24 for the Feature, including $10 Million for Visual Effects

25 19. Creasun agreed to fund two-thirds of Kung Fury 2’s $33.4 million budget, or about

26 $22.3 million, including $10 million for visual effects. The relevant contracts that Creasun

27 entered into include the following:

50696-00002/3860190.8 4
1 The Financing Term Sheet

2 20. On April 5, 2019, Creasun, KF2EUG and Laser Unicorn Productions AB

3 (Sandberg’s production company) entered into a Financing Term Sheet. The Financing Term

4 Sheet requires Creasun to provide $22 million in funding for the film (later adjusted to $22.3

5 million), $12 million through a senior loan and $10.3 million in equity financing. The Financing

6 Term Sheet states that it is governed by California law. A true and correct copy of the Financing

7 Term Sheet is attached as Exhibit A and its terms are incorporated herein.

8 The PPSA

9 21. On July 8, 2019, KF2EUG, Creasun and DNEG, a highly respected visual effects

10 company, entered into a Post-Production Services Agreement (the “PPSA”). The PPSA sets forth

11 service and payment milestones that DNEG and Creasun, respectively, were required to meet. In
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12 total, the PPSA required Creasun to pay DNEG $10 million. The PPSA states that it is governed
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 by the California law. A true and correct copy of the PPSA as amended is attached as Exhibit B

14 and its terms are incorporated herein. 1

15 The Approval Agreement

16 22. In December 2019, Creasun, KF2EUG and others entered into an agreement

17 approving documents relating to the production of the film (the “Approval Agreement”). The

18 Approval Agreement gives Creasun a limited right to take over the production of the film—but

19 only if various conditions are met. These conditions include that: the film must be “going over-

20 budget or behind schedule”; Creasun must consult in good faith with Argent before exercising

21 any takeover right and, if it does so, work collaboratively with Argent; Creasun must consult in

22 good faith with Maze Pictures, a German-based producer of the film, before exercising any

23 takeover right; and Creasun must exercise this right in the “same manner and on the same terms


25 1
Lighting Cobra Films Inc. (“Lightning Cobra”), an entity that DNEG formed to provide services for Kung Fury 2, is
the contracting party to the PPSA on behalf of DNEG. Re:Define FX Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of DNEG,
26 entered into a July 9, 2019 agreement with Lightning Cobra to provide visual effects services for the film (the “VFX
Services Agreement”). To avoid any confusion, KF2EUG refers to these entities collectively as “DNEG” for the
27 purpose of this Complaint. The VFX Services Agreement, to which KF2EUG and Creasun gave their express written
acknowledgement and consent, and which is governed by California law, is attached as Exhibit C and its terms are
28 incorporated herein.
50696-00002/3860190.8 5
1 as Film Finances, Inc. (FFI) would have had if FFI were still providing a traditional completion

2 bond for the Film.” (Emphasis in original.) Importantly, the Approval Agreement states that

3 KF2EUG “shall not be responsible for any scheduled delays that are caused solely by [DNEG] or

4 Creasun’s failure to make any payments to [DNEG] when such sums are due and payable.”

5 (Bolding added.) The Approval Agreement states that the agreement and any non-contractual

6 disputes relating to the agreement are governed by California law. A true and correct copy of the

7 Approval Agreement is attached as Exhibit D and its terms are incorporated herein.

8 E. After the Film Completes Principal Photography, Creasun Refuses to Honor its

9 Contractual Obligations to Pay DNEG, Causing Production to Shut Down

10 23. Principal photograph for Kung Fury 2 started in July 2019 and finished two

11 months later, in September 2019, on time and on budget.

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12 24. Creasun’s conduct during principal photography raised concerns. Although

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13 Creasun ultimately provided the initial $12 million in debt financing it owed, it did so in a

14 piecemeal fashion that created doubts about its ability to complete its remaining funding

15 obligations. Creasun also tried to insert itself into the production, incurring substantial additional

16 costs for the production by flying in multiple producers and assistants to the shoot. These

17 producers made various demands of the production, which also increased costs. Out of

18 appreciation for Creasun’s commitment to fund the film, the production went above and beyond

19 to accommodate Creasun’s demands.

20 25. At the start of 2020, with DNEG’s work on the film well underway, Creasun

21 requested to postpone its payment deadlines until March 31, 2020. Again, out of appreciation for

22 Creasun’s commitment to fund, the production and DNEG accommodated Creaun’s request.

23 26. Even with this accommodation, when payment came due, Creasun refused to pay.

24 Through late August, DNEG had performed services and incurred costs entitling it to $4.25

25 million under the PPSA and VFX Services Agreement but only received $400,000 from Creasun.

26 After repeatedly attempting to obtain payment from Creasun for the outstanding $3.85 million,

27 DNEG stopped working on the film, causing production to shut down. When Creasun continued

28 to refuse to pay, DNEG put Creasun on notice that it would pursue all available remedies,
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1 including by filing a lawsuit.

2 F. To Deflect from its Failure to Pay, Creasun Offers Baseless Excuses and Tries to

3 Confuse the Issues

4 27. To deflect from its failure to pay, Creasun has offered baseless excuses and tried to

5 confuse the issues. Creasun has blamed, among other things, the United States-China trade war

6 and wire payments purportedly being sent to the “wrong” accounts and then being frozen. None

7 of these excuses withstand even the slightest bit of scrutiny. Nor do they give Creasun a pass for

8 materially breaching its contractual obligations.

9 28. Creasun also has made baseless attacks on the film and its producers. For

10 example, Creasun has criticized the quality of the film and the experience of its producers. None

11 of the film's other financiers, including Argent, have raised similar concerns. These attacks are
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12 red herrings, meant to distract from Creasun’s failure to fund.

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 29. In a last-ditch attempt to uncover improprieties that might give it cover for not

14 making these payments, Creasun conducted an audit of the production, something that KF2EUG

15 welcomed because it has done nothing wrong. KF2EUG is informed and believes, and based

16 thereon alleges, that the audit, with which it fully cooperated, found no material irregularities.

17 Rather than accept these findings and make the outstanding payments, KF2EUG understands that

18 Creasun terminated the auditor before he could provide a written report. KF2EUG has never

19 received an audit report detailing any irregularities with the production.

20 30. In response to KF2EUG and others raising concerns about its failure to pay,

21 Creasun also asserted that it was exercising its right under the Approval Agreement to take over

22 production of the film, purportedly because KF2EUG was improperly accessing contingency

23 funds (it was not). But Creasun has no such right for at least four independent reasons:

24 a. First, Creasun did not satisfy its contractual obligation to provide $10 million in

25 financing for the film.

26 b. Second, the Approval Agreement states that Creasun only can exercise this right if

27 the film is “going overbudget or behind schedule.” As the Approval Agreement

28 makes clear, KF2EUG is not responsible for any delays caused by “Creasun’s
50696-00002/3860190.8 7
1 failure to make any payments to [DNEG] when such sums are due and payable.”

2 This is common sense: Creasun cannot claim a takeover right by materially

3 breaching its contractual obligations. Unlike Creasun, KF2EUG is not in breach,

4 much less material breach, of its contractual obligations.

5 c. Third, the Approval Agreement states that Creasun only can exercise this right if it

6 first consults in good faith with Argent and Maze Pictures. Although KF2EUG

7 understands that Creasun reached out to Argent and Maze Pictures, Creasun did not

8 consult with them in good faith.

9 d. Fourth, the Approval Agreement states that Creasun must exercise this right in the

10 “same manner” and on the “same terms” as the bonding company FFI. But FFI

11 only would have had the right to take over production if, among other things, there
Los Angeles, California 90067-4590

12 were material issues with the script, budget and/or production schedule. There
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13 were no such issues until Creasun failed to fund. Further, improperly accessing

14 contingency funds (which KF2EUG did not do), would not give rise to any

15 takeover right.

16 G. Facing Scrutiny, Creasun and Ma Make False Representations About Creasun’s

17 Ability to Fund its Financing Obligations

18 31. For months, KF2EUG and others tried to get Creasun to pay. When it refused,

19 KF2EUG and others tried to get Creasun to agree to step aside and allow another financier who

20 was offering to fund Creasun’s remaining financing obligations step in. Although Creasun

21 initially welcomed these efforts, it ultimately torpedoed them. Fed up with Creasun’s tactics, one

22 of the parties who was trying to bring in the financier questioned whether Creasun even had the

23 ability to fund its remaining financing obligations.

24 32. In response, on August 17, 2020, Ma sent an email to KF2EUG and others in

25 which she represented that Creasun had the ability to pay and attached a document purporting to

26 show this fact. The document, titled “PROOF OF FUNDS,” purports to be a June 16, 2020

27 letter from HSBC to CA International Ltd showing that CA International Ltd has $4 billion

28 available. In the email, Ma represented that “Creasun’s funds are currently safe,” and that
50696-00002/3860190.8 8
1 “[n]umber [sic] never lie.” A true and correct copy of Ma’s email, including the “Proof of Funds”

2 document attached to her email, is attached as Exhibit E and incorporated herein.

3 33. The portion of the “Proof of Funds” document setting forth the amount of funds

4 available to CA International Ltd appears to have been materially altered in at least the following

5 ways:

6 a. The text for the amount of funds purportedly available appears to be in different

7 font than the rest of the document:

b. There also appears to be a mark above the word “BILLION” that should not be

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2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600


14 34. Even if the “Proof of Funds” document was not altered, it does not show that
15 Creasun (the party to the relevant contracts) as opposed to CA International Ltd has access to
16 these purported funds. Creasun and CA International Ltd are different entities, and Creasun has
17 not shown that it has access to funds belonging to CA International Ltd.
18 35. In any event, even if Creasun’s Chinese-based backers have access to money to
19 fund the film, that does not mean that Creasun does.
20 36. On September 10, 2020, KF2EUG’s counsel sent Creasun a letter requesting that it
21 provide information showing that the “Proof of Funds” document was authentic, that it had access
22 to funds belonging to CA International Ltd and/or that Creasun otherwise had access to funds to
23 complete its financing obligations. Creasun did not respond by the requested deadline.
24 H. In Addition to Materially Breaching its Contractual Duties, Creasun’s Failure to
25 Fund Has Caused and is Causing Substantial Additional Damages
26 37. Creasun’s failure to fund the remaining $10 million it owes is a material breach of
27 its obligations under the agreements referenced above. But as Creasun knows, the consequences
50696-00002/3860190.8 9
1 of its failure to fund have caused and are causing substantial additional damages to the

2 production, including to KG2EUG, well in excess of that amount. These damages include the

3 following:

4 a. Creasun’s failure to fund has caused production to shut down. Each day that

5 production is shut down, the cost of restarting production and completing the film

6 increases, and the potential value of the film decreases. Creasun knew or should

7 have known this when it failed to pay.

8 b. Creasun’s failure to fund has precluded the production from being able to draw

9 down against the DFFF funds from Commerzbank in Germany, which, as Creasun

10 knows, is contingent upon Creasun making the payments that it owes DNEG.

11 c. Creasun’s failure to fund has precluded KF2EUG and other producers from being
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12 able to pay various production costs, further derailing production.

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 d. Creasun’s failure to fund has made it virtually impossible for the film to be

14 completed on time and on budget, creating a risk if not a likelihood that KF2EUG

15 will be put in breach of the contractual obligations it owes to distributors, producers

16 and financiers, potentially making KF2EUG liable for millions of dollars. Creasun

17 was well aware of these obligations when it materially breached its own obligations

18 to pay.

19 e. Creasun’s failure to fund is jeopardizing the back-end to which KF2EUG would be

20 entitled if the film achieves box-office success.

21 38. KF2EUG is limited in its ability to mitigate the damages that Creasun has caused

22 and is causing. KF2EUG cannot unilaterally terminate the agreements to which it and Creasun

23 are parties and replace Creasun with a new financier because there are other parties to many of

24 these agreements and there are relevant agreements (such as the VFX Services Agreement) to

25 which KF2EUG is not a party. Further complicating things, there are tax credits and other

26 obligations that are intertwined with Creasun’s involvement in the film.

27 39. Nevertheless, KF2EUG has tried to mitigate its damages to the extent possible.

28 For example, other financiers remain interested in funding the film. KF2EUG and others have
50696-00002/3860190.8 10
1 repeatedly requested that Creasun agree to step aside, retain an interest in the film based on the

2 amount it has invested to date, and allow one of those financiers to complete its remaining

3 financing obligations. Creasun has refused.

4 I. Creasun Has Stonewalled KF2EUG’s Attempts to Resolve the Issues Giving Rise to

5 this Lawsuit

6 40. For months, KF2EUG has tried to resolve Creasun’s failure to fund, requesting

7 that Creasun either pay the amount it owes or let another financier complete its funding

8 obligations. KF2EUG was not alone. Almost all of the major parties involved in the film,

9 including Argent, DNEG, KatzSmith, CAA, Endeavor and Bloom, have raised similar concerns,

10 expressed support for KF2EUG, and urged Creasun to pay. Creasun has refused.

11 41. Creasun’s conduct forced KF2EUG to retain litigation counsel, who tried one last
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12 time to resolve this dispute by requesting that Creasun pay or step aside. Creasun again refused,
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13 forcing KF2EUG to bring this lawsuit.


15 (For Breach of Contract Against Creasun)

16 42. KF2EUG repeats and realleges the allegations in the preceding paragraphs.

17 43. KF2EUG and Creasun entered into the Financing Term Sheet on April 5, 2019 and

18 the PPSA on July 9, 2019.

19 44. KF2EUG performed all or substantially all of its obligations under these

20 agreements.

21 45. Creasun materially breached these agreements, including its obligation to meet

22 certain payment milestones set forth in the PPSA, by not paying the $3.85 million it owes DNEG

23 for the visual-effects services that DNEG has performed and the related costs that DNEG has

24 incurred. In turn, by failing to pay DNEG, Creasun materially breached its obligations under

25 these agreements to provide $10 million in outstanding financing for the film.

26 46. Creasun was not excused in any way from performing its obligations under these

27 agreements, including based on its incorrect assertion that it has the right under the Approval

28 Agreement to take over production of the film. Creasun does not have the right to take over
50696-00002/3860190.8 11
1 production because, among other things: (1) Creasun did not satisfy its duty to provide $10

2 million in financing; (2) the film was not “going over-budget or behind schedule” before Creasun

3 materially breached the applicable agreements; (3) KF2EUG did not breach its obligations under

4 any of the applicable agreements; (4) Creasun did not consult in good faith with Argent and Maze

5 Pictures; and (5) Creasun cannot exercise this right in the “same manner” and on the “same

6 terms” as FFI.

7 47. KF2EUG was harmed as a result of Creasun’s material breach of these agreements

8 because Creasun has, among other things: (1) failed to provide $10 million in outstanding

9 financing that it owes; (2) caused production of the film to shut down for a lengthy period of time,

10 increasing the cost of restarting production and potentially decreasing the film’s value; (3)

11 precluded KF2EUG from being able to draw down against the DFFF funds; (4) precluded
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12 KG2EUG from being able to pay various production costs; (5) created a risk if not a likelihood
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13 that the film will not be completed on time and on budget, thereby putting KF2EUG in breach of

14 the contractual obligations it owes to distributors, producers and financiers, and potentially

15 making KF2EUG liable for millions of dollars; and (6) jeopardized the back-end to which

16 KF2EUG would be entitled if the film achieves box-office success.

17 48. Creasun knew or should have known that, by failing to pay DNEG, it would cause

18 this harm to KF2EUG.

19 49. Creasun’s breach of these agreements was a substantial factor in causing KF2EUG

20 harm.

21 50. As a direct, foreseeable, and proximate result of Creasun’s breach of these

22 contracts, KF2EUG has been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial but believed to be in

23 excess of $10 million.


25 (For Fraud Against Creasun, Minglu Ma and DOES 1-20)

26 51. KF2EUG repeats and realleges the allegations in the preceding paragraphs.

27 52. On August 17, 2020, in her capacity as a corporate director of Creason, Ma

28 represented in an email to KF2EUG that Creasun had $4 billion in funds available from which
50696-00002/3860190.8 12
1 Creasun could fulfill the remainder of its financing obligations for the film and attached to her

2 email a document from HSBC purporting to show this fact.

3 53. Ma knew that her representations were false when she made them because she

4 knew that Creasun did not have $4 billion available from which to fulfill the remainder of its

5 financing obligations for the film.

6 54. Ma intended that KF2EUG rely on her representations.

7 55. KF2EUG reasonably relied on her representations.

8 56. KF2EUG was harmed by Ma’s representations.

9 57. KF2EUG’s reliance on Ma’s representations was a substantial factor in causing its

10 harm.

11 58. As a direct, foreseeable, and proximate result of Ma’s representations, KF2EUG

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12 has been damaged in an amount to be proven at trial but believed to be in excess of $10 million.
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600

13 59. KF2EUG is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Creasun and

14 Ma, in doing the things alleged, acted willfully, maliciously, oppressively and despicably with the

15 full knowledge of the adverse effect of their actions on KF2EUG, and with willful and deliberate

16 disregard of the consequences to KF2EUG such as to constitute oppression, fraud or malice. As

17 such, KF2EUG is entitled to recover punitive and exemplary damages from Creasun and Ma in an

18 amount appropriate to punish or set an example of Creasun and Ma and to deter Creasun and Ma

19 from engaging in such conduct in the future.


21 KF2EUG prays for judgment against Creasun and Ma as follows:

22 1. For compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at trial but in excess of $10

23 million;

24 2. For punitive and exemplary damages in an amount to be proven at trial to punish

25 or set an example of Creasun and Ma but in excess of $10 million;

26 3. For preliminary and permanent injunctive relief;

27 4. For KF2EUG’s attorney’s fees and costs;

28 5. For pre-judgment and post-judgment interest at the maximum legal rate; and
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1 6. For such other relief in KF2EUG’s favor that the Court deems just and proper.


3 KF2EUG demands trial by jury on all issues so triable.

Attorneys for Plaintiff KUNG FURY 2


Los Angeles, California 90067-4590

2049 Century Park East, Suite 2600
















50696-00002/3860190.8 14
As of April 5, 2019

Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschrankt)

Haberlstr. 5
80337 Munich
Attn: Philip Westgren ("Westgren")

Laser Unicorns Productions AB

(Registered Number: 556971-4057)
Rutbadan 42
907 88 Taftea
Attn: David Bergvall (p/k/a David Sandberg) (''Bergvall")

Re: "KUNG FURY 2" /Financing Term Sheet

Dear All:

This Financing Tenn Sheet will constitute the principal terms of the agreement ("Agreement") by and
between Creasun Entertainment USA Inc ( "Company," email:, phone:
3107488332, contact: Minglu Ma), on the one hand, and Laser Unicorns Productions AB ("LU," email:, contact: Bergvall) and Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
("Production Entity" or "Producer," email:, contact: Westgren), on the other
hand, in connection with the feature length motion picture project ("Picture") currently entitled "Kung
Fury 2" based on the short film "Kung Fury" created by Bergvall and owned by LU ("Short Film") and
the feature screenplay ("Screenplay")written by Tyler Burton Smith ("Smith") and Bergvall.

l. Picture Specifications: Producer agrees to complete and deliver the Picture in accordance with the
following specifications, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Company:
a. Director: Bergvall
b. Principal Cast: Bergvall, Michael Fassbender ("Fassbender") and Arnold Schwarzenegger
c. Screenwriters: Smith and Bergvall
d. Budget: Approximately Thirty-Three Million Four Hundred Six Thousand Three Hundred
Thirty Four U.S. Dollars (USD$33 ,406,334)
e. Principal Photography: Anticipated start date no earlier than July 22, 2019 but in no event
later than August I, 2019
f. Delivery Date: No later than eighteen ( 18) months after commencement of principal
photography of the Picture, and in any event prior to the delivery date(s), if any, specified in
the existing distribution license agreements for the Picture

17631822.5 l
g. VFX Services: Company shall be retained as the major visual effects service provider to
furnish the visual effects services of DNEG on terms consistent with the parameters of the
Budget (as defined below)
h. VFX Producer: Minglu Ma ("MM")
i. Guild: SAG and WGA
J- Sales Agents: WME and CAA co-repping the United States/Canada, and Jellyfish Bloom
International, LLC ("Bloom") as the foreign sales agent
k. Running Length: 100-120 minutes including opening and closing credits
2. Conditions Precedent: Company's obligations hereunder, including without limitation, any
obligation to provide any funding for the Picture in accordance with the terms hereof, shall be expressly
conditioned on the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent in form and substance satisfactory
to the Company ("Conditions Precedent"), satisfaction of which must be confirmed by Company in
a. Company's receipt and approval of all chain of title and production structure documents
demonstrating that Producer has acquired all rights necessary to produce, distribute and exploit the
Picture by any and all means throughout the world;
b. Company' s receipt of signed agreements for the following pre-approved key individuals
(with the terms of their agreements being subject to Company's approval): (i) Bergvall as director
("Director"), (ii) Bergvall, Fassbender and Schwarzenegger as lead cast members ("Principal Cast"), (iii)
Nick Bassett ("Bassett") as production designer, (iv) the Katzsmith Productions, Inc. ("Katzsmith")
producing team of David Katzenberg, Seth Grahame-Smith and Aaron Schmidt together with Westgren as
producers and (v) Bogdan Tomassini Buchner ("Buchner") as line producer. The Director and the
Principal Cast shall be deemed "Essential Elements" with respect to the completion bond and any
c. Company's approval of the final Screenplay, production structure, financing plan
(Company hereby approving the financing plan attached hereto as "Exhibit C" ["Financing Plan"]),
budget, investment recoupment schedule ("Waterfall")(Company hereby approving the Waterfall
attached hereto as "Exhibit A"), production and delivery schedule, cash-flow schedule (including pre-
production, principal photography and post-production) and the principal shooting location(s) for
principal photography (including verification by Company of any location-based incentives or other
production-related subsidies) in connection with the Picture;
d. Company's receipt of this Agreement executed by Producer and LU as well as all
attachments and exhibits hereto (which are all incorporated herein by this reference);
e. Company's receipt of certificates of insurance (or letter(s) binding the insurance subject
only to payment of the premium) for errors and omissions insurance and a production insurance package
provided by a first class insurer, naming Company as an additional insured and loss payee, as well as
essential elements insurance for the Essential Elements and all such insurances will provide for Company
to be given 30 days notice of termination/variation;
f. A legally binding completion guaranty in favor of Company with a completion guarantor
("Completion Guarantor") approved by the Company at the approved budget level in connection with
the production of the Picture, conditioned only upon payment of the bond fee, and confinnation from the
Completion Guarantor that the strike price has been fully funded;
g. Company's receipt and approval of a long form financing agreement ("Long Form
Agreement") executed by Producer and LU, as applicable, reflecting the terms of this Agreement and
such other customary tenns and provisions as are required by Company;

17631822.S 2
h. Company's receipt and approval of all financing agreements between Producer and each
financier of the Picture (including without limitation, Argent Pictures ("Argent"), FilmVest, Swedish
Film, FFF, Bankenfunds, Rinke and Commerce Bank) providing for finance and investments sufficient to
fully fund the final approved budget ("Budget"), and including (without limitation) supporting
documentation confirming the DFFF tax credit;

i. Company's receipt and approval of executed sales agency agreement(s) (including sales
estimates) and all existing distribution agreements with Company-approved distributors of the pre-sold
territories, and Producer agrees to complete and deliver the Picture in accordance with the delivery
requirements set forth in all existing and subsequent distribution agreements as approved by Company;
j. Company's receipt and approval of executed copyright mortgage and security
agreement(s) ("Security Agreement") from LU and Producer granting Company a continuing security
interest in and to all rights and assets in and to the Picture and all underlying and subsidiary rights
("Company Security Interest") (subject only to customary SAG, WGA and lab liens expressly approved
by Company, limited subordination with respect to subsidies that are being cash flowed by approved third
parties on terms expressly approved by Company, and any security interest granted to Argent by Producer
and/or LU ("Argent Security Interest") which shall be subject to the terms of the Intercreditor
Agreement [as defined below]), including any and all additional documents required to perfect the same,
lab pledge agreements, bank account letter and signed notices of assignment from distributors of the pre-
sold territories in favor of Company;

k. Company's receipt and approval of a distribution agreement ("China Distribution

Agreement") between the parties granting Company ( or its designee) all distribution and other ancillary
rights in and to the Picture in the China Territory on terms consistent with Paragraph IO below; and
I. Company's approval of the CAMA (as defined below) and any other conditions
precedents which the Company requires.

By way of clarification and for the avoidance of doubt, funding of any sums by Company prior to the
satisfaction of all Conditions Precedent shall not be deemed or construed in any way as the satisfaction or
waiver of any Conditions Precedent; and all of Company's obligations hereunder shall remain subject to
and conditioned upon the complete and full satisfaction of all Conditions Precedent hereunder.
3. Single Purpose Entity: Production Entity is a single purpose entity incorporated in Germany to
produce the Picture and shall become a signatory to the required customary SAG and WGA guild
agreements. Producer represents and warrants that, as the entity directly securing all soft money and tax
credits as provided in the approved Financing Plan, it has fully complied (to the extent possible as of the
date hereof) and will continue to comply with all legal requirements relating to the procurement,
expenditure and recoupment of all such soft money and tax credit funding. A production bank account
("Production Account") shall be established in the name and under the control of the Production Entity,
but to which the Completion Guarantor is a signatory (if applicable), and which is otherwise subject to a
takeover right in favor of the Completion Guarantor (or ifthere is no Completion Guarantor, in favor of
Company), into which the Company Funding shall be deposited in accordance with the approved cash
flow schedule ("Cash Flow Schedule") attached hereto as "Exhibit B". Producer shall provide
Company with real-time access (online, where available) to all cost reports, progress reports, production
reports, all accounting and production bank account information and onsite visits. Producer shall also
provide Company with a final negative cost statement, certified by the production accountant for the
Picture, showing all costs paid or expended on the production through completion and delivery of the
Picture, no later than ninety (90) days following delivery of the completed Picture. Producer shall have
the right to make day-to-day decisions regarding the production of the Picture, but shall keep Company
informed of all key aspects subject to the exigencies of production .

4. Pre-Production Funding: Provided Producer has satisfied the Conditions Precedent set forth
in subparagraphs 2(a) through (e), and 2(h) through (j) above and neither LU nor Producer is otherwise
in uncured material breach hereunder, and provided further that Company has received (all in form and
substance satisfactory to the Company) (i) a letter of intent from the Completion Guarantor, (ii) evidence
that the Producer has secured financing sufficient to fund the Budget and that it can satisfy the
conditions precedent to such funding, and proof of Argent's bridge financing in an amount equal to Four
Hundred Eight Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Five U.S. Dollars and Six cents (USD$408, 125.06)
("Argent Bridge Loan"); and (iii) an intercreditor agreement in form and substance approved by
Company ("lntercreditor Agreement") pursuant to which Company agrees that its first position
Company Security Interest shall be shared on a pro-rata basis with Argent as more specifically set forth
in Paragraph 6A, and Argent agrees that Company may (but shall not be obligated to) pay off the Argent
Bridge Loan as provided in the last sentence of this Paragraph 4, Company shall provide to the
Production Entity a bridge loan up to an amount equal to Three Million U.S. Dollars (USD$3,000,000)
("Company Bridge Loan") to be used in connection with Company approved pre-production activities
with respect to the Picture, payable on a weekly basis in accordance with the Cash Flow Schedule
approved by Company, which Company Bridge Loan (and Company Premium, as hereafter defined)
shall be due and payable on or before June 15, 2019 ("Company Bridge Loan Maturity Date"). The
parties agree that Company shall be entitled to an interest premium on the Company Bridge Loan in an
amount equal to Three Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD$300,000) ("Company Premium") and
Argent shall be entitled to an interest premium on the Argent Bridge Loan in an amount equal to Two
Hundred Four Thousand Sixty-Two U.S. Dollars and Fifty-Three Cents (USD$204,062.53) ("Argent
Premium"). The parties acknowledge that any and all amounts paid by Company to Producer, LU or
their affiliates in connection with pre-production of the Picture (including, without limitation, the
amount of Eighteen Thousand U.S. Dollars [USD$18,000] paid to LU in two weekly installments for
Bassett's production designer services and Neil Wallace's I st AD services, and the amount of Two
Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars [USD$200,000] payable to Principal Cast as deposits for their acting
services) shall be deemed advances against, and subject to the same terms and conditions of, the
Company Bridge Loan. The principal amount of the Company Bridge Loan and the Argent Bridge
Loan, together with the Company Premium and the Argent Premium, shall be repaid concurrently upon
the closing of the financing of the Picture in accordance with the Financing Plan ("Financing");
provided, however that if the Financing occurs prior to the Company Bridge Loan Maturity Date,
Company agrees to defer the payment of the Company Premium and recoup it from the proceeds of the
Picture pro rata and pari passu with a deferred producer fee payable to Argent ("Argent Deferred
Producer Fee") in an amount equal to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD$250,000),
together with a 20% flat interest premium on both the Company Premium and the Argent Deferred
Producer Fee, pursuant to Section 2 of Part C of the approved Waterfall. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Company shall have the right (but not the obligation), at any time prior to repayment of the Argent
Bridge Loan and the Argent Premium ("Argent Bridge Loan Repayment"), to increase the Company
Bridge Loan to pay off the Argent Bridge Loan and the Argent Premium.
5. Commitment Amount and Funding: Upon satisfaction of all Conditions Precedent and
provided that neither LU nor Producer is otherwise in uncured material breach hereunder, Company or
its designees shall provide the following (collectively, "Company Funding"):
a. Twelve Million U.S. Dollars (USD$12,000,000), as a senior loan ("Company Loan")
bearing an annual interest of 15% per annum, to be repaid in the first position from and out of all "ROW
Gross Receipts" (i.e., worldwide receipts excluding Domestic Gross Receipts [as defined below]) and
then from worldwide receipts, as more fully provided in the Waterfall.
b. Four Million U.S. Dollars (USD$4,000,000), as production funding ("Company Senior
Funding"), with respect to which Company shall be entitled to recoup 120% of the Company Senior
Funding, pro-rata, pari passu with a Two Million U.S. Dollars (USD$2,000,000) equity investment from

17631822.5 4
Argent ("Argent Equity") and 20% flat interest premium thereon, in first position from and out of the
"Domestic Gross Receipts" (i.e., all receipts from the U.S. and Canada as provided in Part C of the
Waterfall) and then from worldwide receipts (including ROW Gross Receipts pursuant to Section 4 of
Part B of the Waterfall).
c. Six Million U.S. Dollars (USD$6,000,000), as production funding ("Company Junior
Funding"), with respect to which Company shall be entitled to recoup 125% of the Company Junior
Funding from and out of the worldwide receipts pursuant to Section 6 of Part B of the Waterfall.
The Company Funding will be secured by the Company Security Interest and the collateral will include,
without limitation, all of the existing foreign licenses, including the China License (as defined below),
as provided in the Security Agreement and the Intercreditor Agreement, each in form and substance
approved by Company. Producer is responsible for all other financing required to complete and deliver
the Picture in accordance with the approved elements and other specifications set forth herein, including
without limitation any Completion Guarantor exclusions.
6. Waterfall: Gross Receipts shall be defined as all amounts actually received by or credited to
the Production Entity and/or any affiliate thereof, as a result of the distribution and exploitation of the
Picture and/or any elements thereof and any location based incentives, government subsidies, tax rebates
and/or soft money, throughout the universe in perpetuity, subject to the terms and conditions set forth
herein. All Gross Receipts ( other than subsidy or tax credit amounts that Company has approved to be
paid directly into the Production Account or to a third party lender) shall be paid to a collection account
pursuant to a mutually approved third party collection account management agreement to which
Company is a party ("CAMA") with an approved collection agent (with Freeway and Fintage deemed
pre-approved as the collection agent) and shall be applied in accordance with the Waterfall set forth in
"Exhibit A". The parties agree, and the CAMA shall reflect, that Company is entitled to receive (i) 50%
of all of the recoupable "reinvestments" amounts payable to CMP, Maze Pictures and LU as set forth in
Section 6 of Part B of the Waterfall, and (ii) 50% of the "Producer's Equity" to be paid pro rata, pari
passu pursuant to Section 7 of Part B of the Waterfall. In addition, Company shall be entitled to receive
forty five percent (45%) of one hundred percent (100%) ''Net Profits" (as that term is defined in the
Waterfall), provided that the more specific calculation of"Net Profits" (to be negotiated in good faith by
the parties) shall otherwise be defined, accounted for and paid on a no less favorable basis than the
definition and accounting accorded to any other "Net Profits'' (or any other form of backend) participant
with respect to the Picture. Producer shall bear all third party participations from its remaining 55%
share of Net Profits and shall have sole discretion with respect to the allocation thereof. There shall be
no pre-break participations, deferments, bonuses, or the like, or changes to the current Waterfall, without
Company's written approval in each instance. Producer and Company shall be named parties to the
CAMA, provided that Company shall not be obligated to assume any of Producer's financial or other
obligations thereunder.
6A. Security lnterest/Intercreditor Agreement: Solely for the benefit of Company and Argent,
the Intercreditor Agreement shall provide for the relative priorities of the Company Security Interest and
the Argent Security Interest and the related rights of Company and Argent, as follows. Prior to Argent
Bridge Loan Repayment, the Company Security Interest and the Argent Security Interest shall be held
on a pro rata basis in accordance with their respective contribution to the bridge financing as set forth in
Paragraph 4. Upon Argent Bridge Loan Repayment, the Company Security Interest shall be held as
follows: (i) on a sole first priority basis with respect to ROW Gross Receipts until repayment of the
Company Loan (together with all interest thereon) ("Company Loan Repayment"); and (ii) on a pro
rata basis with the Argent Security Interest solely with respect to the Domestic Gross Receipts from the
Picture until Company Loan Repayment, and after Company Loan Repayment with respect to both
Domestic Gross Receipts and ROW Receipts, in accordance with their respective entitlements to recoup
the Company Senior Funding and the Argent Equity (including their respective premiums thereon), and
thereafter pro rata in accordance with their respective entitlements to recoup the Company Premium (to

