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Lucid Dreams

By: Aly Almario(Alyloony)

There was a girl who named Angelique Heaven Santos,

when she’s Twelve years old she discovered her potential of

being a Lucid Dreamer. Before, she was afraid if she cannot

be awakened, and when she’s in her dream she’s aware that

it’s not real because it’s just a dream. During those time

she was not able to manipulate her dream, there was a time

that her dream is so scary but when she said in her mind

that she need to be awake she awakened. Little by little,

she can control her dream until she made her own dream. She

created her own scenario until she Make her own fantasies.

She Know that what happened to her is lucid dreaming, It’s

a rare skill that only a few was given that potential.

Angelique is inside there classroom, sitting and

talking to her classmates Amanda and Lilian about her

European trip.” Wow Angelique, nice European trip!” my best

friend Amanda said “I am sure that your summer vacation is

very happy, and in Europe uhhh. I’m sure its very pretty”

lilian, my other friend said. I reply to them “Its just

Europe” Even shell not used money she can do and go What

ever she want. Amanda pointed her finger near in the

door, She smile widely when she sow who is Amanda pointing.

Its Owen Ramirez her suiter, owen is tall and handsome. He

has a dimple and his skin is flawless

Her heart beat so fats, she know that owen is the same as

her at least in this world. She know that her class mate

are staring at the both of them, until owen is in front of

her. “Angelique” “yes?” “Will you---“.

Until her clock ring, kring, kring, kring. Her eyes

widely open because of her clock she sat on her bed and

think about her dream. “Maybe later” she said, she stand up

and go to there bathroom. After taking a bath she wear her

uniform, her uniform became yellow instead of white and its

also had stain. Her skirt became a short, her shoes is

already broken and her bag is broken too. After she fix her

self she go down and eat her breakfast. This is her reality

life, she’s not princess she does not have a big house her

school is public school and also she cant afford a European

tour. You see, she have a ability to manipulate her dream

she can control all of the scenario in her dream. Just like

the other night, she is popular and reach student in her

elite school. They are insecure to her because she is
reach, beauty with brain and the one and only campus

owen are courting her. What everything happened was because

of her manipulation, all of these is came from her own

fantasies. After she eat her breakfast, she do her routine

go to school and be with friends. Angelique Walking in

front of owen just to notice her, but of course owen will

not notice her because she is just nothing to him. After

school Angelique eat before go to her room and sleep.

(Angelique is continuing her dream)

“Will you come to my birth day?” owen ask her with a

smile on his face, “why?” she ask him. “Because I want you

to there in my special day, so if its okay to you? Can you

come?” answered owen “Yeah sure, no problem.” owen smiled

widely as she agree to him. After their conversation owen

go back to his classroom, after he said thank you to

angelique. Angelique just smile, smile and smile widely.

“What? Are you coming to his birth day?.” A voice of a man

suddenly speak. Two chairs away from her, a boy smiled at

her. She didn’t know that guy, his not familiar to her. And

she is very shocked, because its her dream and all of the

people involve in her dream is familiar to her because all

of them came from her imagination. But this man?, she don’t

know him. And one thing she knew is hes not came from her

dream because hes not wearing school uniform, just like the

other student that she made in her imagination. Hes wearing

a leather jacket, white shirt and maong pants. The guy

stand and came near to her and her classmate, “Babe, I

thought we were going on a date on Saturday?. But why did

you agree to that man that your going to attend his

birthday?” he ask her “What?” she just cant believe what

this man talking about “ No, I don’t know you.” angelique

reply to him, her classmate does not have any reaction. Of

course its natural to her, how can they react? She did not

think that they will react, because she need to think first

to had their reaction. This is her dream, she can control

everything. “Who are you?” anger in her face appeared “

This is caleb!” he pinched her cheek, It hurts! Even if she

is in her dream she can feel it!.

She stared to much in the guy that named caleb, and she

concentrate eagerly. Pls disappear, pls disappear! Go! Go!

Go! Go away!. Caleb just smile widely and he just flick,

flick her head. “Its not effective angelique” who named

caleb said. “What?” all of her classmate disappear, shes

shocked why she cant control her dream? She felt scared,

because of what happened. What if she lost her ability of

manipulating her dream? This cant be happening!!! “Hmmmm,

so this is your dream?” happily he smiled to her “Okay


I just decide” “What!?” “Ill stay here, what ever it takes.

Is that okay with you?” caleb ask her “What!? What are you

talking about!?” “Don’t worry ill make sure that your dream

will be exiting.” with that he just disappear like a

bubbles and then she awakened. Her heart beat so fast. Who

is that man? What kind of person he is? How can he enter

her dream just like that?.

