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Eid Recs clr Welcome to Activate! The ‘1 what languages can you speak? A My own language and English B My own language, English and one other language. © Lots of languages! B Are you good at English? A it's not my best subject! B Yes, 'm usually good at English. © Yes, 1m good at English and | love it! 3 Do you like speaking English in class? A No, Idont. B its OK © Yes, | enjoy speaking English. 4 Do you ever speak English outside class? A. No, never. B yes, sometimes with my friends. © Yes, when | travel abroad questionnaire 5 Do you like watching English-speaking films on TV or at the cinema? ‘A Yes, | love them! B 1 like them, but | always read the subtitles. © 1 prefer films in my own language. 6 What English book did you study last year? ‘A Ican‘t remember! B it was big and red. There was a nice picture on the front cover. G Our English book was (name). Look out for these real-life stori fe lese real-life stori ies! teamgB Reus Pee ie aa Contents in Reading 1 Have they got talent? Hopes,and pages Aight/WranglDoesnt say dreams Reading for detailed information "Festivals * Time out ees Guessing unknown words Time to revise 1 page 24 3 Boys dont sing Word completion What's COOL _v950% jieriving tne ight erd in school? The crystal skull a ‘ YesiNVo questions 4 Ancient page +p eading fordetailed treasure _ itformstion {i Your world history Time to revise 2 page 42 5 Serious ocean Homesick? vet Metchine Reading and identifying the Seasick! — vopriaereponse 6 ‘Swap shop Pages Capped sertoncos Bue, dom opt conmwoment Time to revise 3 page 60 VOTE LDC ag its and hobbies Parts of speech (lvour media Celebrations Adjectives and prepositions BS your culture Schoo! Compound nouns “© Your school subjects History and dates Writing dates vel Travel verbs YF Your transport Shopping Compound nouns = Your economics Creu lg Talking about the pre Present simple Time expressions Present simple questions and short answers Talking about now or the near future Present continuous Present continuous for future Adverbs Talking about the pest Past simple Past simple questions More about the past Past continuous Past continuous and past simple -ingforms toinfinitivo Talking about the futur will Present continuous for future going to shall Talking about experiences Present perfect simale Questions Present perfect with advert co CUIyg t Hobbies Multiple matching Jokes Multiple matching My old school ‘Multiple-choice questions Treasure hunting Labelling School trip Completing notes "Going shopping Multplo-cheice pictures bs Sir Talking about sports and hobbies Completing a questionnaire Likes and dislikes Describing activities Describing photos and activites Describing an experience Matching quastions and answers Asking questions about the past Directions Using a map ‘Asking and giving directions Making plans Talking about possible plans Shopping Matching questions and answers Ina shop laid DY oetia A paragraph Conjunetions, pvp Britain's got talent! A blog Saying where things are Dvo Tho monkey festival A short story. Ordering events pvp Boys don't sing Astory Giving a reason Talking about a time in the past pvp The mystery of the crystal skull An email Talking about plans Looking forward to DVD Serious ocean An invitation Inviting pvp ‘Swap, don’t shop! Win or lose! page62, Multiple-choice questions | Man in tho wild page70_ Right/Wiong/Doesn't say * Wild things ‘Time to revise’4page78 *Chocolate is ~The chocolate factory page 80 Matching headings with raph: Good for you ——_feaiNequesions TF aie aa ° Weird page se Mukiple matching Places — @ rour toca geography “Tine wreviespage% = Bindi, jungle girl page 38 Matching GSM vourcaren "Jobs 4 ki 12 Is that Mythbusters Multipto-chi really trina iple-choice questions “Time to revise 6 page 114 Speaking File page 116 Writing File page 126 Vocabulary File and DVD Activ Grammar File page 136, page 130 Weer eiag Sports Colocations 8 Your sport Wild places Weather adjectives @ Your world geography Food and cool Changing verbs to adjectives ings and places Compound nouns Jobs Phrasal verbs " Science end technology Phrasal verbs @® Your science eur Talking about ability, possibility and obligation Modais verbs— ability, possibilty, obligation, permission ‘Making comparisons Comparatives Superlatives Obligation and prohibition ‘Modal verbs — obligation and prohibition should and shouldn't Using the present simple passive Present simple passive Past simple passive Talking about general truths and future possibilities Zera conditional First concitional First conditional - modals Reporting what someone says Reported statements Reporting verbs Relative clauses 9 ‘Muttiple-choice pictures Wild animals Table completion @ Your wild animals Food Multiple matching Talking about sports Explaining meaning of signs/rules ing about another country Asking and answering questions Describing feelings ‘Asking for and giving advice @ Your food technology Famous places Muhtiple-choice questions ‘School report Notes completion Technology Mutiple matching. Describing buildings Describing objects Talking about problems Making suggestions Finding out about an event ‘Asking for information Nac DY Pawn er Afactfilo Position of adjectives bvp BMX champion Apesteard Writing about an experience DvD Elephant safari Anatticle Describing food DvD Achocolate drink? Abrochure Giving information DvD Cave hotel Areport Contrasting ovp When will | be famous? Areview Saying something is good or bad bvo Sticky tape Get ideas @ Match the photos with the sentences. 1 I'm good at playing chess, but | hate competitions! 2 | enjoy writing stories. My dream is to write a book one day 3. My hobby is shopping, Im very good 2t it! 4 My favourite sports basketball. My dream isto play for my county, 5 | love dancing, My dream isto be on stage. 6 like Maths and computer games. My dream is to rake a computer game. © Which person from Exercise 1 would you like to be? Why? Time to read © Look at the four people on page 9. What are theirtalents? Do you have to answer questions about an article? First, read all the questions. Tren read the article and find out what it says about each question. © Read the article. Choose the best answer, A,Borc. 1 Fatyl plays football on Saturdays. A Right B Wrong ©)Doesn’t say 2. Only two contestants are younger than Fay. 1A Right B Wrong C Dossn't say 3 George always dances at a dance school A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 4 George is hurtin his dance show. A Right B Wrong 5 Kate's dog likes being on stage A Right B Wrong 6 Kate's deg is cifficult to work w A Right B Wrong co 7 At fist, the judges aren't sure about Jeremy’ act. A Right © Doesn't say ue Mor st Paes ace er) at football and plays for a eee ean 1s Pee ae ec] the youngest contestants. Mme ae tae some people have tears in cca ‘Vm a normal girl with a big voice. JEREMY [YNGH Netcare) Jeremy Lynch tells the eo eee cee es surprised.'Do you think omen Coe ac iaea seen Ec mel” he smiles.Jeremy starts jugeling the ball with Ce aoa! ‘© Complete the table with information from the article. Family name Smith “Sampson Lyneh Nicholas Firstname | Age | Talent eee tT T Time to talk © Who do you want to 1 Hopesand dreams | Reading er ea fourteen, often has an Pr ereceaty UCase sto) Dene teat ok ee shows to pay for dance ceases oar ‘expensive. On stage, eee ee ea COUN etal ders Is he OK? Hae era ®Ur-syeecnL E1 Pee cea eee eee Cie ee Siac performing Animals are sometimes hard to work Sac aes The music plays and Gin Ree eae sec ‘on two legs! When they finish their dance, they both smile.The judges look pleased, too. ‘We spend most ‘of the time with each other.’ DVD clip. See page 130, Vocabulary | Hopes and dreams 1 Talent and hobbies @ Find these things in the picture. © Read the article. Choose the best answer, A, B or C. ST ihctes cen on freestyle football 2)... They don't normally go on @ Complete the sentences with these words. 2. med therdicual Ale street or ina shopping centre. They usvally have a large 5)... but there isn'ta 6) MThey have definitely 20t 7) ...cseesee- at's their 1. My dad sometimes does a magic 8) --scssssmeye 10 g0 to Argentina and meet act, Maradona, 2 This funny film is reat for the m me oe ‘whole family 3 My is 10 work with animals 1@perform B take part C have when I'm older. 2 A dreams B talents © shows 4 He's too shy to in front of 3 A audience B stage © competition thousands of people. 4A dance B act © dream 5 Listen to the radio. Its a .- contert 5 A judge B aucience contestant with Gils Aloug, 6 A judge B talent © show 6 Good evening and welcame to our 7 A talent B entertainment winner ! 8 A entertainment B act € dream 7 Angela is a fantastic singer She's oot a lot of 81 in out schol show every yea. Memory game Coun eck ue rir) Look! Many noun forms are hard to spell. Memorise them, close yaur books, the same as the verb form. ECMO ACL Le Cae juege(n) — judge) Caen ee fa ‘Some are very similar. = porformanco (a) Time to talk efor 4 i a File, page 130 Colyour media focabulary File, page @ Do you have shows like these in your country? Which one would you like to be on? Why? Britain's gottalent — Whowants to be 2 millionaire? Pop idol 10 Talking about the present Present simple A something that is always or usually true George lives in Manchester B ahabit or routine George normally dances in tho streets. © do/coes to make questions and don‘ridoosn‘tto make negatives Do you spend a tot of tie together? ‘No, we don't Timo expressions D adverbs of frequency botore the present simple George often has an audience. E other time phrases at the beginning or end of a sentence Faryl plays fora team every week. > Grammer File, page 136 @ Make questions and sentences using the present simple. 1 She / love / dancing and singing She loves dancing and Singing 2 My best friend / not / like / basketball 3 do/he / play chess? 4 Our teacher / take gat /in talent shows 5 My brother /go//to stage school 6 1 /mot /wateh TV / every day 7 do/ they / enjoy / playing football? 8 Mycousins /not / ley / tennis © Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. 11) ..ss0.9s0.00- (Go) to danes lessons every week with Leo. We normally 2) (enjoy) our lessons and we 3)... (work) very hard, We often 4) (practise) new dance moves. -. (love) taking part in a dance, but | (not/ike) jumping and kicking. Look at Leo! He 7). (like) jumping high in the air, He often 8) (do) a big kick, too, iQ)... ..(not/look) easy. Be careful, Leo! Don't jump off the stage! 1 Hopes and dreams | Grammar © Write the words in the correct order. ‘os a oa B fiz tne evening} ‘om ioe = BS BS om oo © Complete the article with the best answer, A, B or C for each spat _ssnaus Charlie Parker goes to the Anatoly Karpov Chess School in Kansas, USA. 2) the children 3). _..Sleep in large dormitories. They A) sssenoseuns get up early and eat breakfast together. They 5) .n----raus Ply chess fortwo hours a day with 0 ‘special chess teacher, Chatle 6). .-tokes part in competitions 7). -His dream is to be world chess champion one day! 1 A Today B Now © Every summer 2 A Always B Tonight Atnight 3 Anomaly B atpresort now 4 A thisaftemoon B always inthe evening 5 A usvally B thismorning © never 6 A sometimes B oneday ~~ inthe afternoon 7 Arnormally —B today © atthe weekend Time to write © What do you usually do at the weekend/in the summer? Write three sentences. 1 often ge swivnming at the weekend. " relia Nc been Nem eee ure Get ideas @ Wet is the most popular hobby in your class? Time to listen @ Listen to the conversations and write the correct name. likes playing computer games. ‘kes making models. 26 likes painting pictures. «likes break dansing, likes skateboarding. kes collecting comics. ke jugating «likes riding her bike likes telling jokes. kes doing macic tricks. © Look at Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer. 1 Does Harry like making models? A Yes, ne does. B No, he doesnt. 2 Does Georgia enjoy painting? A Yes, she does. B No, shedoesr't 3 Do Barbara and Jessica lke telling jokes? A Yes, they do, B No, they don’t. 4 Do Nick and Jim enjoy juggling? A Yes, they co, B No, they don’t. n a © listen and match the speaker with the hobby. People Hobbies 1 James [8 ‘A. magic tricks v B telling jokes eon e © break dancing Jey TE D skateboarding E singing 4 wey El F painting @ picture G juocli 5 Alfie [G] Wee a © Listen again. Who is the winner? What can you do if youare not sure Of the answer the first tine? Justmake a note of the answer you think is right ha Asking and answering nt simple questions and short vers ‘A. do 0 does for questions in the present simple Do you like B do/don't or does/doesn’t for short answers do/No, ! don't Grammar File, page 136 Get ideas @ Whos interested in sports in your class? Who is interested in hobbies like music and dance? iz questions. Then answer the S How many hobbies do you have? ‘A. 1 or2 hobbies and interests O Bs shobbiesard meses © Ihave so many that | can't count ther. 4 Avnainly arty BB amo sperty and any mainly sporty ai 3 BW Asiosecmoe B ustall &-9 hours ] CG esthan dhours eral ‘A\| lave spending time on my own. BB sett ind spening sire on ny own {Geant stand spending timo on my own ‘A Wall | often daydream. BB Mj cream is just te be happy. aa | cream of being famous and successful laid-back _veryrelexed atov' eeryhing (Ke. aha OK DUDA tui Bt0( 0} 59 ASO 2 9) uoypnn a0K 9 "9p 0) SOuyy Bune AOUB 20488 A'SO}Y i1suoryoy Ayu a,n0k 269 10, 08 01704 ey APEOWN {op somsue 29 © Ask a partner about his/her answers. @ Tell another student about your partner's answers. Se ue ua oY 1p d a © Listen and complete the conversation between Eva and Leo with words and phrases from the Useful languat Eva: This is 0 cool! 1)... skateboarding! Come on, Leo! Leo: You know Im 2)....Hodilhcc. skateboarding. | always fall over! Eva: Well, what are you 3) Le Ae% Leo: Lots of things! fm §) ‘computer games, I'm §).0:.: painting pictures and making models, too. Eva: But whet sports do you 6) Leo? Leo: Er,17) break dancing. | practise every day. Just watch me, ... Ow! Useful language Likes and dislikes £ I'm good/brilliant at | like/love/enjoy } Tdon't mind ... + noun or -ing 2 ('m OK/not good at i I'mnot keen on EI don't ike/dislite Time to speak @ Practise the conversation in Exerci oe + noun ot -ing ‘@ partner. Change the words in bold. cE Seared of makinga mistase? Don't bef Always say something, even if you are not sure that it's correct ifs the best way to learn’ SKILLZ @ Make questions. Then ask and answer the ‘questions with a partner. what / hobbies / you / enjoy? What hobbies do you enjoy? ‘hat / sports / you / keen on? what / schoo! subjects / oad at? you / have / any other intorosts? a 4 Get ideas @ You are an interviewer, Choose three things you need for your interview. Contact details Kate Nicholas Tel. 07781 213650 Email, infico@cateandgin.ed uk © Read the interview with Kate. Match three questions with her answers. 