17631822.5 5
the extent deferred) and Argent Deferred Producer Fee (and their respective premium thereon), as
provided in the Waterfall; and (iii) upon Argent' s recoupment of the Argent Equity and the Argent
Deferred Producer Fee (and the related premiums thereon), the Argent Security Interest shall terminate
and the Company Security Interest shall thereafter be held on a sole first priority basis. The provisions of
the lntercreditor Agreement will also confirm that, in the event Company exercises any Takeover Right
(as provided in Paragraph 13 below), provided that Argent is not in material breach of its obligations
with respect to the Picture, Company will respect all contractual entitlements of Argent that are then-
controlled by Company by virtue of its exercise of such Takeover Right, such as credits, approvals, etc.,
relating to the production of the Picture, as well as Argent's recoupment entitlements under the approved
Waterfall, to the extent disclosed to Company prior to any such takeover, to the extent consistent with
the provisions of this Agreement, and subject to any defenses or contractual rights of Producer with
respect thereto.
7. Company Services/Fees: Company shall furnish (i) the non-exclusive producing services and
services as visual effects producer of MM; (ii) the non-exclusive producing services of George Acogny
("Acogny") and (iii) the visual effects services of DNEG; and shall coordinate with DNEG and with
CMP regarding CMP's visual effects expenses to be incurred in Germany. [n addition to the Company
Premium and other interest premiums relating to the Company Funding, Company shall receive a
producing fee ("Company Producing Fee") in the amount of Four-Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD$400,000) (including a producer fee of Sixty Thousand U.S. Dollars [USD$60,000] to be equally
allocated between MM and Acogny), and a legal fee reimbursement ("Company Legal Fee") in the
amount of Seventy-Five Thousand U.S. Dollars (USD$75,000). For engaging and providing the VFX
services of DNEG, Company shall be entitled to receive (and/or retain from the Company Funding and
pay directly to DNEG, the exact funding mechanism to be coordinated and agreed with the Completion
Guarantor) the $10,000,000 budgeted fee allocated for the VFX services of DNEG. Company also
approves a producer fee for Hammerstone Studios in the amount of Three-Hundred Fifty Thousand U.S.
Dollars (USD$350,000). All of these fees shall be included in the Budget. The Company Producing Fee
and the Company Legal Fee shall be paid on first drawdown of the Company Funding (and the
Company shall be entitled to deduct and retain such monies from such first drawdown). MM and
Acogny shall each have access to all production locations, information and materials (including without
limitation books and records, development materials, legal documentation, sales reports, cost reports,
marketing materials) provided to any other producer, be meaningfully consulted on all key creative
matters, domestic distribution and foreign sales, as well as advertising and marketing campaign for
initial U.S. release, and have the right to attend all preview screenings, and be included in all key
creative and business meetings and correspondences on a no less favorable basis than any other
producer; provided, however, that MM shall have full authority and control with respect to all VFX
services and activity, including, without limitation the VFX services of DNEG. MM and Acogny shall
each be provided with first class travel and expenses in connection with their foregoing services, as
more particularly set forth in the Budget.
8. Ownership. LU represents and warrants that, as of the date hereof, (i) it exclusively owns and
controls the right to produce the Picture based on the Short Film) and (ii) it separately owns and
controls, jointly with Cybergoat, lnc. ("Cybergoat"), a California corporation, all rights in and to the
Screenplay (collectively, the "Underlying Rights"), and (iii) that promptly following the execution of
this Agreement, it will (together with Cybergoat) grant an exclusive one-picture license ("One Picture
License") to Production Entity to develop, produce and exploit the Picture based on the Short Film and
the Screenplay and to exploit all ancillary rights (as distinguished from all derivative and subsidiary
production rights, interactive game rights and theme park rights, which are being reserved to LU
[collectively, "Derivative Rights"]) throughout the universe, in any and all languages and in any and all
media, whether now known or hereafter developed, as more particularly set out in the One Picture
License between LU and Producer and that separate Option and Rights Agreement among LU,
Cybergoat and Producer, both dated concurrently herewith. Producer represents and warrants that it has,

17631822.5 6
and will have, all right, title and interest necessary to produce, distribute and fully exploit the Picture and
all ancillary rights in all markets and media (now known or hereafter created) throughout the universe in
perpetuity. Producer and LU each represent and warrant that they will not take any action or transfer,
assign or pledge (or cause to be transferred, assigned or pledged) any of their respective rights, interests
or entitlements in the Underlying Rights, the Screenplay, the Picture and/or the Derivative Rights in any
way that is contrary to the provisions of this Agreement and the Security Agreement, without the
express prior written approval of Company. The results and proceeds of all services rendered by
individuals and entities in connection with the Picture (including, without limitation, the services of any
of Producer's employees, officers, directors and third party contractors who are involved in rendering
services on the Picture), including without limitation all themes, plots, characters, formats, ideas, stories,
and all other material composed, submitted, added, created, or interpolated by such individuals and
entities (collectively, "Results and Proceeds"), shall be deemed a work-made-for-hire for Production
Entity prepared within the scope of Production Entity's employment or engagement thereof, and/or as a
work specifically ordered and/or commissioned by the Production Entity for use in an audio-visual
work. Producer hereby irrevocably grants to LU the exclusive and irrevocable right and license, at no
cost, to use any or all of the Results and Proceeds as well as footage, music and/or all other elements
original to the Picture in connection with the exploitation of the Derivative Rights that are reserved to
LU hereunder, without reservation or restriction. At any time after the completion and delivery of the
Picture, Company may in its sole discretion require Producer to grant to Company an undivided 50%
ownership interest in the copyright of the Picture for all purposes throughout the universe, which
Producer shall promptly do by signing any and all documentation necessary or desirable to effectuate
such transfer. Producer and LU (x) shall do such acts and execute such documents to further evidence
the grant or transfer, and (y) hereby appoint Company as their attorney-in-fact to do such acts and to
execute such documents consistent herewith in Producer's and/or LU's name in the event of Producer's
or LU's failure, refusal or unavailability to do so, such appointment being coupled with an interest and
irrevocable. In addition to, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, the parties
hereby agree that Company and LU shall jointly control any and all Underlying Rights and Derivative
Rights (other than the ongoing exploitation of the Short Film), including without limitation all
subsequent film, television, internet, literary, live stage, interactive gaming and all other ancillary and
subsidiary rights in connection with Picture and the Underlying Rights and Derivative Rights,
throughout the universe in perpetuity; and such Underlying Rights and Derivative Rights may only be
exploited with the mutual agreement of both LU and Company, except for the rights in the China
License being granted to and solely controlled by Company pursuant to Paragraph 10.B below. In
subsequent Long Form Agreement, LU and Company agree to negotiate in good faith a process by
which non-China License related subsequent derivative productions may be initiated by either LU and
Company under certain circumstances if they are unable to reach mutual agreement regarding such
derivative productions. Provided that Argent has not breached any of its material obligations under any
of the agreements to which it is a party in connection with the Picture, Company agrees that Argent may
have a right of first negotiation ("First Negotiation Right") for up to 60 days to co-finance the first
subsequent audiovisual production (on a rolling basis only if Argent finances the immediately preceding
subsequent production). If after exercising its First Negotiation Right, the parties do not reach an
agreement for Argent to co-finance such subsequent production on terms acceptable to both LU and
Company, Company agrees that Argent will be entitled to receive a passive royalty payment ("Argent
Passive Payment") in an amount equal to 5% of I 00% of the aggregate rights compensation payable to
LU and Company solely as the copyright owners of the subsequent production rights to the Picture. By
way of clarification and for the avoidance of doubt, the Argent Passive Payment shall not be applicable
to, nor calculated on the basis of, any other compensation payable to LU or Company for their services,
financing activities, or otherwise in connection with any such subsequent production. For the avoidance
of doubt, subject to the approval rights of Company hereunder, the foregoing shaJI not in any way limit
or otherwise restrict Argent and/or LU from entering into any other agreement pertaining to Argent's
financial participation from and out of LU's or Bergvall's financial participation in the exploitation of

17631822.5 7
any Underlying and Derivative Rights provided that such participation is based upon and payable solely
out of LU's share of any sums, fees and/or proceeds paid with respect thereto.
9. Credit: Company shall be entitled to receive each of the following credits on-screen and in all
paid advertising for the Picture:
a. One animated production company logo at the beginning of the Picture in second position
only to the applicable distributor in a given territory, on a separate card, and one production company
logo at the end of the Picture;
b. Two presentation credits on screen on a separate card in the main titles of the Picture
(including one in the first position and one in the second position wh.ich may be accorded by Company
at its sole election to a Chinese distributor designated by Company);
c. Two individual "Produced by" credits for MM and Acogny, on a shared card, in the main
titles in not less than the fifth and the sixth position of such "produced by" credits, and contiguous to the
other "produced by" credits;
d. One VFX producer credit for MM, in the main titles, on a separate card
e. Up to four individual "Executive Producer" credits for designees to be named by Company,
in the main titles, on a card only to be shared among these individuals.
I 0. Distribution:
A. Distribution Outside of China. With respect to sales and distribution outside the China
Territory (as defined below), the parties agree that the sales agency fee payable collectively to CAA and
WME (as pre-approved domestic sales agent) shall not exceed 5% (i.e, 2.5% each) and the sales agency
fee payable to Bloom (as pre-approved foreign sales agent) shall not exceed 7.5%; provided, however,
that no sales agency fee shall be payable to Bloom with respect to any receipts from the China License.
All distribution agreements for the U.S./Canada, UK, Australia/New Zealand and South Africa, and any
other foreign licenses below the "takes" expressly approved in writing by Company shall be subject to
Company's express prior written approval. Frankfurt Kumit Klein and Selz PC is pre-approved as
domestic (U.S/North America) distribution legal counsel for the Picture and is entitled to a fee equal to
2% of the Gross Receipts, up to but not exceeding a cap of One Hundred Twenty Thousand U.S. Dollars
(USD$120,000), in accordance with the Waterfall.
B. Distribution in China. In consideration of a flat license fee of Two Million U.S. Dollars
(USD$2,000,000) ("License Fee"), payable by Company upon delivery of the Picture to Company or its
designated affiliate, LU and Producer hereby irrevocably grant to Company the sole and exclusive right
to (and/or sublicense to third parties the right to) market, distribute and otherwise exploit the Picture and
all elements thereof, and any and all allied and ancillary rights therein and thereto (including, without
limitation, all music, merchandising, publishing, clip rights, interactive game rights and theme park
rights), in any and all languages, in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter developed, in
perpetuity, in the territory ("China Territory") of the Greater China (including Mainland China, Hong
Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) ("China License"). Any and all proceeds derived from the exploitation of
the Picture in the China Territory shall be solely retained by Company and shall not be included in the
Waterfall calculation of Gross Receipts, other than the License Fee. If Company elects to cause the
production of an interactive game in the China Territory based upon the Picture, Company agrees to
negotiate in good faith with LU for the consulting and/or other services of Bergvall in connection with
such interactive game. If Company and LU are unable to reach agreement after negotiating for thirty
(30) days, Company shall have no further obligation to LU and/or Bergvall in connection therewith;
provided, however, that Company and LU agree to negotiate in good faith in the Long Form Agreement
the basis upon which Company would be willing to pay to LU a passive royalty in connection with the
exploitation of Company's interactive game rights in China.

17631822.5 8
11. Assignment: This Agreement and any and all of Company's rights and entitlements hereunder
may be assigned by Company in whole or in part to any person or entity; provided however, that
Company will remain secondarily liable for all of Company's obligations hereunder. Producer and LU
shall not be entitled to assign this Agreement to a third party without Company' s express prior approval.
12. Insurance: Production of the Picture will be covered by all customary production insurance.
Producer will obtain essential element insurance for Bergvall, Fassbender and Schwarzenegger.
Producer agrees to name Company as an additional insured and loss payee on Producer's production,
errors and omissions and general liability insurance policies with respect to the Picture, which policies
and the terms thereof shall be subject to Company's prior approval.
13. Approvals: In addition to the Conditions Precedent set forth above, the following, together
with any replacements thereof, as well as the material terms and conditions of any agreements in
connection therewith, shall each be subject to Company's prior written approval (not to be unreasonably
withheld or delayed); provided that Producer shall accord Company meaningful, good faith advance
consultation regarding all key business and creative decisions not specifically subject to Company's
approval hereunder:
a. The budget and the financing plan for the Picture (including any changes and modifications
thereto) and the terms and conditions of any other financing contributions (including without limitation
any funding through third party reinvestments, soft money subsidies and German tax credit). The
Financing Plan in " Exhibit C" is approved by Company, although the terms and conditions of such
funding and the agreements relating thereto remain subject to Company's approval. Any so-called
"enhancements" of the Budget or other non-mandatory increase of the contingency (i.e., other than costs
that are required to complete and deliver the Picture pursuant to the completion bond) shall require the
express prior written approval of Company (Company hereby pre-approving, subject to the approval of
the Completion Guarantor, a reserve up to but not exceeding Forty Thousand U.S. Dollars
[USD$40,000] from any unspent contingency for the costs incurred in connection with a preview test
screening of the Picture, the specifics of which, e.g., timing, location, etc., shall be mutually agreed by
Company, LU and Producer); and any savings from the contingency shall be paid to reduce the
Company Junior Funding, and shall be paid directly to Company (i.e., not through the CAMA) from the
Completion Guarantor or Production Account (as the case may be). It shall be Producer's sole
responsibility to fund the entire Budget for the Picture other than the Company Funding, including all
overages, if any, and if Producer fails to do so, Producer shall be deemed in material breach of this
Agreement and Company shall have the right to exercise Company's Takeover Right set forth below.
Furthermore, the parties agree that regardless of how Producer raises any other financing required to
complete and deliver the Picture hereunder on or before the Delivery Date, including any budget
overages, Company's share of compensation, Net Profits and ownership in the Picture and Company's
interest in the Underlying and Derivative Rights as set forth herein shall not be reduced or diluted in any
manner, and any profit participations or other monies that Producer may be required to grant to third
parties shall be solely out of Producer's share thereof;
b. Cash flow schedule, production schedule, production locations (Germany and Bulgaria are
pre-approved) and final shooting screenplay;
c. Collection agent (Freeway and Fintage pre-approved), Completion Guarantor (European
Film Bonds pre-approved), key cast (e.g., Bergvall, Fassbender and Schwarzenegger pre-approved), key
creatives (e.g., director [Bergvall pre-approved], director of photography, production designer [Bassett
pre-approved], producer [Katzsmith, Westgren, Fassbender, Schwarzenegger (TBC), Pelle Strandberg,
Joe Neurauter, Bergvall, MM, George and one producer designated by Argent pre-approved]),
department heads, line producer [Buchner pre-approved], VFX vendors (Company f/s/o DNEG pre-
approved), production accountant, sales agents (CAA/WME as domestic sales agent and Bloom as
ROW foreign sales agent pre-approved), distributors (including a sole approval right for distributor of

17631822.5 9
229 720-10002
the China Territory) and the material tenns of their agreements
d. To the extent within Producer's control, the worldwide marketing campaign for the initial
theatrical release of the Picture, including the date of initial theatrical release of the Picture in the U.S.,
and all related advertising, publicity and promotion;
e. Mutual approval of the final cut of the Picture, provided that in the event of disagreement
between the parties, alternate versions of the cut of the Picture may be screened and tested, the
reasonable and customary costs of which may be paid for with any unused savings from the contingency
allowance in the Budget, and the majority vote of the following five parties shall control: LU f/s/o
Bergvall, Katzsmith, B-Reel Films, Argent and Company, provided that said majority includes at least
one of Argent or Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, subject to good faith consultation,
Company shall have the tie-break and final decision with respect to the final cut of the Picture for its
exploitation in the China Territory ("China Cut"). If Company elects to prepare a China Cut of the
Picture, the costs associated with the first China Cut delivered to Company as a mandatory deliverable
in accordance with the China Distribution Agreement shall be paid for out of the Budget financing or
any unused portion of the contingency allowance of the Budget. If there is no available contingency
allowance and additional costs are required to be incurred in Company's sole discretion for the China
Cut after Company's acceptance of delivery, such additional costs shall be paid for by Company or
Company's designee in China. In addition, Company agrees to give Bergvall the first opportunity to
oversee and consult regarding the alternative editing for the China Cut, provided (i) that Bergvall is
ready and available to render such services when required by Company, (ii) that Bergvall complies with
all of Company's instructions relating to such cut; and (iii) that Company shall not be obligated to pay
any additional compensation or pay for any additional costs or expenses relating to Bergvall's
involvement with the China Cut.
Subject to the Completion Guarantor's rights in connection with the Picture, Company shall have a
takeover right ("Takeover Right") in the same manner and on the same tenns as that of the Completion
Guarantor in the event that the Picture is going over-budget or behind schedule (without promptly curing
the same to Company's satisfaction, in its sole good faith business judgment), or LU or Producer
materially breach their respective agreements or obligations in connection with the Picture, including
without limitation, by failing to meet the delivery date, or by filing for bankruptcy. In the event
Company exercises its Takeover Right, Producer and LU hereby appoint Company as their attomey-in-
fact to do such acts and execute such documents consistent with this Agreement in Producer's and/or
LU's name, such appointment being coupled with an interest and irrevocable. If Company exercises its
Takeover Right, Bergvall shall remain engaged as the director of the Picture so long as Bergvall is not in
uncured material breach, and provided that he complies with all of the instructions of Company (and/or
the Completion Guarantor) in connection with the production, editing and post production of the Picture.
14. Additional Provisions:
a. This Agreement does not establish a relationship of partners or Jomt venture between
Company and Producer or LU; nor shall there be any fiduciary or other legal relationship of trust
established between Company and Producer or LU hereunder.
b. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile or PDF and in one or more separate
counterparts, each of whfoh shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall be deemed an original
for any purposes.
c. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California applicable to
contracts entered into and wholly to be perfonned therein, and the parties consent to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of California.
d. The parties anticipate entering into more fonnal documentation incorporating the above
terms as well as the other terms that may customarily be included in agreements of this type (including,

17631822.S 10
without limitation, indemnity, insurance, confidentiality, representations and warranties, etc.), but until
such time, if ever, this Agreement shall constitute a binding agreement among the parties in accordance
with its terms.


17631822.5 11
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.

Very truly yours,



By: ~~k\-~0-'-/

Signature Page to Financing Term Sheet - Kung Fury 2


PART A​:​ ​All Collected Gross Receipts

1. To Collection Agent in payment of the agreed Collection Agent’s fee and expenses; then
2. To the Guilds to fund the Residuals Set-Aside; then
3. To the Sales Agent in payment of its Sales Commission of 7.5% in respect of the ROW
(excluding China) to CAA/WME in payment of its Sales Commission of 5% in respect of
Domestic; to Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein in respect of Domestic legal expenses in the amount
of 2% and no greater than $120,000; then
4. To the Sales Agent in payment of its Sales Expenses of up to $150,000 (the “Sales
Expenses Cap”) plus any additional expenses outside the Sales Expenses Cap
approved by the financiers in writing; then
5. The remainder as per Part B and Part C

PART B: ​ROW Gross Receipts

1. Creasun Senior Loan in respect of an amount of USD12,000,000 (including

USD2,000,000 for China) and 15% per annum interest.
2. Pro rata and pari passu to:
● Bankenfunds in respect of an amount of USD570,000 and 8% interest;
● Rinke in respect of an amount of USD216,600 and a premium of 20%; then

3. Film i Väst in respect of an amount of USD150,000 and a premium of 20%; then

4. Creasun and Argent pro rata and pari passu in respect of any amount unrecouped in
Part C; then

5. Creasun in respect of an amount of USD6,000,000 and a premium of 25%; then

6. Pro rata and pari passu to:

● CMP in respect of an amount of USD1,596,000 and a premium of 15%;

● Maze Pictures in respect of an amount of USD798,000 and a premium of 15%;
● Laser Unicorns in respect of an amount of USD835,000 and a premium of 15%;
● Cineplus in respect of an amount of USD160,000 and a premium of 20%;

And a 10% corridor during such tier to FFF (applicable against tier below); then
7. Pro rata and pari passu to:

● FFF in respect of an amount of USD2,280,000 and 1.25% interest;

● Swedish Film Institute in respect of an amount of USD108,000 and NO premium;
● Producers Equity in respect of an amount of USD2,280,000; then

8. To the Completion Guarantor in payment of any Completion Guarantor advances, if any;


9. Net Profits:

PART C: ​US/Canada

1. Pro rata and pari passu to:

● Creasun in respect of an amount of USD4,000,000 and a premium of 20%;
● Argent in respect of an amount of USD2,000,000 and a premium of 20%; then

2. Pro rata and pari passu to:

● Creasun in respect of an amount of USD 300,000 (deferred bridge fee) and a

premium of 20%;
● Argent in respect of an amount USD250,000 (deferred producer fee) and a premium
of 20%; then

3. The remainder as per part B.


17631822.5 14

17631822.5 15
Kung Fury - Creasun

Budget 1.14 EUR/USD

ATL $7,333,833
BTL $8,524,980
VFX * $12,669,030
Post $1,350,907
Bond/other $1,961,828 ** Revisions over previous: -$600,000 contingency moved from CMP spend to contingency.
Contingency $1,565,756 -$45,842 overage moved to ATL.

Total $33,406,335

Finance Plan

Senior Loan & equity $22,000,000 15%/20%/25%

Argent Equity $2,000,000 20%
German Funds $3,066,600 German Funds breakdown: FFF (2M EUR) $2,280,000
FilmVaest $150,000 Junior Equity 20% Bankenfunds 570000
Swedish Film $108,000 Soft Equity 0% Rinke 216600
German Tax Credit $2,562,734 Non-recoupable $3,066,600
Maze Pictures $798,000 Reinvestment 15% I I I I
CMP $1,596,000 Reinvestment 15% German Tax Credit: DFFF (25%) $2,562,734
Universal Music $130,000 Music deal
CinePlus $160,000 Post deal 20%
Laser Unicorn $835,000 Reinvestment 15%
Gross Total $33,406,334 I
NET $27,324,600
GAP $0

2nd positon equity
Tax Credits
Reinvestment deals
German Tax incentive

Dated: As of July 8,2019


(1) KUNG FURY 2 EUROPE UG (haftungsbeschrfinkt) with Company Number HRB 245509
whose registered office is Hiiberlstrasse. 5, 80337 Munich, Germany (herein referred to as the
"Copyright Owner" which expression shall include its successors in title, licensees and
assigns); and

(2) CREASUN ENTERTAINMENT USA INC. with Company Number [ ] whose registered
office is 6600 Sunset Blvd., 2nd Fl, Hollywood CA 90028 (herein referred to as the "Investor"
which expression shall include its successors in title, licensees and assigns); and

Copyright Owner and Investor shall be collectively referred to as the "Producer"

(3) Lightning Cobra Films Inc.. with Company Number U174629-4I whose registered office is
1000 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 2700, Montreal, Quebec H3A3G4 (hereinafter referred to as
the "service Provider" which expression shall include its successors in title, licensees and

A. Copyright Owner owns and controls certain motion picture, subsidiary, allied and ancillary
rights in and to the theatrical feature film at present entitled " Kung Fury 2" (the "Picture");
B. Producer wishes to engage the Service Provider to provide certain post-production services
in respect of the Picture throughout the Term in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
Agreement; and
C. Service Provider has agreed to provide certain post-production services in respect of the
Picture throughout the Term in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, and for other good and
valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto
agree as follows:

Post-Produclion Senices Agreenent (QC) - "

[Kung Fury 2 ] "
I8334720. I I


1.1 Capitalized Terms

In this Agreement, unless otherwise defined, all capitalized terms have the meanings ascribed to
them in Schedule "A".
1.2 Currency
All amounts referred to in this Agreement are intended to be in lawful currency of the United States
Dollars unless otherwise specified herein.

1.3 Computation of Time Periods

In this Agreement, in the computation of periods of time from a specified date to a later specified
date, unless otherwise expressly stated, the word "from" means "from and including" and the words "to"
and "until" each mean "to but excluding" and all references to "day" or "days" shall mean calendar days
unless designated as "Business Days".

1,4 Headings
The captions in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be used to
define or interpret any of the terms or provisions hereof.
1.5 Invalidity of Provisions
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so as to require the commission of any act
contrary to law, and if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or illegal under any material
statute, law, ordinance, order or regulation, such provision shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent
necessary to comply with such material statute, law, ordinance, order or regulation. Such curtailment or
limitation shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement or any other provisions hereof.
1.6 Applicable Law
This Agreement and all other documents provided for herein and the rights and obligations of the
parties thereto shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of
California applicable therein and the parties hereto inevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of
1.7 Schedules

The following schedules are attached to and incorporated in this Agreement by reference and
deemed to be part hereof:

Schedule A - Definitions
Schedule B - Post-Production Services Budget

Schedule C - Assignment of Copyright

1.8 Miscellaneous
(a) unless the context otherwise requires, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa,
and in particular the definitions of words and expressions set forth in Schedule "A" shall be
applied to such words and expressions when used in either the singular or the plural form;

Posl-l''roduction Seruices Agreenent (Q{.)) - "

[Kung Fury 2] "
(b) unless the context otherwise requires, words importing a particular gender shall include the
other gender;

(c) unless otherwise indicated, references to Articles, Sections, Subsections or Schedules

should be construed as references to the applicable articles, sections, subsections or
schedules hereof;

(d) references to, or to any particular provision of, a document shall be construed as ref'erences
to that document as amended to the extent permitted by this Agreement and in force at any
time; and
(e) "in writing" or "written" mean and include printing, typewriting or any electronic means of
communication capable of being permanently reproduced in alphanumeric characters at
the point ofreception.


2.1 Post-Production Services
Producer engages Service Provider, throughout the Term, to provide and perform certain
post-production services in Canada in a first class manner consistent with the reasonable standards required
for the exploitation of international theatrical feature films (the "Post-Production Services"), including,
but not limited to: (i) engaging persons to render Post-Production Services for the Picture, including, visual
and digital effects approved in writing by Producer; and (ii) providing any other related post-production
services, as required by Producer; provided no act or omission to act shall be required of Service Provider,
over and above what has been agreed to under this Agreement, that could directly preclude Service Provider
fiom being entitled to or applying for, or receiving any f'ederal, provincial or other Canadian tax credit,
grant or subsidy, any Canadian refund in connection therewith or any proceeds therefrom and where such
act or omission shall impact the Service Provider's ability to claim tax credits, Service Provider and
Producer shall discuss the same in good faith to agree on a resolution (collectively, the "Tax Credits").
The Post-Production Services shall include all of the services and deliverables (including delivery
requirements) set forth in that certain visual effects services agreement between Service Provider and
Re:Define FX Ltd. dated as of [July 8ft 2019] (the "VFX Agreement"). Provided Service Provider is not in
breach hereunder, Producer hereby (i) grants to Service Provider such permission and (ii) licenses to
Service Provider such limited rights as Service Provider may need solely in order to perform the
Post-Production Services required pursuant to this Agreement and to apply for, receive and retain the Tax
Credits, as are applicable or available to the Picture.
2.2 Post-ProductionServicesBudget
The Post-Production Services shall be rendered in accordance with the final Post-Production
Services budget approved by the Producer for services rendered in Canada by the Service Provider, as set
out in Schedule B attached hereto (the "Post-Production Services Budget"), subject only to such changes
in the Post-Production Services Budget as the Investor may approve in writing. The Post-Production
Services Budget shall include, without limitation: (i) any and all payments made to Re:Define FX Ltd.
pursuant to the VFX Agreement (which are exclusive of any Dolby license fees, if applicable), and
payments relating to any approved overages; (ii) any ancillary payments required to perform the
Post-Production Services, as approved by Investor in writing and as invoiced by Service Provider to
Investor. Notwithstanding anything else herein contained, the Post-Production Services Budget shall not be

t l' ro dilc t i o n S e ru i c e s Ag re c n c n t,r r,, - t

tTi jr iOr.!,
P os

increased or decreased without the prior written consent ofProducer hereunder. The Producer shall not be
subject to any Canadian provisional or federal taxes with respect to this Agreement. It is being understood
by the Parties, however, that some of the actual shots willchange based upon the edit of the Picture, with
such changes to be reflected in Change Orders (as defined in the VFX Agreement) as approved by Service
Provider and Producer's Representative (i.e., Minglu Ma), and provided that the Maximum Post-Production
Fee shall remain the same.

2.3 Covenants of the Service Provider

The Service Provider covenants and agrees that:
(a) Production Reports. The Service Provider shall promptly prepare such customary
post-production reports as Producer may reasonably request and supply copies thereofto
Producer via email or by personal delivery.

(b) Completion Dates. The Service Provider shall advise the Producer in a timely fashion of
the dates upon which the Post-Production Services are commenced and completed. The
Service Provider acknowledges and agrees that Service Provider shall complete all of
Service Provider's services and deliver all required deliverables hereunder to Producer on
or before October 5th ,2020 ("Delivery Date"). Timely cornpletion of Service Provider's
services is of the essence of this Agreement.

(c) Compliance with Applicable Law. The Service Provider shall comply with all applicable
laws, statutes, rules, regulations and requirements of all governmental agencies and
regulatory bodies and shall duly and promptly apply for and provide all material consents,
licenses and permits which may be required by any governmental agency or authority of
competent jurisdiction in connection with this Agreement and the provision of the
Post-Production Services.
(d) Approved Schedule. The Service Provider shall fully comply with the approved schedule
set forth on Schedule B and to deliver the Post-Production Services at the earliest possible
date consistent with said Schedule B and in any event by the Delivery Date, unless a delay
has been caused by Producer in providing materials to Re:Define or through a change in
delivery date through a Change Order.
(e) Approved Budget. The Service Provider shall provide the Post-Production Services in
accordance with the Post-Production Services Budget.

(0 Copyright Assignments. The Service Provider shall ensure that any personnel it engages
or employs to provide post-production services shall render such services as a "work made
for hire" specially commissioned as part of an audio visual work, i.e. the Picture, and in any
event all such personnel may not claim any copyright or moral rights related to the Picture
and shall execute such assignments or waivers as are approved in advance by the Producer.

(g) Keep Proper Books. The Service Provider shall keep accurate and complete books of
account and records in which full and current entries shall be made of all financial
transactions, assets and business ofthe Service Provider and permit representatives ofthe
Producer access thereto at all reasonable times to inspect such books and records and to
make extracts therefrom or copies thereof.

2.4 Official Designee Affidavit

The Copyright Owner hereby covenants and agrees that it will provide Service Provider with an
Official Designee Affrdavit, as defined in the Federal Tax Credit Provisions forthwith contemporaneously

Post-l'roduclion Senicer Agrcement (QC) - "

lKung l\try 2l "
with the signature of this Agreement., which shall be a condition precedent to this Agreement being
effective. Should the Copyright Owner transfer any part of the copyright in and to the Picture to a third
party, the Copyright Owner hereby covenants and agrees that it will obtain an Official Designee Affidavit
fiom said third party and will forward it to the Service Provider forthwith. The Copyright Owner also
agrees, upon Service Provider's reasonable request, to provide copies of chain-of-title documentation to
Service Provider, which confirms that the Copyright Owner owns copyright in and to the Picture
throughout the Term ofthe Post-Production Services subject to any security interest granted in favor ofthe
financiers of the Picture.
2.5 Third Party Agreements
The parties agree that any third-party agreements reasonably required for the provision of the
Post-Production Services (the "Third Party Agreements") shall require the prior written approval of
Producer, provided Service Provider shall remain liable for any obligations delegated under the Third Party
Agreements, and Service Provider will exercise any rights Service Provider may have pursuant to any Third
Party Agreements, including the VFX Agreement, only with the prior written approval of Investor and only
in accordance with Investor's instructions.
2,6 Producer's Approval:
In the event Copyright Owner and Investor cannot reach an agreement with respect to any issue
that requires Producer's approval hereunder, Investor's decision shall control.



