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Hello Good evening my name is Aldair Gonzales and i am going to present

my Project. I hope you like it

1er diapositiva
Aldair’s family
this is my family, we are 7 family members, we all live in the same house.
- The youngest of the family is nine years old
- the oldest of the family is fifty-two years old.
- My parents are married
- My older sister Maryori is married. Her husband's name is Wagner
and they have 2 children
2da diapositiva
- My Mother’s name is Julia
- she is 48 years old
- Her favorite drink is Soda
- Her favorite food is Ceviche
- At this moment she is cooking all day because she likes it
3era diapositiva
- My father’s name is Roberto
- he is 52 years old
- His favorite drink is coffee
- His favorite food is Lomo Saltado
- At this moment he is working in a big company
- He is a mechanical engineer
4ta diapositiva
- My sister’s name is Maryori
- she is 28 years old
- Her favorite drink is tea
- Her favorite food is Spaghetti and tomato sauce
- At this moment, she is studying environmental engineering
- she likes to read
5ta diapositiva
- My cousin's name is Anali
- she is 38 years old
- Her favorite drink is coffee
- Her favorite food is Ceviche
- At this moment she is working in a company
- She is a chemical engineer
6ta diapositiva
- My nephew's name is Luca
- he is 9 years old
- His favorite drink is Soda
- His favorite food is fried chicken
- At this moment He is playing video games all day
- He is studying at school
7ma diapositiva
- My niece's name is Alejandra
- she is 13 years old
- Her favorite drink is tea
- Her favorite food is fried chicken
- At this moment She is reading books all day
- SHe is studying at school
8va diapositiva
- My dog is also part of the family
- My dog's name is Pancho
- it is very small and it is the chitzu breed
9na diapositiva
- And finally me, my name is Aldair, I am 21 years old, my favorite
drink is soda, my favorite food is Ceviche, I am studying Industrial
Engineering in San Marcos, At this moment I am playing video
games and listening to music all day,

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