1 What time do you usually get up? 2 Why do you like doys? 3 Where do you live? 4 Where do you normaly train? 5 Are you good at dancing? 6 Doycur parents have dogs? 7 Do you take partin many competitions? 8 Does Gin travel lot? Find the right words © Find words in bold in the inter meanings. yw with these We use 1 whea@nae... — 10 givea reason why, z 10 add extra information. 3 to add opposite information. 4 to givea reason. It means therefore, 5 at the end of a sentence, after a comma. It means also, as well My list of questions What time do you usually get up? why do you like dogs? Well | ike all cnimals, but dogs are defintely my favourig anima because they'e so cute! Dogs are also really friendly and they ike to learn new tricks. My parents are dog trainers, too, so ve alllove dogs Interviewer: B .... Kate: We spend alot of fime together and We train for several hours most days — the garden is the best place. I takes a ‘ong time fo learn anew routine so | usually get up early before school and we train together. 'm a student so 'don't have much timet Interviewer: € ... Kate: Gin loves taking part in competitions, $0 Yes, we travel a lot. I’s fun to meet New people. Sometimes she says with mein hotels, too! Gin is ry best Plan ahead ‘G Complete the application form with information from Exercises 1 and 2. Firat noms ns Nicholas ly name Prone number Not good at spelling? Take care to copy information correctly and clearly. InEnglishwe often spell words differently from the way Kate. Use the Useful language, Interviewer: Tell us about you. What are your hopes and dreams? Kate: | realy love dogs I)... becasse... hey are so. ‘cute and friendly, 2) | ike all animals. tim very good at dancing 3) tmyvery interested in working with dogs, 4) ‘My dream is to train animals to work in fms 5) hope can do that when Im older. 1 Hopes and dreams | Reading and Wi | Useful language 5 sci because but so & too 5 sunsncmcnnenceaanenennstatit, © Complete the application form with information about you. Firstname Tamil name res Toa Tobbine acta aOR te nth coat © Answer these questions about your hopes and dreams. ‘© What ere you interested in? * Whet are you good at? ‘© Do you have a spatial talent? © What's your dream? Time to write a paragraph ‘© Write a short paragraph about your hopes and dreams. Use your answers in Exeroise 7. Time to watch Britain's got talent! © Watch the DVD clip and do the activities on page 130. Get ideas @ Which is your favourite festival? Why? Pewracars Een Biers © Whatis the most important thing at a festival? f = Time to read © Match the photos (A-D) with these festival words. Competition costume fireworks parade tradition ©) Rea the webpage on page 17 quickly. At which festivals can you see these? 1 food 2 animals 6 © Read the webpage again and choose which sentence (A-F) fits each gap (1-4) in the text, You do not need all the sentences. ‘A People are getting hurt because they are going so fest! B Some special guests are looking at them and chocsing the best costume. € They aro cooking some food end then giving it to the people in the competition! D They aren't eating them, they're throwing them! E Some of the visitors are running along with them. F Students are marching through the town with flevoured rice and fruit. wae OG a) Que arom Que GS A Wow! This is an amazing festival! !'m at the Battle of the oranges! I's a very old tradition here at Ivrea, Italy, and it lasts for three days. People in the town have got into teams and they've got lots of oranges. 1) .0.. And tonight we are watching fireworks! B Alien festival be This is a really spooky festival! I'm in New Mexico in the USA. Every year in July there is an alien festival here for three days. People believe aliens visited ths place many years ago so now they celebrate this. Lots of people dress up in alien costumes and now they are walking in a parade 2) ..... Loan see some very strange ones! o C Monkey bu The town of Lopburi in Thailand is famous for its monkeys. Every year the town has an outdoor food festival and they invite all the monkeys! I'm here today and there are over 600 monkeys all eating @ special feast. 3) Lots of people are dancing and taking photographs. The monkeys are jumping everywhere. Ew! A monkey is eating my ice cream! D Cheese rolling > PLAY VIDEO im in Gloucestershire in the UK. It's famous for its cheese. Every year they have a cheese-roliing festival. Its over 200 years old. I'm watching the races and people are chasing cheese down a very high hilll 4) .... It's very exciting! Next they are giving the prizes. I can't wait! sine) (0) (Em Li. Doyou need to @® understand aword Sn atext? PSU Gy to quess/Use the situation and words before and after to help you Time to taik © Which festival would you Vocabulary | time out 2 Celebrations © Complete the blog with one word for each space. @ Make words trom the letters, ———_——————— os fem OG dees arom Ou 1D : ee * | - b> "a day 22 P This week Im at the balloon festival in ¥ eisnae Bristol. Bristol is famous 1).....72¥....this festival. It's fantastic! Lots of balloons @ 2 flying into the ait. They are all different colours. There is 3). AA todroanseio competition to see how far they can go. This festival is different 4) other festivals because you can go in the balloons! And if you get bored 5) -watching balloons, there's a parade you can watch and lots of food to eat. So come and 6) fun at the festival. It's on tomorrow as well. See you there! vq E walla i © Choose the correct word to complete each pirase, 1 celebrate a ina stow 2 haven b guests 3 invite «in parade 4 perform data fastival 5 march Sony birthday © Complete these sentences with the correct form of the phrases in Exercise 2. 1 Lalways.celabvat. ny hithdey. by having 2 party. 2 VW rote in town on Saturday and I'mat the front! 3 Wearenot many because our house is small 4 | want 10 at the festival {would like to sing some songs. 5 You can always because there are so many things to do, ‘Some adjectives always go with the same preposition. ‘ Time to talk interested in afraid of ‘GG Your culture keenon —__diferem from © Think of a celebration or festival in your country. When isit? Where isit? What happens? ‘What do you eat? What.can you do? Vocabulary File, page 130 % Talking about now or the mear future SRAMMANTON Present continuous fo be + verb + -ing A to talc about something happening now A monkey is eating my ice cream! = B to talk about temporary situations with time words and phrasas like now, right nowor at the moment She's celebrating her birthday today. He's working in London atthe moment. Present continuous for future € to talk about things in the near future Tonight we're watching fireworkst > Grammar File, page 136, Are yousure about the future? Then use the present continuous, eg Were meeting at sic celock @ Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs. 1 Atthe moment we (talk| about our holidays. 2 This summer. (prepare) for the competition 3) {not watch) TV! 1 (60) my homework! 4 He. (run| in front of the parede! 