After that scenario that caleb just appear in her dream

just like that, in one click (Angelique is in her reality

life) Angelique is with her friend, eating street food

while talking about their life. She cant avoid thinking

about if her dream is true that she and her friend are true

rich, she think they can go and do what ever they want.

Their parents will not sacrifice for selling vegetables in

wet market for their studies. She smiled bitterly,

sometimes she does not want to be awakened to avoid

problems and sadness that their family will feel because of

their lives. Sometimes she want to give up, she want her

dream to be forever. How many times she tell her family

that she will stop for studying instead she will just work

for them, but of course her family never agree to her

decision. Even though their are tired, they are just

continuing to work for me, for us. After they have eaten

she left her friend amanda and lilian, to go home. After

walking to go to their house, she go to her room and do her

home works and project. She need to maintain her grades to

get a scholar sheep in collage. After doing her home works

she fell asleep. Sheis outside of the school, in the right

side of school they can see the cherry blossom trees. At

the back of the cherry blossom trees they can see the pine

trees over the snow. Its weird yes, because its like

tourist spot of the other countries. But for her this is

her paradise.

This is her own world, that no one can know aside from

her. And caleb that just appear in her world. After she

enter the school, she go to the rooftop. “Wow, awesome” she

saw caleb, eating a sandwich and his back is in the

railings of the rooftop. “In fairness, this sandwich is

delicious here in your world” “What are you doing here in

my dream?” “Uhmmmm, eating some sandwich?” Wow!

Philosopher, she said in her mind.

That night, angelique and caleb is always seeing each

other. One night, caleb ask her if she is interested to

travel in another dream. Angelique agree to caleb, every

night that she is in her dream they are always traveling to


another dream and they are always happy. They are in the

roof top and caleb and angelique is sketching, caleb sketch

her. In the sketch she is in sitting behind the cherry

blossom and holding sketch pad and pencil, she also sketch

caleb. In the sketch, caleb is standing behind the railing

of the roof top and also holding a sketch pad and smiling.

“ Can I see you drawing if its beautiful?.” caleb sit

behind her and ask her. She just smile and answer to him “

Of course, but I will see your drawing too.” she said while

smiling, she give her sketch pad to him. “ Wow… I didn’t

know that you good in sketching.” caleb said “ ohh, thank

you.” “ Is these me?” he ask her with an amazing tone of

his voice. “ hmmm, yes” she answered to him “Now, can I see

you sketch?” she said, and caleb give it to her “Amazing…

is this me?” caleb just smile to her “ wow, thank you.”

(Angelique is in the reality world)

Angelique is in the hospital because his brother had an

accident, while walking she saw a woman holding a heavy

things. “Ill help you, and pls just guide me where is you

room.” she said and smile at her,they are in the front of

the door and the woman open the door. “ Just put it here in

the table” “ Thank you so much for helping me, your very

familiar to me.” she just smile awkwardly, she roam around

here eyes in the room and when she saw the patient she just

froze. She Walk slowly, “ Caleb…” she said and her voice is

shaking, the woman stare at her and speak. “ Now I remember

you, I saw you and my son traveling to another world.” “

What happened to him?” she ask while she is crying “ He is

in comma 4 years ago, im waking him up but he didn’t

response to me.” now the mother of caleb is starting to cry

“ Pls tell him, go back to me go back to his family.” “ Ill

tell him, I will do every thing and I will convince him.”

after their conversation, she went to their house and sleep

to talk to caleb.

( Calebs Pov )

Caleb is inside the castle and talking to princess

celeste “ Caleb you don’t have time, if you don’t convince

her you cannot back to your reality life.” the goddess,

princess celeste said “ I will sacrifice my life for her,I

prefer to stay to dream traveler, than sacrificing her.”

princess celeste was not shock, because she know that

caleb love angelique so much “ But there is a way, if I

died or Ill be gone here in lucid dream you and angelique

Will going back to you reality life. But, if that happened

you will lost your memory and you will never see her.”

After their conversation caleb run fast to see angelique.

(Angelique’s Pov)

“ Hi angelique.” first I saw is face of caleb. She tare at

me while smiling. But, its not his usual smile that he

give to me. His face has a sad smile. She stare at his

eyes, his smiling but he have a tear that is flowing like

a river. This is the last day that she will see his face.