3.1 Representations and Warranties of the Investor

The Investor represents, warrants and covenants to the Service Provider as follows, and
acknowledges that the Service Provider is relying thereon without independent inquiry in entering into this

(a) The Investor has the absolute right and authority, jointly with the Copyright Owner, to engage
the Service Provider to render the Post-Production Services in accordance with this
(b) Non-Resident. The Investor is not a resident of Canada for purposes of either the Income
Tax Act (Canada) or the Excise Tax Act (Canada) and the Investor is not registered for the
purposes of CST under the Excise Tax Act (Canada).

(c) Not An Eligible Production Corporation. The Investor does not qualiff as an eligible
production corporation or the equivalent thereoffor the purposes oftax credits. For greater
certainty, Investor acknowledges that it is not: a taxable Canadian corporation, the
activities of which in the year are primarily the carrying on through a permanent
establishment in Canada of a film or video production business or a film or video
production services business.
(d) No Litigation. To the best of the Investor's knowledge and beliel there is no matter,
litigation, tax claim, proceeding or other dispute pending or threatened against or affecting
the Investor or the Picture, the adverse determination of which might materially and

Post-Production Seruice.\ Agrcenent (Ql:) "

- "
[Kung Fury 2]
adversely affect the Investor's financial condition or operations or impair the Investor's
ability to perform its obligations hereunder.
(e) No Contravention. The engagement of the Service Provider hereunder and the provision
of the Post-Production Services do not and will not conflict with, or result in a breach of the
terms, conditions, or provisions of, or constitute a default under, any agreement or
instrument to which the Investor is a party.
(0 Corporate Power. The Investor is a limited liability company formed pursuant to the laws
of the State of California and has the full right, power and authority to enter into and
perform its obligations hereunder.

(g) Due Execution and Enforceability. This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the lnvestor and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the
Investor, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to bankuptcy,
insolvency, arrangement and the laws generally affecting the enforceability of creditors'
rights (other than those pertaining to fraudulent assignments and preferences) and, except
as expressly provided herein, the availability, in the discretion of a court of competent
jurisdiction, of equitable remedies.
(h) No Contravention. To the best of the Investor's knowledge and belief, the execution and
delivery of this Agreement does not, and the performance by the Investor of its obligations
under this Agreement will not contravene any law, regulation, or by-law applicable thereto
and all consents, licenses, approvals, authorizations, or exemptions of any governmental
body or regulatory authority required or advisable for or in connection with the execution,
delivery and performance by the Investor hereunder have been obtained and are in full
force and effect.
(i) Exploitation of the Picture. The Picture has been produced primarily for consumption,
use and enjoyment outside of Canada. By way of clarity, and for the avoidance of doubt,
however, the foregoing representation shall not preclude the distribution and other
exploitation of the Picture in Canada.
3.2 Survival of Representations and Warranties
The representations and warranties contained in Section 3.1 shall remain in full force and effect so
long as and shall be deemed to be repeated by the Investor on each day the Investor shall have any
obligation to the Service Provider hereunder.
3.3 Representations and Warranties of the Copyright Owner

The Copyright Owner represents, warrants and covenants to the Service Provider AS
follows, and acknowledges that the Service Provider is relying thereon without independent inquiry in
entering into this Agreement:

(a) Copyright. The Copyright Owner holds 100% of the copyright in and to the Picture
throughout the period ofPost-Production Services in Canada and hereby consents to and
joins in the engagement of the Service Provider.

(b) Trade Marks and Defamatory Material. To the best of the Copyright Owner's
knowledge and belief, the Underlying Rights do not, nor do any ofthe contents thereof nor
the sound and/or musical and literary material used in connection with the Picture, violate
or infringe any trade mark, trade name, copyright, patent, contractual personal property or

Post-l'roduction SeNices Agreement (Q{:) - " [Kuitg Fury 2] "

I 8334720. I I
publicity right or any other right of any person or contain to the best of the Copyright
Owner's knowledge and belief any defamatory, or unlawful material.

(c) Corporate Power. Copyright Owner has the full right, power and authority to enter into
and perform its obligations hereunder.

(d) Due Execution and Enforceability. This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the Copyright Owner and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of
the Copyright Owner, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to
bankruptcy, insolvency, arrangement and the laws generally affecting the enforceability of
creditors' rights (other than those pertaining to fraudulent assignments and preferences)
and , except as expressly provided herein, the availability, in the discretion of a court of
competent jurisdiction, of equitable remedies.

3.4 Survival of Representations and Warranties

The representations and warranties contained in Section 3.3 shall remain in full force and
effect so long as and shall be deemed to be repeated by the Copyright Owner on each day the Copyright
Owner shall have any obligation to the Service Provider hereunder.

3.5 Representations and Warranties of the Service Provider

The Service Provider represents, warrants and covenants to the Producer (and each of them) as
follows, and acknowledges that the Producer is relying thereon without independent inquiry in entering into
this Agreement:

(a) Corporate Power. The Service Provider is a corporation formed under the laws of
Canada and extra-provincially registered in the Province of Quebec and has the full right,
power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations hereunder.

(b) No Contravention. The engagement of the Service Provider hereunder and the provision
of the Post- Production Services shall be in a first class manner consistent with the
reasonable standards required for the exploitation of international theatrical feature films
and do not and will not conflict with, or result in a breach of the terms, conditions, or
provisions of, or constitute a default under, any agreement or instrument to which the
Service Provider is a party. The Service Provider further warrants that the provision of the
Post-Production Services by Service Provider will not contravene any law, regulation, or
by-law applicable thereto and all consents, licenses, approvals, authorizations, or
exemptions of any governmental body or regulatory authority required or advisable for or
in connection with the execution, delivery and performance by the Service Provider
hereunder have been obtained and are in full force and effect.

(c) No Litigation. There is no matter, litigation, tax claim, proceeding or other dispute
pending or threatened against or affecting the Service Provider or its property, the adverse
determination of which might materially and adversely affect the Service Provider's
financial condition or operations or impair the Service Provider's ability to perform its
obligations hereunder.
(d) Due Execution and Enforceability. This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the Service Provider and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of
the Service Provider, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to
bankruptcy, insolvency, arrangement and the laws generally affecting the enforceability
' ,ost-l'roduction Senicet Asrecmcnt ,*, -
of creditors' rights (other than those pertaining to fraudulent assignments and
preferences) and the availability, in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction,of
equitable remedies.
(e) Incorporation. The Service Provider was incorporated for the purpose of providing the
Post-Production Services for the Picture and will not, prior to receipt of the Tax Credits,
engage in any other activity without the prior written consent of the Producer.

(0 No assignment, etc. The Service Provider shall not license, assign, sell, transfer or
encumber the Picture or any works or rights relating to the Picture except to the Producer
as explicitly permitted by this Agreement.

(e) Tax Residence. The Service Provider is, and at all relevant times, will maintain a
permanent establishment in Canada for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

(h) Results and Proceeds. All of the results and proceeds of Service Provider's services
hereunder shall be original with Service Provider, except to the extent based on or
incorporating materials specifically provided to Service Provider by Producer, and that
the Copyright Owner shall be the exclusive owner of all of the results and proceeds of
Service Provider's services in connection with the Picture. free and clear of any third
party claims relating in any way to Service Provider or any of the services provided by
Service Provider in connection with the Picture.

3.6 Survival of Representations and Warranties

The representations and warranties contained in Section 3.4 shall remain in full force and effect so
long as the Service Provider shall have any obligation to the Producer hereunder.


4.1 Production Fees
(a) As compensation for the full and satisfactory provision of the Post-Production Services,
and all of the other rights and benefits of the Producer under this Agreement, the Investor agrees to pay the
following fee to the Service Provider: (i) an amount equal to the "Maximum Post-Production Fee", as
defined in the Post-Production Services Budget attached hereto as Schedule "8", and (ii) any other amounts
as approved by Investor and/or as set forth in the Post-Production Services Budget, provided that the total
fee in whatever nature payable by Investor or the Copyright Owner hereunder shall in no event exceed Ten
Million U.S. Dollars ($10,000,000) ("Cap") regardless of any change made to the Post-Production Service
Budget and that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the VFX Agreement, any amount
exceeding the Cap shall be borne by Service Provider.
(b) The Producer acknowledges and agrees that Service Provider may apply for and retain the
Tax Credits and the interim financing thereof, or the proceeds therefrom, shall be used to pay the balance of
any amounts remaining within the Post-Production Services Budget.

(c) The parties further agree that payment of the certification fees and all applications, action,
filings and/or other processes or procedures associated with the application for the Tax Credits will be the
responsibility of the Service Provider.

Post-l'rorluction Sc^,ice,, Agreenrcnt (QC) - "

[Kung lUry 2 ] "
I 8334720. I I


5.1 Ownership Rights
It is agreed between the Service Provider and Copyright Owner that the Copyright Owner is and
shall be the sole and exclusive owner in perpetuity of all right, title and interest in and to: (i) the Picture and
all materials delivered therewith, including but not limited to the master tapes and negatives thereof; (ii) any
and all results and proceeds of the Post-Production Services; (iii) any and all materials or elements
rendered, provided, supplied, created or acquired by the Service Provider pursuant to this Agreement and
the VFX Agreement ("Materials"); (iv) the Third Party Agreements and any and all results and proceeds
thereofor thereunder; (v) any and all other rights hereunder, and (vi) the copyright in and to the foregoing
whenever created throughout the rvorld in perpetuity, but in any event not less than the full terrn of
copyright and any extension, reinstatements, reversions and renewals and shall have the right to use,
exploit, advertise, exhibit, and otherwise turn to account the Picture or any portion thereof in any media,
whether now known or hereafter devised and in any manner, throughout the world, in all languages, as the
Copyright Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall determine. By way of clarity and for the
avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall prohibit or otherwise restrict Copyright Owner from (x)
transferring any of its rights or interests in the Picture, including without limitation the copyright thereof,
after the Term of this Agreement; (y) licensing any distribution or other exploitation rights in the ordinary
course of business; and/or (z) granting any customary security interests in any of Copyright Owner's
interests in the Picture to Investor and/or other financiers ofthe Picture and to any applicable talent guilds.

5.2 Work for Hire; Assignment

It is acknowledged by the parties that Service Provider does not own any copyright or other rights
in the Underlying Rights, the Source Material,'the Picture, the Post-Production Services, the Materials and
any other materials or elements rendered, provided, supplied or acquired by the Service Provider, all such
rights belonging to the Copyright Owner as set out in Section 5.1 above and Service Provider agrees to
execute and deliver herewith to the Copyright Owner an Assignment of Copyright in the form attached as
Schedule "C". If and to the extent that the Service Provider is deemed by any statute or otherwise, to have
any rights (including without lirnitation copyright) in the Underlying Rights, the Source Material, the
Picture, the Post-Production Services, the Materials and any other materials or elements rendered, provided,
supplied or acquired by the Service Provider, then the Service Provider hereby irrevocably assigns to the
Copyright Owner for the Copyright Owner to hold absolutely throughout the world in perpetuity, and in any
event not less than the full term ofcopyright and any extensions and renewals the entire right, title and
interest in and to Underlying Rights, the Source Material, the Picture, the Post-Production Services, the
Materials and any other materials or elements rendered, provided, supplied or acquired by the Service
Provider and such assignment shall be effective immediately and where the subject matter is not yet in
existence, such assignment shall be by way of present assignment of future copyright. If the subject matter
is copyright, the assignment shall be of the entire copyright for the full period thereof (including all
extensions, reinstatements, reversions and renewals) and thereafter insofar as possible in perpetuity. For the
purposes of U.S. copyright law, the products of the Post-Production Services shall be deemed a
"work-made-for-hire" for the Copyright Owner, and for the purposes of Canadian copyright laws, as a
"work made in the course of employment" for the Copyright Owner. The Service Provider unconditionally
waives in perpetuity the benefit of any provision of law known as 'omoral rights" or "droit moral" or any
similar law in any country of the world. The Service Provider shallensure that any personnel engaged or
employed to provide services in respect of the Picture and who may claim any copyright or moral rights

Post-I'ro.luction Sen,ice.s Agreenent (Ql)) - "

lKung l--ury 21"
I 8334720. I I
related to the Picture shall also execute such assignments and waivers required by the Copyright Owner.
Sections 5.I and 5.2 will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

5.3 To the extent necessary to effect the same the Service Provider irrevocably sells, grants, transfers to
the Copyright Owner its active interest in and Ownership of the Materials.


6.1 Quebec Screen Credit
Producer shall include the mandatory "QUEBEC" symbol followed by the text "Production
Services Tax Credit" in the end credits of all versions (domestic and international) of the Picture, where
such credits typically appear, provided that casual or inadvertent failure to do so shall not be a breach ofthis

6.2 Any press releases and publicity materials issued by or on behalf of the Service Provider relating to
the Service Provider's and/or any designee of the Service Provider's involvement with the Picture shall be
subject to the prior written approval of each of Investor and the Copyright Owner.


7.1 Insurance
The Service Provider shall maintain with financially sound and reputable insurance companies or
associations specializing in motion picture insurance, and acceptable to Producer acting reasonably,
insurance in accordance with the current standards of the motion picture industry in compliance with the
insurance requirements set out in any of the agreements entered into in connection with the Post-Production
Services to insure against, among other risks:

(a) loss or destruction of the master tape, original negative or sound track of the Picture or of
the sets, props and equipment used in connection with the Post-Production Services;
(b) towards third parties for death, injury and damage to property;
(c) Iintentionally omitted] ;
(d) liability for infringement of copyright and for libel and slander and for defamation of
character and for invasion ofprivacy and right ofpublicity; and

(e) such other types of insurance in such amounts which are generally accepted in the motion
picture industry and which the Producer may reasonably request from time to time and
such policies shall provide that in the event any of the perils insured against materialize, the
insurance proceeds will be sufficient to permit the full recovery of the loss including any
required re-shooting for the completion of the Picture.

Post-PrutLluction Seruices Agrecment (QC) - "
[Kung Fury 2] "
Service Provider shall provide to Producer details of the procedures by which Service Provider
backs up digital files and assets which form part of the Post Production Services. Due to the unique nature
of this Picture, and the amount of data required to complete the Post Production Services, Service Provider
shall back up all essential elements, on an incremental and rolling weekly basis, which shall include all
progressive and creative materials consisting oi but not limited to, flowgraphs, shape trees, architectural
models and textures at a location other than the Service Provider's main premises. Producer shall have prior
approval of Service Provider's back up facility which will adhere to the reasonably applicable first class
VFX facilities industry standard security requirements



8.1 Events of Default
The occurrence of any of the following events (each an "Event of Default") shall, at the option of
the Investor in its sole discretion after consultation with the Copyright Owner (and automatically following
the occurrence of events in Subsection 8.1(b) or 8.1(c)) entitle Investor to either assume complete
supervision and control of the Post-Production Services in connection with the Picture, including, control
over the expenditure of amounts set forth in the Post-Production Serivces Budget, creative decisions and
personnel (and the replacement thereof) ("Takeover Right") or terminate this Agreement and the services
provided hereunder:
(a) the Service Provider shall fail to perform or observe or shall be in breach of any term,
covenant or agreement contained herein and any such failure remains unremedied for five
(5) days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Service Provider by the
(b) if it becomes unlawful for the Service Provider to perform or carry out any of its
obligations under this Agreement;
(c) the Service Provider shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they
become due, shall commit an act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or shall file any petition or
action for relief under any bankruptcy, re-organization. insolvency or moratorium law, or
any other law or laws for the relief of, or relating to, debtors or to take any action in
furtherance ofthe foregoing; or
(d) an involuntary petition shall be filed under any bankruptcy statute against the Service
Provider or a receiver or trustee shall be appointed to take possession ofthe Production of
the Service Provider unless such petition or appointment is set aside or withdrawn or
ceases to be in effect within fifteen (15) days from the date of said filing or appointment.

(e) the completion of deliverables is prevented or interrupted because of force majeure events,
including, without limitation, any labour dispute, fire, war or governmental action, or any
disruptive events beyond Service provider's control and such disruption continues for more
than 4 weeks.

Post-Pro.luctbn Sen'ices ARreenlenl (Qtl) - "

[Kung Fury 2J "
On termination of this Agreement for any reason, Service Provider shall return all of Producer's materials
(including, without limitation, the Materials) in its possession to Producer, in accordance with the
instructions of Producer's Representative.

8.2 Takeover Right

In the event that the Investor exercises the Takeover Right, the Service Provider shall cooperate and
cause its subcontractors to cooperate, with the Investor and/or its designee to the fullest extent as may be
required by the Investor and/or its designee in completing the Post-Production Services in connection with
the Picture. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Investor exercises the Takeover Right, the Service
Provider shall not be released from any of its obligations hereunder.
8.3 Intentionally Deleted

8.4 Waiver of Injunctive Relief

Service Provider agrees that its sole and exclusive remedy in connection with Copyright Owner's
or Investor's breach, termination or cancellation of any term, covenant or agreement contained herein, shall
be an action for damages, and Service Provider inevocably waives any right to seek and/or obtain
rescission and/or equitable and/or injunctive relief in connection with this Agreement (or breach or alleged
breach hereof), against the Picture (and/or any distribution, marketing, exhibition or other exploitation
thereof), or Producer's use ofthe services, and results and proceeds ofthe services, provided by Service
Provider herein.


9.1 Notices
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice, request, demand or other communication
provided for hereunder, to be given shall be in writing and shall be personally served by courier or
messenger or sent by facsimile transmission and shall be deemed to have been given when, personally
served, or when transmitted by facsimile (as verified by transmission report), as the case may be. The
addresses ofthe parties (until notice of a change thereof is served) shall be as follows:

In the case of notice to the Service Provider, addressed to it as follows: [ ]

Lightning Cobra Films Inc.

1000 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 2700,

Montreal, Quebec H3A3G4

Attn.:David Carter
Facsimile: 416-920-9134

In the case ofnotice to the Investor, addressed to it as follows:

6600 Sunset Blvd., 2nd Fl

Hollywood, CA 90028
Post-Prcduction Senices Agrecment (QC) - "lKung ltlry 21"
I 8334720. I I
Attn: Minglu Ma, George Acogny
Emails : ;

With a courtesy copy to:

Loeb and Loeb LLP

10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attn: Michael Helfant, Esq; June Tan, Esq.
Emai ls :;

In the case of notice to the Copyright Owner, addressed to it as follows:

Hiiberlstr. 5,
80337 Munich
Attn: Philip Westgren
Email :

With a courtesy copy to:

Lee & Thompson LLP

4 Gee's Court
St Christopher's Place
London WIU IJD
Attn: Reno Antoniades, Antony Swiatek
Email :;


10.1 Relationship of the Parties
The relation of the Service Provider to each of Copyright Owner and Investor, as established by
this Agreement, is that of an independent contractor and nothing contained in this Agreement shall
be construed to: (i) give either party the power to direct or control the day to day activities of the
other; (ii) constitute the parties as joint venturers, partners, co-owners or otherwise as participants
in a joint undertaking; (iii) constitute the Service Provider as an agent, legal representative or
employee of the Producer; or (iv) authorize or permit either party or any director, officer,
employee, agent or other person acting on its behalf to incur on behalf of the other party any
obligation of any kind, either express or implied, or do, sign or execute any things, deeds, or
documents which may have the effect of legally binding or obligating the other party in any
manner in favour of any Person. All financial and other obligations associated with the business of
the Service Provider are the sole responsibility of the Service Provider, and all financial and other
obligations associated with the Copyright Owner and Investor are the sole responsibility of each of
l3 Sen,ice.s Agrcement (QC) "lKung Fury 2l '

I 8334720. I I
the Copyright Owner and Investor, respectively. Investor and Copyright Owner shall each be
responsible for their own actions, and neither shall be jointly liable for any breach by the other.

10.2 Indemnities
(a) Service Provider. The Service Provider agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold
harmless the Producer, and each of them, and each of their respective officers, directors,
employees, representatives, and agents (collectively, the "Producer Indemnitees") from and
against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments. suits,
claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (including, the fees and
disbursements of counsel for the Producer Indemnitees) in connection with any dispute, action, suit
or claim or any investigative, administrative or judicial proceeding imposed on, incurred by, or
asserted against the Producer Indemnitees (whether direct, indirect or consequential and whether
based on any federal, provincial or state laws or other statutory regulations, under common law or
at equitable cause, or on contract or otherwise), arising from or in connection with any breach by
the Service Provider ofany ofits covenants, agreements, representations or warranties hereunder or
any act or omission of Service Provider in connection with the Post-Production Services (the
"Producer Indemnified Matters"); provided, however, that the Service Provider shall have no
obligation to a Producer Indemnitee hereunder with respect to the Producer Indemnified Matters to
the extent caused by or resulting from the willful misconduct of a Producer Indemnitee, as
determined by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. All of the foregoing
indemnification and obligations of the Service Provider shall survive the termination of the other
provisions of this Agreement.
(b) Producer. Producer agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless the Service
Provider and its parent and sole shareholder, Entertainment Partners Canada Inc. and their
respective officers, directors, employees, agents and Affiliates (collectively, the "Service Provider
Indemnitees") from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties,
actions, judgments, suits, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature
whatsoever (including, the reasonable outside fees and disbursements of counsel for the Service
Provider Indemnitees) in connection with any dispute, action, suit or claim or any investigative,
administrative or judicial proceeding imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against the Service
Provider Indemnitees (whether direct, indirect or consequential and whether based on any federal,
provincial or state laws or other statutory regulations, under common law or at equitable cause, or
on contract or otherwise) arising from or in connection with any breach by the Producerof any of its
covenants, agreements, representations or warranties hereunder (the "Service Provider
Indemnified Matters"); provided, however, that the Producer shall have no obligation to a Service
Provider Indemnitee hereunder with respect to Service Provider Indemnified Matters to the extent
caused by or resulting from the wilfulmisconduct of a Service Provider Indemnitee, as determined
by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, or to the extent covered by Producer
Indemnified Matters. All of the foregoing indemnification and obligations of the Producer shall
survive the termination of the other provisions of this Agreement.
10.3 Tax Credits
Producer shall provide Service Provider and its permitted assignees with all assistance which may
be reasonably necessary for Service Provider and its permitted assignees, to apply for any and alltax credits
and proceeds therefrom in relation to the Tax Credits. Producer acknowledges that Service Provider intends
to apply for the issue of an accredited Film or Video Production Services Certitlcate (as defined in
Section 125.5 of the Income Tcu Act (Canada)) in respect of the Post-Production Services and for any
l'osl-l'roduction Seru-ices Agreement (QC) "
[Kung l'ury 2] "
I 8334720. I I
comparable or equivalent cerlification required under applicable provincial Income Tax Legislation as a
condition of entitlement to the Tax Credits. Copyright Owner shallcause to be executed and delivered an
officialdesignee affidavit, chain of title documentation, and all such other documentation as is reasonably
required to be submitted by Service Provider to any applicable governmental authority in order to obtain in
the most expeditious manner such accreditation. Service Provider agrees that it will apply in the most
expeditious manner for all Tax Credits and Tax Credit Refunds to which it is, or may reasonably be
expected to be, entitled, By way of clarification and for the avoidance of doubt, the Service Provider shall
remain obligated to perform all of the Post-Production Services required to be performed by Service
Provider hereunder regardless of any failure of Service Provider to obtain any such Tax Credits or Tax
Credit Refunds for any reason whatsoever. If the Copyright Owner wishes to assign, sell, transf'er or
otherwise dispose of its interest in the copyright in the Picture, as a condition precedent to such assignment,
sale, transfer or other disposition, Copyright Owner shall cause the assignee, purchaser, transferee or other
owner of the copyright in the Picture to comply with this Section 10.3, including by way of delivering an
official designee affidavit to Service Provider and its permitted assignees. By way of clarification and for
the avoidance ofdoubt, the foregoing sentence is not intended to, and shall not be construed in any way to
prohibit or otherwise restrict the ability of the Producer to license to any third party the right to distribute or
otherwise exploit any distribution, marketing, exhibition and/or other exploitation rights in or to the Picture.
Copyright Owner and Investor further acknowledge and agree that Service Provider shall use the proceeds
of the Tax Credits and the interim financing thereof to pay the remaining Fees owing to Re:Define Fx Ltd..
For the avoidance of doubt, all expenses in relation to the application for Tax Credits shall be bome by
Service Provider and shall not be borne by Producer. The Copyright Owner and Investor shall each be given
a copy of the Film Tax Credit Application and Certification from the Service Provider within l5 days of its

10.4 Entire Agreement

This Agreement supersedes and cancels all prior negotiations and understandings between the
parties in connection with the subject matter hereof, and contains all of the terms, conditions and
agreements of the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. No modification of this
Agreement shall be valid or binding unless in writing and executed by both parties.
10.5 Enurement;Assignment
This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the Producer (and each of them)
and the Service Provider and their respective successors and assigns. This Agreement may not be assigned
by the Service Provider or by the Copyright Owner without the prior written consent of the Investor, but
may be assigned by the Investoq without the prior consent of the Service Provider, provided that any such
assignee assumes in writing the obligations of the Producer hereunder in favour of the Service Provider.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Producer acknowledges Service Provider's sole entitlement to receive the
Tax Credits, as between Service Provider and Producer. Producer further acknowledges that Service
Provider's entitlement to the Tax Credits and any of such payments arising therefrom, may be assigned to a
commercial lender of Service Provider, on a one time basis, with the consent of the Investor, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld,
f 0.6 Time
Time shall be of the essence hereof.
10.7 Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed
and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one
instrument. Facsimile or scanned/PDF signatures shall have the same force as original signatures.
Post-Pro.tilction SeNices Asrccnent (Qr, - t[TiniiOl{,
10.8 F urther Assurances
The Service Provider will execute and deliver all documents consistent herewith and take all
actions reasonably required to give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement. If the Service Provider
fails to do so within five days of request by the Producer, the Service Provider hereby irrevocably appoints
the Investor and any of its officers, with full power of substitution as its aftorney-in-fact, to execute and
deliver such documents and to take such action as the Investor's attorney reasonably considers necessary to
give such effect. Such appointment is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.
10.9 No Equitable Relief
No breach by Producer of this Agreement shall entitle Service Provider, and Service Provider
hereby waives any rights, to equitable reliei whether injunctive or otherwise (e.g., rescission), against or
with respect to the Picture or its exploitation. Service Provider agrees its claim and remedy for any breach
by Producer hereunder shall be limited to money damages; it being acknowledged and agreed that Service
Provider's claim and remedy for money damages in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions set
forlh above is adequate.

10.10. Producer's Remedies

The rights and privileges granted and agreed to be granted to Producer pursuant to this Agreernent
are of a special unique, unusual, extraordinary and intellectual character, making them difficult to replace
and giving them a peculiar value, the loss of which cannot be reasonably compensated in damages in an
action at law. If Service Provider shall breach any provision of this Agreement, Producer will be caused
irreparable damage and, therefore, Producer shall be entitled as a matter of right, at its election, to enforce
this Agreement and all of the provisions hereof by seeking injunctive or other equitable relief.

Iremainder of page intentionally left blank, with signature page to followl

Post-l'loduction Sen,ices Agreentent (QO) - "
I Kung l;ury 21 "
I 8334720. I I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.

Bv..... ..... .)
For and on behalfof
Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschriinkt))

For and on
Creasun Entertainment USA Inc..

ny . Sor:rle.. Cor. .<f r natf*.

For and on behalfof

Lightning Cobra Films Inc.

Post-kodrction kruices Agrecmeut (QC) * "[KMg fitry 2] "
I 8334720. I I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.

.... ..... .
For and on behalfof )..
Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschriin\t)

By ....
For and on behalf of
Creasun Entertainment USA Inc..

For and on behalf of
Lightning Cobra Films Inc.

Post-Produclion Services ,4greement (QC) - "IKung Fury 2J "
In addition to the terms defined within this Agreement, the following terms have the following

(a) "Affiliate"means any Person owned or controlled by, controlling or under common control with
the Copyright Owner, Investor or the Service Provider, as the case may be. For purposes of this
Agreement, ownership directly or indirectly of more than fifty percent (50%) of one hundred
percent (100%) of the voting stock and/or other voting equity security of a Person shall be deemed

"Agreement" means this Post-Production Services agreement as may, from time to time, be
amended, supplemented, modified, extended, renewed or replaced. All uses of the words "hereto",
"herein", "hereofl' and "hereunder" and similar expressions refer to this Agreement and not to any
particular section or portion of it and, unless otherwise stated, all references to Articles, Sections,
Subsections and Schedules refer to articles, sections, subsection and schedules of this Agreement;

"Business Day" means any day of the year on which banks are open for business in United

"Federal Tax Credit Provisions" means Section 125.5 of the Income Tm Act (Canada) and draft
Regulation 9300 thereto, and the guidelines of the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office
issued in connection therewith;

(e) "Force Majeure" means any event beyond one party's control which delays, hampers, interrupts
or interferes with the performance of its obligations hereunder, including, fire, earthquake, flood,
epidemic, strike, lock-out or other industrial action, civil disturbance, waro act of God. death, illness
or incapacity of or material breach by any principal member of the cast or crew of any statute, law
or judicial order or any other event completely beyond the control or influence of the respective
party. Except as expressly set out in the foregoing, in no event shall inclement weather be deemed
to be or considered as an event of Force Majeure for the purposes of this Agreement;
(0 "GST/HST" means the Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax, as applicable, payable
under Part IX ofthe Excise Tax Act (Canada);

(e) "including" and "includes" shall be deemed to be followed by the statement "without limitation"
and neither of such terms shall be construed to limit any rvord or statement which it follows to the
specific or similar items or matters immediately following it;
(h) "Legislation" means the Federal Tax Credit Provisions and the relevant provincial tax credit
legislation and any regulations and guidelines issued in connection therewith, relating to the
province or provinces in which the Production is produced;
(i) o'Materials" means any and all materials or elements rendered, provided, supplied or acquired by
the Service Provider pursuant to this Agreement;

0) "Person" means any individual, corporation, paftnership, joint venture, association, trust or
unincorporated organization or other entity whatsoever, including, a foreign state, political
subdivision thereofor any agency ofsuch state ofsubdivision.

Post-l'loduction Senice,s Agrcenent (QL)) - "
lKung Fury 21 "
(k) "Picture" means the theatrical motion picture entitled "Kung Fury 2", based on the Source
(l) "screenplay" means the screenplay for the Picture together with the title, themes, contents,
narration, pieces to camera, translations, adaptations and all other versions and drafts therefor;
(m) o'source Material" means any and all literary, dramatic, musical and artistic material incorporated
in the Picture, including the Screenplay and all underlying material upon which the Screenplay is

(n) "Term" means the term commencing on the date hereof and ending on the earlier of:(i) the date on
which Completion and Delivery of the Post-Production Services has been rnade; [(ii) the date of
termination hereunder;] and (iii) as mutually agreed in writing between the parties;
(o) "Third Party Agreements" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.5; and

(p) "Underlying Rights" means any and all intellectual property rights (including rights of copyright,
trademark and patent) and other rights of whatsoever nature in the Source Material but only insofar
as such rights are required for production, delivery, post-production and exploitation ofthe Picture.

