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Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate


Social Studies

School Based Assessment (S.B.A.) On Sexual Abuse

Name of Candidate: Jamar Fraser

Candidate #:

Centre: Belmont Academy

Centre #:

Territory: Jamaica W.I

Year: 2019

Teacher: Ms. K. Small

Title: An investigation into the major causes of sexual abuse among teenagers, in the

community of Bog, Westmoreland, Jamaica.

Table of Contents

Title: Pages


Introduction...................................................................................................................... 2

Statement of Problem……………………………………………………………............3

Reason for selecting the area of research…………………………………………......... 4

Method of investigation…………………………………………………………............ 5

Instrument use to collect data………………………………………………….….......... 6

Procedure used to collect data…………………………………………………............ 10

Presentation of data ……………………….………………………...…………........... 11

Analysis and Interpretation of data……………………………………………............. 17

Statement of findings………………………………………………………….............. 22


Bibliography................................................................................................................... 25

This School Based Assessment (S.B.A.) would not have been completed or concluded

without the obligation and the mutual support of a few numbers of persons whom the

researcher wishes to acknowledge.

Firstly, the researcher wishes to thank the God almighty for life, health and strength in aiding

with the completion of this research.

Secondly the researcher wishes to thank all family member for their understanding, support,

cooperation and constant encouragement.

Finally, the researcher would like to pass on his regards and special thanks to the participants

of the Bog community for taking out the time from their occupied schedule in filling out the

questionnaires which was the most important part of this research and also the librarian for

their timely assistant

Last but not least the researcher express great thanks to all the teachers who assisted and

guide me in every of the step of the way until the conclusion of this SBA.

The Bog community is a small community which is located in the district of Darliston,

Westmoreland, Jamaica. It has approximately one hundred fifty households and a total of

residents which is surrounded by a vastly large amount of lands. This community is mostly

associated with farming of crops and the rearing of animals. Over the year the researcher has

noticed a high level of sexual abuse among teenagers. In this community majority of its

resident are friendly, kind and hardworking while the minority remain as such distain

physiological trouble and not a good company to be associated with.

Sexual abuse is a type of child abuse which is defined as an unwanted sexual activity, with

perpetrator using force, making threat or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent.
Statement of Problem

Topic: Sexual Abuse among Teenagers

What are the major causes of sexual abuse among teenager in the community of Bog?

What are some of the effects of sexual abuse among teenagers and strategies that can be

implemented to resolve this problem in the community of Bog, Westmoreland, Jamaica?

Reason for Selecting Area of Research

This research was chosen because it is one of the most life threatening issues in a teenagers

life today. In modern day society, adolescents are prone victims to abuse on a daily basis.

The researcher has been a member of the community of Bog for the last ten years. During this

time the researcher have noticed a high level of teens being sexual abuse. As such the

researcher decided to conduct an investigation into the major causes and effect it has among

teens and possible strategies that can be implemented to resolve this social problem.
Method of Investigation

The researcher will be conducting a survey. The instrument that will be used to conduct this

survey is a questionnaire, which is a printed or written questions with a choice of answer,

devised for the purpose of statistical study according to (Braithwaite etal, 2012).

This instrument was selected because:

· It takes little time to be completed.

· It guarantee total confidentiality of the respondents, hence respondents are not

required to include personal data such as name.

· It is relatively easy to distributed and collect data.

There is a total of twenty questions within the questionnaires which consist of 15 closed

ended and 5 open ended questions. The closed ended questions the villager has to choose

from the answers provided while for the open ended questions the residents should answer

based on their knowledge, experience or feelings.

Instrument Used to Collect Data

Bog District,

Darliston P.O.,


Jamaica W.I.

Dear Residents,

My name is Jamar Fraser, I am a social studies student of the Belmont

Academy School who is currently in 4th form and I am conducting a survey to determine the

major causes of sexual abuse, and it effects it has on teens and possible strategies that can be

implemented to resolve the problem in your community. Questionnaire will be distributed

randomly to members of your community to complete. I am sincerely asking you to answer

the question truthfully in order to obtain maximum results. As this is a crucial and paramount

part in aiding me in completing this survey on the topic sexual abuse for my SBA. I can

assure you that your responses will be kept confidential; simply just tick the boxes and write

your answer were space has been provided.

Yours truly,

Jamar Fraser



Instructions: Please tick the boxes that correspond with your answer and write your answer

on the lines provided for the question.

1.) To what age group do belong?

15-25 □ 26-40□ Over 40□

2.) What is your gender?

Male□ Female□

3.) What is your marital status?

Married□ Single□ Divorce□

4.) Are you sexually active? If yes.

b.) How many sex partner do you have?

One□ Two□ More than two□ unknown□

5.) How long have you been living in this community?

