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2nd Summative Test

SY: 2019-2020

NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _______________________

I. SIGMUND FREUD: Choose the letter of the answer. Write your answers on the provided line.
_____ 1. Which theory does Sigmund Freud does NOT propose?
a. Theory of Unconscious c. Psychosexual Theory
b. Psychoanalytic Theory d. Theory of Consciousness
_____ 2. What are the pleasure areas that become focal points for a particular stage?
a. erogeneous zones c. eregenous zones
b. erogenous zones d. oregenous zones
_____ 3. What happen when needs are not me along the pleasure areas?
a. decline b. deterioration c. fixation d. failure
_____ How does oral receptiveness reflect on the child’s behavior?
a. biting of nails c. using of curse words
b. gossiping d. smoking
_____ 5. How does oral aggressiveness reflect on the child’s behavior?
a. overeating c. drinking alcohol
b. biting nails d. smoking
_____ 6. Why is oral fixation or personality detrimental to children?
a. Children would increase focus on oral activities.
b. Children would decrease focus on oral activities.
c. Children would balance focus on oral activities.
d. Children would neutralize focus on oral activities.
_____ 7. Which is the dominant activity on the anal stage?
a. speaking training b. table training c. toilet training d. Both B and C
_____ 8. How does anal retentiveness manifest?
a. being messy b. being disorganized c. being clean d. Both A and B
_____ 9. How does anal expulsiveness manifest?
a. being messy b. being disorganized c. being clean d. Both A and B
_____ 10. Where is the pleasure area of the phallic stage?
a. anus b. mouth c. genitals d. head
_____ 11. Which stage of psychosexual development presents the concept of Oedipus complex and
Electra Complex?
a. Oral Stage b. Phallic Stage c. Anal Stage d. Latency Stage
_____ 12. Which stage of psychosexual development shows repression on sexual urges and shifts
focus on acquisition of physical and academic skills?
a. Phallic Stage c. Latency Stage
b. Genital Stage d. Anal Stage
_____ 13. Which stage of psychosexual development focus on their sexual urges towards the
opposite sex peers?
a. Phallic Stage c. Latency Stage
b. Genital Stage d. Anal Stage
_____ 14. Which is NOT a manifestation of Id or pleasure principle?
a. when the baby is hungry
b. when the baby needs to be changed
c. when the baby is too hot or too cold
d. when the baby is too full
_____ 15. Which is NOT a characteristic of the ego or reality principle?
a. It is the deciding agent of the personality
b. It takes into account the reality of the situation.
c. It considers the best response to situations.
d. It exerts influence on what one considers right and wrong.
II. JEAN PIAGET: Choose the letter of the answer. Write your answers on the provided line. (15 points)
_____ 1. Why does Piaget’s theoretical framework called as genetic epistemology?
a. because he was interested on how emotional aspect developed
b. because he was interested on how physical aspect develop
c. because he was interested on how cognitive aspect develop
d. because he was interested on how affective aspect develop
_____ 2. How does assimilation and accommodation differ?
a. Assimilation is fitting a new experience while accommodation is creating a new schema.
b. Accommodation is fitting a new experience while assimilation is creating a new schema.
c. Assimilation is creating a new background knowledge while accommodation is creating
a new schema.
d. None of the Above
_____ 3. What would happen if assimilation and accommodation achieve a sense of balance?
a. cognitive disequilibrium c. disequilibration
b. equilibration d. change
_____ 4. Children still know that there toy exist when it’s covered of blanket. What concept of Piaget’s
Cognitive Development is characterized?
a. object existence c. object permanence
b. object schema d. Either A or C
_____ 5. Children assume that their perception is the same with others. What concept of Piaget’s
Cognitive Development is characterized?
a. egoism b. egocentrism c. ego principle d. id principle
_____ 6. Children think that Mr. Sun is sleeping at night. What concept of Piaget’s Cognitive
Development is characterized?
a. egoism b. egocentrism c. animation d. transductive reasoning
_____ 7. Children believe that taller glass has more amount of liquid than the wider glass. What
concept of Piaget’s Cognitive Development is characterized?
a. conservation b. centration c. irreversibility d. reversibility
_____ 8. Children can now solve abstract problems and hypothesize. What stage of Piaget’s Cognitive
Development is pertained?
a. pre-operational stage c. formal operational stage
b. concrete-operational stage d. Both B and C
_____ 9. Children could not comprehend the difference of 5 + 3 and 3 + 5. What concept of Piaget’s
Cognitive Development is characterized?
a. conservation c. irreversibility
b. centration d. reversibility
_____ 10. When does the stage of concrete-operational occur?
a. 2-7 b. 8-11 c. 12-15
_____ 11. What is the individual’s way to understand or create meanings about a thing or
a. cognitive development c. schema
b. psychoanalytic theory d. theory of consciousness
_____ 12. Children are not only focused on one aspect or dimension. What concept of Piaget’s Cognitive
Development is characterized?
a. conservation c. reversibility
b. decentering d. seriation
_____ 13. Children could arrange the stones from smallest to biggest. What concept of Piaget’s
Cognitive Development is characterized?
a. conservation c. reversibility
b. decentering d. seriation
_____ 14. Children could understand that all countries near the north pole have cold temperature, thus,
Greenland has a cold temperature. What concept of Piaget’s Cognitive Development is
a. transductive reasoning c. analogical reasoning
b. hypothetical reasoning d. deductive reasoning
_____ 15. When does the stage of pre-operational occur?
a. 2-7 c. 12-15
b. 8-11 d. 2-7
III. ERIK ERIKSON: Identify what stage of development and Psychosocial Crisis was being described in each number.
1. Can feel despair if conflict isn’t resolved in this stage.
2. Stage when parents are the important relationship and
independence is the event.
3. Stage when identity is rooted in occupation and peers
are important.
4. Stage when the mother or caregiver is important.
5. Giving back is important during this stage.

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