Post-l'ro.hrction Sanice,r Agrccnlent (Q<:) - "
[Kung Fury 2]


Post-Production Services Budget s12,800,000

(defined as Fees in VFX Agreement)

Portion of Post-Production Services Budget to be paid by Investor :

Maximum Post-Production Fee $ 10,000,000

(defined as Net Fee in VFX Agreement)

Payable as follows:

Payment Service Provider Payment Milestone USD o/oPayment Cumulative

Delivery o/o

15 business days 1.75m 17.5o/o 17.5Y"
after full execution
of Agreement
2 The higher of 100 One business day lm l0o/o 27.50
shots or 77o of following
total shots Producer's
J The higher of 250 One business day lm 10% 37.5%
shots or 28%o of following
total shots Producer's
delivered by Representative's
0U3U20 acaeptance
4 The higher of450 One business day 1.25m 12.5% 5j%o
shots or 3l%, of following
total shots Producer's
delivered by Representat ive's
0313U20 acceDtance
5 The higher of 850 One business day 1.25m 12.50/o 62.5o/o
shots or 600/o of following
total shots Producer's
delivered by Representative's
0413U20 acceDtance
6 The hieher of One business day t.25m 12.5% 75Y"

l'ost-l'rocluction Scnice,r Agrccnlent (Q{l) - "ftang 1;rrr 21"
1050 shots or following
74% oftotal shots Producer's
delivered by Representative's
0613120 accentance
7 The higher of One business day 1.25m 12.5o/o 87.5%
1275 shots or following
90% oftotal shots Producer's
delivered by Representative's
0813U20 accentance
8 100% oftotal One business day 1.25m 12.5o/o l00Vo
shots delivered in following
4Kby 10105120 Producer's

Note that the total number of shots currently set forth on this Schedule "B" may change pursuant to
Change Orders. Each payment shall be conditioned upon Producer's Representative's acceptance of the
applicable shots delivered by the corresponding Service Provider delivery date set fbrth above.

I'ost-l'ntduction Seruice.\ Atlrecnlent (Q{:) - "IKung Fury 2]"

FOR GOOD AIID VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the undersigned, Lightning Cobra Films lnc.. hereby irrevocably grants, sells, assigns,
transfers and otherwise conveys all of its rights of every kind and nature whether now known or existing or
hereafter created or acquired in and to the motion picture presently entitled "Kung Fury 2" including,
without limitation, the Materials and the benefit of the Third party Agreements any and all rights under
copyright and any renewals or extensions thereofincluding any ancillary subsidiary and derivative rights
thereto, to Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschrlinkt), whether arising before, on, or after the date of
this Assignment.

INWITNESSWHEREOF,thisAssignmenthasbeenexecutedasof Jo,.,-,o-./ -l ,fr'?* ?o2o

Address: 1000 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite

fflms \c. { 700, Montreal, Quebec H3A3G4
By: --) \ & re\,L,..-. w\t*

Name: Sa-te Corclr,.r.--tC

Attention: David Carter

Title:V, ce Prt,iderr*


On this J+r-. day ofJe--onr-, ZOffit"fore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said
and say that she/he resides at vrc.u-,.ra,aN and that she is an authorized signatory of Service Provider,
a corporation duly organized under the-laws of Canada, the firm described in and which executed the
foregoing instrument and that she/he signed her/his names hereto.

WITNESS my hand and offrcial seal.

Russell Juflan_Connolly, Nohry pubilc, Ctty

of Tmnt,
nmreo r0 ho anB$ation ol instrumGnts and
ol atfldafits, for Entertainmfft parhers CanaOa
and h subsidarics. Erplres June 14,20U,.

for the Province of Ontario

Post-Production Senices Agreenent (QC) - "lKung FnrT 21 "
I 8334720. I I

Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschriinkt) Address:


Dated July 8,2019


Lightning Cobra Films Inc. whose registered offrce is 1000 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 2700,
Montreal, Quebec H3A3G4 (hereinafter referred to as the o'service Provider" which expression shall
include its successors in title, licensees and assigns)


Re:Define FX LTD. of 810 Rue St. Antoine E, Montreal, QC, H2Y 1A6, a 100% wholly-owned
subsidiary of Dneg PLC (hereinafter refened to as the '(Contractor" which expression sha[ include its
successors in title, licensees and assigns)

Each a "Party", together the "Parties".


(A) Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschriinkt) and Creasun Entertainment USA lnc. have engaged
the Service Provider to provide certain post-production services in connection with a feature film
eurrently entitled "Kung Fury 2" (the "Film") throughout the term in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the Post-Production Services Agreement dated July 8,h 2019 (the ',post
Production Agreement"),

(B) The Service Provider wishes to engage Contractor to provide post-production services in
connection with the Film and Contractor agrees to render the Services (as defined below), on the
terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and benefits set out in this Agreement, the parties agree
as follows:

I. Provision ofServices

1.1. Contractor shall provide post-production services, in connection with the design, creation and
production of the effects on the Film on the terms and conditions (collectively the "services")
set out in the First Schedule, in a timely and first class professional manner consistent with
industry standards and according to this Agreement and the results of the Services (the
"Deliverables") will conform to the specifications set out in the First Schedule. Kung Fury 2
Europe UG (haftungsbeschrdnkt) ("Copyright Owner") and Creasun Entertainment USA Inc.

("Investor") shall herein collectively be referred to as the "Producer". Provided the Service
Provider (with the assistance of Producer) provides the relevant materials to Contractor at least
5 days before Contractor is due to commence work in accordance with such schedule,
Contractor agre€s to effect delivery of the final version of the Deliverables (,,Final
Deliverables") to Producer no later than October sth, 2020 (the "Delivery Date"), provided that
no liability shall attach to Contractor for any delay caused directly by Producer. Contractor
acknowledges that Contractor's timely delivery of the Deliverables is an essential term of this

1.2. The Service Provider's Representative and/or the Producer's Representative (as defined in
Clause 5.4 below) shall be entitled to view any and all po(ions of Contractor's work in
progress (the times and places ofsuch review shall be as reasonably agreed by the Parties),

1.3. Contractor shall provide to Producer's Representative and Service Provider's Representative
details of the procedures by which Contractor backs up digital files and assets which form part of
the Services. Due to the unique nature of this Film, and the amount of data required to complete
the Services, Contractor shall back up all essential elements, on an incremental and rolling
weekly basis, which shall include all progressive and creative materials consisting of, but not
limited to, flowgraphs, shape trees, archilectural models and texfures at a location other than the
Contractor's main premises. Service Provider and the Producer's Representative shall have prior
approval of Contractor's back up facility which will adhere to the reasonably applicable good
industry standard security requirements, provided that Producer's Representative shall have a tie
break in the case of a conflict.

t.4. Contractor shall not sub-contract any of the Services without the prior written approval of the
Service Provider, Copyright Owner and lnvestor, provided thal Investor shall have a tie break in
the case of a conflict . For clarity, Services done by Contractor's subsidiaries and affiliated
companies shail not be deemed to be sub-contracting within the meaning of this Clause, subject
to Tax Credit requirements under Clause 3 of this Agreement. The Service Provider agrees that it
shall not unreasonably withhold or delay such approval. Contractor shall remain responsible for
ensuring that all subcontracted work conforms to all applicable terms of this Agreement
(including, without limitation, all confidentiality requirements).

1.5. Contractor shall provide each of Service Provider and Producer's Representative with a regular
written production report, setting out information on which elements of the Film have been
completed and any other detail mutually agreed by the parties.

2. Fee

2.1. In consideration for the Services the Service Provider agrees to pay Contractor the sum as per the
consideration set forth in the Second Schedule (the "Fees") plus Canadian provincial and federal
taxes, including but not limited to QST and GST (collectively, "Taxes"). The Fee has been
calculated on the basis of a specified number of shots as detailed in the Third Schedule and the
final bid as detailed in the Fifth Schedute; it being understood by the Parties, however, that some
of the actual shots will change based upon the edit of the Film, with such changes to be reflected
in Change Orders as approved by Service Provider and Producer's Representative following
their consultation with Contractor's Representative, and provided that the Net Fee shall remain
the same. The Service Provider agrees that timely payment of the Fees shall be an essential terrn
of this Agreement.

2.2. The Service Provider shall reimburse Contractor for any third-party expenses, which have been
pre-approved in writing by the Service Provider, incuned in connection with Contractor's
provision of Services under this Agreement ("Expenses) provided that in no circumstance shall
the total amount payable by lnvestor including Expenses (if any) exceed the Net Fee. For the
avoidance ofdoubt, all sums payable by lnvestor hereunder shall be exclusive ofTaxes and shall
exclude all Dolby licence fees, if any.

2.3. The Fees and Expenses shall be paid by the Service Provider to Contractor by bank transfer to
Contractor's bank account in USD as follows::

Account Name: Re: Define FX LTD.

Bank Name: Royal Bank of Canada
Bank Address: I100 Wellington St, MontrealQC H3C 0M5
Account No.: 0220 l -003-4001 640

3. Tax Credits
3.L In connection with the Services, the Parties acknowledge that the Service Provider is entitled and
intends to apply for and receive the benefits of any and all applicable federal, national,
provincial, state or other tax credits, including without limitation, the Canadian Federal Film or
Video Production Services Tax Credit, established pursuant (o the provisions of section 125.5 of
the Income Tax Act (Canada) and all equivalent, matching or additional provincial tax credits
(collectively, the "Tax Credits"). Contractor agrees to (i) provide any and all information and

documentation and/or execute any documents in a timely maruter that the Service Provider
reasonably requires to file for and receive the Tax Credits, (ii) assist and cooperate with the
Service Provider to enable the applicable authorities to issue the Tax Credits and (iii) maximize
the quali$ing expenditures relating the Tax Credits, Contractor further agrees not to take any
action(s) that might prove detrimental to or impede the Service Provider's efforts to obtain the
Tax Credits, Contractor hereby irrevocably assigrs any rights it has in the Tax Credits to the
Service Provider,

3.2. Investor has agreed to fund Service Provider an amount equal to the "Net Fee" (as set forth in the
Second Schedule and referenced as the Maximum Post Production Fee in the Post Production
Agreement), the terms and conditions of which funding are set forth in the Post Production
Agreement and provided neither lnvestor nor Copyright Owner shall have any obligation to fund
any amount in excess of the Net Fee.

4. Ownershin of the Product of Service

4.1. Contractor irrevocably assigns (by way of present assignment of existing and future copyright),
with full title guarantee to the Service Provider, the copyright and all other rights in and to in the
products of the Services in relation to the Film, including the Deliverables, to hold for the full
period of copyright and thereafter in so far as is possible in perpetuity and Contractor agrees to
execute and deliver hercwith to the Service Provider an Assignment of Copyright in the form
attached as the Seventh Schedule. For the purposes of US copyright law, the products of the
Services shall be deemed a "work-made-for-hire" for the Service Provider, and for the purposes
of Canadian Copyright laws, as a "work made in the course of employment" for the Service
Provider. Contractor unconditionally waives in perpetuity the benefit of any provision of law
known as "moral rights" or "droit moral" or any similar law in any country of the world. To the
extent necessary to effect the same, Contractor irrevocably sells, grants and transfers to the
Service Provider its entire interest in and ownership of the Deliverables.

4.2. For the avoidance of doubt and subject to the provisions of Clause 3. 1 , the Service Provider
agrees that it shall not be entitled to any rights including but not limited to transfer or assignmcnt
of any intellectual property rights, patent, work processes or other software rights which are
already owned by Contractor prior to this Agreement or such software or prograrnmes which are
utilised as base platform towards development of the Delivcrables. Clauses 4.1 and 4,2 will
survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

5. Deliverv and Acceptance

5.1. Contractor shall deliver the Deliverables by the Delivery Date in accordance with the Delivery
Schedule under the Fourth Schedule, unless a change to the Delivery Date or shots increases
from the specification has been previously agreed in writing by the parties through a Change
Order, Any Change Order must be approved in writing by the Service Provider ancl Producer's
Representative following consultation with Contractor.

5.2, On the Producer's Representative's physical receipt of the Deliverables, the Producer's
Representative shall have a period of five (5) business days in which to reject the Deliverables
solely on the basis that they do not conform to the technical specifications set out in the Services
or otherwise in this Agreement. Any rejection of the Deliverabies must be set out by the
Producer's Representativein a written notice to Contractor (a "Rejection Notice") stating the
reasons why the Deliverables do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement.

5.3 . On receipt of a Rejection Notice, Contractor shall either dispute the Rejection Notice in which
event Contractor and the Producer's Representative shall discuss the issues raised by Producer's
Representative, with input from Producer, in good faith or shall use its reasonable efforts to
undertake such work reasonably necessary to ensure that the Deliverables conform to the
requirements of the Rejection Notice and redeliver the Deliverables to the Service Provider and
the Producer's Representative. Where Contractor and Producer's Representative are unable to
reach a compromise with respect to the Rejection Notice, the Producer's Representative shall
reasonably prevail.

5,4. The parties, lnvestor and Copyright Owner acknowledge Minglu Ma as Producer's exclusive
representative (a "Producer's Representative") to represent Producer in all matters arising under
this Agreement. The Service Provider appoints David Carter as Service Provider's exclusive
representative to represent Service Provider in all matters arising under this Agreement (a
"Seryice Provider's Representative").Such Producer's Representative may not be changed
without the express prior written consent of Investor. The Contractor appoints Rohan Desai,
Guanglei Jia and Paul Becker as Contractor's representatives to represent Contractor in all
matters arising under this Agreement (each "Contractors Representative") or any replacements
for the foregoing, notified in writing to Service Provider and Producer's Representative,
Representatives shall have the authority to represent Service Provider, Contractor and Producer
respectively in all matters arising under this Agreement. Contractor shall appoint Serkan Zelzele
as the designated creative director for the Services rendered for this Film.

6. Bepresentations and Warranties

6.1. 'fhe Service Provider and Contractor represent and warrant to each other that each has the full
right, capacity, power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and to make the
following representations and warranties :

6.1.1 with respect to the Services, Contractor shall use personnel who have suitable skills,
qualifications and experience and who are competent to provide the Services and ensure that
such persons are managed by suitably experienced management personnel, and Contractor shall
ensure that all such persons shall render their services in a timely and first class professional
manner in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4.1 above and shall assign all copyright and
all other rights in and to the products oftheir services to Contractor irrevocably and absolutely to
hold for the full period of copyright and thereafter insofar as it is possible in perpetuity and that
they shall unconditionally waive in perpetuity the benefit of any provision of law known as
"moral rights" or "droit moral" or any similar law in any country of the world; all of the
foregoing in compliance with Contractor's obligations under Clause4.l above;

6.1.2 Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws and supply the Services in conformity
with any laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Services;

6.1 .3 the Service Provider warrants that it owns or has licensed the intellectual property rights
to any material or content provided to Contractor to enable Contractor to carry out the Services
and the other work detailed in this agreement and further warrants that Contractor shall not
infringe the rights of any third party by providing the Services and such other work;

6.2. Contractor warrants that all the Deliverables will be provided to the Service Provider free and
clear of any liens, claims, charges or encumbrances, and that no process used in providing the
Services infringes upon the rights of any person or entity, including without limitation any rights
under copyright, trademark, andlor patent.

7, Indemnity

7.1. Contractor and the Service Provider agree to indemnify and hold each other and their officers,
directors and employees harmless from and against any and claims, losses, liabilities, damages,
expenses and costs (including, without limitation reasonable legal fees) arising directly out of or
resulting directly from any breach of this agreement or any breach of warranty or undertaking,
but such that the liability of each party to the other shall not (other than as may be untimited by
statute or in the case of breach of copyright) exceed the total amount of the Fees payable by the

Service Provider to Contractor under this Agreement, except in the event of fraud or

'7.2. Each Party shall notify the other promptly of any claim or liability for which indemnification is
sought and neither Party shall settle any claim without any prior written approval of the other
Party which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

7.3. la no circumstances whatsoever shall either pa(y be liable to the other party (whether under
breach of contract, product liability, negligence or otherwise) for: (i) any consequential damages;
(ii) any damages for loss of profits, loss of earnings or loss of business opporfunities, even if
advised or wamed by the other party of the possibility of such damages.

7.4. Contractor acknowledges that its sole and exclusive remedy in connection with Service
Provider's breach, termination or cancellation of any tenn, covenant or agreement contained
herein, shall be an action at law for monetary damages (if any), and Contractor irrevocably
waives any right to seek and/or obtain rescission and/or equitable and/or injunctive relicf in
corurection with this Agreement (or breach or alleged breach hereof), against the Film and/or any
and all Deliverables (including, without limitation, any marketing, distribution or other
exploitation of the Film and/or any Deliverables), or Service Provider's use of the services, and
results and proceeds ofthe services, provided by Contractor herein.

8. Credits and Publicitv

8,1 Provided Contractor is not in material breach and Contractor's work (without significant
decrease) appears in the Fihn, the Service Provider shall include (or cause Producer to include)
in the end credits of the Film a credit as shall be notified to the Service Provider by Contractor
which shall substantially read as follows ("Contractor Credit"):

"Visual Effects by Re:Define Fx Ltd."

The Service Provider shall include (or cause Producer to include) a dedicated block of Seventy-
two (72) lines in the end titles of the Film, where each line shall not exceed four (4) individual
names per line as provided by the Contractor, immediately following the Contractor Credit to
individuals who have rendered substantial services for an in connection with the Services
(" Contractor Credit Roll"). The Contractor shall submit to the Service Provider (or to the
Producer) ils facility and crew credits no later than (i) completion and delivery of the work to
Service provider, or (ii) five (5) days following request from the Service Provider or Producer
therefor. ln addition, the Service Provider shall (or cause the Producer to) inctude Paul F Becker

and Sonia Marques as VF'X Producer and Serkan Zelzele as VFX Supervisor in the
end rolling credits and if "Main on End Titles" (i.e., credits appearing in a separate field in the
end titles on the top of the VFX credit roll) is utilized, in the Main on End Titles; provided if
Producer's Representative is also accorded VFX producer credit in the Main on End Titles, the
Producer's Representative's such VFX producer credit shall have the first position among the

8,2 Producer acknowledges that if the scope of the Services has materially increased due to Change
Orders requested by the Producer, and in consideration ofsuch increase, the Producer agrees, on
a pro-rata basis, to give in good
faith, an increase in the number of lines in the Contractor Credit

8.3 No casual or inadveftent failure to accord such credits shall constitute a breach of this
Agreement by the Service Provider.

8,4 Contractor shall not be entitled to issue its ownpress releases and publicity materials relating to
its involvement with the Film without the express prior written approval of the Producer which
shall not be unreasonably withheld.

8A. Coqfidentialitv

Contractor may, during the course of its employment hereunder, have access to, and acquire
knowledge from, material, data, systems, and other sources which are not available to the
general public (collectively, the "Confidential Information"). Any knowledge acquired by
Contractor from such Confidential Information, or otherwise tluough its engagement hereunder
shall not be used, published, or diwlged by Contractor in any manner by any media (including,
without limitation, by television, radio, newspaper or interactive media such as Faceboolg
Twitter, or any other interactive social network or personal blog) to any other person, firm, or
corporation without first having obtained the written permission of the Service provider and
Producer, which permission Producer may withhold in its sole discretion. Contractor hereby
acknowledges that unauthorized disclosure of any Confidential Information could cause
irreparable harm and significant injury which may be difficult to ascertain. Accordingly,
Contractor agrees that Service provider (without limiting its rights pursuant to this Agreement)
shall have the right to seek injunctivc relief from any breach of this clause, This clause shall
survive the termination or expiration of the term of this Agreement.

4elationshin of Pqrties

Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it operate, to create any relationship between the
parties other than that of independent Contractor. Neither party shall hold itself out as an agent,
subsidiary, or affiliate of the other party, nor have the authority to bind the other party to any

10 Notices

Any notice required or desired to be given with respect to this Agreement shall be in writing and
addressed to the other Party as set out below, or to such other address as that party may have
specified by prior notice to the other,

Service Provider Contractor

David Carter Paul Becker with a with copy to

copy to

[Kf2E representative emaill and


Creasun Entertainment USA Inc

6600 Sunset Blvd 2nd Fl

Hollywood CA 90028
j erurifermaT

Loeb and Loeb LLP

10100 Santa Monica Blvd Suire

Los Angeles CA 90067



1l Termination

n.2 Either Party (Service Provider only with respect to 11.1.3) shall be entitled by notice in
writing to the other to terminate this Agreement (without prejudice to any claim or rights
which the terminating party may have against the other) in the event of:r

I 1.2.r the other party failing, refusing or neglecting to perform any of its material
obligations under the terms of this Agreement for a period of seven (7) days
following receipt of the notice speci$ing such breach;

t1.2.2 the other party going into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of a bona fide
amalgamation or reconstruction) or if the other Party has a receiver or administrator
appointed over all or any of its assets, makes any arrangement with or assignment for
the benefit of its creditors or is otherwise unable to pay its debts as they fall due.

I L2.3 The completion of Deliverables is prevented or intemrpted because of force majeure

events, including, without limitation, any labour dispute, fire, war or govemmental
action, or any disruptive events beyond contractor's control and such disruption
continues for more than 4 weeks.

n.2.4 [n the event of termination of this Agreement by Contractor for the reasons specified
above, the Service Provider agrees to pay forthwith any and all balance of the Fees
payable to Contractor as are due at the date of termination for the rendering of the
Services under this Agreement.

I 1.3 On termination of this Agreement for any reason, Contractor shall retum all of the Service
Provider's materials (including any materials or elements rendered, provided, supplied,
created or acquired by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement or the Post Production
Agreement) created in its possession to the Service Provider and Producer's

I L4 The parties acknowledge that the termination of the Post Production Agreement shall
immediately result in the termination of this Agreement.


12 Geqeral Provisions

12.2 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its
subject matter. No other prior agreements, representations, warranties, by or on behalf of
either party by any of its employees or agents, shall be deemed to bind the parties with
respect to the subject matter. The terms of this Agreement may be altered only in writing
signed by both parties.

t2.3 Neither party shall be considered in breach or default under this Agreement for any delay
or failure in performance (other than the payment of money) resulting from causes beyond
the reasonable control of such party. Such acts shall include but not be limited to acts of
God, acts of rvar or civil disruption, act of terrorism, public utility failures, industry wide
shortages of labour or malerial, or natural disaster.

12.4 The failure or delay of either party at any time to exercise any right under any provision of
this Agreement shall not limit or operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall the waiver of any
breach of any provision be a waiver of any other or further breach of any provision or a
waiver of the provision itself or of any other provision of this Agreement.

12.5 If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction
not enforceable, then such provision shali be severable from the remaining Agreement,
which will continue in full force and effect.

12.6 In the event Copyright Owner and Investor cannot reach an agreement with respect to any
issue that requires Producer's approval hereunder, Lrvestor's decision shall control.

l3 Insurance

Contractor shall maintain insurance with a reputable insurer to cover the nom:al risks
customarily insured by companies within the post production industry. Contractor shall provide
details of insurance to the Service Provider on request.

t4 Assignment.

Contractor acknowledges that the services hereunder are of a special, unique and unusual
character and therefore shall not assign transfer, license, delegate or grant all or any part of its
obligations hereunder to any person or entity, unless through prior written permission of the
Service Provider and Producer.


15 Governins Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
California and each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
of Califoniia in relation to any claim or matter arising under or in connection with this
Agreement. The Parties shall first mutually negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute that
arises between them.

16 Third Partv B.epeficiarv

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressed or implied herein, the Parties hereby
acknowledge that each of Investor and Copyright Owner is an express third party beneficiary of
this Agreement and, in particular, of Contractor's cov€nants and agreements made irerein.

17. Service Provider's Remedies:

The rights and privileges granted and agreed to be granted to Service Provider pursuant to this
Agreement are of a special unique, unusual, extraordinary and intellectual character, making
thern difficult to replace and giving them a peculiar value, the loss of which cannot be
reasonably compensated in damages in an action at law. If Contractor shall breach any
provision of this Agreement, Service Provider will be caused irreparable damage and, therefore,
Service Provider shall be entitlEd as a matter of right, at its election, to enforce this Agreement
and all ofthe provisions hereofby seeking injunctive or other equitable relief.

AGREED, the date and year first above written.

0n ( .\
d \*agYo ,
For and on behalf ). .-b.orxtg, . .C+rdr,:rcll€-. . .,
Lightning Cobra l'ilms Inc. )

By .... )
For and on behalfof
Re:Detine tr'X Ltd.


tS Gcx'ert}Lnu Law and Juri$diction

This Agreenrenl shall be govenred by and conslrueci jn accordance with the laws of the State of
Clalifi:rnia and eac,h parly irrevocahly agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction r:f'the courts
of Califarnia in relation to any claim or matt$ arising under or in connection with this
Agreement. llhe Fafiies shall first nrutually negotiate in good faith to resnive any dispute that
arises hetween them.

I6 Third Parlv Benefici*rv

Notu,ithsranding anything to the coritrory expressed or implied herein. the Paities hereby
ucknorvlcdge that each rif Inr,eslor nnd Copyrighl Owner is an express thircl party irer:eliciary ol'
this Agrcement and, in particular, ot'Clnntraclor's covenanls and agreements made herein.

I 7. liervicr Providerlt Rernedies:

The rights and privileges granted and agreed f.r: be grarrtcd tn Service Provider pursuant to this
Agrecment are of a special unique, unusual, extraordinary and intellectual character, making
ther"rr dilficult til replace and giving them a peculiilr valus. the loss of rvhich canni:l be
r*asnnatrly compensated in clamages in iln acti*n at law, Il' ilontracterr shall breach any
pr*vi*ion nf this Agreement. Service Provider will be caused irreparable damage and. therefore,
Siervice Providcr shall be entitied as a matter of right, iit it$ el*ction, {rr enlorcc this Agreement
anci all o{'thc provisirins hereof by seeking injunctive or olher equitable relief.

ACR[ED, the date and year llrst *br;ve rvritlen.

Ilv ....
Ir;or rncl rin bchalf )
Lightning Cohra Films Inc. )

By .. "......
-{;*:#"' ) ;svr, $,.r"i,rnr:;i fiffn,
For anri on bchall til
'':\:,5k;r"1 u"s,f)'dEir,_
Ile: tr)rfine trx Ltd. ) {|"tllt- &ft-tk:t*
I here&y oedlfy that fu"l frp,{t." 12
per_sqnelly appryrod bsforo rro at thc City d
''J::-t:..*_. kt tro provlncs of Bd$dr
Cr*t r'rb16, Sri" l"*dsy **r*Ug*&* 2O*.*, King Chung Ma
and Edrxwlsrrgsd tts mnlants lrw*n EnO N0tsry Public
strixod lqrrar dgnnkm harwnh. 18336218.12
303.515 W" Pefidsr $lrset'
>- "7.2 v*rcsuvst. BC, Cends v6B 6H5 225720-10002
"1, Fer 004-330'0173
Yol: S04-?0&6160

Brltlsh Co{urnbia

Investor and Copyright Owner each hereby consents to the engagement of Contractor by the Service
Provider to provide the Services for the Film as set forth herein, and pursuant to the instructions to
Service Provider as set forth in the Post Production Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
set forth herein including without limitation in Clause 2, in no event shall Producer be obligated to fund
any amount in excess of the Net Fee. It is also acknowledged that Investor and Copyright Owner are
express third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, but are not incurring any additional obligations under
this Agreement, their obligations being defined and capped as provided in the Post Production Agreement,
which should control as between the two agreements insofar as Investor and Copyright Owner are

ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED, the date and year first above written.

For and on behalf
, //lJ,^trat-
) .. . l,....l.A.W.ll..l

ik r% , ,,
Europe UG (haftungsbeschriinkt)
I n
Creasun Entertainment USA Inc.



The First Schedule

The Services


November 7th, 2019

Dear Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschränkt) and Creasun Entertainment USA INC,

Please find our agreed rate for the production of Visual Effects of “Kung Fury 2”.

• Visual Effects costs: 10,003,090 Million USD NET, Marketing and trailers TBD
• Payments made to our Montreal Canada associate office NAME TBD
• Payments in accordance with payment schedule in attached long form agreement
• Review sessions with director will be established post agreement and are designed to maximize
time and creative input against production scheduling

Delivery at this time is 5th October, 2020 as we requested by Producers.

First payment as per payment schedule in attached long form agreement


Paul F Becker


The Second Schedule

The Fees

The following amounts are to be paid by the Service Provrder to Contractor on the following dates, in
respect of the Services and the work being undertaken by the Contractor on the Film in full and complete
consideration of the Contractor's services in connection with the Film hereunder, Service Provider shall
pay the Contractor USD $ USD $12,800,000 (Twelve Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars Only) payable as follows:

A. The sum of USD $10,000,000 (Ten Million United States Dollars) ("Net Fee"), which sum shall
be payable as follows:

Paymenl Contractor Payment Milestone USD 7o Payment Cumulative %

I 1.5 business days after l. /lm t7.5% t7.5%
full execution of
The higher of One business day lm l0% 27.5o/o
100 shots or 7olo following acceptance
of total shots by Producer's
3 The higher of lm 100,6 37.50/,
One business day
250 shots or
following acceptance
28% of total
by Producer's
shots delivered
bv 0t/3Ll70
4 The higher of L25m 12.50/o 50ort
One business day
450 shots or
foltowing acceptance
31% of total
by Producer's
shots delivered
bv o3/3712o
5 The higher of L25m 12.59,o 62.5o/o
One business day
850 shots or
following acceptance
50% of total
by Producer's
shots delivered
bv oa/3U2a
6 The higher of One business day 1.25m t2.5\i 75%
1050 shots or following acceptance
74% of total by Producer's
shots delivered Representative


P'A _

bv 05137/2A
7 The higher of 1.25m 12.50$ 87.50,6
One business day
1.275 shots or
following acceptance
90% of total
by Producer's
shots delivered
bv 08/3U20
8 100% oftotal One business day I.25m 12.5 1000.'b
shots delivered following acceptance
in 4K by by Producer's
t0/0s120 Representative

Note that the total number of shots currently set forth on the this Second Schedule may change pursuant
to Change Orders. Each payment shall be conditioned upon Producer's Representative's acceptance of
the applicable shots delivered by the conesponding Contractor delivery date set forth above.

B. 'I'he deferred sum of up to USD 2,800,000 ( Two Million

Eight Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars OnIy (less any foreign currency exchange losses/ f'ees), which sum shall be payable within thirty
(30) days of the Service provider's actual receipt of all Tax Credits obtained in connection with the Film;
provided that in the event that the Tax Credits actually received by the Service Provider hereunder is less
than the amount as set fo(h in this paragraph of Second Schedule, the Service Provider's payment
obligation to the Contractor shall be limited to the amount of Tax Credits actually received by the Service
Provider. In the event that Service Provider actually receives an amount of Tax Credits in excess of the
amount set lorth in this Paragraph under Second Schedule either due to an increase in the Services via
Change Order(s) (in accordance with the change order document provided under the Sixth Schedule and
subject to Service Provider and Producer's Representative's mutual written approval following
consultation with Contractor) or due to the sub-contracting of Services subject to Clause 3 of this
Agreement, Sen'ice Provider agrees to pay to the Contractor any such additional sums within thirty (30)
days of the Service Provider's actual receipt of such sums, subject to the limitations set forth herein. For
the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall Service Provider be obligated to obtain any specified amount of
Tax Credits nor shall the Service Provider be Iiable to Contractor to make any payments under this
paragraph of Second Schedule where the Service Provider does not receive Tax Credits.


Third Schedule

Shots breakdown



x Digital 35mm Imax Stereo

NTSC [640x480] HD [1920x1080] 2K 3K x 4K



PREVIZ (PACKAGE) $75,000.00 1 $75,000.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF ASSETS: 178

CONCEPT DESIGN (PREP) $750.00 25 $18,750.00 TOTAL ASSET COST: 1,215,060

SUPERVISION - PREP: $800.00 50 $40,000.00 SHOTS

PRODUCER - PREP $550.00 60 $33,000.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF SHOTS: 1,415

COORDINATION $320.00 45 $14,400.00 TOTAL SHOT COST: 7,462,940




SUPERVISION - SHOOT $800.00 45 $36,000.00 0

PRODUCER - SHOOT $550.00 45 $24,750.00 0

COORDINATION - SHOOT $320.00 45 $14,400.00 0

TOTAL: $75,150.00 0

SUPERVISION - POST $800.00 258 $206,400.00 CONTINGENCY : $1,150,000
PRODUCER - POST $550.00 258 $141,900.00 GRAND TOTAL USD: $10,003,090
COORDINATION - POST $320.00 258 $82,560.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

TOTAL: $430,860.00

TOTAL: $687,160.00

000000Page 1 0000002019-11-06
000000 KF2_vfxBreakdown_v16_Contract.xlsx


EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Guanglei Jia 1st AD: Neil Wallace
VFX PRODUCER: Sonia Marques SCRIPT DATE: 01-01-17
VFX STUDIO: DNEG - re:Define SHOOT DATES: 29-07-2019 03-09-2019 6 Wks.
PRODUCTION: 2nd Unit 05-08-2019 09-09-2019 6 Wks.
Philip Westgren POST DATES: TBC 0 Wks.
FINAL DELIVERY: 08-03-2020 Wks.