1-5 years□ 6-10 years□ Over 10 years□

6.) Are you acquainted with the topic sexual abuse?

Yes□ No□

7.) Do you think that sexual abuse is a major concern in your community?

Yes□ No□

8.) Do you think sexual abuse is a form of disciplinary action, if yes?

b.) State why?


9.) Have you ever been sexually abuse, if yes?

b.) How often were you abuse?

Once □ Twice□ Over two times □ Never□

10.) Do you know of any victims/past victims of sexual abuse?

Yes□ No□

11.) Do you think that counselling is necessary for victims that has been sexually abuse? if


b.) State why? _____________________________________________________________

12.) Whom do see responsible for sexual abuse victims?

The Parents□ Police□ Child Development Agency□ Perpetrator□


13.) When children are abused, do you think they will grow to become abuser as an adult, if


b.) State why?



14.) What do you think are some of the causes of sexual abuse among teenagers?

Mental illness□ Marriage Problem□

Drug□ Frustration or Stressed□

Exposure to Abuse□ Content on Social media□

15.) From the answer provided, tick what you believe are the consequences of teen been

sexual abuse?

Unwanted pregnancy□

Sexual transmitted diseases□

Post-traumatic stress disorder□

Prone to commit suicide□

Low self esteem□

16.) In your opinion, in the spaces provided, list accordingly to what you believe are some

solution that can be implemented to either stop or lessen sexual abuse among teenagers?



17.) Which gender do you think perpetrators are mostly likely to sexually abuse?

Female□ Male□

18.) What do you think is an appropriate penalty for victimizer?



19.) What do you think drive perpetrators to sexually abuse teen?

They were once sexually abuse□

Peer pressure□

Mental illness□


20.) Do you think sexual abusing a teen is showing them love?

Agree□ Disagree□
Procedure of Data Collection

The community in which the data was collected is Bog. Approximately, there are one

hundred fifty households in this community with a total of four hundred residents. Therefore

6.25% of this population of residence was chosen to obtain accurate data collection.

Therefore, twenty-five members were chosen to participate in this research. However, forty

questionnaires were prepared and distributed randomly to resident of the community on

August 4, 2018. The researcher decided to travel by foot where it would had been easy to

counteract with residents at their chill spot on a Saturday afternoon and assisted them with

answering the questions.

Within a period of 24 hours all questionnaire were answered and collected by the researcher.

However only 25 of these questionnaire will be used in the presentation of data.

Presentation of Data

To present the data the researcher will be using statistical diagram such as tables, pie charts

and bar graphs.

Question 17.) What gender do you think perpetrators are mostly likely to sexually abuse?

Gender No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Male 6 24

Female 19 76

Total No. Respondents = 25 Total % = 100

Fig. 1 The table above shows the percentage of the gender which perpetrator is mostly likely

to sexually abuse it display that female are the most vulnerable victims to sexual abuse with a

recorded 76 % which has a equivalent of 19 out of 25 while the male counterparts has the less

tender rate to be a victim of sexual abuse which recorded a mere 24% with it equivalent of 6

out of 25.
Question 9b). How often were you abuse?

No. of respondents % of respondents

Once 6 24

Twice 7 28

Over two times 3 12

Never 9 36

Total No. of respondents =25 Total % = 100

Fig. 2 The table above shows how often the victims was sexually abuse. It shows that 9 out of

25 which has is 36% never experienced sexual abuse in their life while 24% was sexually

abuse at least once in their life. However, 28% experience it at least twice and 12 % was

sexually abuse over two times in their lifetime.

Question 14.) What do you think are some of the major causes of sexual abuse?

Fig. 3 is a pie chart displaying the major causes of sexual abuse in the community of Bog. It

portrays that Exposure to Abuse is the main contributor to the problem which is 28% which

has an equivalent of 8 out of 25 which marital problem was the second highest contributor 20

% while both lack of parental control and drug intake recorded 16% on the other hand neglect

and mental illness recorded 12 and 8% respectively.

4.) Question 15). What are the main effect that faces teen that has being sexual abuse?

Fig. 4 The bar graphs is portraying the main effects faced by teenager that has been sexual

abuse. It expresses that Unwanted Pregnancy is the main consequences as a result of sexual

abuse which is 32% which has an equivalent of 8 out of 25 and both contracted STD's and

develop low self-esteem recorded the second highest contributor of 20%. However, attempt

of commit suicide and development of Post-traumatic stress disorder was the minor

consequence which obtain a % of 16 and 12 respectively.

Question 19.) What do you think are the factors that drive or motivate perpetrator to sexually

abuse teen?