“Caleb…” she run fast and hug caleb tight. She felt his

arms rap in her body. “Welcome back,” he said but his

voice are shacking and cracking. Even he is crying, he

forced to smile and wipe his tears and hers flowing down

there face to checks. Caleb hold her hand and said “ Lets

go?” he stare at one of the cherry blossom trees and he

lead the way. Caleb sat under the tree and she sat beside

her. “ I told to my self, before I leave you I want that

my last day here in your dream that i will go to my

favorite place in your dream.” caleb just hold her hand

and said “Can I hug you?.” she lough a little “Angelique

pls be my mother friend, because I know shes sad and she

does not has a company in his life.” little by little his

hand become invisible in her eyes, his body is full of

light in her eyes. Her eyes is full of tears “No.This cant

be happening! Caleb1!” “Angelique, listen to me” he held

her face and he gave her a sad smile “ Caleb are you

living me? Why is so fast? No, pls! Not now pls!” she cry

and cry. “ Angelique I love you so much…” “Caleb!” she


doesn’t feel calebs presents and she didn’t know whats

happening . She live her, Caleb is gone.

2 years later

She achieve her dreams, like buying her dream house for

her family and others thus she is already financially

stable. But for her its not enough, because caleb is

not with her. She close her eyes to stop her tears, She

realize that her reality is beautiful. She know how

much she is thankful to god. But she always think that

what is the feeling when shes with him in reality.

She is in the mall walking and buying some her needs, when

her eyes stop on a gallery shop. She enter there and

rooming her eyes and her heart beat so fast,in the

painting there was a girl and boy standing in roof top.

they watching the sky, at the left side there is Eiffle

tower and the right side is cherry blossom trees. Its very

familiar to her. Its her world. She made that world in her

dreams. The world that she encounter him. She saw the name

of the owner of the painter. “Angels Dream by john caleb

de dios” caleb… caleb…caleb… she felt her eyes full of

tears. Caleb made this she said in her mind, and he just

painted her dreams. He just painted there paradise. Is

this true? Did he remember everything? “ Ah ma’am, are you

going to buy this painting?” the man that wearing


corporate attire. She need to buy this painting. “ I would

like to purchase this painting.” she said “ Alright ma’am!

At the counter please!” “That would be 40,000 pesos

ma’am.” “ 40k!” she is very shocked. “ Ah yes ma’am.” she

get her wallet and finding her card. She didn’t bring her

card!! “ I left my card in my house, can u reserve this

for my name?” “ Sorry ma’am” she fake smile “ Okay ill be

back” she said. When she got her card and she go back to

the mall “ I got my card” she said and smile to the

cashier “ Sorry ma’am but he owner of the painting came

here and his mind got change, its not for sale ma’am

sorry.” she just smile to the cashier and run fast to find

caleb. After how many minutes running and finding caleb,

she just stand inside the mall because she didn’t find

caleb. “ Ahmm miss, is this yours?” a familiar voice

spoke, he is tall, tousled hair, and he has a very bright

smile. She blinked and blinked and blinked but his face

only she can see. She started to cry hard, em I dreaming?

Please… please. “ Hi,” he said in a low tone of voice. Of

course he didn’t remember her. She tried her best to

smile. “Hi. I-I’m Angel---” “ Angelique…” she cried hardly

when caleb say her name “Caleb…Caleb!” she hug her then

they cry with a smile.



Is an out of the ordinary story that bring you to

different dimensions and unveiled part of the universe

without knowing it. It’ll make you feel exited due to

sudden turn of events. This story was designed to capture

our imagination and is guaranteed to arouse the readers

curiosity. It is a story which is tricky, exciting,

unbelievably cool, amazing plot, sudden turning of tables,

and EVERYTHING WERE UNPREDICTABLE. This is a combination

of fantasy and romance and war categorized as short story.

ALY ALMARIO, famously known as Alyloony, Can make sure

Us feel and see the world in such different way because

of her art.


Angelique heaven santos- The lucid dreamer and the

main cast.

John caleb de dios- The man of her dreams and the man

of her reality. At first,he was a dream intruder.

Owen - angelique ultimate crash.

Amanda and Lilian- Her closest friends.

Celeste - Dream Goddess.



Angelique, is a lucid dreamer and she met a dream

traveler, Caleb. In the long run, she adored his company

and enjoy dreaming-she can be with him in her dreams. She

does know that when shes awake, caleb surrounding will be

dark and he’ll be alone- and she cant take that. She found

a true friend in her dreams. She can be what she wants to

be when shes with him. And she became attached to him. One

time, she learned that caleb was in state of comatose,

that hes true friend. She got terrified that she might

lose him in her dreams. It does happened, when caleb

recovered, she through he forget her, the truth is at

first he does bu later on rhe recalled her. From then on

they lived happily.


Lesson in the story

What I learned from this story is that they should not

lose hope, and that they should be contented with what

they have in their reality life. And that they never lose

hope for one another.

Places where they go.

 Roof top

 School

 Hospital

 Mall

 Class room

 House

Oas Polytechnic School,

Oas, Albay.

Submitted to: Mr. Ricardo Remonte

Submitted by: Nica joy Manalad


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