5 She... ~-- (Shop| in town, 6 They. (not play) football now. The game is over! © Complete the email with the present simple or the present continuous form of these verbs. How are you? I'm really bored with everything! My mum 1) her shop and my dad. is out. He 2) my aunt. My brother 3) games on his Xbox! | 4) ne. Computer Games, Dut not all the time! i's my birthday on Friday so 15) my party! At the moment | 6) down the guests want to invite, My MUM alWayS 7) ..rovsmrnnee 8 cake for me. I'm going to tel some jokes at the party! hope you can come, Love, Sarah © Write sentences about what Eva is doing this week, On Monday she’s mesting Friends, Time to write @ Write sentences about: ‘© what you are doing now. ‘© what you are doing this week, Pace Tuuitelg 19 Get ideas @ Do you often tell jokes? @ Match these jokes with their answers. z akangaroo at the North Pole? ~~ something 3 legs Teas Sing 4 SR covered in chocolate?_> © Complete the sentences with these phrases, 1 Ifyou don’t know then you can the answer 2 loften. ‘ticks on my brother He hates t! 3 Canyou ome ajote? ra Do you need to choose between a lot of answers? Read them all carefully first and listen for similar information. Time to listen @ Listen. What happens on April Fool's Day? © Listen again. What is each person doing? Write letter (A-H) nextto each person, You do not need all the letters. What ore thoy doing? 1 Gavin A running 2 tom B putting salt in the sugar 3 Kevin G walking through a door 4 Ann D shouting 5 Ein E eating F drawing on someone's face G laughing H vaiting How somesing happens area ZONE erbs | | add “yor “ilyto say how something happens | noisily, | >Grammer File, page 157 © Complete the sentences with adverbs. 1 He'srunning....qvickly.... quick) 2 She plays (good), 3 Hesworkng. (quiet 4 Itfell (surlden), 5 They are talking (noisy) Get ideas @ Do the quiz. Then chock your answers. Ala party do you Ike to i dance? oh waich DVDs? Who do you talk to at a party? | everybody just people | know only the person who invited me If there Is a game at the party, do you try to win? play fora short time? yone knows the rules? Useful language Describing activities He's Time to speak © Look at the picture and listen to Anna talking ahout her party. Complete the sentences with two orthree words, 1 Sally... singing badly..into a hairbrush. 2 Jemma. on the table. 3 Aboy SOME UIC eee --- to each other and 4 Two boys a huge hamourger. . 2 Timeout | Speaking Q Work with a partner. Take it in y what is happening in this photo. Use these ideas to help you. Who can you see? ‘Are they talking/dancing/singing? Does the celebration look fun or boring? 2 SS EP TT STAD Reading and Writing | time out 2 Get ideas Sane - JUG @ Do you read anybody's blog? WhyiWhy not? Useful language ‘Saying where things are © What do you think a blog should be about? Tm [nextto * yeurschool stjsts + whatyouthink abot something | TT — Fr © your daily lite ‘© trehistory of your country pee = oaneaae your family history Se ee Find the right words © Tera is ata festival. Read hor blog and write names for the peopl srs 993 Ger aon Gow 91g sem Zee B> Tara: cay 1 PP Wow! Im havinga fantastic time here. Mr Larkin is in the middle of the room. He's im ata magician’s festival so there area lot of funny holding a cup and looking worried! There's a thingshappening!There'sa competitionfor the best _stage at the back and Mrs Jonesiis in front of trick. im standing next to Tom. He's doing acardtrick, _that. She's giving drinks to everyone. Tim is His hands are moving very quickly. Sally is opposite him between her and the door and he’s holding a ‘and she's gota black hat with a rabbit init. There's a Glass of water up-side down, but its not going long table with food on itand behind that is Chris.He’s__on the floor! They're stopping the competition gota big knife I don't know what he’s doing with that!__ soon and we're voting for who we want to win, © Look at the short forms of verbs from Tara's blog, Write the full forms. 1 I'mhaving a fantastic time, Lan 1 Tata is....xest.te...,the boy doing a card tick 2 Imstanding next to Tom, 2 The girl sve Tomi holding a hat 3 He's doing @ cardtrick 3. The man with the cupis the room, 4 She's gota black 4 The teacher with drinks is. connec StOQE, 5 There's along table. 5 The hoy with the water is. ‘the teacher and the door. 6 They'te stopping the competition. 6 Chrisis the table with the food 7 We're voting for who we want to win Plan ahead © Read Tom's blog. Match the paragraphs (A-D) with (1-4). howhe feels 2 people ho is with 3 the place 4 whatis happening A (im having biilliant fun today! t's my birthday and all my friends have come to see me. Later on my family 's coming, too! We're all in the garden because Im having @ barbecue. At the moment it’s sunny and we're sitting on the grass. My two dogs are sitting naxt to ‘us waiting for some food! Behind my house there is a swimming pool so we'e going swimming later. C some of us are chatting and my brotheris playing tricks on my friends.'m opening some of my presents. Ive got some really good ones, like anew. game for my Xbox. Dim really happy because | like it when everybody is here and were having fun. But also!’ feeling nervous because | donit know what trickmy brother is going to play on me! @ Make sentences using these notes. 1 | /with / my friends / my dad Len with my Friends ond voy dad, 2 We /have/ party /gerden 3 We / watch / fireworks / next to / bonfire 4 Mum// cook / some food, / then / we /have / cake 5 | /haopy /excited PAI celta Lele Va Time to write a blog (© Make notes fora blog about your day. OdCodCeTsocsvorede who Lam with: where (am: what is happening: what nn doing: now | feel: | onenathteennteieiemds © Write your blog. Write about 100 words. | fail Doyou need fo describe a situation? @E_ Remenber to say + who is there: im with my mam’ + where you are: Were at the festival, in 5 et front of the stage. = a + whatis happening; There are lots of people marching in a tig parade. Everybody is laughing + how you feel: I's great/ Time to watch The monkey festival (D Watch the DVD clip and do the activities on page 130. TC on t-te nd Vocabulary AEM ee watch everyone anc decide who is the best. @ijudaes B contestants © winners 2 ots of to the party A aucience B decorations © quests are coming 3 Its George’ ony. A talent B cream feast tobe 4 ‘sometimes feo! tightened when Ising on. A carnival B stage C show 5 Ourschool always in the parade. A invites B acts € marches 6 Come and Year with us! A entertain B have fun © celebrate the New 7 Every year we have a summer in our town, A festival Bact € performance 8 Who canwe.... talent show? A invite B entertein perform toour @ Choose the best answer, A, B or C. © Complete each pair of sentences with a noun or verb form of the word in capitals. 1 Ben Stiller is usually a... Swe... in our talent competition. JUDG! Ho....dialges....our art competition every year 2 We realy enjoy watching these music SHOW Ian you how to do magic tricks. 3 Mybrother's band... live in our local park. PERFOR Their. is always a big success. 4 Iwentto... in TV programmes. AC Their. wes really funny 5 What's your. sith DREAN She often. about being famous. © Match the words to make sentences, 1 He's not very good 2 Are you interested 3 Mysisters really keen 4 Imatraid 5 Ourvilage carival is different 6 Do you get bored 7 Wedon'tbelieve 8 London is famous © Complete the text with the best answer, A, B or C. a inplaying chess? b of fireworks © from the one in Brazil! 