Fig. 5 The bar graph is showing the factors that drives perpetrators to sexually abuse teen. It

shows that Lack of education was the main factors which causes perpetrators to commit such

as act which hold a % of 36 and alcohol and drug intake contribute to 24 %. However, the

respondents said that mental illness was the second highest contributor of 28% but peer

pressure and they were once victimized shared the lowest recorded % of 4 and 8 respectively.
Question 16.) In your opinion, in the spaces provided, list accordingly to what you

believe are some solutions that can be implemented to either stop or lessen sexual
abuse among teenagers?
Fig. 6 The pie chart expresses the solution made by the residents of Bog community for the

social problem, sexual abuse. It illustrates that 40% said to educate the public as the main

solution. However, 16% answered Private counseling for both the abuse and victimizer while

12% answered longer life sentencing for perpetrators. While 20% said that frequent patrol

should be done by law enforcer and 12% said that parents should be fine or imprison for

neglecting child/children.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

In the community of Bog, Westmoreland, Jamaica. The responses from the participants were

on the causes, consequences and solutions on the social problem sexual abuse among

teenagers. A questionnaire was chosen to carry out this survey.

In fig. 1, the table is showing the gender perpetrators are mostly likely to sexually abuse it

display female are the most vulnerable victims to sexual abuse with a recorded % of 76 and

the male are less tender victims with a mere 24% in the community. This demonstrated that

female is the main target of victimizers because they are easier taken advantage of and are

more vulnerable to attack but according to Brien Dennis a Jamaican journalist, male are too

target of sexual assaults in Jamaica. Unfortunately he said it is not on the decline but actual it

is gradually increasing and grossly underreported. To him Jamaican cultural values, which

are religions, music and political framework has a major deterrent forcing young boys and

men to keep silent about sexual abuse. Male sexual abuse on their persons are underreported

because they don't want to be seen as weak and as homosexual because society has narrow

them down to be fearless, strong and always in control and made it threating for boys in

society to display feminine qualities. According to government Child Development Agency

increasing number of children are now being victimized and nearly 2/5 are male.

(Dennis, B. (2004). Male Sexual Abuse. Retrieved from

Fig. 2, The table shows how often the victims was sexually abuse. It shows that 9 out of 25

which has equivalent of 36% never experienced sexual abuse in their life while 24% was
sexually abuse at least once in their life. However, 28% experience it at least twice and 12%

was sexually abuse over two times in their life. The data presented show that majority of the

population was sexually abuse at one times it their life but according to Greg Smith the head

of the OCR reports that 90% of sexual assault on children in Jamaica were victimized by a

relative or close acquaintances over an extended period of 5 - 10 year and so the increasing

assaults having been sexually abuse more than two times has risen by 15% and out of

hundred victim of sexual abuse 69 % experienced at least two times.

Fig. 3, The pie chart displays the most common causes of sexual abuse among the teenagers.

It displays that the main cause of sexual abuse is Exposure to Abuse 28% to the minority of

8% record by mental illness. However, lack of parental control and marital problem

contribute 16 and 20 % respectively, neglect contributed 12 %. This demonstrated that the

main cause of sexual abuse among teen in the community of Bog was that the perpetrators

were once exposed or was a victim to abuse when they were children so they take up the

traits and adopt to abuse other because they fell that they were not given justice. It also

proves that intake of drug and alcohol affect the perpetrators mental state causing them to an

abuse teen. In recent stats displayed it portray that the outrageous sexual content displayed on

social media such as pornography causes health relationship problem in marriage, because of

the contents the abuser see they want to experience the chill and satisfaction they are not

getting in marriage so it drives them insane to experienced it elsewhere. The main causes of

sexual abuse in ratio to the other is 8:25 for Exposure to Abuse.

In fig. 4, the bar graph indicated what the residents believe are consequences of sexual abuse

among teens. Unwanted Pregnancy was the main effect with 32% and Contracting STD's and

Develop low self-esteem shared a percentage of 20. However, post traumatic disorder and
attempt or commit suicide recorded Therefore this serve as evidence that the main effects is

unwanted pregnancy in Bog community because in recent years' teenager rate level of how

much got pregnant risen while attending secondary school and contracted sexually

transmitted diseases, residents believe that the teen where just having unprotected sex but it

was discovered that the teens were being sexual abuse. This led to post traumatic stress

disorder which is feeling of anxiety, stress or fear making it difficult for victims to cope with

society and environment surrounding them so they isolated themselves from the rest of

society or they attempt to commit suicide. In the community in comparison to 3 out of 30

persons that has being sexual abuse attempt to commit suicide and 2 out of 20 person develop

low self-esteem or become prostitute. In comparison to or among the others in ratio of the

effects among teenagers to whose stated unwanted pregnancy as the consequences recorded

as fraction is 8/25. However, an according to Dr. Ganesh Shetty a child psychiatrist said

aggressive behavioral changes, nightmares and physchoamatic but to him the victims may

experience long term effect such as low achieving short tempered adults and sometimes they

may become victimizer themselves. It is reported that 42% of all attempted suicides in

Jamaica by youths aged 10 - 19 sexual abuse is understood to be the major contributor. This

show that the vicious acts of the perpetrators are deceptive indiscriminate and cruel they

dehumanized the victim to the point where they feel unclean, powerless and helpless. 1/5 of

the victims are contracting syphilis and gonorrhea in increasing numbers.

