Predictions: You Believe in Love Again

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María Fernanda: Good night Cosmic Star

Yuliana: Good evening, Maria Fernanda, how can I help you?

María Fernanda: I want to know about my future

Yuliana: what do you want to know?

María Fernanda: Will a new love come to my life?

Yuliana: Yes, a strong, determined and very loving man will come to your life who will help
you believe in love again

María Fernanda: When will that new love come?

Yuliana: It will arrive very soon, when you least expect it

María Fernanda: I have had certain health problems, I would like to know, will my health
improve or worsen?
Yuliana: Your health is currently going through difficult circumstances, but it will improve
over time and you will be able to heal all diseases.

María Fernanda: Will I possibly have a chronic or serious illness?

Yuliana: no, you will have a disease with complications, but it will not be chronic

María Fernanda: On the other hand, I have worked for several years in a company and I
have not managed to get promoted, will I get a new job or will I be promoted in the
Yuliana: you will be promoted to a higher position, that time will come soon

María Fernanda: Will I be successful in that new role?

Yuliana: yes, you will be able to demonstrate skills and knowledge that you have acquired
through the years

María Fernanda: Will I have more income and earnings with this new role?
Yuliana: that's right, your economy will rise considerably with this new opportunity

María Fernanda: My house is mortgaged, with this new salary, will I get my house
mortgaged by the bank?
Yuliana: It will be very complicated, you must save what you can and with this you will
recover it

María Fernanda: By the way, will I have children with my new love?
Yuliana: yes, you will have a beautiful girl

María Fernanda: With it, will it last long enough or will it be temporary?
Yuliana: everything will depend on you, your actions
María Fernanda: Thank you very much for the information you gave me Cosmic Star
Yuliana: we will see you another time

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