4 for its red buses © atdencing. £ on music festivals. g with watching parades? fh in monsters. 1A party ®iestival C park 2A B for Cin 3 A comestants —_B judges C audience 4A winner B win winning 5 A parade B band € stage 6 A live B living C alive TA B on Cin Grammar © Putthe words in the correct order to make sontences. 1 lovehaving barbecues / We / at the weekend, /in the garden We love having berbecves in the garden at the. weekend. tricks on me! / My brother / often / plays dance / always / My best friend and | / at parties. They / to this radio station / listen / every day. at night. / My dad / works / normally There / reworks / always / in the evening, / are 7 never /in competitions. / takes part / She 8 sometimes / tells / Our teacher / jokes in English eueen @ Match the questions with the answers. 1 Doyoucelebrate Apiil Fool's Day? @ What sports do you play? Does your brother like shopping? Do thoy usually go to the carnival? ‘What time does the party star? How often do you go tothe cinema? Does Anna play for your team? Does it often rain here? Every weekend. Nine o'clockiin the evening, Yes, he does. d Yes, | do. © No, it doesnt. £ Yes, they do. 4 Football and basketball, fh Nb, she doesn't @ Choose the correct verbs. 1 She’ going/She goes skateboarding every day. 2 We're having/We have fun at the carnival today. 3. They're judging/They judge the contestants now. 4 I'm staying/I stay with my grandparents every summer. 5 He's watching/He watches a talent show at the ‘moment 6 We're practising/We practise our dance routine every evening © Complete the sentences with the correct adverb forms. 1 The students are working ....ayitly....(quit) this ‘morning. 2 Lusually go very (fast) on my skateboard 3 The teacher is explaining the problem too ay (quick). 4 Our dog often jumps up (sudden), 5 My dad can't dance .- (good. 6 Tivo boysare singing. (noise). 7 My brother shouted at me (angry) 8 My gran usually walks very (slow) © Complete the blog with one word for ch space, pereeereices Brom ee OS Write-my-blag.con p> D We 1) a8... having a party at ourhhouse tonight because it's New Year. We aren't 2) many people this year, just my cot and some friends. We usually 3).. fancy dress clothes and 4)... big meal, but my mum 5)... fant to cook again, so we're getting takeaway pizza 6) ‘evening! My dad always 7). -his guitar and we normally have fireworks in the garden midnight. Our dogs -like the fireworks or Dad's guitarso _stayin my bedroom! Pn We ee eed “Vocabulary File, page 130 > Grammar File, page 136 and 137 m for interactive oxam practice in school? (@) Read this school noticeboard, Match the words in bold with the correct picture, Getideas Please put litter in the bin provided. B _) Tickets for the ‘ Spend £3.00 ze sternctioriat fy, in the school cricket match canteen and ‘are on sale now, See Mr Nixon in all at ter get a free Fe] Classroom 3. ie f, drink! Worried about finding the right word? The questions are usually in the same order as the tent EXAMZ92 recy mare ENGLAND | v ‘© Read the last paragraph in the article again. AUSTRALIA | ™ answer these questions 1 What kind of music cid Gareth arrange for the 2 choir? Time to read 2. How cid Imran feel after the concer? ©) Read the article on page 27 quickly and decide om . = which notice (1-6) in Exercise 1 Imran saw. PLAY BEGINS 11.00 a.m, Write css In your own words, make sentences explaining Cert UA se ge ee TOA ea age re ©) Complete the words. Use the clues to help you. 1 a large group of neople who sing together oxo ix 2 a test to see if you'le good encugh to perform 3 tobecomea member af 2 group j___ 4 apertormance by singers or musicians ¢____ 5 6 aft of a song sung byone person s___ Time to talk Soen INA Es oinuar eran eit © Do you agree with Imran’s decisions? What do ee you think of Gareth’s actions? Imran Siddique goes to a secondary school for boys, where PE, Science and Maths are the most popular subjects on the timetable. Fourteen- year-old Imran has the voice of an angel, but singing is not cool, or is it? DVD clip. See page 131 Vocabulary | whar'scootin schoor 3 School @ Choose the correct words. 1 Young children go to primary school, older children go to second/secondary schodl. 2 Atschool we study lots of different subjects/objects. 3. You need a timetable/message so you know what lesson you have next 4 You can meet your friends outside in the hall/ptayground, 5 Most schools have break/lunci in the middle of the morning, 6 If you're hungry you can buy some food in the canteen/classroom. 7 Teachers and pupils can put messages on the noticeboard/blackboard. Compound nouns ere usvally made from two words. black + board = blackboard Vocabulary File, page 131 Fry tolearnthe \—7 words together. @ How many compound nouns can you find in Exercise 1? “Your school subjects © Which are your top three favourite school subjects? Why? Ask your classmates to find out the most popular subject in your class. a Maths b PE © Science d English e French f At g History h Geography Computer Studies © Complete the speech bubble with these words. This is my school uniform. Boys wear 1)..trewsers...and girls wear a 2). We can't wear 3) ns nessaneane OF F-shitts. We all wear a shirt and 4).. I hate my tie, it really uncomfortable We don't have sweatshirts, we havea ‘smart school 5)... ... and black socks and shoes.We can wear 6) but only in PE! Sometimes we wear a 7). (a kind of jacket with the school logo ‘on the pocket), but we don't wear ahat or a dress, thank goodness! © Find the clothes which are not school uniform. 1 skirt trousers jeans 2 shirt T-shirt tie 3 sweatshin blazer skirt 4 shoes trainers socks © Write the words for things you find in school. 1 Students in the UK often wear this to schoo 2 You use this to see what lessons ‘you have each day. 3. Boys and girls wear one round their necks. t 4. This subject teaches you about the past. 5 This is a type of school for teenagers. 6 You can relax between lessors at this time. Memory game Desai erry aE i Minas He's wearing a grey tie. Seung aS eee eka Le aa Time to talk @ Do you have a schoo! uniform? Do you think wearing a uniform is a good idea? Why/Why not? Talking about the past Past simple A the past simple of be fr something that started ane fnished in the past ‘One special person wasn't in the choir. B add -edto form the regular past simple, but be careful of spelling changes eg. travel= travelled The choir travelled to London € some irregular verbs do not use -ed Inran saw the message, D uso cid/aldh’ + infinitive to make negative sentences in the past His friends didn’t think that singing was cool. > Grammer File, page 137 @ Read Imran’s timetable and complete the sentences. Time ‘Monday 830 am. English 915m. Geography 10.00 a.m. Geography 10.45 a.m. BREAK 11.00 a.m. French 11.45 a.m. ‘Maths | 12.30 a.m. LUNCH : 130 am. Science 215am PE 1 English... the first lesson 2 Imran --venedMaths before lunch. 3 TNE oe ovnneunennetWO Geographiy lessors. 4 He French after break 5 Ho in the cantoon at one o'clock. 