Fig. 5, the bar graph shows what are the factors that motivate or drives perpetrator to sexually

abuse. It shows that the lack of education is the main reason for what is influencing the

perpetrators to commit such devastating act because they didn't have the luxury of finishing

their education so they become low achieving and stop aiming for high goals. However
according to Brien Dennis a Jamaican journalist he said that Peer pressure and the

perpetrators were once in abusive relationship or they were once a sexual assault victim is the

major factors that motivate these victimizers to plague other with such a terrifying act.

According to him 40% of Jamaican have said that their first sexual experience occurred

without their consent and before the age of 16 that why some person mental health become

deteriorating and too causes them to become Drug and alcoholic are too contributor of this

social problem that is plaguing our Jamaican children. (Dennis, B. (2004). Male Sexual

Abuse. Retrieved from

In fig. 6, the pie chart represent solution chosen by the residents of Bog community that they

saw suitable to be implemented to resolve the social problem sexual abuse among the

teenagers in their community. The solution chosen by participants was represented in

percentage 40% of the population believe that educating the public would be the main

solution to battle sexual abuse among teenagers in their community however 20% believe

that frequent patrol by law enforcer can help lessen this social issue.

In conclusion it revealed that based on how the residents responded on the causes,

consequences and solutions they had knowledge on the topic sexual abuse.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the villagers of Bog community were aware of the social

problem sexual abuse that is taking place within their residential area based on how they
responded to the questions on the causes, consequences and solutions to the issue. Therefore

it safe to said that a large segment knew that this social problem was a concern but kept

silence because they didn't want to draw any attention to themselves or their remote

community even though they are disgusted by the issue among the teens.

Statement of Findings

The survey revealed that majority of population of Bog community were aware of the causes,

consequences and solutions for sexual abuse.

1.) Causes
The main of cause of sexual abuse was that the perpetrators were once a victim of such act

when they were younger this was indicated by 28% of the villagers. Intake of drug and

alcohol, neglect, Marital Problem mental illness was some of the major factor contributing to

sexual abuse among the teenager.

It also revealed that parents are not socializing with their children because of work so the

relationship drift apart and parents become unaware of what taking place in teen life.

2.) Effects

Unwanted pregnancy 32% and sexually transmitted disease 20% where the main effects

among the victims of sexual abuse in the community.

3.) Solutions

40% of the residents would propose to implement a solution to resolve sexual abuse by

educating the public through program on sexual abuse.

Recommendation and Implementation Strategy

It is stated that sexual child abuse has become severe over the passing year and it is a major

social issue worldwide. There are, however certain steps that can be implemented by the

government to protect the citizen of a country.

Recommendations are as follows:

1.) People in society should be well educated on sexual abuse through social networking

sites or on awareness program. Although, this is really about educating the entire

public population, it should be interesting, informative and persuasive. This will help

people to acquire a knowledge of sexual abuse as it helps them in understanding this

problem and ways it can be prevented.

2.) The parents and the community along with it members are one of the most important

socializing agents within a teen life. This is how adolescents learn some basic norms,

value and traits and if the relationship, spirit and interaction between its members

increase it can be effective in counteracting and resolving the sexual abuse problem in

their community. The community can also have a programs implemented where

mentoring sessions for all adolescents come and voice their problems and issues they

are facing and the parents can be involve in the sessions for comforting their teenager.

Implementation for Recommendation 2

To increase the relationship, spirit, interaction among community members there can

be a creation of some few recreational activities such as sports, entertainment regime

and development of clubs where person can work on different projects or tasks for the
benefits of its members. With the recreational activities created the member can

display their talents and potential and learn how to co-exist without causing harms or

endangering each other's an with a program for mentoring all adolescents where their

issues and problem are voices and make aware parents and community members can

find strategies to help the teens resolve these problem effectively and having the

parents getting to know about their teenager and the problem affecting them and

making the adolescents feel more comfortable around them can be instrumental in

resolving sexual abuse in their community. When this is implemented better social

interaction, interest and love will be among community members so in the case of an

stranger or perpetrator enters or lives in the residential area they will be more likely or

quickly to help alleviate the growth of criminal activities in the communities by

informing law enforcers and community leaders about the increase in the criminal

personnel around the residential area to protect teens from sexual abuse.


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