IMAGE CAPTURE √ Digital 16mm 35mm Imax Stereo Conversion

MIN. WORKING REZ. NTSC [640x480] HD [1920x1080] √ 2K 3K 4K

MIN. COLOR DEPTH 8-bit 10-bit √ 16-bit √ EXR DPX

PROJ. ASPECT RATIO 4x3 16x9 1.77 1.85 √ 2.39

BID TO INCLUDE √ On Set √ Secure FTP √ HD Preview √ Shipping √ Production Mgt.

▪ The bid methodology is as per the supplied storyboards, visual references, creative meetings and script. Our recommended use of any specific
technology, approach or methodology is indicated in this breakdown. As the creative approach evolves during pre-production, we will create a
separate brief with our recommendations and reasoning for each additional change.
▪ Visual Effects bid include all costs for: facilities, management, supervision, labor, hardware, software and the technical support needed to produce the
shots as outlined within the proposed schedule.
▪ Bid includes rates for all on set supervision and production including: data wranglers (4), DIT, coordinators - runner (2), etc. a separate breakout line
item provided.
▪ Key personnel that will be exclusive to this production: List provided in the Kung Fury II: A Guide to Visual Effects Methods & Approach document.

▪ Bid to be broken out into separate pre-production, production and post-production periods.
▪ Bid includes secure FTP file transfer for all submissions.
▪ Unless otherwise indicated, assume all shots at 75 frames, inclusive of 8 frame head and 8 frame tail handles.
▪ All finals should be output and delivered at 4K. 16 Bit EXR files. Any non-anamorphic - shot in full in apeture.
▪ Production to provide EXR frames for all necessary elements.
▪ Production to provide approved timing reference, line-up's, and QT reference for each sequence/shot turned over.
▪ Bid costs in USD


178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

Digital Doubles

Arcade Guy 1 $12,810.00

Arnold Schwarzenegger 1 $12,810.00

Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or

Barbariana simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
David Hasselhoff simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Doom simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.

Hitler 1 $21,420.00

Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or

Kung Fury simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Hoodlums simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 3 $38,430.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Nazi Soldiers simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 3 $38,430.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Nazi Wolf simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Ninjas simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 2 $25,620.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Rey Porter simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes moderate complexity digital double WITH light cloth or
Window Cleaner simple fur to be used as MG, or wide lens shots, starting from a 1 $12,810.00
live scan.
Assumes a HERO creature, like the digital double but more
Glitch compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character, 1 $21,840.00
with feathers, fur, cloth, fat, etc.

All CGI Characters

Arcade Monster - ARCADE BOTS 5 $37,800.00

Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double

Maya Bot but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $13,230.00

Bald Eagle 1 $18,690.00

Boner 1 $25,410.00

Brachiotaurus 1 $25,410.00

Butterfly 1 $3,360.00

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Cyber Strike 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double

Dinomite but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $13,230.00

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Dragon 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Assumes a HERO creature, like the digital double but more

GIANT WOLF compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character, 1 $20,160.00
with feathers, fur, cloth, fat, etc.
Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double
Great white shark but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $13,230.00



178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double

Illegal but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $14,280.00

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Laser Raptor 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Rubix Cube Guy 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Pegasus 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double

Viking Demon Creatures but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $13,230.00
Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double
Viking Warriors but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 3 $39,690.00
Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double
Medieval Warriors but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 3 $39,690.00

Muzzles / Faces

Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double

Illegal but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $11,550.00
Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double
Terrordactyl but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $11,130.00
Assumes a Medium complexity creature, like the digital double
Triceracop but more compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI 1 $12,390.00
Assumes a HERO creature, like the digital double but more
Warewolf - Tanner - John, Steve compex than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character, 3 $45,360.00
with feathers, fur, cloth, fat, etc.


Air Force One Assumes a moderately complex vehicle, advanced or stunt rigging 1 $6,300.00

Colt’s Lamo Assumes a moderately complex vehicle, advanced or stunt rigging 1 $5,250.00

Hitler’s Camaro / with Statue Assumes a moderately complex vehicle, advanced or stunt rigging 1 $6,300.00

Lamborghini Assumes a moderately complex vehicle, advanced or stunt rigging 1 $6,300.00

HOFF 9000 1 $18,480.00

Thundertruck Assumes a moderately complex vehicle, advanced or stunt rigging 1 $6,300.00

Thundertruck (crashed) Assumes a simple vehicle, simple driving or shocks rigging. 1 $4,410.00

A hard surface creature like a transformer with simple rigging –

Hackatron 1 $6,930.00
no fat, fur, features, cloth.

Hackatron - command room Assumes a simple vehicle, simple driving or shocks rigging. 1 $4,410.00

Murder Coaster 1 $22,050.00

Assumes a creature, like the digital double but more compex

Murder Coaster Missle 1 $7,980.00
than a human, that may exist only as a CGI character

Body Parts

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

Doom Thug Body Parts 5 $10,500.00
for use.

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

Hackerman Body Parts 5 $10,500.00
for use.



178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

Nazi Body Parts 5 $10,500.00
for use.

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

Werewolf Spine 1 $2,100.00
for use.

Weapons / Props

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

CG Door 1 $1,890.00
for use.

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

CG Handcuffs 1 $1,890.00
for use.

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG HOFF Missile 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG Phone (added 07-31-19) 2 $4,200.00

Assumes a commercially available model, purchased, cleaned up

CG: CG rail 1 $1,890.00
for use.

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG: CG Tank with hole 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG: CG Wire with FX sparks 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG: Electric wire 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

CG: FX Fire thrust from gaz tank 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Colt Magnum Beheading Disk 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Doom’s Power Glove / Gun 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Gun Chucks 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Guns / Unknown Props 1-5 5 $10,500.00

Knife / Sword Extension Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with clean up. 5 $4,200.00

Scanned Props from Set Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with clean up. 5 $4,200.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Thor’s Hammer 1 $2,100.00

Assume on set Photogrammetry or hand scanning, with

Time Crystal 1 $2,100.00

FX Dev

FX DEV - Hackerman Blaster FX Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Airforce One Crash Dev Moderate compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $5,040.00

FX DEV - Car Transformation Specific, advanced compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $8,610.00

FX DEV - Chaos Portal Moderate compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $5,040.00

FX DEV - Flying Money Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Glitch Moderate compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $5,040.00



178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

FX DEV - Hackerman teleportation FX Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Missile Smoke Trails Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Money On Fire Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Sparks, Smoke Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Taekwon Doom Smoke Bomb Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Time Portal Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Water Spray Simple compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $2,730.00

FX DEV - Weapon combination lasers Moderate compexity FX, smoke, sparks, etc. 1 $5,040.00

DMP - 3D Environments

DMP - CLUB MUZIK and Street Extension Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 2 $4,200.00

DMP - Hackerman Neighbourhood Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 2 $4,200.00

DMP - Medieval Age 2.5D DMP Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Miami Beach City Extension Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 2 $4,200.00

DMP - Miami City Cyclorama - DAY Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Miami City Cyclorama - NIGHT Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Night Miami Overview from Viewpoint Assume commercial stock. 1 $420.00

DMP - Star Environment 360 DMP Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Viking Age 360 Degree Pano Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Viking Age Valley 1 Assume commercial stock. 2 $840.00

DMP - Viking Age View of Village Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - Volcano Wide Shot Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00

DMP - White House Generic Matte Painting started from stock or CGI renders.. 1 $2,100.00


Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

CG Floating Screen Starfield 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

RooftopKit 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

ShadyAlleyExtA 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.



178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

ShadyAlleyExtB 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

CG Floating Screen Starfield 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

Volcano Set Ext + Top Shot LavaDrop 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

MiamiConcertHall Interior 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

CrimeSceneExtA 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

CrimeSceneExtB 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

AnotherCrimeSceneExtA 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

AnotherCrimeSceneExtB 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

AnotherCrimeSceneExtC 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

Miami Streets Future 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

Miami Streets Raptor Ride 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

Miami Night Club Set Ext 1 $7,560.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Specific buildings based on set design. Reflective or simple

Miami HIghway -ThunderCops 1 $2,730.00

Custom medium complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Hackerman Neighbourhood 1 $11,130.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom advanced complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Internet City Environment 1 $17,640.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

CG Kung Fu Academy Specific, complex hero building or structure 1 $3,360.00

Custom medium complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Kung Fu Academy And City Environment 1 $11,130.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Non specific buildings based on set design. Reflective or simple

CG Miami Buildings (Generic, x5) 5 $6,300.00

Assumes simple digital double without cloth or fur to be used as

CG Nazi Water Balloon 1 $5,880.00
BG, or wide lens shots, starting from a live scan.

A moderately complex original or CGI replacement prop,

CG Star Cupid Sign 1 $3,990.00
multiple pieces, simple rigging

Specific buildings based on set design. Reflective or simple

CG Theme Park Buildings (various rides, allows for 5) 5 $18,900.00

Custom medium complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Theme Park Environment 1 $11,130.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom medium complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Theme Park Environment Nazi Variation 1 $11,130.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom simple complexity build environment, combination of

CG Time Void Environment 1 $6,930.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.



178 $1,215,060.00

Asset Name Assumptions # Asset $

Custom advanced complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Viking Village Valley 1 $17,640.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom advanced complexity, build environment, combination of

CG White House 1 $17,640.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom advanced complexity, build environment, combination of

CG Wood Floorboard 1 $17,640.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.

Custom advanced complexity, build environment, combination of

MGFX - Hackerman Camera Graphics 1 $17,640.00
DMP, Gemetry or 2D set up.


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

We land on an old CRT television- displaying

familiar WHITE NOISE. A hand places a VHS PROPS: Props to be produced: CG VHS tape, GFX
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
tape into the VCR. The most amazing movie Licencing possibilities: To green posters to be completed in post
INT CHILDS BEDROOM 1 2/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 1 $6,500.65
of all time begins to play. This movie. There’s for possible Legal clearance
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
a prismatic glow as we’re sucked into the MONITOR INSERTS:Possible Screen comps
screen, transported to --

Foreground: GS car over plates, muzzle flashes

Background: Highway shot - Cg environment - stylized
COSTUME: Werewolve
CG: Muzzle enhancement: Werewolves - the face articulates but
out of the windows of the camaro, swinging
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. The Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
baseball bats at postal boxes and street lamps.
INT BLACK CAMARO 2 2/8 movement of the prosthetic is limited and will need enhancement comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 3 $10,801.96
They just happen to be Varsity WEREWOLVES
for the howling. Comp Easy assumptions
howling and FIRING UZIS into the air.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Because this is Kung Fury.
FX: Muzzle flashes, possible quibs

Foreground: Use of a real car on gimble

SET: Green screen
CG: Possile Muzzle enhancenent on wolves - the face articulates but
A BEAT COP chats up one of the club ladies. Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.
EXT. MIAMI NIGHT CLUB 3.1 2/8 The camaro FLIES PAST HIM. He grabs his renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements prosthetics
radio. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Background: Set extensions
Part real set
Real cars parked with peopl in line to enter the club

Foreground: Shoot in real car on green screen

Background: Highway shot - Cg environment - stylized
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
prosthetics Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Warewolves hang out the windows firing
INT BLACK CAMARO 3.2 1/8 CG: Muzzle enhancement: Werewolves - the face articulates but renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
their Uziz
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. The DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
movement of the prosthetic is limited and will need enhancement.
PLATE: Green screen car over plates
FX: muzzle flashes enhancements

;;A rooftop overlooking the city. A brick of a Foreground: Shoot in real car on green screen Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT ROOFTOP cell phone RINGS. A gloved hand grabs it. Background: Highway shot - Cg environment - stylized addingmultiple custom elements, more
4 3/8 4 $14,962.61
VIEWPOINT We see the silhouette of a man backlit by a PLATE: Green Screen car over plates, sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
neon sign and framed by the full moon. FX: muzzle flashes enhancements FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

;;He SHOOTS the “A” off of a “STAR CUPID”

SET: use of Green screen all around set CG Shoot - Gimble
motel sign, then skateboards on the “A”,
skateboard for action - wire removal
jumping off a ledge and backflipping into a
CG: 'Star Cupid' sign assumed in CG
red Lamborghini Countach on the ground, Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
FX: Explosion to be done with FX or 2D element - depending on
EXT ROOF TOP 5.1 1/8 aka HOFF 9000. He cranks the car into gear, renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
creative approach
slams the pedal to the metal, and takes off. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG CAR: HOFF Car enhancement and model to be created in CG
The “A” EXPLODES in the background.
Action: Jumping off ledge - to be a pick-up from 2nd unit with main
unit full set - assumptions
Fury runs accross a roof top , he rides the T

;;He SHOOTS the “A” off of a “STAR CUPID”

Set: use of Green screen if shot on practical set for pick-up from part
motel sign, then skateboards on the “A”,
1 - Green screen set assumption
jumping off a ledge and backflipping into a
CG: 'Star Cupid' sign assumed in CG - same as Part 1
red Lamborghini Countach on the ground, Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
FX: Explosion to be done with FX or 2D element - depending on
EXT STREET 5.2 1/8 aka HOFF 9000. He cranks the car into gear, renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
creative approach
slams the pedal to the metal, and takes off. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG CAR: HOFF Car enhancement and model to be created in CG
The “A” EXPLODES in the background.
ACTION: Jumping off ledge - to be a pick-up from 2nd unit with
main unit full set - assumptions - pick-up from same as Part 1
The lambo speeds off as the T explodes

;He SHOOTS the “A” off of a “STAR CUPID”

motel sign, then skateboards on the “A”,
Set: use of Green screen all around set
jumping off a ledge and backflipping into a
Background: concept to be provided - GREEN SCREEN WINDOWS
red Lamborghini Countach on the ground,
FX: Explosion to be done with FX or 2D element - depending on Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
aka HOFF 9000. He cranks the car into gear,
INT HOFF-9000 5.3 1/8 creative approach renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 2 $11,021.31
slams the pedal to the metal, and takes off.
CG CAR: HOFF Car enhancement and model to be created in CG DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
The “A” EXPLODES in the background.
Action: Jumping off ledge - to be a pick-up from 2nd unit with main
unit full set - assumptions
Fury puts the Lambo into gear and hits the

Set: use of Green screen all around set

Background: concept to be provided - GREEN SCREEN WINDOWS
;;Glove grip the steering wheel. Street lights
use of plate for compositing
reflect in the man’s ray ban sunglasses. A
FX: Lighting FX Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
lightning strike illuminates a golden cobra
INT HOFF-9000 6 3/8 CG CAR: HOFF Car enhancement and model to be created in CG renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $11,911.96
necklace hanging by the rear view mirror.
ACTION: Jumping off ledge - to be a pick-up from 2nd unit with DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
main unit full set - assumptions"
Fury tells Hoff to call the Thundercops
INT HOOF: INT SET - Monitor replacements and possible light

;;;The countach soars down the freeway,

weaving around traffic with ease. Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT. MIAMI STREETS 7 1/8 SET: Full CG approach to action: CG Car on CG freeway renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $33,273.92
The Lambo soars down the freeway. Weaving DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
through traffic.


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

CAR: Real car,

SET: CG extension
;;Cars SWERVE out of the way of the reckless
FX: use of FX for the Lightning Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
werewolf camaro.
EXT. MIAMI STREETS 8.1 1/8 PROSTHETICS: Possible werewolf muzzle enhancement - eye renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $24,103.27
enhancement DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
The camaro speeds arpund a corner
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

ASSETS: Real car - GREEN SCREEN WINDOWS - plate for comp

;;Cars SWERVE out of the way of the reckless SET: CG extension
werewolf camaro. WEREWOLF STEVE shreds FX: use of FX for the Lightning
an epic guitar solo in the back seat. Lightning PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
shoots out of the tuning pegs. on characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
INT BLACK CAMARO 8.2 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
expressions is to be expected. The movement of the prosthetic is
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Steve shreds an epic guitar Solo - Camaro limited and will need enhancement for the howling - assumption.
speeds around the corner. CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

SET: Clean Plate

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Camaro speeds towards the Lambo POV CG: CG cars - POV from cars
EXT MIAMI STREETS 8.3 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $14,461.96
and impact PROSTHETICS: Possible werewolf muzzle enhancement - eye
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Green Screen shoot with CG extension

CAR: Reall
FX: use of FX for the Lightning Assumes simple comp work with possible light
EXT MIAMI STREETS 8.4 2/8 The Werewolves are thrown from the Camaro. PROSTHETICS: Possible werewolf muzzle enhancement - eye 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 3 $6,451.96
enhancement some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

SET: Practical set with Green screen of werewolfs dropping into

CG: CG Car
;;;The werewolves fly out of the car, hitting
PROSTHETICS: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
the pavement. The lambo rolls up next to Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
on werewolves - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.1i 2/8 them. Scissor doors open. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 7 $48,894.58
expressions is to be expected. The movement of the prosthetic is
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
limited and will need enhancement for the howling - assumption.
Camaro element flying past camera.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
ELEMENT SHOOT: Practical element to comp within plate

SET: CG extension
FX: use of FX for the Lightning
CG: Skull clean-up and CG spine
Focused narrowly on QUICK muzzle
Fury deals with the first two wolves, Magnum PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.2 1 2/8 enhancement without combat or background 6 $16,863.92
cuffs the third. on werewolves - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
extention work.
expressions is to be expected. The movement of the prosthetic is
limited and will need enhancement.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

SET: Practical set

CG: removal of practical windshield to be replaced with CG screen Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
Colt punches through the windscreen and
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.3 1/8 with shattering effect addition of CG Character animation Focused on 6 $18,843.92
then shoots through the hole.
PROSTHETIC: possible protesthic clean up and light touch ups.
CG: CG spine

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

SET: Practical set with possible green screen with real car in frame
addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.4 1/8 Spinning Mustang with stunt action 4 $14,962.61
sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG: CG car possible
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
SET: Practical set with possible green screen with real car in frame Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
;;;A FORD MUSTANG blasts through a fence
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.5 with stunt action renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
at the end of the alley.
CG: CG car possible with CG Fence enhancement DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Practical set - Practical car shoot with other GS elements

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
CG: removal of practical windshield to be replaced with CG
EXT SHADY ALLEY 9.6 1/8 Spinning Mustang bursts into flames renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
Windshield plus hole punch with shattering effect
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
FX: FX enhancement - Fire

SET: Green Screen set Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
PLATE: Werewolves shot on set addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI ROOOFTOPS 10.1 1/8 hanging out on the rooftops spot the eagle 6 $22,443.92
CG: Eagle symbol to be added in post sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
symbol and rush towards
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

SET: Green Screen set - CG set extension - Skyline - Matte

Hoodlums shadows dance across the roof Paint/CG environement depending on the camera move.
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
tops. (shadows) - INCLUDED THE PLATES PLATE: Werewolves shot on set for shadows to be comped in the
EXT ROOF TOPS 10.3i 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $19,282.61
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Green Screen set - CG set extension - Skyline - Matte

Paint/CG environement
PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
on characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
expressions is to be expected.
Fury and Colt are surrounded, the the addition of CG Character animation
EXT SHADY ALLEY 11.1i 2 Triceracop, Dinomite, Wolf 3 $12,181.96
Thundercops show up and kick ass. Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
FX: muzzle flashes
CG: crowd duplication
CG: CG Dinomite


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green Screen set - CG set extension - Matte Paint/CG

PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
on characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
Fury and Colt are surrounded - OVER the addition of CG Character animation
EXT SHADY ALLEY 11.1ii 1/8 expressions is to be expected. 4 $6,562.61
HOODLUMS Focused on some simpler speaking or
Triceracop, Wolf
FX: muzzle flashes
CG: crowd duplication
CG: CG Dinomite

SET: Green Screen set - CG set extension - Matte Paint/CG

PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
on werewolves - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
expressions is to be expected.
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT SHADY ALLEY 11.1iii 1/8 Bad guys repeling down ropes elements. Triceracop, Dinomite, Wolf 4 $6,562.61
Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
FX: muzzle flashes
CG: crowd duplication
CG: CG Dinomite

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

EXT SHADY ALLEY 11.2 1/8 GIANT WOLF Assume all CG - creature development renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 1 $1,640.65
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
SET: Practical set with possible Green Screen Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT SHADY ALLY 11.3 1/8 Barbarianna CAST: Barbrianna on saddle on GS to be added to plate comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 2 $5,951.31
FX: Add smoke elements. Comp Easy assumptions

SET: Green Screen set - CG set extension - Matte Paint/CG

PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
on characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
expressions is to be expected.
EXT SHADY ALLEY 11.4 1/8 Guy being eaten by a Dino. addition of CG Character animation Focused on 3 $9,961.96
Triceracop, Wolf
light touch ups.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
FX: muzzle flashes
CG: crowd duplication
CG: CG Dinomite

Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders

FULL CG: Establishing shot assumed in CG or digital matte painting
EXT VOLCANO 12.1 1/8 Volcano establisher. comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 2 $3,281.31
depending on concept
Comp Easy assumptions

SET: Practical set with plate shoot on green screen - Wire removal
on stunt for actor being thrown - unless specified for the use of a
PROSTHETIC: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancenent
on characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial Assumes simple comp work with possible light
The Thundercops toss Hitlers body into a
EXT VOLCANO 12.2 1/8 expressions is to be expected. 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 4 $9,022.61
Triceracop - Thundercops some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Plate shoot possible for side shot - comp background elements
CG: CG Dinomite

SET: Practical stage with set design and possible green screen
CG: CG Diomite
CROWD: Assume 2D approach to the crowsTriceratop stock Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT MIAMI STADIUM 13 2/8 The Thundercops play to a packed stadium. Footage of Crowds renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 8 $53,625.23
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.

SET: Practical stage with set design and possible green screen
CG: CG Diomite
CROWD: Assume 2D approach to the crowsTriceratop stock
Footage of Crowds
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
Kung Fury and Colt Magnum say they'll be
INT MIAMI STADIUM 15 3/8 enhancenent on werewolves - the face articulates but enhancement addition of CG Character animation Focused on 8 $25,125.23
friends for ever.
for facial expressions is to be expected. light touch ups.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Background: Possible logo enhancmenet on the stadium and stage -
mix of set and set extension

SET: Practical stage with set design and possible green screen
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
EXT COLT MAGNUM`S Kung Fury turns his back on the enhancenent on werewolves - the face articulates but enhancement
16 5/8 addition of CG Character animation Focused on 8 $23,505.23
FUNERAL Thundercops, from now on he works alone. for facial expressions is to be expected.
light touch ups.
CG: Dinomite,
Foreground: In camera

SET: Simple Green Screen set

Assumes simple comp work with possible light
The Anchor reports that Kung Fury has quit PLATE: comp plate for report
ANOTHER CRIME SCENE 17.2 1/8 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 2 $4,301.31
the police force. MOTION DESIGN: Creative development for motion graphics to be
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
applied to GS
SET: Simple Green Screen set
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
PLATE: comp plate for report
KUNG FU ACADEMY 17.6 1/8 Colt and Fury train kids outside the academy 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 2 $3,881.31
MOTION DESIGN: Creative development for motion graphics to be
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
applied to GS
SET: Simple Green Screen set
Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
PLATE: comp plate for report
KUNG FU ACADEMY 17.7 1/8 The academy is closed down addition of CG Character animation Focused on 2 $5,741.31
MOTION DESIGN: Creative development for motion graphics to be
light touch ups.
applied to GS


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Simple Green Screen set

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Anchor reports the breakup of the PLATE: comp plate for report
EXT KUNG FY ACADEMY 17.9 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 2 $9,641.31
thurdercops MOTION DESIGN: Creative development for motion graphics to be
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
applied to GS

SET: Practical stage with set design

CG: CG Diomite
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
INT HACKERSMANS Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
Hackerman sends Barbarianna, Triceracop and for facial expressions is to be expected.
MOM`S HOUSE - 17.10 1/8 addition of CG Character animation Focused on 8 $26,745.23
Dinomite back to their own time CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
BASEMENT light touch ups.
PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.
CG: CG Dinomite

SET: Practical set with Green screen to be used with beach plate
for Ocean - possible additional set dressing to complement set. Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
Crowd: Possible crowd duplication or plate shoot for different actions addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI BEACH 19.1 7/8 Beach montage 10 $37,406.54
- multipasses - if required sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Props: possible additional period props to be inserted - if required FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

SET: GS BG Miami Beach

PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but
The Nazi's turn up and start terrorising the the addition of CG Character animation
EXT MIAMI BEACH 19.2 6/8 enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. 10 $41,306.54
locals. Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CROWDS: Nazi thugs crowd duplication

SET: Practical set with Green screen to be used with beach plate
for Ocean - possible additional set dressing tom complement set.
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
EXT MIAMI BEACH - Rey interviews a Patrol officer, she finds a big Crowd: Possible crowd duplication or plate shoot for different actions
20 1 3/8 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 10 $21,506.54
boardwalk clue. She's spotted - multipasses - if required
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Props: possible additional period props to be inserted - if required

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

INT KUNG FU ACADEMU Furys breakfast is interupted by someone SET: Practical set
23.1 1 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $14,851.96
L2 knocking at the door. ACTION: Punches through door - CG door with FX particles for hole
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
23.3 1/8 Colt reflection REFLECTION: Shoot Colt on seperate plate - GS to comp 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 3 $3,931.96
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
23.4 1/8 Dad's reflection REFLECTION: Shoot Dad on seperate plate - GS to comp 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 3 $3,931.96
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Fury tells Rey he's seen the symbol before... SET: Practical set
24 6/8 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 3 $6,451.96
L2 once. COMP: Photo Prop replacement - concept development
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes commercial stock footage or plate
SET: STOCK footage establisher shoots that have some light touch ups, paint
EXT POLICE STATION 25 1/8 Police station establisher 1 $2,150.65
Background: STOCK FOOTAGE - assume possible paint over outs or corrections to make them useable and
cleared for rights.

Foreground: SET: Practical set,

PROSTHETIC: Triceracops: Possible Muzzle enhancenent on
characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
expressions is to be expected. Focused narrowly on QUICK muzzle
INT POLICE STATION- The Thundercops are introduced to Colt
26 1 5/8 CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from enhancement without combat or background 6 $16,863.92
prosthetics extention work.
Background: Green screen out the window
CG: CG Door
FX: Fire enhancement on CIGAR for ignition


27.1 1/8 NO VFX PLANNED 0 $0.00

Foreground: SET: Practical set,

PROSTHETIC:Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Thundercops high five one arrest, enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
EXT SHADY ALLEY 27.1 3/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $28,923.92
Magnum has twelve. for facial expressions is to be expected.
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: CG Dinomite

Assumes simple comp work with possible light

Fury and Magnum jog, Fury cant keep up
EXT WATERFRONT 27.2 1/8 SET: Practical set: green screen with shoot plates 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
with Magnums pace.
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 2 $4,301.31
Background: SET: Practical set
FX: Muzzle flashes enhancement
Foreground: Punching bag gag
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Fury watches Magnum take out the punching CG: CG bag or practical - for the weight of the bag if use of prop
27,3i 1/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
L1 bag. difficult to emulate weight - assume CG for the stunt
Comp Easy assumptions

2 $6,701.31
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Bullet hits on punchin bag - GREEN SCREEN
27,3ii 1/8 Green Screen shoot for elements comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
Comp Easy assumptions 1 $3,350.65


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

Foreground: Practical set with green screen
Background:Green Screen Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
Target Practice - The Thundercops fire their
INT PRACTICE RANGE 27.4 1/8 PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Comp Easy assumptions
for facial expressions is to be expected. ( Thundercops)
CG: CG Dinomite
FX: Muzzle flashes, possible particle enhancement for the bottles
3 $10,051.96

Foreground: Real Office - practical set

Background:Green Screen window - Digital matte painting for
window treatment possible
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT POLICE STATION- The Thundercops celebrate Triceracops
27.5 1/8 enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
BULLPEN birthday, Fury's not there.
for facial expressions is to be expected. Thundercops Comp Easy assumptions
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Plate shoot possible for side shot - comp background elements
CG: CG Dinomite
6 $20,103.92
SET: Practical set
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY FX: Muzzle flashes
27.6 1/8 Fury trains, shooting bags comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
L1 Foreground: Muzzle Flashes
Comp Easy assumptions
Background: Practical set 6 $20,103.92
SET: Practical set
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Colt nods his approval as Fury guns down a CG: Hole through grandma
27.7 1/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus
L1 Grandma. FX: Blood enhancement, cloth ehnacement, addition of FX smoke
Comp Easy assumptions
to the tip of the gum 3 $10,051.96
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
Fury and Magnum jog side by side. Equals.
EXT WATERFRONT 27.8 1/8 GS with shoot plates 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 6 $12,903.92
SET: Practical set with green screen with plate shoot - Background of Assumes simple comp work with possible light
A Birhtday clown approaches a bank...Fury
EXT BIRTHDAY PARTY 27,9i 1/8 Miami Beach 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
and Magnum gun down a birthday clown
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 6 $12,903.92
SET: Practical set with green screen with plate shoot - Background of Assumes simple comp work with possible light
Fury and Magnum gun flki through the air
EXT BIRTHDAY PARTY 27,9ii 1/8 Miami Beach 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days. 2 $4,301.31

Foreground: Practical set with green screen

INT PRACTICE RANGE 27.11 1/8 Fury fires one shot and 12 bottles explode 3 $3,616.96
Background:Green Screen
FX: Muzzle flashes, possible particle enhancement for the bottles
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
INT HOT TUB 27.18 1/8 Fury and Colt celebrate the new colt statue GS with shoot plates 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 4 $8,602.61
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
EXT WATERFRONT 27.25 1/8 Fury and Magnum jog, Fury pulls ahead. SET: Practical set: green screen with shoot plates 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 1 $2,150.65
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

SET: Practical set with plate shoot on green screen - Wire removal
on stunt for actor being thrown - unless specified for the use of a
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
The Thundercops toss Hitlers body into a This assumes Comp Medium with additional wire
EXT VOLCANO 27.26 1/8 for facial expressions is to be expected. 3 $13,471.96
volcano. removal or other paint.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Plate shoot possible for side shot - comp background elements
CG: CG Dinomite

STUNT: Hitler on wires - stunt gag - Wire removal

SET: Background :Green Screen with digital matte painting for
compositing - concept development needed
PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
INT MIAMI STADIUM 27.27 1/8 Magnum and Fury lock eyes. addition of CG Character animation Focused on 2 $6,281.31
for facial expressions is to be expected.
light touch ups.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: CG Dinomite
CROWDS: Stock Footage Crowds

Assumes simple comp work with possible light

Fury and Mugnum look over Miami, hands
EXT MIAMI VIEWPOINT 27.28 1/8 SET: Practical set with Green screen 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 3 $6,451.96
almost touching.
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

Assumes simple comp work with possible light

Fury stares at Colts empty desk, he spits out
EXT BIRTHDAY PARTY 27.29 1/8 GS comped over street location 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 3 $6,451.96
his coffee.
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

INSERTS: Green Screen replacement

INT POLICE STATION- Colt and Fury get the call, disabled people Simple monitor comp of prepared stock,
28 1 1/8 Foreground: SET: practical location, potential muzzle replacement 3 $6,451.96
BULLPAN being murdered again. footage or GFX into an on set prop.
Background:Green screen out window, potential screen replacement

Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders

Fury and Colt make there way into the Kung SET: Practical set with CG set extension
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 29 1/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 3 $10,051.96
Fu Academy. CG: CG pillars
Comp Easy assumptions

SET: Shot in practical set

CG: Enhancement Doom's eyes; head Assumes simple, usually one off, 2D
CG Prop: Cg "T" for the fly by - 3D environment for close-up of compositng, A over B, simple element additions
30.1 1 12/8 Colt has his head cut off by Taekwon doom. throw done by one artist. No 2.5D Camera work, light 6 $12,063.92
Foreground: Green Screen Stunt - shoot GS pull, no heavy paint or roto. About 2-4 Man
Background: Plate shoot for stunt days of work total.


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Shot in practical set Assumes senior work, moderate DMP, 2.5D
CG: Enhancement Doom's eyes; head cameras, adding custom elements, some design
30.2i 1/8 Foreground: Green Screen Stunt - shoot work, adding multiple filmed elements and CGI 6 $35,223.92
L1 Colt has his head cut off by TaeKwon Doom
Background: Plate shoot for stunt renders, heavy crowds,timed lighting. About 20-
FX: Practical blood with enhancement 30 Days

SET: Shot in practical set

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
CG: Enhancement Doom's eyes; head
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY addingmultiple custom elements, more
30.2ii 1/8 Foreground: Green Screen Stunt - shoot 3 $4,561.96
L1 Colt has his head cut off. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Background: Plate shoot for stunt
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
FX: Practical blood and Flesh enhancement

INT KUNG FU ACADEMY SET: Shot on practical set Simple monitor comp of prepared stock,
31 7/8 Fury and Rey connect the dots 6 $12,903.92
L2 COMP: Photo Prop replacement - insert footage or GFX into an on set prop.
Assumes simple, usually one off, 2D
compositng, A over B, simple element additions
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY- SET: Shot on practical set
33.1 1/8 Fury shaves and changes. done by one artist. No 2.5D Camera work, light 6 $11,643.92
BATHROOM2 Possible morph for beard transformation gag
GS pull, no heavy paint or roto. About 2-4 Man
days of work total.