6 Nath after lunch 7 There six lessons in the day. 8 The last lesson at two o'clock Vernet ien mel eT 1a 10 a¥sl a @ Play pairs! Match the present and past forms of the verbs. © With a partner, choose a verb from Exercise 2 and make a sentence about what you did yesterday. A: 1 bought @ new shirt yesterday. B: 1 didn't buy a shirt, T bought « jumper. © Complete the diary with the correct form of these verbs. Ht oot London Williant! we oe Tafaigay Square and the London Eye. inthe evening we 4) cone tt the Royal Abert Hal cout 606 We. WE ov. TY, too! Afte AY MANS F) oe my we were fanctastis embarrassing tne veal Time to write © Write three sentences about your school timetable for yesterday. I didn’t have Science yesterday. BS Taleo cere cera Get ideas 4 Tesco a have playground. @ Whore do you think this school is? What are the (ey students doing? ee 5 Chen liked his schoo! because AA the classrooms were big B te had long holidays. © he hac many fiends. 6 Chen's favourite subjoct was A Science B Maths © Geography. © listen again and match the questions with the answers. 1 When did you go to your primary school? 2 Did you have big classes? Time to listen a 3. When did you play football? © Listen to these questions about Chen's school a Ware youiapoy? and complete the sentences, @ On Mondays. 1 Where..... +... Your schoof? b Yes Iwas. 2, -..You have classrooms? © Eight years ago. 2 «=. You happy there? dos, we ci. 4 What subject... oo. you like best? © Would you tike to goto Chen's school? ‘Why/Why not? Basil Preyou listening to a ae. description? Before you listen, use the picture ro 3 belp you guess what you wil bear. Asking questions about the past GRAMMAR ONE Past simple questions A past simple of be to ask questions about the past é © Ghon i tatking atomic schoot:Lisien ane use was/were or wasn’/weren't for short answers choose the best answer, A, B or C. ete AN oem 1 Chen lived ina B othor verbs use did + infinitive to ask questions in A town the past sinple ®village. Did he go C city © some past simple questions use time phrases: 2 His school was Jast week, two hours ago, etc. A ona iver Did she tale yesterday B ona bus. C inside a mountain. 3 His school had A six teachers, B oight teachers. C nine teachers, >Grammar File, page 137 Get ideas @ How de youthink the children get to this school? @ Maddy is talking to Jo about her visit to the river ‘school. Match the answers with the questions. Osc m enol Roe aos Roc ia ioNt es koa Boe Tse sean BLY eslo seca} pag (oem cet a a cS ce yet ciao co Este B Bao Nce rome Boa BN Coe aOR stat haar 8 SI Noa esas Rada od pe OUEM accord Coa Cee Me eau p CIE) Dac mee eR Ea B oN a ro Be CAs CLE sass a © Listen and check your answers. | 7 : Useful language 3 what's cool in schoo? | Speaking Time to speak © Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions. | Student A | | Look at page 118. imagine you visited one of thes || schools last week. Prepare to answer questions | about these tings ‘how you got tothe schoo! | © what subjects the children studied | © how many teachers and students there were | © what things you couldn't do 1 ¢ iiqou iced tho school | Student B ‘Write six questions to ask your partner about the school they visited. Use the questions in Exercise 2 | tohelp you © Change roles and repeat Exercise 4. } Asking questions about the past E Did you...? ‘ow did you...? Were you ...? Was/Were there 5 smammnnensaotnnconeseee © What do you like about school? With a partner, putthese things in order of how important they are to you (1 = most important). teachers other students size of the class subjects time for sport good canteen Reading and Writing | wnarscootin schoor 3 Get ideas @ Complete Gabrietia’s biog with the words from Exercise 3 @ Can you remember your first day at school? How did you feel? Urite-my-blogieom p> Gabriella Find the right words s @ Read about Troy's first day at high school, Put the + things he did in the correct onder, 7 A went to the library B met theotherstudents 1 C had a test Hi, my name’s Gabriella, I go to the same schoo! as D had ¢ break and played basketball Troy. Istarted 1).....efter......him, but | remember E wentto the canteen my first day. 2) ; met my teacher and 3) we had two Maths lessons. | love Maths so that was great! 4) we hada ———————— oe breakand | talked to other students. saw eer G someone !knew ~ Troy. Itwas nice to see a fiend, 5) that we had Geography and we Troy had a test. wasn't very good. And the teacher ave usa lot ofhomework to do. 6) we went home Mrs Darbus told us about the school musical. was so happy! really ike my school. © What did Troy and Gabriella like about My name's Troy. | go to East High, New Mexico, i y fe oe eee eee their school? the USA. I definitely remember my first day! it was really scary GirsD we metall the new students in G Think about a typical day at school, Put these our class. There were so many! Then we had two things in order. lessons. After that we had a break and some of us 1 First wehave lunch played football or other sports. | played basketball. 2 Next b weave lessons and Next wwe had Sclence ~ it was really hard. Then we 3 Then a bieak Went to the canteen and had lunch. I talked to 4 After|that) © weaoheme, wedo some students and made friends. Afterlunch we 5 Belore sports had to doa project in Geography so we went to d wehave to give cur the library. We went back to class and we had a names to the teacher, e wehave more lossons and mayo wedoa test test! Before we went home, Mrs Derbus ceme to see us and told us about the school musical. thought that was really cooll ‘© Find five words in Troy's blog that tell you the order of events. Plan ahead ‘© Putthe things you chose in Exercise 7in the @ You decide to take part inthis website competition. Which things (A-D) do you need to write about? order you want thom in your story. Time to write a short story Q Write about your first day at school for the competition in Exercise 7. Write about 80 words Time to watch Boys don’t sing (© Watch the DVD clip and do the activities on page 131, \eySOD=TODECE [RENE HOYaley 700 toi Your world history @ Find these ancient cultures on the map. Put them in order (1-6) from earliest to latest. ‘Mayarss in Central America (250-£00 ce| ‘Aztecs in Mexico (1380-1521 ci) Incas in Peru (1200-1532 se) Romans in Europe (509 oce ~478 ce) ‘Ancient Egyptians (3100-1070 sce) 1 Ancient Greeks (800-338 ace) p802500 CE ERERRSOTCE =I cx ©) Were any of these cultures near your country? Time to read © Read Part 1 ofthe story and answer ‘the questions. Who are the main characters? Why was it a special day? Imagine that your dad is a famous archaeologist, like Indiana Jones in the movies. Now go back intime and imagine this story: The date? The 1920s The country? ‘The place? Belize, Central America ‘Anancient Mayan temple 11925, a gitl named Anna Mitchell-Hedges was ttavelling with her father in Central America. Her father ‘was working in an ancient temple. One day, they were i exploring the temple when Anna sawa shiny object. It was srnall crystal skull! ‘Anna picked up the skull carefully and looked at # looked up. ‘What's that?’ he asked. He was very excited by her discovery. It was 1° January which was Anna's 17° birthday. The ancient skull was better than any present! she was staring at it, her father g eeecueceeercals(c¥-(e Ll ehes © Read Part2 of the story and answer these questions. Wrat di Anna do with the skull? What did scientsts see on the stul?? "The crystal skull, Part2 When she was older, Anna ttavelled to many countries. Hundreds of people came to hear her talk and to see the skull. Everyone believed i was an ancient Mayan object from around 4500 ace. Some people believed it was magical. Many years later, other people found more crystal skulls. Scientists looked at one crystal skull with a powerful microscope. While they ~ ware looking through the microscope, they saw small machine-made marks. These showed that the skull was modern. We now know that the skulls are all Gke! Someone probably made | them in Germany In the 19" or 20" century. Did Anna's ther buy the skull? Did he hide it for her to find? Did they make up the story? ! ‘skull knows the secret! Soc loam ‘person whe studies ancient cvilisatons rade by a machine otreal How can you check that you have the right answer? Look for words thatare related, for example, father - daughter. Order the main events in the story using First, Leia Anna gave talks about the skull ae nL with Yesor No. Anna found the skull 1 Wr Mitchell Hedges’ daughter was with him. ves Anna went to Central America with her father. 2 Anne found e skull froma hurman bod. = — 3 as happy when she found the skul 4 Anne telked to many geople about the skull Time to talk 5 Anne's crystal stull isthe only one in the world. Bs z Be tary te cealfic noucante ot veaseld © Do you think Anna's father bought the skull? 7 We dor't know the rea story of the skull SUS TES 4 ale Coming up ... The mystery of the crystal skull DVD clip. See page 131. Vocabulary | ancient treasure 4 History and dates @ Complete the newspaper article with one word for each space. @ Match the words to complete dates from the nema story on pages 34 and 35, In the 1990s, local archaeologists found lots 1 19° a we of interesting things in an 1)... ancient, 2 20" b century Roman villa. All the objects are from around 3 1500 ¢ January 5002) se cacean 419 d 1920s 648 an First, they found a small 3)... sbut | tin 1 ony there wasn’t any oil init! There weren't any gold 4) , but there was a small © Label the museum objects with these words. piece of gold 5)....... - They think it belonged to a young girl. Then they found some small 6) which are probably from a dog or a cat. Finally, they a e@ : e. but they think this is from the 18" 8) *Vocabulary File, page 131 Memory game You are archaeologists. Take itin turns to add to a list of objects you found or didn't find on Pesan) ® found a life-size 7) of alion, @ ° ° Say the fst of September, but wite iF) ® Ist September, Group rumbers in pars for years. 1926 = nineteen twenty-six Write 2070, but say two ‘thousand end ten UT Mee aPC We found a mask from 200 ece, but we didn’t find Ome Time to talk © Complete the sentences with words from © Asi and ansuver witha port erc 1 There is no Halt on this ancient... skull. pe a eet 2. Your body has hundreds of init! Bybee enc eclige 4 We found acral ciahors. tat year will it be ten years from now? 4 This amazing face... is red and gold 4 Mbagp te deto may) 5 ich people wore gold like this necklace. 6 Wo found fifty Q01d...-sesensnn 00! More about the past Past continuous A to talk about an action that was in progress in the past Anna's father was working in an ancient temple B to set a scene in a story In 1925, a teenage girl was travelling with her fether Past continuous and past simple € to talk about an action that happened while another action was in progress They were exploring the temple when Anne sawa shiny object. + GrammarFile, page 137 @ Read Adam's notes. Write sentences about what he was doing yesterday. ORECodTKEdedeLOdOCE)) ‘Things to do: Thursday 1000-1100___Clean Mayan objects with Toe. 100-100. Put Mayan oljecis in boxes. 100-2.00 Have. lurch wth museum director. 300-490. Send emai 10 all tear members. 400-00 Write a report (00-190 Swim in hete\ pool! erence tee AL 1 Atten thirty Adam and Joe were clearing Mayan object s 2 At midday Adam 3 Attwo clock he and the museum director 4 Atthree thirty he 5 Atfive o'clock he 6 Atsixthirty he © Make questions (?) or negative sentences (x). 1 Adam / swim / eight o'clock eden wasn’t swivewring ab eight o'clock. 2 he/ write / a report / five o'clock ? 3 Adam and Joe / clean / Mayan objects / one o'clock x 4 Adam and the museum director /have lunch / midday ? 4 Ancienttreasure | Gramma 8 a = for each space. twas my dirthday on 22” February and my favourite present was a metal detector. Eva and | » if into the garden. | didn’t find anything, but while Eva was 2) the detector we heard a sirange noise. The metal detector 2) “beeping. ‘There's metal here!’ she shouted, we dug a hole and 4) swe an old {id from a bottle. There. was a date on the lid: 2002! The next day Dad 100k us to a big field. We looked for hours, but we only found a metal drink can. was feeling really bored $) suddenly the detector made a weeping n noise. Ht was another can. As we were walking away | saw a small shiny object. | picked ) . small coin, Was it 2 Roman coin from 200 y 2 No, it 8) th was an old penny from 1694, It wasn’t very important, but it was like treasure to mel oa 1 A take ©® took C were taking 2 Ruse B used € using 3 A was B wore Cis 4 A tnd B finding © found 5 A when B why © because 6 Aon Bou © off 7 A 18th B centuy ate 8 Awas B were © wasnt Time to write © Choose a date that is important to you. Write a short paragraph about that day. Where did you go? Who did you see? How cid you feel? Listening | ancenttreasure 4 Get ideas @ Whot kind of treasure would you like to find? Why? jewellery money something very old Time to listen | | a @ Look at the map and listen to the computer game. | instructions. Write the names of the objects next tothe letters A-E. | bones bax mask female vase Doyou need m folisten for detail? Make sure you understand what words youneed fo listen for. SKILLZ a © Listen to Milly talking about Treasure World. Which of these things did she find? Which one didn't she find? bag coins gold “cing skull statue © Choose one letter in each word to see what found at the end of the game. Do you enjoy doing puzzles? 4 find sre mystery word! © Mycfirst is in coins 5 My second is in jewellery My-thied is in bones ne |My fourthisinring My fifth isin gold My whole is very dangetou Expressing likes and dislikes GRAMMARZONE ‘ing forms {A use the -ing form of a verb after verbs like profar ‘and phrases like look forvrard to filly enjoys playing to infinitive B se the to infinitive after verbs lke want, promise, agree, decide, hope and ohrases like would lke hhope to find a “> Grammar Fie, page 138 Choose the correct words, 11 She would lke fining/t find a gold ring. 2 | prefer 10 do/doing History to anything else 3 isnot far so Idon't mind to walk/wolking. 4 I'm tired (0. g0/0f going around this museum. 5. We look forward to seaing/see you next week. 6 Sleeping/To sieep zt the weekend is my, favourite activity, 4 Ancient treasure | Speaking Get ideas a @ Find the silent letter or letters in each word. Listen and check your answers. @ What do you do if you don't know the way? Why? B ask someone C go home i S Useful language Asking for directions. Can you tell me where .. 