Assumes simple, usually one off, 2D

compositng, A over B, simple element additions
33.2 1/8 Fury shaves and changes. Beard transformation gag done by one artist. No 2.5D Camera work, light 1 $1,940.65
GS pull, no heavy paint or roto. About 2-4 Man
days of work total.

Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders

Fury tells Rey he works alone and rides off on
SET: Shot on practical set with green screen on hallway comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 2 $8,951.31
a motorcycle.
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 34,1i 1/8 Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
SET: Shot on practical set with green screen on hallway comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 2 $8,951.31
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 34,1ii 1/8 Fury rides a motorcycle Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
Fury tells Rey he works alone and rides off on
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 34.2 1/8 CG extension comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
a motorcycle.
Comp Easy assumptions
SET: Shot on practical set with green screen SET: Shot on practical set with green screen
PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle
Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancement on
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 35 1/8 Illeagle and Terrordactyl watch Fury leave enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. characters - the face articulates but 6 $23,883.92
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from enhancement for facial expressions is to be
prosthetics expected.

SET: Shot on practical set with green screenfor fighting stunts SET: Shot on practical set with green screenfor
integration - WIRE REMOVAL fighting stunts integration - WIRE REMOVAL
PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle
Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancement on
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Illeagle and Terrordactyl kidnap Rey, Fury
36.1 1 4/8 enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. characters - the face articulates but 8 $32,205.23
L2 arrives.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from enhancement for facial expressions is to be
prosthetics expected.
FX: Possible blood enhancement and CG enhancement depending FX: Possible blood enhancement and CG
on fight stunt enhancement depending on fight stunt

SET: Green screen for plate integration SET: Green screen for plate integration
PLATE: - T-Clan stunts shot 2nd unit PLATE: - T-Clan stunts shot 2nd unit
INT KUNG FU ACADELY - Surfboard ninja on green screen - Surfboard ninja
36.2 2 Fury fights the T-Clan 8 $54,915.23
L2 STUNT: Wire work for stunts - Wire removal STUNT: Wire work for stunts - Wire removal
FX: Explosion enhancement. fire, particles, Muzzle flashes, squibs FX: Explosion enhancement. fire, particles
CG CROWD: Possible crowd duplication

SET: Green screen for plate integration

PLATE: - T-Clan stunts shot 2nd unit
- Surfboard ninja green screen
STUNT: Wire work for stunts - Wire removal Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
Fury fights the T-Clan
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY FX: Explosion enhancement. fire, particles, Muzzle flashes, squibs, addition of CG Character animation, difficult
36.3 2 8 $57,045.23
L2 Digi double holes on ninja, water burst performance, complete head or face
A bullet misses
CG: CG water and takeover for the the pipe replacement.
CG BG Wall with window
CG: Ninja (Full CG) turnimng into balloon
CG CROWD: Possible crowd duplicafion

SET: Green screen for plate integration

PLATE: - T-Clan stunts shot 2nd unit
- Motorcycle on green screen
STUNT: Wire work for stunts - Wire removal
FX: Explosion enhancement. fire, particles, Ninja surfboard, grinding Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
Fury surfs a Doom clan onto his motorbike against railing, Sparks for the rail, Burnt rubber, smoke, dust, renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 37.1 1/8 6 $66,543.92
and then shoots into the sky. CG CROWD: Possible crowd duplicafion DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
CG: CG rail Moderate assumptions
CG: CG Wire with FX sparks
CG: CG Tank hole
2D: Integration of practical sparks
CG: FX Fire thrust from gaz tank

2ND Unit
SET: Green screen with plate integration - clean plate
PLATE: - T-Clan stunts shot 2nd unit Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
Fury surfs a Doom clan onto his motorbike - Surfboard ninja renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 37.2 1/8 6 $12,543.92
and then shoots into the sky. STUNT: Wire work for stunts - Wire removal DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
FX: Explosion enhancement. fire, particles Moderate assumptions
CG: CG Kung Fury, CG doom, CG motorbike, CG stunts and


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Practical set with green screen wrap. CG Shoot

STUNT: Gimble motocycle board
PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile
Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. the addition of CG Character animation
EXT ROOF TOP 38.1i 2/8 Fury lands his motocycle on the rooftops. 6 $41,133.92
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Focused on some simpler speaking or
prosthetics expressiveness.
CG: CG Kung Fury, CG propeller motorbike, CG stunts and
CG: City environement

SET: Green screen set

STUNT: Gimble motocycle board This assumes Combined Medium with additional
EXT ROOF TOP 38.1ii 2/8 Fury lands his motocycle on the rooftops. 3 $5,551.96
Background: Rooftop plate to digital matte painting - 3D wire removal or other paint.
environment compositing

SET: Shot on practical set with green screenfor fighting stunts

integration - WIRE REMOVAL
PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT ROOF TOP 38.2 2/8 Illeagle, Terrordactyl fly with Rey. Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $4,921.96
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
FX: Possible blood enhancement and CG enhancement depending
on fight stunt

SET: Shot on practical set with green screenfor fighting stunts

integration - WIRE REMOVAL
PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl,: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT ROOF TOP 38.3 2/8 A motorbike flys through the air. Muzzle enhancement on characters - the face articulates but renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $4,921.96
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
FX: Possible blood enhancement and CG enhancement depending
on fight stunt

SET: Shot on practical set with green screen wrap around - comp
Foreground: PROSTHETIC: Illeagle, Terrordactyl and Triceracop:
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle enhancement on characters -
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT BUILDING ROOFTOP 39 1 1/8 Fury meets Doom, Triceracop takes a sword. the face articulates but enhancement for facial expressions is to be 6 $41,133.92
Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Sword extension (cut off prop on practical set); CG feathers if
needed depending on action for Illegal.
Background: Green screen replacement with Rooftop background

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
Triceracop explains he's from the future as for facial expressions is to be expected. addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT SNYSCRAPPER 40.1 4/8 6 $31,293.92
they fall. They save Rey. CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
prosthetics FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
for facial expressions is to be expected. addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.2 4/8 Triceracop and Fury catch Rey. 6 $31,293.92
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
prosthetics FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
for facial expressions is to be expected.
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.3 4/8 Rey falling. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Triceracop and Fury crash through a window for facial expressions is to be expected.
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.4 4/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
cleaner CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

"SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
for facial expressions is to be expected. addingmultiple custom elements, more
INT APARTMENT 40.5i 1/8 Triceracop, Fury and Rey fly past the window. 5 $26,083.27
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
prosthetics FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city"

"SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
INT APARTMENT 40.5ii 1/8 Triceracop, Fury and Rey fly past the window. 4 $6,082.61
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city"

"SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
for facial expressions is to be expected.
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.6 2/8 Window cleaner being pulled. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG gag of them falling - Window cleaner CG character being
pulled in the back of Triceracop and Fury.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city"

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work - pole in horizontal and
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
vertical layout for possible morph of (2) plates
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.7 2/8 Window cleaner wrapped around a pole. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
CG: Cg rope going around Window Cleaner
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated side
building and 3D set - depending on framing

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.8 1/8 Window cleaner wrapped around a pole. for facial expressions is to be expected. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $21,031.96
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG gag of them falling; CG Sign
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

STUNT: Shot entirely with wire stunt work
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Triceracop, Fury and Rey crash through the
EXT SKYSCRAPPER 40.9 2/8 for facial expressions is to be expected. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $34,903.27
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG gag of them falling; CG Sign
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city

SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
41 3/8 Rey notices that Triceracop has been stabbed. prosthetics renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Foreground: Muzzle enhancement
CG sword extension on real set
Background: Green screen replacement with BG

EXT MIAMI THEME PARK Amoung the theme park rides Doom aims his Simple monitor comp of prepared stock,
43 2/8 Display on power glove 3 $8,341.96
L1 power glove. footage or GFX into an on set prop.

"SET: Practical set with GREEN SCREEN

CG: Arcade Death Bots in CG - Concept development needed - (5)
Full CG animated characters
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
STUNT: Possible wire removal and clean-ups for stunt action for the
The arcades come alive causing chaos, Doom the addition of CG Character animation
INT ARCADE 44.1 6/8 Civilians 7 $48,024.58
summons Hitler Focused on some simpler speaking or
FX: Muzzle flashes
PROPS: Practical cash ATM machine with practical cash
CG: Possible CG money that will also be used in Sc. 156
SFX: Fire and Explosions - possible enhancement and clean-up"


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Practical set with GREEN SCREEN

CG: Arcade Death Bots in CG - Concept development needed - (5)
Full CG animated characters
STUNT: Possible wire removal and clean-ups for stunt action for the
INT ARCADE 44.2 1/8 Arcade bot kills the kid 7 $11,484.58
boy being eaten
FX: Particle system for ceiling - dust and debris
SFX: Possible debris and dust shot live - TBC - possible additional
clean-up and enhancement

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

the addition of CG Character animation
INT ARCADE 44.3 4/8 Chaos, mutliple characters, CG money, CG Arcade robot 1 $10,145.65
Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT MIAMI THEME PARK the addition of CG Character animation
44.4 4/8 Chaos, mutliple characters, CG money, CG Arcade robot 1 $6,890.65
L2 Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the

addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK 44.5 4/8 Vortex of money, muzzle flashes, energy beams, CG Characters 1 $10,130.65
performance, complete head or face

"SET: Shot entirely on Green Screen set with Wire work

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Focused narrowly on QUICK muzzle
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Fury asks Triceracop to tell him about the dark
46 5/8 prosthetics enhancement without combat or background 6 $22,323.92
L2 future.
Background: Green screen replacement with Full CG animated city extention work.
Foreground: Muzzle enhancement
CG sword extension on real set
Background: Green screen replacement with BG"
"SET: Practical set - Miami streets
PORTAL WORMHOLES: CG or FX portal - depending on concept
design - Concept work for development.
CG: RMS Titanic, Statue of Liberty, Robot, Large Building Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI FREEDOM Portals open and creatures jump out fighting STUNT: Possible wire removal and clean-ups for stunt action for the renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
47 2/8 6 $66,543.92
TOWER pedestrians and each other. pedestrians DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
FX: Light enhancement for Portals, particles and debris for Giant Moderate assumptions
building collapse and Robot smash.
SFX: Possible debris, dust, etc shot live - TBC - possible additional
clean-up and enhancement"

SET: Practical set - Miami Police station

PORTAL Hakerman's time portal: CG or FX portal - depending on
concept design - Concept work for development.
FX: Light enhancement for Portals and fire and rubble
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
PROPS: Vehicles on fire
An army from across time stampede through addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI STREETS L2 48 2/8 PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle 6 $31,293.92
the city. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG: Possible Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction

SET: Practical set - Miami Police station

PORTAL Hakerman's time portal: CG or FX portal - depending on
concept design - Concept work for development.
FX: Light enhancement for Portals and fire and rubble
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
PROPS: Vehicles on fire
EXT. MIAMI POLICE Triceracop exits the portal to find Maimi addingmultiple custom elements, more
49 2/8 PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle 4 $20,872.61
STATION- DESTROYED destroyed. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG: Possible Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction

SET: Green screen set - Car with green screen windows

PROPS: CG Hover car
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
MIAMI STREETS- FUTURE 50 2/8 Triceracop and Fury cruise in a hover car. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
for facial expressions is to be expected.
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction"

SET: Green screen set - Car with green screen windows

PROPS: CG Hover car
Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle enhancenent on Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT FUTURISTIC POLICE The radio alerts Triceracop and Fury of a
51.1 2/8 characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
HOVER CAR robery.
expressions is to be expected. DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction and Hologram
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green screen set - Car with green screen windows

PROPS: CG Hover car
Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle enhancenent on
characters - the face articulates but enhancement for facial
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT FUTURISTIC POLICE The radio alerts Triceracop and Fury of a expressions is to be expected.
51.2 2/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $6,562.61
HOVER CAR robery - PLATES CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction and Hologram
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction

SET: Green screen set - Car with green screen windows

STUNT: Triceracop stunt heading through portal
PROPS: CG Hoverboard
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected. Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT MIAMI STREETS- Doom escapes through a time portal,
52 2/8 CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
LASER FAX SHOP Triceracop goes after him.
prosthetics Comp Easy assumptions
PORTAL: Doom's time portal: CG or FX portal - depending on
concept design - Concept work for development.
CG: Enhancement of Miami city - future - destruction and Hologram
SFX: Fire, smoke - possible FX enhancement to add additional
layers of destruction

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle

enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT WORMHOLE - Triceracop chases Doom but slips attempting CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
53pt1 1/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
TIMELESS an olly. - TRICEROCOP prosthetics
Comp Easy assumptions
WORMHOLE - Slips inside the wormhole -
GREEN SCREEN - Hackertman Portal - Low res, Chaos Portal - Ring
of Fire, All Time Pörtal - Uber Portal , Crystal Portal)
STUNT: Possible gimble
FX: ALL PORTALS & laser grid

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle

enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT WORMHOLE - Triceracop chases Doom but slips attempting prosthetics
53pt2 1/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
TIMELESS an olly - DOOM WORMHOLE - Slips inside the wormhole -
Comp Easy assumptions
GREEN SCREEN - Hackertman Portal - Low res, Chaos Portal - Ring
of Fire, All Time Pörtal - Uber Portal , Crystal Portal)
STUNT: Possible gimble
FX: ALL PORTALS & laser grid

SET: Practical set

CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Fury doesnt believe he and Triceracop would prosthetics
54 3/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $18,063.92
L2 ever be partners. PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Comp Easy assumptions
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
SET: Practical set
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT HACKERMANS The security door doesnt recognise Fury's enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement addingmultiple custom elements, more
55 5/8 6 $31,293.92
MOMS HOUSE face. for facial expressions is to be expected. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Hackerman trys to explain project time SET: Practical with possible Monitor inserts. Simple monitor comp of prepared stock,
MOMS HOUSE- 56 2 2/8 6 $16,263.92
machine. Foreground: Monitor inserts. footage or GFX into an on set prop.
1980's INFOGRAPHICX 57 3/8 Chaos theory explained CG: Butterfly, Laser grid 6 $7,863.92
FX: Laser grid treatment

SET: Practical set

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
The team put the pieces together, they need
INT HACKERMANS LAB 58 7/8 for facial expressions is to be expected. comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $21,933.92
to go to the theme park.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Comp Easy assumptions
FX: Laser treatment

EXT MIAMI THEME PARK - "SET: Practical set with green screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
PRINCESS CASTLE 59.1 1/8 Nazi theme park establisher CG: Set extension BG - plate of Hitler on Balcony and crowd renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $9,843.92
BALCONY duplication" DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

Hitler's POV
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK - Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
SET: Practical set with green screen
PRINCESS CASTLE 59.2 3/8 Hitler addresses the crowd. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 2 $13,991.31
CG: Set extension BG - plate of Hitler on Balcony and crowd
BALCONY DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

Crowd POV
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- SET: Practical set with green screen
59.3 2/8 Hitler addresses the crowd. The crowd renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
PRINCESS CASTLE CG: Set extension BG - plate of Hitler on Balcony and crowd
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

PORTAL: Doom's time portal: CG or FX portal - depending on
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- Doom opens a time portal and the nazis addingmultiple custom elements, more
59.4 2/8 concept design - Concept work for development. 6 $31,293.92
PRINCES CASTLE funnel inside. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG: Crowd duplication - eveil hencmen
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

"SET: Practical set with Green screen for environement
Arthur pulls Excalibur but is then shot in the addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MEDIEVAL WALL 60 2/8 FX: Possible blood enhancement - gunshot wound 6 $31,293.92
back by Hitler. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
SUPER: graphics"
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

SET: Practical set Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

EXT MIAMI STREETS- Doom opens a time portal, he has the laser
61 2/8 FX: Doom's eyes renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
FUTURE rifle.
SUPER: graphics DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

Scientists shake hands until Nazi's step in and

stab them.

Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the

EXT VIKING AGE- VIKING The Nazi's steal Thors hammer, Barb rides to addition of CG Character animation, difficult
63 2/8 CG Wolf Killing, chaos, fightight, Illegal, terrordactyl, G Boulders 4 $40,042.61
MOUNTAINSIDE help but her wolf is killed. performance, complete head or face

PROSTHETICS: hand disapeers into monitor, body enters monitor Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
Fury says he'll go alone, he enters the SET: Real BGSET: Practical with possible Monitor inserts. the addition of CG Character animation
INT HACKERMANS LAB 64 1 6/8 8 $54,915.23
internet. Foreground: Monitor inserts. Focused on some simpler speaking or
FX: Lights flashing - zapping expressiveness.

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

VFX: Simple wire frame cg environment, surfing the waves
the addition of CG Character animation
INTERNET CITY 65 2/8 Fury cruises towards internet city. Foreground: Kung Fury on wire surfing - Wire removal 6 $41,133.92
Focused on some simpler speaking or
Background: Green screen.

VFX: Simple wire frame cg environment, surfing the waves

Foreground: Kung Fury and Mal function on wire surfing - Wire
Background: Green screen. Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
Fury meets Glitch, he follows him towards a
INTERNET CITY 66 1 CONCEPT: Digital matte painting 2.5D of Internet City comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 8 $34,935.23
CG: 3D environment(Destruction of environment by Mal) and Digital Comp Easy assumptions
CG & FX: Star Field with Floating computer screens; theme Park

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

INT MIAMI THEME PARK- SET: Green screen the addition of CG Character animation
67 2/8 Fury and Glitch burst out of a monitor. 6 $41,133.92
TICKET BOOTH CG: Environment of the computer monitor " Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Practical set with GREEN SCREEN

CG: Arcade Death Bots in CG - Concept development needed - (5)
Full CG animated characters
STUNT: Possible wire removal and clean-ups for stunt action for the Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
68 1/8 Hitler arrives on Thor's hammer Civilians renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
FX: Muzzle flashes DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
PROPS: Practical cash ATM machine with practical cash
CG: Possible CG money that will also be used in Sc. 156
SFX: Fire and Explosions - possible enhancement and clean-up

SET: Practical set with green screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
69 1/8 Fury spots Hitler with Thors hammer. CG: Set extension BG - plate of Hitler sitting on Thors Hammer renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
CROWD: Crowd duplication DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Practical set with green screen

EXT MIMAMI THEME Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
CG: Set extension BG - plate of Hitler sitting on Thors Hammer
PARL - PRINCED CASTLE 70 4/8 The nazis watch Hitler. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
Cyborgs, 3D Character, CG set Extensions
BALCONY DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CROWD: Crowd duplication

Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders

70.2 4/8 Hiter on hammer, GS, ots comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 0 $0.00
Comp Easy assumptions

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

FX: Mal Function convulsing
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK - Fury spots Doom in the crowd but Glitch the addition of CG Character animation
71.1 1/8 SET: Practical with green screen 2 $13,781.31
TICKET BOOTH blows his cover. Focused on some simpler speaking or
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK - SET: Practical set with green screen
71.2 1/8 T-Clan flying all over 6 $9,843.92
TICKET BOOTH CROWD: Crowd duplication"
EXT MIMAMI THEME Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
SET: Practical set with green screen
PARL - PRINCED CASTLE 72 2/8 Fury tells Hitler that hes here for Doom renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $21,031.96
CROWD: Crowd duplication"
BALCONY DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
72.2 4/8 Crowd Dup, GS, CGE renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 0 $0.00
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

FX: Mal Function treatment - 3D glitching fx
INT HACKERSMANS LAB 73.1 3/8 Hackerman taps into Glitch's retinal matrix. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- "FX: Mal Function treatment - 3D glitching fx
73.2 1/8 Glitch's eyes light up renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 2 $13,991.31
PRINCES CASTLE "glitching, 3D glitching fx
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CROWD: Crowd Duplication, CG extension Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
74 1 2/8 Doom reveals himself to be Magnum. PROSTHETIC: Triceracop muzzle enhancement for speech comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
HOFF 9000 transforms, hitler on ground level Comp Easy assumptions
Focused narrowly on QUICK muzzle
Rey says shes going to help Fury whether he PROSTHETIC: Triceracop muzzle enhancement for speech
INT HACKERSMANS LAB 75 1 enhancement without combat or background 4 $14,782.61
likes it or not. Foreground: Triceracop
extention work.
SET: Practical set with green screen
EXT HACKERMANS This assumes Combined Medium with addition
76 2/8 Hackerman turns Hoff into car mode. CG: David hasselhoff turns into a HOFF - CG HOFF 2 $13,571.31
MOMS HOUSE deaging or face replacement, etc.
PLATE: Miami Plates

SET: Practical set - Theme Park with green screen

CG: Cg environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension,
HOFF 9000 transforms
FX: Laser canon enhancement
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- Colt confronts Fury. The thundercops arrive Possile Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
77.1 2 2/8 4 $44,032.61
PRINCESS CASTLE as he kicks Fury through a portal enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected. DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
CG: CG Dinomite Moderate assumptions
CROWD: Crowd Duplication of bodies flying everywhere - plate
shoot 2nd unit to be used in different scenes
PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.

SET: Practical set - Theme Park with green screen

CG: Cg environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension,
HOFF 9000 transforms
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- FX: Laser canon enhancement
77.2 2/8 The Lambo crashes into the Nazis renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
PRINCESS CASTLE CROWD: Crowd Duplication of bodies flying everywhere - plate
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
shoot 2nd unit to be used in different scenes

PORTAL: hitler on ground level, portal, laser glove,

SET: Practical set - Theme Park with green screen

CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension
FX: Portal enhancement Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept the addition of CG Character animation
77.3i 2/8 The thundercops fight as Hitler leads the nazis 6 $41,133.92
PRINCESS CASTLE work for development. Focused on some simpler speaking or
through the portal
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: expressiveness.
Possile Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.

PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK The thundercops fight as Hitler leads the nazis enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement the addition of CG Character animation
77.3ii 2/8 6 $41,133.92
PRINCESS CASTLE through the portal for facial expressions is to be expected., Boner, portal, crowd Focused on some simpler speaking or
duplication expressiveness.

SET: Practical set - Theme Park - ARCADE with green screen

CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension
PROSTHETIC: Terrodactyl: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- Hackerman tells the Hoff why he cant disarm enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
78 1 4/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
ARCADE the bomb. for facial expressions is to be expected.
Comp Easy assumptions
CG: Rocket, Limbs, SET destruction - 3D model explosion
FX: Explosions
PROPS: Dummies for live action plate body parts - possible

SET: Practical set - Theme Park - ARCADE with green screen

CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension
PROSTHETIC: Terrodactyl: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement the addition of CG Character animation
78.2i 4/8 Hackerman, Hoff and Glitch explode 5 $34,243.27
ARCADE for facial expressions is to be expected. Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Rocket, Limbs, SET destruction - 3D model explosion expressiveness.
FX: Explosions
PROPS: Dummies for live action plate body parts - possible"

SET: Practical set - Theme Park - ARCADE with green screen

CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension
PROSTHETIC: Terrodactyl: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK- Hackerman, Hoff and Glitch explode - enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement the addition of CG Character animation
78.2ii 4/8 6 $9,843.92
ARCADE EXPLODING DUMMIES for facial expressions is to be expected. Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Rocket, Limbs, SET destruction - 3D model explosion expressiveness.
FX: Explosions
PROPS: Dummies for live action plate body parts - possible

SET: Practical set - Theme Park - ARCADE with green screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK 78.3 4/8 The theme park explodes CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 4 $27,862.61
FULL CG: 3D model explosion and destruction DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Practical set - Theme Park - ARCADE with green screen

CG: CG environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
FULL CG: 3D model explosion and destruction the addition of CG Character animation
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK 78.4 4/8 Triceracop hides as the theme park explodes 4 $6,562.61
PROSTHETIC: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle Focused on some simpler speaking or
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement expressiveness.
for facial expressions is to be expected.


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Practical set with green screen Assumes simple comp work with possible light
Hitler and Doom lead the nazis towards the
EXT WHITE HOUSE 79 1/8 PLATE: Green screen Nazis moving towards white house with stock 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 6 $16,263.92
white house.
footage some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
INT WHITE HOUSE- OVAL The president ends the cold war, hes CROWD: Crowd duplication out window
80.1 1 1/8 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 4 $10,702.61
OFFICE informed that the Nazi's are here. SET: Practical set with green screen for windows
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
INT WHITE HOUSE- OVAL The president ends the cold war, hes CROWD: Crowd duplication out window addingmultiple custom elements, more
80.2 1 1/8 6 $9,123.92
OFFICE informed that the Nazi's are here. SET: Practical set with green screen for windows sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
SET: Practical set
CG: Nazi body exploding, Limbs, Monster with Chainsaw
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT WHITE HOUSE- CG SET: Hallwat for destruction
81.1 1 Fighting in the white house corridor. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
CENTRAL HALL FX: Explosions, Fire from high-powered shotgun, Fire to light up
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
PROPS: Stalin's pipe for CG model - action with president
"SET: Practical set with green screen plate of President to add to
fight scenes Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
INT WHITE HOUSE- CG: Nazi body exploding, Limbs, Monster with Chainsaw, DIGI addingmultiple custom elements, more
81.2 1 The President fight off the Nazi's 6 $31,293.92
CENTRAL HALL Double of President for stunt work sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG SET: Hallwat for destruction FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
FX: Explosions, Fire from high-powered shotgun, Fire to light up
SET: Green Screen set - Fury on green horse
CG: Fury on GIANTGUN, Cobra, Star Field, Time Crystal
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
PLATE: Hand for Giant hand, Floating heads shot on green screen
DREAM SEQUENCE 82.1 2/8 Fury rides a gun horse comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 8 $34,935.23
and integrated
Comp Easy assumptions
MAKEUP: Old Kung Fury - make-up prosthetic enhancement
SET: Green Screen shoot
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
PLATE: Plate shoot of actors - Simple comp.
INT DREAM SEQUENCE 82.2 1/8 Colt kisses Doom comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
Foreground: Actors
Comp Easy assumptions
Background:Green screen.

SET: Green Screen shoot

Assumes simple comp work with possible light
INT KUNG FURY`S PLATE: Plate shoot of actors with neck exposed - Simple comp.
82.4i 1/8 Floating heads laughing 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 3 $3,931.96
CHILDHOOD BEDROOM Foreground: Actors
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Background:Green screen.

SET: Green Screen Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
DREAM SEQUENCE 82.5 1/8 Fury punches the time crystal. CG: Star Field, Time Crystal comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $25,983.92
FX: Particles for Time Crystal Comp Easy assumptions
SET: Green Screen shoot
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
PLATE: Plate shoot of actor - Simple comp.
DREAM SEQUENCE 82.6 1/8 Master Sensei floating head comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $9,843.92
Foreground: Actor - Master Sensei
Comp Easy assumptions
Background:Green screen.
SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins - Gym at a distance
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Fury exits the hut and sees the gym in the addingmultiple custom elements, more
84.1i 1/8 6 $31,293.92
ELDERS HUT distance sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen

SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins
addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE 84.1ii 1/8 Thor walks through a lake pumping iron. 6 $9,123.92
sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte paintingds, Boulders
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen

SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot

CG: Ptarodactyl Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE 84.2 1/8 A viking rides a Pterodactyl 2 $4,181.31
performance, complete head or face
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders replacement.
Background: Green screen
SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot
CG: Ptarodactyl Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE 84.3 1/8 A viking rides a Pterodactyl 2 $4,181.31
performance, complete head or face
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders replacement.
Background: Green screen
SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins (depending on framing) and Gym Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Thor tells Fury to forget about the future and Background addingmultiple custom elements, more
84.4i 2 2/8 3 $15,751.96
STONEHENGE GYM just pump iron. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen
SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot
CG SET: Viking Village in ruins (depending on framing) and Gym Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Thor tells Fury to forget about the future and Background addingmultiple custom elements, more
84.4ii 2 2/8 4 $6,082.61
STONEHENGE GYM just pump iron. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen

SET: Practical set

Focused narrowly on Medium difficulty muzzle
INT POLICE STATION- PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
85 2/8 Triceracop says that Fury was right. enhancement without combat or background 8 $46,395.23
BULLPAN enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
extention work.
for facial expressions is to be expected.

SET: Practical set

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Focused narrowly on Medium difficulty muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
INT STRIP CLUB 86.10 1/8 Triceracop grinds the pole. enhancement without combat or background 6 $34,743.92
for facial expressions is to be expected.
extention work.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle

enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected. Focused narrowly on Medium difficulty muzzle
Trceracop stands over Hackerman and
EXT GRAVEYARD 86.1 1/8 CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from enhancement without combat or background 6 $34,743.92
Glitch's graves.
prosthetics extention work.
Foreground: CG Butterfly, MP, GS, Boulder
Background: Green screen - possible set extension

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle

enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Focused narrowly on Medium difficulty muzzle
INT SHADY ALLEY 86.12 1/8 Triceracop cant pick up the dollar bill. for facial expressions is to be expected. enhancement without combat or background 4 $23,092.61
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from extention work.

"SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot

CG SET: Viking Village in ruins (depending on framing) and Gym
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- addingmultiple custom elements, more
86.2i 1/8 Fury works out. 3 $15,751.96
STONEHENGE GYM sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen - Matte painting of the Stonehenge Gym

"SET: Practical with Green Screen shoot

CG SET: Viking Village in ruins (depending on framing) and Gym Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Background addingmultiple custom elements, more
86.2ii 1/8 Fury works out. 4 $6,082.61
STONEHENGE GYM sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Green screen - Matte painting of the Stonehenge

SET: Green screen set Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
86.3i 1/8 The president fights, hes stabbed in the back. Foreground: President getting stabbed in the back comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 3 $13,261.96
Background: Practical set Comp Easy assumptions

SET: Practical set Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

86.3ii 1/8 The president fights, hes stabbed in the back. Foreground: President getting stabbed in the back renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 0 $0.00
Background: Practical set DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Practical set

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Focused narrowly on Medium difficulty muzzle
Triceracop throws his police badge in the enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
EXT MIAMI STREETS 86.4 1/8 enhancement without combat or background 6 $34,743.92
garbage for facial expressions is to be expected.
extention work.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

Banners are unrolled down the sides of the SET: Set extension
XT WHITE HOUSE 86.5 1/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 3 $5,551.96
white house. CG: Cg banners unrolling side of the White House
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

SET: Green screen set
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT TREE 86.6i 1/8 Barbarianna sits with her dead wolf. CG: Dead wolf 1 $1,640.65
Focused on some simpler speaking or
BACKGROUND: Matte painting of the Stonehenge Gym

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

SET: Green screen set
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT TREE 86.6ii 1/8 Barbarianna sits with her dead wolf. CG: Dead wolf 1 $1,640.65
Focused on some simpler speaking or
BACKGROUND: Matte painting of the Stonehenge Gym

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Rey Porter weeps over her fallen camera SET: Practical set addingmultiple custom elements, more
86.7 1/8 4 $20,872.61
STONEHENGE GYM footage. BACKGROUND: Matte painting of the Stonehenge Gym sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle

enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Focused narrowly on QUICK muzzle
INT SHADY ALLEY 86.8 1/8 Triceracop shoot heroin. for facial expressions is to be expected. enhancement without combat or background 6 $22,323.92
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from extention work.