8? Can you tell me how to get to © Match the pictures to the directions. Ttumnleft 2 tumright 3 go straight on gopastthe bank 5 cross the road ? ving directions Go straight on. Go past Tur left ight On your left/right. Gross the road. peunencttttt OOS, @ Look at the map in Exercise 3. Take it in turns. with a partner to ask for and give directions to ‘one of these places. Startfrom the town centre. Time to speak A: Con you tell me where the Sports contre ist =; © listen to these directions and follow them on the SB vasvCalsheisht ov, thet veneer Ji Doyouneed he toaskfor information? Remember to ask politely Say Please and Thank you © Work in pairs. Student A look at page 119. ‘Student B look at page 124, Student A ask Student B the way tothe villa. Use the Useful language to help you. Get ideas @ Complete tho sentences with the words in bold from the story. @ Road the opening lines (A-C) of stories and match 1 inthe riddle: 26 the eh | woko up pet to eet suddenly when | heard a strange noise! 1 The mystery of the ancient temple 2° We coulcirthelp im 2 Treasure chest adventure ob (eh 3 A ghost in the house aes sro dian tonal A very far 4 First, | packed my bag, : 5 of our holideys we decied to aie a parly 6 t my cousin c © Which of these stories would you like to read? Why? Find the right words © Read the story and write T or R for each word in bold. T= tim A > Last weekend Tom was camping with his man puthis hand on his shoulder, “Tom, friends. They did not want to go home Tom! Ie’s me, Dad? Tom looked up. ‘Ie wes because they were having a good time, But _raining'so we came to get you.’ Tom was very on the last night they were all very tired so they all went to sleep early. surprised, but happy! In the middle of the night a strange noise woke Tom up. He heard a bang, like a gun. He was very scared, but he got up and looked outside his tent. He couldn't see anything because it was so dark. He decided to go outside and look round. He found 2 stick to use a5 a weapon and put on his coat because it was raining very heavily. Then he saw a bright light and a big man was walking towards him, He screamed. The 0 Plan ahead © Complete Charlie's story with these words and phrases. then onthelestday so Charlie was staying at his aunt’s house in gypt. He was having a great time. 1) On the last day. of his holiday Charlie's aunt took him to see the pyramids. Charlie was very excited 2) was studying the pyramids he school At the pyramids Charlie's aunt said he must stay with her. Charlie started to explore and 3) he saw he was on his own, He was lost and he didn’t know what to do. He was inside a oyramid and it was very dark. He heard e noises 4) he was very cared. He walked and walked and he eople talking an an to the light and came out into the felt very happy to be safe! 4 ancienttreasure | Reading and Writing © Put (A-£) in the order they appear in Charlie's story to make a plan. jat happened? ere did the story happen? 1 C How did he feel after the event? D What were they doing? E What was the result? @ White answers to the questions in Exercise 6. The story hippened in Eayp' Time to write a story © Choose the beginning of one of the stories from Exercise 1. Write the story. Write about 100 words. Ieil Are youwritinga story? Make sure you m+ plan your story. & use past tenses and lots of ny adectives + use linking words. eg because, so, first, then, next: + use time phrases. eg. in the morning. at the weekend. Time to watch The mystery of the crystal skull ‘© Watch the DVD clip and do the activities on page 131, " RC on Nt a2 Vocabulary @ Complete the sentences with one word for each space. 1 Anawehieclogist. finds and studies historical objects. 2. The bones which form your head are called a s 3 Ac. is one hundred years, 4 if something is very ol, tis... 5. Small pieces of metal money are called a 6 Some UK schoo! uniforms include a smart shit with a te around the neck 7 A short rest between two lessonsis called a cs, 3 8 Weccan learn about the Ancient Romans in 4H. lessons. 9 As ‘school is for students older than eleven or twelve, 10 Ac. .-i8.a place in school where you can eat meals, Q Make compound nouns with these words. 7 Computer © Choose the correct answer 1 2025 ‘A two thousand and twenty-five B two hundred and twenty-five 2 Wesay AA the fifth of September B the fifth September. 31800-1899 A tho cightoens B theninetzenth century 41782 AA one thousand seven hundred ard fifty-two B seventeen fifty-two 5 2016 A twenty sixteen B two-ch-one-six 6 1600-1699 ‘A seventeen century B the sirteen hundreds @ Match the notices (A-H) with these sentences. There are three extra notices. 1 Walkin thisplece. F 2 There are lots of ancient objects here. 3 Youcan sing here 4. Mako sure the classroom iscleen. 5 These students do not have lesson. Lost! New calculator. Please hand to school secretary, Class 10R. No Science today. 2 Mrs Jackson is away. © Teacher found Roman coins in our playground! : ‘Come to a special talk this Saturday. No running in the school hall. © Geography trip to the Black Mountains. Interested? Sign here. Qe Practice =. E Cho every Thurs 3 45pmintemecn ee music room, Grammar © Write the past simple form of these verhs. ent 1 90 2 by 3 have 400 5 find 6 ive ‘© Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verbs. 1 Antonio. didn’t.weae..(not/woar) his school tic, 2 Joanna... {be) in the choir last year. 3 Sofia {put} a message on the noticeboard. 4 Nick an (novhave) any homework 5 Teresa and Olga tennis match, 6 We..nsnesnenen (896) Out Maths toacher at the cinema 7 Paulo and Emilio... concert. 8 They tip. © Choose the best answer, A, B or C. Vvescsneeusest0 the concert lastnight? @®bid you go B Youwent © Were you going 2 What A they were doing B cid thoy C were they doing 3. How many people A were there B wasthere C they were 4 any important objects? ‘A Were they finding B Did they find © They found 5 with her father? AA She travelling was B She was travelling © Was she travelling 6 What song A they did sing? B cid they sing? € they sang? (buy) tickets for the (not/be) at the .- (fel) excited ebout the school at seven o'clock? in the choir? © choose the correct words, 1 We were siting /satin our Geography lesson when we were seeing/sawa dog at the window. 2 When they were entering/entered the hall, the choir was singing/sang 3 The archaeologist was exploring/explored some Foran ruins when he was finding/foundthe gold jewellery 4 Did you visit/Were you visting the Acropolis while You were travelling/tavelledin Greece? 5 | was studying/studied the ancient Mayans when | was reading/read about the lost temple. 6 When she nas amiving/arrved et the auditions, lots of people were waiting/waited outside in the rain, 7 Some teachers were joining/joinedin while we were practising/practised our new songs. 8 Why were you leaving/did you leave the room when the teacher was telkng/taked? © Complete the conversation between two friends. Kaya: Did you do your History homework lastnight, Esat 1)... ‘Well done, | didn’t finish mine. 2) Well, was writing my essay when my mobile rang 3) twas my mum. 4). ‘She was working lato, so | cooked my own inner, Esra: 5), Kaya: No, Ididn’t It was too difficult Esra: 6). Kaya: Um, because | was watching TV. ‘A Did you do your homework after that? B Why not? The teacher wants it today! C No, it wasn't! Anyway. why didn't you phone me? D What did she want? E Yes, | did. 1! spent two hours on it F Who was it? Vocabulary File, page 131 > Grammar File, pages 137 and 138 urits3-4 | Time to revise 2 Did you remember all the vocabulary and grammar points?

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