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- SET: Green screen set addingmultiple custom elements, more
86.9 1/8 Fury hoists a boulder above his head. 5 $26,083.27
STONEHENGE GYM BACKGROUND: Matte painting of the Stonehenge Gym sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

SET: Green Screen shoot

CG SET: Viking mountainside
Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
EXT VIKING Rey discovers chaos theory and the butterfly
87 4/8 addition of CG Character animation Focused on 6 $32,853.92
MOUNTAINSIDE affect. Foreground: Matte painting, Boulders
light touch ups.
Background: Viking mountainside
CG: Butterfly

GFX: Sequence of weapons combining laser fire

CG: Evil Spirits - creative development, Bullets Assumes same SOW as Combined Easy with the
88 1 6/8 Hitler creates the ultimate weapon. FX: Glow, light addition of CG Character animation Focused on 6 $23,883.92
Foreground: GFX Sequence of weapons combining light touch ups.
Background: Real Place


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green Screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

As Hitler leaves the white house Doom blows
EXT WHITE HOUSE 89 2/8 CG SET: White house explodes renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 8 $55,935.23
it up.
Foreground: CG White house explodes - Full CG environment DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Green Screen set Assumes simple comp work with possible light
Rey tells Barbarianna they need chaos to
EXT VIKING VLLEY 90 7/8 CAST: Green sceen shoot of Barbrianna and Rey as a plate 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 6 $16,263.92
open a portal.
ENV: Matte painting and 2,5D environment some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

SET: Green Screen Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT EHITE HOUSE 91 1/8 The President rises from the rubble SFX: Rubble - possible FX enhancement - smoke, debris and rubble comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 8 $34,935.23

SET: Green Screen set

CAST: Green sceen shoot of Barbrianna and Rey as a plate Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
FX: Add smoke elements. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
MONTAGE 92.i 1/8 2 $21,971.31
CG: Laserraptor, Pterodactyl double DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Barbarianna slays Laser Raptor and slices the ENV: Matte painting and 2,5D environment, Matte Paiting Moderate assumptions
head of Pterodactyl
SET: Green Screen set
CAST: Green sceen shoot of Barbrianna and Rey as a plate
FX: Add smoke elements. Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
CG: Viking Demon Creatures, Melee combat renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
MONTAGE 92.ii 1/8 2 $21,971.31
ENV: Matte painting and 2,5D environment, Matte Paiting DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Foreground: laserraptor fighting, cg monsters, CG Extension, MP Moderate assumptions
Rey and Barbarianna fight random creatures 0 Background: Green screen to be replaced by DMP and set
Viking Demon creatures enhancement"

SET: Green Screen set

CAST: Green sceen shoot of Barbrianna and Rey as a plate
Assumes senior work, moderate DMP, 2.5D
FX: Add smoke elements.
cameras, adding custom elements, some design
CG: Dragon
EXT VIKING VLLEY 92.4 1/8 Rey and Barbarianna kill a dragon work, adding multiple filmed elements and CGI 6 $12,903.92
ENV: Matte painting and 2,5D environment, Matte Paiting
renders, heavy crowds,timed lighting. About 20-
Foreground: laserraptor fighting, cg monsters, CG Extension, MP
30 Days
Background: Green screen to be replaced by DMP and set

SET: Green Screen set

CAST: Green sceen shoot of Barbrianna and Rey as a plate,
Dinomite Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
EXT BARBARIAN VILLAGE- Rey and Barbarianna cause chaos and CG: Monster, Dinomite addingmultiple custom elements, more
93 7/8 12 $62,707.84
STONEHENGE GYM manage to open a portal. CG ENV: Stonehenge Rumble - Pillars sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX: Lightning, VHS Static FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
PORTAL: CG or FX Static Portal - depending on concept design -
Concept work for development.

SET: Green Screen

PLATE: Doom anf Parents Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT KUNG FURY Master Sensei show Fury the day his parents
99 1 CG: CG Plane renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $34,903.27
FX: Explosion lane, Explosion asphalt, CG/Car explosion, DIGI DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Double possible

SET: Practical set with green screen

PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.
CG: Dinomite, warmholes, Time crystal
CG ENV: Possible enhancement in CG for the establishing of the
Wormholes allowing figures accross all times to enter - growing
number of elements - depending on size of the framing or if it
entirely contained within the practical set.
Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
CROWD: Crowd multiplication
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK Fury saves his friends, Hackerman needs renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
103.1 1 PROSTHETIC: Triceracop, Terrodactyl: Muzzle enhancement: 7 $115,719.58
L2 something from his place. DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Possible Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but
Moderate assumptions
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
ACTION REQUIRING ELEMENTS: Terrodactyl being pinned to the
carnical game - Live action with CG pick-up for Carnival game.
FX: Lightning surge throught the glove, possible blood
enhancement for Terrodactyl

SET: Practical set with green screen

PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.
CG: Dinomite, warmholes, Time crystal
CG ENV: Possible enhancement in CG for the establishing of the
Wormholes allowing figures accross all times to enter - growing
number of elements - depending on size of the framing or if it
entirely contained within the practical set.
Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
CROWD: Crowd multiplication
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK Fury saves his friends, Hackerman needs renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
103.2 1 PROSTHETIC: Triceracop, Terrodactyl: Muzzle enhancement: 4 $65,662.61
L2 something from his place. DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Possible Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but
Moderate assumptions
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
ACTION REQUIRING ELEMENTS: Terrodactyl being pinned to the
carnical game - Live action with CG pick-up for Carnival game.
FX: Lightning surge throught the glove, possible blood
enhancement for Terrodactyl


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Practical set with green screen; Set extension for the truck to
burn out, Zooming away - concept development for the Hard surface model animation, cars, robots, etc
Kung Fury STABS the time crystal shard into
environement and action. over a full CGI environement – usually
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK 103.5 1/8 Terrordactyl’s forehead, pinning him to the 3 $66,166.96
CG: Time crystal, Thundertruck highways. Hard presumes more complicated
carnival game.
CG ENV: Tarp blows open moves or combat
FX: Lightning, debris for the tarp"

"SET: Practical set with green screen; Set extension for the truck to
burn out, Zooming away - concept development for the
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT HACKERSMAN environement and action.
104.1 2/8 Hackermans activates the Thundertruck renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $41,943.92
MOMS HOUSE CG: Time crystal, Thundertruck
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG ENV: Tarp blows open
FX: Lightning, debris for the tarp"

"SET: Practical set with green screen; Set extension for the truck to
burn out, Zooming away - concept development for the
INT HACKERSMAN The thundertruck zooms away from environement and action.
104.2 2/8 6 $9,843.92
MOMS HOUSE Hackermans house CG: Time crystal, Thundertruck
CG ENV: Tarp blows open
FX: Lightning, debris for the tarp"

SET: Practical set with green screen

CG: Cg environment Theme Park - Blows away, Thundercops
Hard surface model animation, cars, robots, etc
FX: Explosion, fire, enhancement to the CG env, Hologram video
EXT MIAMI THEME PARK The thundertruck arrives, they recieve a over a full CGI environement – usually
105.1 3/8 feed of President - treatment 5 $109,348.27
L2 message from the president. highways. Hard presumes more complicated
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
moves or combat
Possile Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG: CG Dinomite

Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI

EXT MIAMI THEME PARK SET: Green Screen renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
105.2 3/8 The presidents message 6 $70,353.92
L2 PLATE: President smoking a cigar - SIMPLE COMP DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Moderate assumptions

"SET: Practical set with green screen

CG: Cg environment to complete Theme Park - BG set extension,
HOFF 9000 transforms
FX: Laser canon enhancement
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Possile Muzzle enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
enhancement for facial expressions is to be expected.
INT AIR FORCE- COCKPIT 105.3 3/8 The thundertruck pulls out! renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 9 $18,230.88
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG Dinomite
CROWD: Crowd Duplication of bodies flying everywhere - plate
shoot 2nd unit to be used in different scenes
PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development."

SET: Practical set with green screen

PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.
CG: Wormholes, Laser Raptor, Spaceship, Rubix Cube Assumes commercial stock footage or plate
EXT MIAMI STREET Creatures appear out of portals and attack CG ENV: Possible enhancement in CG for the establishing of the shoots that have some light touch ups, paint
106 2/8 14 $332,089.15
CORNER pedestrians Wormholes allowing figures accross all times to enter - growing outs or corrections to make them useable and
number of elements - depending on size of the framing or if it cleared for rights.
entirely contained within the practical set.
CROWD: Crowd multiplication - civilians

SET: Practical set with green screen

PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development. Hard surface model animation, cars, robots, etc
CG: Iron Eagle over a full CGI environement – usually
EXT MIAMI HIGHWAY 107 4/8 Hitler unleashes the Nazi werewolves. 7 $58,944.58
CG ENV: Possible enhancement in CG for the establishing of the highways. Hard presumes more complicated
Wormholes - growing number of elements - depending on size of moves or combat
the framing or if it entirely contained within the practical set.
CROWD: Crowd multiplication - werewolves

SET: Green screen set with practical car with padding for stunt
STUNT: Werewolf stuntu on wires - Wire removal
PROSTHETIC: Werewolf: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
enhancement on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
for facial expressions is to be expected.
Tanner, John and Steve drive trying to avoid addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT MIAMI STREETS 108.i 3/8 CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from 6 $55,563.92
Romans and dinosaurs. performance, complete head or face
CG: Roof - Green tear away roof - CG plates - Roman Warriors,
Dinosaurs and Wormholes
Foreground: Wolf jumps on hood pf Camaro tears off the roof
Background: CG bakcground

"SET: Green screen set with practical car

STUNT: Werewolf stunt on wires - Wire removal
PROSTHETIC: Werewolf: Muzzle enhancement: Possile Muzzle
Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
enhancement on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
addition of CG Character animation, difficult
INT BLACK CAMARO 108.ii 2/8 Nazi werewolve attack biting the jocks. for facial expressions is to be expected. 6 $55,563.92
performance, complete head or face
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: Roof - Green tear away roof - CG plates.
FX: Possible blood enhancement and make-up enhancement"

SET: Practical set with Green Screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Evil Army surround the kung fu academy
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 109.1 2/8 CROWD: crowd duplication renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $28,923.92
PLATE: Plate shoot or army of Nazi's DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
SET: Practical set with Green Screen
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- BG: 2D/3D Extension - Kung Fu Academy stairs and establishing of
109.2 2/8 Nazi's surround the kung fu academy renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $28,923.92
STEPS the outside
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CROWD: Crowd duplication


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Cg environment of Miami highway Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT MIAMI HIGHWAY 111 1 The thundercops approach 4 $11,002.61
Possile - but no dialogue performance, complete head or face
CG: CG Dinomite replacement.
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

"SET: Green screen - multiple plates - assume real cockpit

CG: Cg environment - assume sky only Assumes simple comp work with possible light
The President tells Fury he's here to kick nazi
INT AIR FORCE- COCKPIT 112 1/8 CG: Air Force One Jet 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 6 $12,903.92
FX: Engine thrusts some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION"

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Cg environment of Miami highway Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI HIGHWAY 113 1/8 The thundercops rev their engined 4 $6,082.61
Possile - but no dialogue sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG: CG Dinomite FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Practical set with Green Screen

BG: 2D/3D Extension - Kung Fu Academy stairs and establishing of
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- the outside
114 2/8 Doom opens fire with the gun chucks. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 7 $33,744.58
STEPS CROWD: Crowd duplication
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: Gun Chucks, BG Extention, pillars getting destroyed
FX: muzzle flashes and debris and squibs, sparks

SET: Practical set with Green Screen

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
BG: 2D/3D Extension - Kung Fu Academy stairs and establishing set
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY The puppies dodge the bullets. **ACADEMY the addition of CG Character animation
115 1/8 CROWD: Crowd duplication 5 $24,253.27
L2/3 SHOT UP** Focused on some simpler speaking or
CHARACTERS: Assume real puppies
FX: SLOWMO explosions - elementss possible, squibs, bullets

Foreground: Real set with GS outside a helicopter - Miami City- Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
taking off - the addition of CG Character animation
INT TUNDERTRUCK 116 1/8 Hackerman initiates flight mode 7 $33,954.58
Background:Green screen to be replace by CG environment - City Focused on some simpler speaking or
buildings and Kung Fu Academy expressiveness.

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

GS outside a helicopter - miami city -taking off - kung fu academy the addition of CG Character animation
EXT MIAMI HIGHWAY 117 1/8 The thundercops take to the skys 4 $6,562.61
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- Gun Chucks, BG Extention, crowd duplication, muzzle flashes, pillars the addition of CG Character animation
118 1/8 Doom continues to fire with the gun chucks. 6 $29,103.92
STEPS getting destroyed Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Practical set with Green Screen

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
BG: 2D/3D Extension - Kung Fu Academy stairs and establishing set
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY the addition of CG Character animation
119.1 2/8 The bullets destroy one of the statues. CROWD: Crowd duplication 6 $29,103.92
L2/3 Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Statues
FX: SLOWMO explosions - elementss possible, squibs

SET: Practical set with Green Screen

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
BG: 2D/3D Extension - Kung Fu Academy stairs and establishing set
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY The bullets destroy one of the statues. the addition of CG Character animation
119.2 2/8 CROWD: Crowd duplication 4 $6,562.61
L2/3 **ACADEMY SHOT UP** Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Statues
FX: SLOWMO explosions - elementss possible, squibs

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT KUNG FURY Possile - but no dialogue
120.1 2/8 The Thundercops open fire on the nazis. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $24,103.27
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Possile - but no dialogue
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT KUNG FURY CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
120.2 2/8 The Thundercops fly through the buildings renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $9,843.92
ACADEMY prosthetics
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG Dinomite
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
120.3 2/8 Hitler notices the Thundercops arriving. renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 7 $33,744.58
STEPS Possile - but no dialogue
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
CG: CG Dinomite
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green Screen Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI

INT AIR FORCE- COCKPIT 121 2/8 The President ejects to help his friends PLATE: President smoking a cigar - SIMPLE COMP" renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $8,203.27
CG: CG Plane Air Force One, Wormhole DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green Screen

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
PLATE: Doom anf Parents
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
122 2/8 The passenger plane kills Fury's parents. CG: CG Plane 6 $29,103.92
CHILDHOOD HOME Focused on some simpler speaking or
FX: Explosion lane, Explosion asphalt, CG/Car explosion, DIGI
Double possible

CG: Thundertruck,chaos, Dinomite

SET: Green screen - multiple plates -
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
CG: Mini Gun Turret and bullets
CG: Sparks and debris
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
CG: CG Nazis, T-Ninjas, Thugs (important number of CG extras -
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 123.1 1/8 The thundertruck lands. Digi Doubles) 8 $13,125.23
Focused on some simpler speaking or
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION
FX: Barbarianna Falme thrower gun
FX: Cannons Hakerman

CG: Thundertruck,chaos, destruction, Lasserraptor

SET: Green screen - multiple plates - President on plate to be
comped in main scene
CG: Machine Gun camera enhancement
SET: Green screen - multiple plates
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: addition of CG Character animation, difficult
Possile - but no dialogue performance, complete head or face
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from replacement.
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION
FX: Laser eyes for Lasserraptor
CG: HOFF 900 turns into human form

CG: chaos, destruction

SET: Green screen - multiple plates
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
CG: CG Rocket Boots
CG: Rocket eyes
CG: Shockwave of fire created by lasers
Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
CG: Digi doubles - for flying Ninjas
THUNDERCOPS ASSEMBLE! - David addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 123.2ii 1/8 CG: Magical AK-47 10 $102,656.54
Hasselhoff performance, complete head or face
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
CG: Desintegration - transformation from T-Ninjas into candy
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION
FX: Laser eyes for Lasserraptor
CG: HOFF 900 turns into human form

SET: Green Screen: President inserted into fighting scene

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
CROWD: CROWD Duplication - Digi Doubles
CG : Laserraptor
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
CG: Bullets
addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 123.4 1/8 Arnold fights CG: Tank with barrel 8 $40,125.23
sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
CG: Skateboard
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
CG: Raptor tank
FX: Explosion, Fires
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION
FX: Nazi being crushed

CG: ROCKET BOOTS Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- FX: Thrust for the rocket boots the addition of CG Character animation
123.5 1/8 Hitler orders the nazis to kill them. 8 $53,565.23
STEPS FX: Digi Double - Hoff - to fly into the academy Focused on some simpler speaking or
FX: Bullets, FX destruction expressiveness.
SET: Practical set with green screen
The Hoff rescues the puppies and protects CG: Walls
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
them from the bullets CG: Digi Double Hoff - deoending on framing
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY 124.1i the addition of CG Character animation
2/8 FX: Squibs, bullets, flashe on titamium - enhancement from live plate 3 $14,551.96
L2/3 124.2 Focused on some simpler speaking or
The Hoff rescues the puppies from the bullets CG: Smoke and sparks

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
A slow motion montage of intense action. Possile - but no dialogue Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.1i 2/8 6 $40,473.92
Kung Fury, The President stunt, Rey Porter, prosthetics Focused on some simpler speaking or
Barb, Hackerman, Tricerocop, Chickbabe CG: CG Dinomite expressiveness.
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Squibs, explosion, smoke
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION"

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
A slow motion montage of intense action. Possile - but no dialogue
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.1ii 2/8 CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from 2 $13,091.31
Focused on some simpler speaking or
ADOLF HITLER prosthetics
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Squibs, explosion, smoke
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION"


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the

The President in a slow motion montage of CG Characters fighting addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.2 1/8 1 $10,565.65
intense action. Foreground: CG characters fighting performance, complete head or face

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Possile - but no dialogue Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.3 1/8 A slow motion montage of intense action. 1 $2,090.65
prosthetics performance, complete head or face
CG: CG Dinomite replacement.
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Possile - but no dialogue Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.4 1/8 Action shot! 2 $13,091.31
prosthetics Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: CG Dinomite expressiveness.
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green screen - multiple plates

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Possile - but no dialogue Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 125.5 1/8 Action shot! 4 $27,382.61
prosthetics Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: CG Dinomite expressiveness.
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
FX: Muzzle Flashes, Squibs
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION

SET: Green screen

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment - destruction
STUNT: Illegal flying off - Plate shoot
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
126.1 1/8 Hitler thinks its getting out of hand comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 2 $8,171.31
STEPS CG: Gorilla throwing CG barrel and TNT
Comp Easy assumptions
CG: Viking Ship
CG: Robot

SET: Green screen

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment - destruction
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- STUNT: Illegal flying off - Plate shoot - Wire removal from stunts
126.2 1/8 Illegal flies to the Theme Park comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 5 $21,628.27
STEPS FX: Smokle, fire, debris
Comp Easy assumptions
FX: Destruction, digi doubles

SET: IIlegal on Green Screen - with Stunt work - Assume not very
wide shot Assumes commercial stock footage or plate
EXT DESTROYED THEME Illegal lands and heads for the contreol booth - WIRE REMOVAL shoots that have some light touch ups, paint
127.1 2/8 5 $176,278.27
PARK THE MURDER COASTER! CG: Destroyed Theme Park as BG outs or corrections to make them useable and
cleared for rights.

SET: GS Shoot from cockpit. Window comps of the destruction -

Assume POV of Illegal
TRANSFORMATION: Theme Park transforming into a Giant Robot -l
Murder Coaster Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT DESTROYED THEME FX: Ashes and Rubble renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
127.2 1/8 Illeagle activates the Holocoaster 2 $22,511.31
PARK-CONTROL BOOTH PROSTHETICS: Illegal: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement Moderate assumptions
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

GS on location, of Triceracop getting shot

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
Triceracop is shot, Doom and Fury open a for facial expressions is to be expected.
portal. CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
128.1 1 4/8 prosthetics comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $26,913.92
Doom Fligs the gun-chucks around FIRING Foreground:Real Set Comp Easy assumptions
AT FURY Background: Green screen to be replace by CG environment or
CG: Gun-Ckucks - enhancement
FX: Muzzle flashes

SET: GS on location, of Triceracop getting shot

PROSTHETICS: Triceracop: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
Triceracop jumps in front of Fury
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
Triceropcop convulsesas blood sprays out if
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from
hus various bullet wounds
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY- Foreground:Real Set
128.1iii 1 4/8 Kung Fury and Taekwon Doom Charge each comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 8 $35,085.23
STEPS Background:Green screen to be replace by CG environment or
other Comp Easy assumptions
FX: Blood enhancement, Powerglove enhancement
The Two Powergloves meet fist to fist. The
CG: Powerglove enhancement
force of both powergloves hitting creates an
STUNT: Wire removal, Electrical Surge
electrical surge causing time portal to emerge
PORTAL: CG or FX portal - depending on concept design - Concept
work for development.


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

Assumes simple comp work with possible light

128.2 1/8 Barb calls after Fury SET: Practical with Green screen - Assume set extension 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 2 $3,011.31
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

Assumes simple comp work with possible light

SET: Practical with Green screen - Assume set extension
THUNDERTRUCK 128A 4/8 Hackerman explains where fury went. 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 4 $6,022.61
FX - COMP2D: Possible light enhancement & monitor comps
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.

Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI

SET: Practical with Green screen - green screen comp of winow
renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
INT NEWSROOM 129 1/8 Harry cant believe what he's seeing. CG: Murder-Coaster out window cradshing buildings 6 $46,383.92
DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
CG: City buildings
Moderate assumptions

SET: Green screen for the windows with view of buildings -

Cityskape Miami cop - live plate - aasume set windows
Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
GC: MurderCoaster in the background
addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 130.020_v001 2/8 The Thundertruck tries to ram the holocoaster PLATE: Use if Miami plate streetto comp in Murdercoser 1 $9,965.65
performance, complete head or face
Foreground:Real Set
Background:Green screen to be replace by CG environment or

SET: Green screen shoot with live plate intergration

Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
CG: Bullets Uzi, Muzzle flash, empty casings
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 130_030_V002 2/8 The Thundertruck tries to ram the holocoaster renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 1 $6,305.65
CG: Bullets and gun smoke
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
2D Camera shake

SET: Green screen assume BG live plate

GC: MurderCoaster in the background
CG: Bullets Uzi, Muzzle flash, empty casings - Barbaiana Uzi gun and
Camera Machine Gun
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
CG: Building destruction and explosions
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 130.040_v003 2/8 The Murdercoster attacks comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 1 $4,685.65
CG: Cars
Comp Easy assumptions
PLATE: Use if Miami plate streetto comp in Murdercoser
Foreground:Real Set
Background:Green screen to be replace by CG environment or

Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders

SET: ALL practical - add 2D camera shake
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 130.050_v002 2/8 The Murdercoster attacks comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 1 $4,685.65
Comp Easy assumptions

SET: Assume Full CG

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
3D: CG Murdercoaster
the addition of CG Character animation
INT TUNDERTRUCK 130.055_v002 1/8 The Murdercoster attacks CG: Cars crushing and explosions 1 $4,310.65
Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.060_v002 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions 1 $4,310.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate expressiveness.

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.070_v002 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $6,815.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate expressiveness.

SET: Assume Full CG

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
3D: CG Murdercoaster
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.080_v002 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks CG: Feris wheel going through section of a CG building (Assume 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or
destruction area is not huge)
Could ad 2D Murdercoaster shadaw onto cars, asphalt

SET: Assume Full CG Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT KUNG FURY 3D: CG Murdercoaster the addition of CG Character animation
130.090_v002 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.100_v003 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $8,615.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate expressiveness.

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.110_v003 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate expressiveness.

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Rocks falling the addition of CG Character animation
130.120_v003 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
PORTAL: Baby Tricerocop
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.130_v002 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks CG: Rocks falling 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or
FX: Building destruction & explosion

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY PORTAL: Baby Tricerocop the addition of CG Character animation
130.140_v003 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY PORTAL: Baby Tricerocop the addition of CG Character animation
130.150_v003 5/8 The Murdercoster attacks 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

SET: Green screen - Plate of Barbariana
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.160_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Assume Full CG - Evironment

Barbriana shot on Green Screen to be comped
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
3D: CG Murdercoaster
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.170_v043 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions PORTAL: Baby Tricerocop 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT KUNG FURY SET: Assume green screen shoot - plate of Barbriana the addition of CG Character animation
130.180_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.190_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate expressiveness.

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
CG: Cars crushing and explosion
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.210_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions FX: Building destruction & explosion 1 $6,815.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or
GREEN Screen: Plate of real people to comp over background plate
FX: Muzzle flashes, empty casings

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY CG: Cars crushing and explosion the addition of CG Character animation
130.220_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY FX: Building destruction & explosion Focused on some simpler speaking or

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

SET: Assume Full CG
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.230_v003 5/8 The thundercops dive away from explosions 1 $7,145.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or
SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.240_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.250_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.260_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: FULL CG SHOT Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.270_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron 1 $6,815.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Hakertron - the vehicle coming towards us Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY Full CG Background the addition of CG Character animation
130.280_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Green screen: window comps - city buildings Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Hakertron - the vehicle coming towards us Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY Full CG Background the addition of CG Character animation
130.290_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Green screen: window comps - city buildings Focused on some simpler speaking or


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.280_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.280_v003 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 1 $4,475.65
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Green Screen Shoot - Hakerman on set in rig - interior of

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
EXT KUNG FURY the addition of CG Character animation
130.290-390 5/8 Hakerman is in Hakertron Green screen: window comps - city buildings 12 $56,677.84
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or

SET: Assume Full CG

SET: GS Shoot from cockpit. Window comps of the destruction -
Assume POV of Illegal
TRANSFORMATION: Theme Park transforming into a Giant Robot -l
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium
Murder Coaster
EXT KUNG FURY with the addition of CG Character animation
131.1 1/8 Illeagle turns towrds the Academy FX: Ashes and Rubble 4 $8,302.61
ACADEMY Focused on some simpler speaking or
PROSTHETICS: Illegal: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

SET: Assume Full CG

3D: CG Murdercoaster
"SET: GS Shoot from cockpit. Window comps of the destruction -
Assume POV of Illegal
TRANSFORMATION: Theme Park transforming into a Giant Robot -l Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium
EXT KUNG FURY Murder Coaster with the addition of CG Character animation
131.1 1/8 Murder-Coaster walks towards the Academy 4 $8,302.61
ACADEMY FX: Ashes and Rubble Focused on some simpler speaking or
PROSTHETICS: Illegal: Muzzle enhancement: Possible Muzzle expressiveness.
enhancenent on characters - the face articulates but enhancement
for facial expressions is to be expected.
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

SET: Assume Full CG
the addition of CG Character animation
INT MURDER-COASTER 131.2 1/8 Illeagle turns towrds the Academy - PLATE 3D: CG Murdercoaster 0 $0.00
Focused on some simpler speaking or
SET: Assume Full CG
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY 3D: CG Murdercoaster
132.1 1/8 The Holocoaster closes in on the academy renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 2 $3,851.31
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the

INT KUNG FU ACADEMY addition of CG Character animation, difficult
132.2 1/8 Hoff continues to sing - DAVID HASSELHOFF Chaos fighting, SLOWMO explosions, murder-coaster, de-aging 1 $10,565.65
L2/3 performance, complete head or face
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
SET: Practical set
Hackerman uses the time crystal to create the the addition of CG Character animation
INT HACKATRON 133 2/8 DASHBOARD UI - Laser grid display wireframe of a mech-bot 1 $4,850.65
Hackatron. Focused on some simpler speaking or
CG: Hakertron
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
SET: CG Car components highlithing - crashed version the addition of CG Character animation
INT HACKATRON 133 2/8 Components of the Hackertron lighthing up 1 $4,850.65
CG: Hakertron Focused on some simpler speaking or
Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
The Thundertruck transforms into the
CG Thundertruck transforming into Hakertron addition of CG Character animation, difficult
INT HACKATRON 134.1 2/8 Hacharktron - The Holocoaster and Hackatron 2 $5,531.31
FULL CG scene performance, complete head or face
stand off.
CG Murder-coaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
Hackerman is ready to fight.
CG Hakertron addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 134.2 2/8 Murder Coaster is bout to stomp on the Kung 5 $51,628.27
BG: Full CG - Kung Fu Academy performance, complete head or face
Fu Academy
Medium Close-up replacement.
CG Murder-coaster Assumes same SOW as Combined Hard with the
Hakertron stomps between Murdercoster and CG Hakertron addition of CG Character animation, difficult
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 134.3 2/8 2 $5,531.31
the Acedemy BG: Full CG - Kung Fu Academy performance, complete head or face
Medium Close-up replacement.

CG Murder-coaster
The Holocoaster shits out the arcade bots CG Hakertron
Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with
BG: Full CG - Kung Fu Academy
the addition of CG Character animation
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 134.4 2/8 Exposition Cop gets slammed by an arcade Medium Close-up 6 $40,473.92
Focused on some simpler speaking or
machine that fired lasers hich transform all of CG: Robots - Arcade Machines - poop
miami into a 16-bi version of reality FX: Laser
CG: Miami inot a 16-bit version of reality

Assumes same SOW as Combined Medium with

Fury manages to destroy the gun chucks, the addition of CG Character animation
EXT PIRATE SHIP 135.1 3/8 Gun chucks, portal, ocean extension 8 $53,565.23
they open another portal. Focused on some simpler speaking or
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
Fury manages to destroy the gun chucks, addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT PIRATE SHIP 135.2 3/8 Ocean extension, sword fights, blood, smoke explosion 6 $22,443.92
they open another portal. sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
136.1 2/8 Fury uses a snake to disable Hitler MP, Snake Work comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $20,103.92
Comp Easy assumptions


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,

addingmultiple custom elements, more
INT DARK ALLY 137 3/8 Doom kills Dragon! Doom eyes, BG Extension 6 $22,443.92
sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Barbarianna uses Jew... jitsu on the
EXT KUND FU ACADEMY 139.1 4/8 CG Characters, Crowd Dup, Extention renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $9,843.92
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
TUNRS INTO 16-BIT MOVIE addingmultiple custom elements, more
INT ANCIENT ROME 140.1 2/8 Fury, Doom and Hitlers fighting. 6 $22,443.92
PORTAL sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
Fury and Doom punch fists before being renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
EXT MEDIEVAL BATTLE 141 2/8 CG crowd battle, pile up in center 12 $138,907.84
crushed by medieval soldiers. DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Fury fights amoung the Eskimos, they open CG Characters, Crowd Dup CGE, portal, Snow Environment,
EXT ICE AGE 142.1 2/8 renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 8 $70,845.23
another portal. Mammoth in distance
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
Fury fights amoung the Eskimos, they open CG Characters, Crowd Dup CGE, portal, Snow Environment,
EXT ICE AGE 142.2 2/8 comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 5 $21,628.27
another portal. Mammoth in distance
Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
INT WILD WEST SALOON 143 1/8 Fury Doom and Hitler fight in the wild west Doom Eyes, NA 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 5 $12,628.27
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
EXT DINO AGE 144 1/8 Fury Doom and Hitler fight in the DINO AGE Quick shot of dinosaur leg 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 6 $15,153.92
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
EXT STONE AGE 145 1/8 Fury Doom and Hitler fight in the stone age Fighting GFX Design comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 6 $26,913.92
Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT VARIOUS 146 1/8 The power gloves explode Glove explodes in slow motion, GFX Design – fast cuts renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 7 $31,779.58
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes simple comp work with possible light
Doom Hitler and Fury are back in Miami. They
EXT MIAMI STREETS 147.1i 4/8 real fg, 2.5D, extension 2.5 work, adding elements, pulling keys,and 6 $12,903.92
get hit by the black Camaro
some light roto and paint. About 5-6 days.
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
The Camaro drives up the stairs **PLATE AT
EXT MIAMI STREETS 147.2 4/8 real fg, 2.5D, extension renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $24,103.27
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
Fury stabs Hitler with the time crystal shard,
INT BLACK CAMARO 147.3 4/8 Real car, GS extension comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 7 $23,454.58
suddenly they all notice…
Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY The Camaro drives through the Academy, renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
148.1 2/8 Chaos / fighting / de-aging 6 $46,383.92
L3/4 Fury and Doom fall out. DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
Moderate assumptions
Assumes simple 2D/3D work with CGI renders
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY 148.2 2/8 The Camaro drives through the Academy Real car, GS extension comped into 2D plates, footage or DMP, plus 5 $16,753.27
Comp Easy assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
A Camaro full of werewolves skids past a club,
EXT. NIGHTCLUB 150.1 3/8 Real car, CG extension renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 7 $33,744.58
a police officer calls it in.
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
The Werewolves hang out the windows firing Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT BLACK CAMARO 150.2 3/8 thier UZIS. GS car over plates, muzzle flashes - GFX Lighting renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $24,103.27
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Barbarianna kicks Illeagle's head off, Thor
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 151.1 6/8 Barbriana, Thor comp renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 6 $28,923.92
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
INT KUNG FU ACADEMY Glitch and then the Thundercops beat Doom,
152 1 5/8 Extention through hole in wall renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $24,103.27
L4 Fury asks why?
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
154.1 2 5/8 Colt dies, the thundercops have saved Miami. See outside through hole in wall renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 5 $29,353.27
DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions
SET: Green screen - multiple plates Assumes Moderate 2D/3D work with CGI
Fury tells the gathered press about the lesson
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 155.1 1 7/8 CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment renders comped into 2D plates, footage or 8 $38,565.23
he's learned
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION DMP, plus Comp Moderate assumptions

SET: Green Screen - Set extension of KungFu academy - Aftermath

PLATE: Assume practical shoot real extras - 2D cloning - stiching
Fury tells the gathered press about th
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 155.3 5/8 DMP: Destruction matte painting 4 $4,822.61
elessons he's learned
CG: Debris, smoke and fire
FX: Blood enhancement

SET: Green Screen - Set extension of KungFu academy - Aftermath

CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment
THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement:
Fury tells the gathered press about th
EXT KUNG FU ACADEMY 155.4 5/8 Possile - but no dialogue 5 $6,028.27
elessons he's learned
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
CG: CG Dinomite
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION"""


BID VERSIO V16 Total Charge

1415 $7,462,940.00

Scene/Shot Scene Page Description Client Notes Assumptions # Shots $

"CG: Thundertruck,chaos, destruction, Lasserraptor

SET: Green screen - multiple plates - President on plate to be
comped in main scene
CG: Machine Gun camera enhancement
SET: Green screen - multiple plates
CG: Kung Fu Academy Environment Assumes Complicated 2D/3D work with CGI
EXT MIAMI FREEDOM Portalls continue to open, creatures continue THUNDERCOPS: PROSTHETIC: Triceratop: Muzzle enhancement: renders comped into 2D plates, footage or
156 4/8 6 $46,383.92
TOWER to leap out **SAME AS 47** Possile - but no dialogue DMP, complicated design work, plus Comp
CG HEAD: Full CG head with mix of practical elements from Moderate assumptions
CROWD: CROWD Duplication
Background: Assume VFX - GC, SET EXTENSION
FX: Laser eyes for Lasserraptor
CG: HOFF 900 turns into human form"

SET: Parctical set with possible Green screen for the street Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
depeneding on framing - 2nd unit shoot probable for Poster addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI STREETS L2 157 2/8 Master Sensei leads his army through Miami. 6 $22,443.92
integration sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
PROP: CG Poster - shoot with no poster on wall FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.
Assumes moderate comp work, 2.5D cameras,
addingmultiple custom elements, more
EXT MIAMI STREETS L2 158 2/8 Master Sensei leads his army through Miami. SET: Parctical set with Green screen 6 $22,443.92
sophisticated keying and paint, possibly nuke
FX, generic DMP work. – About 10-22 days.

Fourth Schedule

Delivery Schedule


Total estimated shots:















TURNOVER BY WEEK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL TURNOVER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%













TURNOVER BY WEEK 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 350

TOTAL TURNOVER 0 0 0 0 25 25 25 50 50 50 150 150 150 350 350
% COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 13% 0% 22%














TURNOVER BY WEEK 0 0 0 255 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 205 0 75 0 1045

TOTAL TURNOVER - 350 350 350 605 605 860 860 860 1115 1115 1115 1320 1320 1395 1395
% COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 16% 0% 16% 0% 0% 16% 0% 0% 13% 0% 5% 0% 89%













TURNOVER BY WEEK 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168

TOTAL TURNOVER 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563
% COMPLETION 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
Fifth Schedule

Final Bid



x Digital 35mm Imax Stereo

NTSC [640x480] HD [1920x1080] 2K 3K x 4K



PREVIZ (PACKAGE) $75,000.00 1 $75,000.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF ASSETS: 178

CONCEPT DESIGN (PREP) $750.00 25 $18,750.00 TOTAL ASSET COST: 1,215,060

SUPERVISION - PREP: $800.00 50 $40,000.00 SHOTS

PRODUCER - PREP $550.00 60 $33,000.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF SHOTS: 1,415

COORDINATION $320.00 45 $14,400.00 TOTAL SHOT COST: 7,462,940




SUPERVISION - SHOOT $800.00 45 $36,000.00 0

PRODUCER - SHOOT $550.00 45 $24,750.00 0

COORDINATION - SHOOT $320.00 45 $14,400.00 0

TOTAL: $75,150.00 0

SUPERVISION - POST $800.00 258 $206,400.00 CONTINGENCY : $1,150,000
PRODUCER - POST $550.00 258 $141,900.00 GRAND TOTAL USD: $10,003,090
COORDINATION - POST $320.00 258 $82,560.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

$0.00 0 $0.00

TOTAL: $430,860.00

TOTAL: $687,160.00

000000Page 1 0000002019-11-06
Sixth Schedule

Change Order


Re:Define FX LTD
810 Rue St. Antoine E, Montreal, QC, H2Y 1A6
Montreal, QC, H2Y 1A6

To: Project Name:Kung Fury 2 Change Order #

Project Number: Date:

VFX Supervisor: VFX Producer:

We hereby agree to make the change(s) as specified below: Amount

Change Order
Description :

We agree to make the change(s) specified above at this price:

Date: Awarded Contract Amount:

Date: Change Order Amount:

Date: Total Marketing Amount:

Date: Combined Total:

Company Authorized Signature Date Client Authorized Signature Date

Accepted - The prices and specifications of this change order are satisfactory and hereby accepted. All work to be performed
under the same terms and conditions as specified in the orginal contract unless otherwise stipulated.


FOR 6OOD AND VALUABLE CONSIBERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the undersigned, Re:Define Fx Ltd. hereby irrevocably grants, sells, assigns, transfers and
otherwise conveys all of its rights of every kind and nature whether now known or existing or hereafter
created or acquired in and to the motion picture presently entitled "Kung Fary 2" including, without
limitation, any and all rights under copyright and any renewals or extensionE thereof including any
ancillary, subsidiary and derivative rights thereto, to Lightning Cobra Films lnc., whether arising before,
on, or after the date of this Assignment"

lN WITNESS WHIREOF, this Assignment has been executed as of 2019,

Re:Define Fx Ltd. Address:


Name: f.o,,r {k.t"t;,8"r;i

Title :

fir: (l^c ri prr{,*rrl* Lr.

iulx p" . ,i) ( , !.\ r .l

WITNISS my hand and official seal.

Notary Public in and for the [] {/ltn'( til il..t

21, King Chung Ma

Notary puuic
i0S-gi5 V[, psfiror Strest.
varso{Jvar. gC, Canada
V6B 6Hg
T*h 6fla-708-8.t00 rax:
NO ASVICE soucrt"r
{}R GtvEN'i 1
This agreement (Agreement) is made and entered on [ • l December 2019 by and between Creasun
Entertainment USA Inc (Creasun); Argent Pictures, ~LC (Argent); Laser Unicorns Productions AB (LU); Jt,:/.fe,/Se--YJ
Maze Pictures GmbH (Maze); Film I Vast AB (FIV)fsvenska Filminstitutet (SFI); WS Filmproduktion ~ / ·
GmbH (Rinke) and Kung Fury 2 Europe UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (KF2).
Reference is made to the following documents with respect to the production of the feature film
provisionally entitled "Kung Fury 2" (Film), each as attached as a schedule to this Agreement:
Schedule 1 - version 13.1 of the budget for the Film dated 16 October 2019 in the amount of
€29,593,909 (or $33,737,171) (Approved Budget);
Schedule 2 - version 13.1 of the corresponding finance plan for the Film dated 16 October 2019
(Approved Finance Plan);

Schedule 3 - version 10 of the post-production schedule for the Film dated 23 December 2019
(Approved Post Schedule);

Schedule 4- revised recoupment waterfall for the Film dated 8 November 2019 (Approved
Waterfall); and
Schedule 5 - revised credit schedule for the Film dated [ •] December 2019 (Approved Credit
In consideration of the agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration (the
receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by all parties), and based upon KF2's
representations that the Film completed principal photography without invading any "contingency
allowance" previously set forth in the prior v13 draft of the budget (Prior Budget) (upon which the
Cost Reports to date have been based), Creasun, Argent, LU, Maze, FIV, SFI, Rinke and KF2
acknowledge and agree that the Approved Budget, Approved Finance Plan, Approved Post Schedule,
Approved Waterfall and Approved Credit Schedule are each approved by the parties as the budget,
finance plan, post-production schedule, waterfall and credit schedule for the Film, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Without the express prior written consent of Creasun in each instance, KF2 may not spend or
invade any of the following amounts (Approval Amounts):
a. the reduced Contingency (as defined in the Approved Budget in the amount of
b. any so-called "currency exchange gain" as a result of exchanging the budgeted
currencies at more favorable exchange rates than are utilized in the Approved Budget
(which amount is currently a minimum of €201,812);
c. the €176,000 allocated in category 6821-03 of the Approved Budget for German
financing costs, to the extent not used for the CoBa financing or the Argent bridge
financing; and/or
d. the $400,000 or $375,000 (as applicable) savings from the completion bond fee (i.e.
depending on whether the reduced completion bond fee is $75,000 or $100,000).
If any additional fees are paid to any producers or financiers (or any of their affiliates, principals
or representatives, etc.) from or out of the Approval Amounts in excess of their respective fees
in the Approved Budget, Argent shall also have the right to approve such payments; it being
understood that the foregoing Argent approval does not apply to the payment of any bona fide

1 Option Amendment and Extension (Film)

out of pocket third party costs or expenses incurred by such individuals or entities in connection
with the production and delivery of the Film.
2. KF2 will discuss and consult in a meaningful way with Crea sun regarding the expenditure of the
amount allocated for CMP expenditure in category 5101 of the Approved Budget for the
payment of German post production costs. All such expenditure shall be for bona fide qualifying
German post production costs.
3. Although €530,000 of the Contingency is tagged as German contingency spend, the expenditure
of such amount (or any portion thereof) remains subject to the prior written approval of
Creasun; however, Creasun acknowledges that any such amount or portion that is not spent on
German costs will reduce the German tax credit by an amount equal to 25% of such unspent
4. KF2 will consult in a meaningful way with Creasun regarding the proposed reshoots, but KF2
shall have the right to proceed with such reshoots unless the cost therefor (i) exceeds $90,000
(as provided in the Approved Budget) or (ii) causes or is likely to cause KF2 to invade or spend
any portion of the Approval Amounts, in which event Creasun shall have the right to approve
the proposed reshoots.
5. All amounts contained in the Prior Budget and any additional amounts that have been added to
the Approved Budget for Johnny Lee, or any other Creasun or DNeg travel or expenses (in the
aggregate amount of $300,000) shall be available solely to Creasun in reimbursement of any
and all amounts incurred by Creasun or its employees and/or representatives in connection
with the Film, which amount may be credited by Creasun against and constitute part of
Creasun's funding in connection with the Film. This $300,000 amount is to be covered from the
following account categories within the Approved Budget, with any shortfall from elsewhere in
the direct cost portion of the Approved Budget, but not from any portion of the Approval
Amounts: 1202, 1206, 1508, 1509, 1510, 3710 and 5102.
6. Creasun has assumed the financial commitment of $130,000 (Music Commitment) previously
allocated to Universal Music to acquire the music publishing and soundtrack rights for the Film
and will therefore control all music rights in the Film. Creasun agrees to negotiate in good faith
with KF2 regarding the payment to KF2 of royalties (if any) with respect to the exploitation of
the music recordings and music publishing rights, in each case after recoupment of the Music
Commitment and all usual and customary fees, expenses, deductions and reductions.
7. As provided in the Financing Term Sheet (defined below}, any unspent savings from the
remaining contingency allowance or other Approval Amounts, or with respect to any amounts
remaining in the production accounts following delivery of the Picture, to the extent that any
such amounts are reimbursed or paid to Creasun, or result in Creasun funding less than the
entire amount of Crea sun funding for the Film, such reduction in or recoupment of the Creasun
funding shall be applied in reduction or recoupment (as applicable) of Creasun's Junior Equity
8. As also provided in paragraph 13 of the Financing Term Sheet, the parties acknowledge that, in
the event the Film is going over-budget or behind schedule, Crea sun has the right (but not the
obligation) to take over the production of the Film (Takeover Right} (in the same manner and
on the same terms as Film Finances Inc. (FFI} would have had if FFI were still providing a
traditional completion bond for the Film). For the purposes of determining whether the Film is
going over-budget or behind schedule, KF2 shall not be responsible for any schedule delays that
are caused solely by Lightning Cobra Films, Inc (Lightning), re:define FX Ltd or DNeg (collectively
with Lightning and re:Define Fx, DNeg) or by Creasun's failure to make any payments to DNeg
when such sums are due and payable pursuant to the Post Production Services Agreement
executed by and among Lightning, KF2 and Creasun, as distinguished from VFX delays that may

C- J\ I .f /r AMI\
Option Amendment and Extension ( Film)

LC/NS/962 5/001/docs/057-007
have been caused by late delivery of required footage or digital assets from KF2. Further, costs
and/or delays caused solely by events of force majeure, and costs reimbursed by insurance, or
for retroactive pay increases due to collective bargaining personnel, or due to third party
breaches not caused directly by KF2, shall not entitle Creasun to exercise any such Takeover
Right. Creasun may, however, take into consideration with respect to any proj ected or actual
"over-budget" circumstances, any invasion into the Approval Amounts that was not expressly
approved by Creasun as provided above. In addition, for Argent's sole benefit, (i) Creasun agrees
to consult in good faith with Argent and Maze prior to exercising its Takeover Right; it being
understood, however, that Creasun may thereafter proceed (in its sole discretion) to exercise
its Takeover Right; and (ii) if Creasun exercises it's Takeover Right, Creasun agrees to work
collaboratively with Argent with due respect for Argent's rights and interests relating to the
"Domestic Common Collateral" as defined in and in accordance with the provisions of the
lntercreditor Agreement dated as of April 5, 2019, among Creasun, Argent, Laser and KF2.
Further, if Creasun exercises its Takeover Right, Creasun and Maze will discuss and collaborate
with each other regarding any remaining financing to be provided in Germany; it being
understood, however, that with respect to any decisions that may delay the final delivery of the
Film, including without limitation any VFX related decisions, Creasun's decisions shall control.
Creasun acknowledges that Argent may hereafter provide an interim bridge loan (Argent
Interim Loan) to KF2 for the payment of certain production expenses that are currently due and
payable. The terms of any such interim bridge loan shall be subject to Creasun's prior written
approval, not to be unreasonably withheld. In the event Creasun exercises its Takeover Right,
Creasun further acknowledges and agrees that it will not take any action or otherwise cause any
action: (i) to divert any funding from the Argent Interim Loan or any funding from the German
subsidy funds, or any funding from CommerzBank in repayment of the Argent Interim Loan or
(subject to the provisions of paragraph 9 below) advanced against funding from the German
subsidy funds; and/or (ii) for the payment of (x) producer fees which are accrued, due and
payable to KatzSmith, B-Reel, Laser and/or Hammerstone pursuant to category 1201 of the
Approved Budget (to the extent payable under their respective agreements with KF2) and/or
(y) any German expenses that are required to be expended in connection with the German
subsidy funding as the same shall have been communicated to Creasun in writing consistent
with the approval provisions as set forth herein and subject to the provisions of paragraph 3
above and, to the extent required for the expenditure thereof, have been duly approved by
9. KF2 represents and warrants that under the CommerzBank loan agreement KF2 is entitled to
borrow loan proceeds in installments as needed in connection with the cash flow requirements
that correspond to the Approved Post Production Schedule. In this regard, KF2 agrees that (i) it
shall notify Creasun and Argent in writing in advance of each such borrowing under the
CommerzBank loan agreement, with a reasonable breakdown of how the borrowings are to be
spent on the production; and (ii) it shall not request any advance from CommerzBank for the
payment of any German costs which have not been expressly approved (to the extent required
hereunder) and/or which are not supported by German subsidy funding (e.g., if 400,000 Euros
of the 530,000 Euros tagged for German contingency spend is not spent and/or approved by
Creasun as provided in paragraph 3 above, then the German tax credit will be reduced by
100,000 Euros, and KF2 shall reduce its borrowing from CommerzBank accordingly. The
previously negotiated and approved Account Pledge Agreement in favor of Creasun with
respect to the CommerzBank accounts (other than the subsidy accounts as therein provided)
shall be executed and delivered to Creasun by the other parties to said Account Pledge
Agreement on or before any borrowing from CommerzBank. Creasun acknowledges that, if the
Argent Interim Loan (as approved by Creasun) has not been fully repaid out of oth er German
subsidy funds, the CommerzBank borrowing proceeds (or other third party financing against

0- (+ ~ ·f /.r (\J~ C

3 Option Amendment and Extension (Film)

such German subsidy funds, to the extent approved by Creasun in writing) may be used to repay
the outstanding balance of the Argent Interim Loan.

By way of clarification and for the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing approvals shall not constitute a
waiver of any other Creasun approvals, conditions or rights; nor shall such approvals obligate Creasun
to fund or advance any sums or take any other actions that it is not otherwise obligated to spend or
do, which obligations (if any) shall be governed by the applicable terms of the Financing Term Sheet
dated as of April 5, 2019, entered into by and between KF2 and Creasun, and the related documents
entered into by KF2 and Creasun pursuant thereto (as the same may be amended, modified, restated
and supplemented from t ime to time).

By way of clarification and for the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing approvals shall not constitute a
waiver of any other Argent approvals, conditions or rights; nor sha ll such approvals obligate Argent to
fund or advance any sums or take any other actions that it is not otherwise obligated to spend or do,
which obligations (if any) shall be governed by the applicable terms of the Argent Investment
Agreement dated as of August 8, 2019 (as amended by the First Amendment to Investment Agreement
dated as of _ November 2019), entered into by and between KF2 and Argent, and the related
documents entered into by KF2 and Argent pursuant thereto (as the same may be amended, modified,
restated and supplemented from time to time).

This Agreement may be entered into in any number of counterpart s each of which when so executed
and delivered shall be an original. A coun terpart signature page of this Agreement executed by a party
and sent by facsimile or transmitted electronically in either Tagged Image Format Files (TIFF) or
Portable Document Format (PDF) shall be treated as an original, fully binding and with full legal force
and effect, and the parties waive any rights they may have to object to such treatment. A counterpart
shall be treated for all purposes as an original unless and until it is actually replaced by an original
counterpa rt.
The laws of the St ate of California govern this Agreement (and any non-contractual disputes arising in
relation to it) and the Courts located in the State of California shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

(signatures follow on next page)



For and on behalf of ARGENT PICTURES, LLC


For and on behalf of MAZE PICTURES GMBH

For and on behalf of FILM I VAST AB


For and on behalf of WS FILMPRODUKTION GMBH


5 Option Amendment and Extension (film)

LC/NS/9625/001/docs/OS 7-007

6 Option Amendment and Extension (Film)

LC/NS/9625/001/docs/05 7-007

7 Option Amendment ~nd Extension (Film}


8 Optlon Amendment and Elctension (Film)

LC/NS/962 5/001/ docs/057-007


PART A: All Collected Gross Receipts (except as otherwise provided)

1. To Collection Agent in payment of the agreed Collection Agent's fee and expenses; then

2. To the Guilds to fund the Residuals Set-Aside; then

3. To the Sales Agent (solely from and out of ROW Gross Receipts) in payment of its Sales
Commission of 7.5% in respect of ROW Gross Receipts (excluding China); to CAA/WME (solely
from and out of Domestic Gross Receipts) in payment of its Sales Commission of 5% in respect
of the Domestic Gross Receipts; to Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein (solely from and out of Domestic
Gross Receipts) in payment of Domestic legal services an amount equal to 2% of Domestic
Gross Receipts and no greater than $120,000; then

4. To the Sales Agent (solely from and out of ROW Gross Receipts) in payment of its Sales
Expenses of up to $150,000 (Sales Expenses Cap) plus any additional expenses outside the
Sales Expenses Cap approved by the financiers in writing; then

5. The remainder as per Part Band Part C

PART B: ROW Gross Receipts

1. Creasun Senior Loan in respect of an amount of USD12,000,000 and 15% per annum interest.

2. Pro rata and pari passu to:

• Bankenfunds in respect of an amount of EURO 500,000 and 8% interest;

• WS Filmproduktion GMBH in respect of an amount of EURO 190,000 and a premium

of 20%;then

3. Film i Vast in respect of an amount of SEK 1,500,000 and a premium of 20%; then

4. Creasun and Argent pro rata and pari passu in respect of any amount unrecouped in Part C;

5. Creasun in respect of an amount of USD6,000,000 (or such lesser or greater amount to be

advised by Creasun if Creasun actually funds less than or more than $6 million of "Junior
Funding" as a result of the cost of production being underbudget or overbudget (any
overbudget funding to be recouped by Creasun pursuant to this clause is subject to approval
by Argent); to be distinguished from amounts refunded or paid to Creasun which shall be
treated as a recoupment of a portion of said $6 million) and a premium of 25%; then

6. Pro rata and pari passu to:

• Maze Pictures in respect of an amount of EURO 2,100,000 and a premium of15%;

• Laser Unicorn in respect of an amount of USD835,000 and a premium of15%;

• Cineplus in respect of an amount of EURO 140,000 and a premium of 20%;

And a 10% corridor during such tier to FFF (applicable against tier below);then /cJ/ f ~ ·,
LC/NS/9625/001/ docs/ 0S7-007 ~
7. Pro rata and pari passu to:

• FFF in respect of an amount of EURO 2,000,000 and 1.25% interest;

• Swedish Film Institute in respect of an amount of SEK 1,000,000 and NO premium;

• Producers Equity in respect of an amount of EURO 2,000,000; then

8. To the Completion Guarantor in payment of any Completion Guarantor advances, if any; then

9. Net Profits:

PART C: US/Canada (Domestic Gross Receipts)

1. Pro rata and pari passu to:

• Creasun in respect of an amount of USD4,160,000 and a premium of20%;

• Argent in respect of an amount of USD2,100,725 and a premium of 20%; then

2. Pro rata and pari passu to:

• Creasun in respect of an amount of USD300,000 (deferred bridge fee) and a premium

of 20%;

• Argent in respect of an amount of USD250,000 (deferred producer fee) and a

premium of 20%; then

3. The remainder as per part 8.

!,V fit r

9 Option Amendment and ~Qension (Film) ~l

From: Jennifer Ma
To: Alex M Lebovici
Cc: Ben Renzo; Khang Nguyen; Michael Helfant; Philip Westgren; David Sandberg; George Acogny; Benjamin
Kramer; Alexis Garcia; David Katzenberg; Aaron Schmidt (; Philipp Kreuzer; Reno
Antoniades; Joe Neurauter; Steve Ponce; Lisa Nitti; Sacks, Alan; Pelle Strandberg; Phillip Rosen; Taylor Condit
Date: Monday, August 17, 2020 2:50:18 PM
Attachments: WechatIMG120.pdf

Hi Alex:

Thanks for your letter.

I don’t have time and energy to waste in
low level, dishonest quarrel.
No one can change the facts. Everything is
evidenced in writing and will be
shown to the relevant people and institutions
for review when
necessary.  Number never lie.
If you want to talk about the investment,  please sort out the accountings
and the different amount in the millions first. Then we can talk about how
much money that we will need to finish the film. There’s no way around it.
With millions of dollar unclear, and the
reshoot plan and the new budget
unclear, especially under the pandemic when
everything is precarious, it’s
irresponsible for the production to continues. We
have to be careful about
everybody well been so we have no choice but to be like
other production in
going into hiatus.
I don’t know what you mean by “looking for
theft”,” looking for SAVINGS
that can be repaid to Creasun”, “trying to check
our pockets for change
that we can give back to them”. I am just being
responsible for the
Thanks for your concern about Creasun’s
funds in this email. Creasun’s
funds are currently safe. 
Although your behavior
made me have to provide you the proof of funds, it
also prompted me to promote
the company’s entertainment investment plans in
North America and Europe more
If as you said that it would be leaked out on public on Hollywood
I’ll be very glad that you are here to help me with the promotion. I
believe that in the near future, everyone can learn about our plan from
media, and we also welcome cooperation from all parties.
In addition to that, you reminded me. Can
you also show me Hammerstone’s
$10M proof of funds? Although you’ve been
talking to me for 11 weeks now, I
haven’t seen the accounts being sorted out or
the proof of funds. I want to
know if I’m wasting my time. 
Out of consideration
for you, you only need to provide  proof
of funds of
$10M, not $4B.
Please allow me to introduce the new CEO of
Creasun Entertainment Khang
Nguyen, we welcome cooperation from all parties.
For the follow-up matters, I will let my
lawyer to deal with it. 

For all acts that is slandering or tarnishing Creasun’s

interests and name,
I will fight to the end and make sure all parties will be held accountable
for their actions.
Thanks for you and everyone’s time and patien
Please see our proof of fund for 4B below.

Best wish

Minglu Ma

Chairman of the board

Creasun Entertainment USA Inc.

Office: +1 3107488332

Creasun Media American Inc

O:  +1 2134572384

Shanghai Creasun Media Culture Corporation Ltd.

Office: +86 21 54258092


This message, including any attachments, may contain privileged and/or confidential

information and is intended only for the recipient (s) listed above. Any
review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this email by anyone other than the intended
recipient (s) is strictly prohibited. 

If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete all
copies. Thank you.

Alex M Lebovici <> 2020 8 17 12:42 :

Kung Fury team,
As you are aware, Creasun is in
breach of its financial obligations to the film. They have only
funded half of
their obligations to date. Per the cashflow schedule, Creasun was due to fund
$7.5M VFX + $12.3M production
by today’s date. They
made it clear to me that they have no
interest in funding more of their money
into this film. Minglu gave me many reasons why.  But my
personal opinion is that they do not have
the abilities to get the funds out of China right now.
Which is understandable.
No one holds Creasun responsible for the political situation in China and
everyone is happy that Creasun
asked for Hammerstone to close the unfunded $10M required to
complete the film.
But rather than supporting the
team to close the unfunded portion of their investment, Creasun
has unexpectedly
and effectively HIJACKED the film. They are actively sabotaging the new investor
and they are attempting to create several false narratives against the
producers to challenge
everyone’s credibility in an attempt to shift the blame
off of themselves for their inability to fully
fund their obligations. This is unnecessary
and very insulting to everyone who has worked so long
and hard on this film for
years. We are all appreciative of Creasun’s big investment in the film. We
just want to complete the film
and move forward without all of this drama. Its bad business. 
 On Friday, Minglu wrote
me that beyond looking for theft, she is now looking for SAVINGS that
can be
repaid to Creasun. What she doesn’t understand is that she has cost the film
overages and any savings the
production once had, have already been used to cover Creasun’s
expenses and the related unapproved schedule delays and extensions.
All overages
have been included as line items in the new budget keeping a clean $1M contingency.
Creasun has left the bank accounts completely depleted and they
are now trying to check our
pockets for change that we can give back to them. This
is completely inappropriate and not
in the best interest of the film or its
We no longer have the resources
for anyone paid weekly to remain on the film. And Creasun
chose to not engage
with the new investor allowing for the offer to expire.
These actions have forced the
film to be shut down effective immediately and all crew,
filmmakers, talent and
producers will be let out of their contracts and allowed to seek
employment elsewhere.
It’s a pandemic, people need to
make money and support their family.
None of us want this to go public
but when high profile movies with big movie stars get shutdown
because of a big foreign investor failing to fund, blocking the new investment and essentially
hijacking the film for its own gain… I would bet on this leaking
And beyond the impacts in
the US, the German public funds (FFF Bayern) have lent funds into the
film and
those funds are now at risk. This could make it challenging for Creasun to
access public
funds out of any European country in the future.
Minglu hired Avi “a third-party
auditor”, to do a spot check on all the concerns she had with the
It was completed without issues flagged to us. The production team provided a
dropbox with
all the documentation and bank statements requested. Everything is budgeted,
everything is in the cost report. There is NO REASON to continue to audit.
My investor’s hard deadline of
Friday was ignored.
I am positive that if my
investor drops out, no other investor would be interested in getting
involved in
this mess. At this time, my investor has not responded to my request for
And a big part of that is because Creasun has repeatedly refused to
respond to our offer so he
believes Minglu will drag out the closing for weeks in hopes she can gain more leverage
to negotiate with. We don’t do business that way. If Creasun doesn’t prioritize Kung
Fury and work
to close this in good faith immediately, my investor will walk away.
If that happens, is Creasun prepared
to escrow their entire unfunded obligations right now?
If not, It’ll force the film to
go to market now. Without completed VFX, temp music, and a few
hundred storyboards (that need to be reshot) left in, the film will likely garner limited offers and
likely significantly
below market value and what's required to complete the film. 
Why would any decent
distributor pick up a half-finished film that they would need to finish
(during a pandemic) for any amount that would be close to acceptable? This
has remarkably high risks and would most certainly lose the investors
millions and shelve the film
for a few years to allow for the courts to do
their process.   
In that scenario, it’s a given that the other investors, producers and filmmakers will without a
doubt sue
Creasun for tortoise interference for devaluing the film and blocking the new
investment offered that would complete the film in a
first class manner. Creasun would have
effectively sabotaged its own film. Because
of this, it’s unlikely any distributor will come on board
until it comes out of bankruptcy. 
Creasun emailed me Sunday
afternoon asking for the film to go on hiatus to give
them more time to audit
and negotiate with Hammerstone’s investor. But they
didn't provide any timelines or any comments on the offer and they are not
offering any compensation to the team to keep exclusive with the
production as Creasun performs yet another audit.
Please see their comments below
(I’m adding my thoughts underneath each point in red);
(With a hiatus) The producers will have additional time to
figure out and finalize the
reshoot and post production plan.
The producers will have the reshoot
budget complete in the next few days. No later than bond
closing. This should
not and cannot be allowed to stop the new closing.
2.     Creasun
will have additional time to conduct its audit, and the producers will have
time to provide answers to Creasun’s remaining questions regarding the prior
and projected costs of production.
photography finished 10 months ago. A spot check audit has been complete. All
have been given. The budget and the cost report match. All documents
have been provided.
Creasun has access to all the bank accounts. There is
nothing left to audit. It appears that the only
delay is Creasun’s ability
to understand the concepts in the budget. Frankly, this is Creasun’s issue
to inexperience with western films.
Endeavor/Bloom will have time to negotiate delivery date
extensions with the foreign
distributors based upon delays caused by the
pandemic. Creasun understands from
Endeavor that distributors appreciate the
unprecedented times everyone is dealing with,
and has advised Creasun that
Endeavor does not believe it will be a problem to extend the
outside delivery
dates by several months at a minimum. 
Bloom has already been speaking with foreign distributors these last
several months to
extend the delivery date to May 2021, which included a 60 day
automatic extension for
force majeure/exigencies, as reflected in the new closing
post-production schedule.
Furthermore, should Bloom have to go back to foreign
distributors a second time to push
this timeline, this will certainly make
their efforts more challenging. 
4.     You
(Hammerstone) and Creasun will have the time to properly negotiate with each
other and with the other involved parties, including KF2E and Argent, to see if
the parties
can agree upon mutually acceptable terms for your proposed
alternative financing. 
Most deal
points have already been discussed and agreed upon between Creasun and
Hammerstone. The one previous term and the few new terms could have
been discussed and
worked through over the weekend. There is absolutely no reason we can’t come to
a deal in
a day or two.  Why is Creasun still choosing to delay and avoid engaging on a new deal?!?

So, we require feedback immediately.

Let’s set a call for today or send us a written response to the

We budgeted the remainder of

the film as tightly as possible. We saved $2.5M in VFX. We are
putting a bond on the film to guarantee delivery and cover any overages. We ensured Creasun
would have
their legal covered for the new closing so they didn’t need to come out of
pocket and
we provided them with a $125k producer fee at closing. We are
budgeting their full $400k finance
fee ($125k producer plus $275k finance) inside
the budget, without reduction, even though they
only funded approx 50% of their investment. We also
budgeted their unapproved $259k hire of
Steve Chasman. These are all gestures
we made for Creasun because we all appreciate and
respect Minglu’s big
investment she made into the movie and we want to make sure we help
protect her
from losses. We respect Minglu and her efforts and we want her to feel comfortable
moving forward. We've hired a great team to see this through and we need Creasun to be a good
partner moving forward. 
Kung Fury has all the elements
to be a big worldwide success. If Creasun ALLOWS us to proceed
now, on time and
according to our new plan and schedule, we can put all of this aggravation
behind us and
move forward amicably. 
Minglu, please do the following; set a call for with me for today to discuss the offer (which needs
to be closed in
the next few days), provide us any questions you feel are still unanswered. We are
happy to work to help you better understand the budget but we cannot allow for Creasun to derail
all the plans we have for that reason. It's not reasonable or acceptable.
If Creasun engages on the offer today, and we see a path to close... we will
make sure we work
with all staff imploring them to stick around. We need to complete our reshoots in September. We
need DNEG to get to work. If we can complete the reshoots
and a significant portion of the VFX
done in a timely manner, there is a good possibility we can make a
STRONG early sale to buy
Creasun out of the film, if that’s still what they want. But we
cannot do that if we are in distress
and stuck in a messy legal battle.
Let’s all move forward together
with dignity and respect for each other. Thank you 


Alex M. Lebovici
Founder / Producer
Hammerstone Studios
O. 424-324-5157
269 S Beverly Dr, #232
Beverly Hills CA 90212

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