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Biodiesel Basics
Czarena Crofcheck, Tim Stombaugh, Mike Montross, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Quick Biodiesel Facts

Biodiesel is a renewable fuel for diesel engines. Biodiesel,
defined by ASTM International (D6751), consists of long-
chain fatty acid alkyl esters and is made from renewable
vegetable oils, recycled cooking oils, or animal fats. It can
be used at full strength, but it is typically blended with
petroleum diesel. A blend of 2 percent biodiesel and 98
percent diesel is referred to as B2. Other typical blends
include B5, B10, and B20; pure biodiesel is sometimes
referred to as B100. Biodiesel is safer for the environment
and produces significantly less air pollution compared to
petroleum diesel. Biodiesel can be produced locally and can
be integrated into the existing petroleum infrastructure.

How Is Biodiesel Made?

Biodiesel can be made from vegetable oils, recycled cook- fuel standards, and a crude glycerin product. The resulting
ing oils, or animal fats. The vegetable oil could be from crude glycerin will be refined further into a more concen-
soybeans, canola, cottonseeds, sunflowers, or peanuts. trated material and can be used in health care products,
Recycled cooking oil can also be converted into biodiesel, rubber, moisture enhancers, or even applied to surfaces
which means we’re converting a waste product into a value- for dust control.
added product. There are slight processing modifications
that may need to take place depending on the properties of Why Use Biodiesel?
the input oils and fats. One great advantage of the biodiesel There are multiple benefits to using biodiesel compared to
process is that there are no waste products to be disposed using petroleum diesel.
of. Everything that comes out of the process can be reused
in a future batch or sold as a product. • Using biodiesel decreases this dependency on foreign
oil. In 2004, 58 percent of petroleum in the United States
The process of making biodiesel starts with the addition was imported from foreign countries, while there were
of vegetable oil, catalyst, and methanol into a reactor. The raw materials available across the nation to produce
oil and methanol are converted to biodiesel and glycerin enough biodiesel to displace 5% of the petroleum diesel
through a process called transesterification. The biodiesel used in this country.
and glycerin are separated and further processed so that • Using biodiesel increases revenue for U.S. farmers and
the result is a biodiesel product, which meets government rural communities.
• Biodiesel improves air quality, which makes the envi-
ronment healthier for our communities.
For every 100 pounds of oil • Biodiesel contains more energy than what was used to
produce it. For every one unit of energy that goes into
and 10 lbs of methanol, the making a gallon of biodiesel, 3.24 units of energy are
transesterification will yield stored for future use. For every one unit of energy that
100 pounds of biodiesel is used to make a gallon of petroleum diesel, only 0.83
units of energy (0.17 less than the amount of energy
and 10 pounds of glycerin. used to produce the fuel) are stored for future use.
Biodiesel Economics Reduced Environmental Impact
Traditionally, a blend of biodiesel would cost one penny As concentrations of greenhouse gases in the environment
more than petroleum diesel for each percent of biodiesel have been increasing, we need to find ways to decrease
blended, such that a B20 blend would cost 20 cents more man’s impact on the environment. Biodiesel is safe for the
than petroleum diesel per gallon. More recently, the price of environment and produces less air pollution compared to
petroleum diesel has increased, sometimes making it more petroleum diesel.
expensive than pure biodiesel. The difference in price is
When using pure biodiesel, the exhaust emissions of car-
also directly related to current tax incentives and credits.
bon monoxide (a poisonous gas and a factor in local smog
Biodiesel can have a significant economic impact for formation) are 50 percent lower than when using petroleum
Kentucky, according to a recently completed study at diesel. The exhaust emissions of hydrocarbons, which also
Murray State University. By using a 5-percent biodiesel contribute to smog formation, are 95 percent lower.
blend across Kentucky, soybean processing capacity would
The exhaust emissions of sulfur oxides (Sox) and sulfates,
increase by 158 percent, adding $571 million dollars to
which are major components of acid rain, from biodie-
Kentucky’s economy as well as 3,020 new jobs. Total tax
sel are almost completely eliminated. However, studies
revenue would be increased by $68.5 million.
have shown that the nitric oxide (No x) emissions are
Biodiesel and Community Health
You don’t have to take too many deep breaths behind a
vehicle using petroleum diesel to be able to appreciate that Biodiesel can actually be used as a
cleaner exhaust would be beneficial. The exhaust emis- solvent to clean up oil spills.
sions of particulate matter, typically referred to as soot,
are a recognized contributor to respiratory disease. When
using pure biodiesel, particulate matter decreases by 30 Using Biodiesel Basics
percent. In addition, the exhaust emissions of suspected
carcinogenic compounds are substantially reduced for Biodiesel has a higher cetane rating than petroleum diesel.
biodiesel compared to petroleum diesel. The cetane number is an indication of how well the fuel
will ignite when it is compressed, which is the fundamental
operating principle of a compression ignition (diesel) en-
gine. Cetane is analogous to the octane rating of gasoline.
Biodiesel degrades in the environment The higher cetane of biodiesel can help an engine with
cold starting and with reduction of noise at lower RPM’s.
as fast as sugar and is 10 times less toxic However, if the cetane of the fuel gets too high, some en-
than table salt. gines may experience problems. The fuel may ignite before
it is completely mixed with the air in the engine cylinder,
which could cause incomplete combustion and an increase
Studies have shown that petroleum diesel exhaust adversely in undesirable emissions.
affects children with asthma and bronchitis and increases
Pure biodiesel (B100) has a slightly lower (5 to 8 percent)
the effects of some allergens. Using biodiesel would lessen
energy content per gallon than petroleum diesel. While the
these effects. Biodiesel was the first renewable fuel to suc-
energy loss in lower blends of biodiesel is relatively small,
cessfully complete the Environmental Protection Agency
users may experience a slight power loss with biodiesel.
required Health Effects Testing. EPA’s clinical studies,
which study the toxicity of fuels, showed no adverse health Biodiesel has high lubricity and reduces friction in your
effects with B100, pure Biodiesel. engine. This will become even more important when ul-
tra low sulfur diesel is mandated in 2006, because sulfur
Actually, the same compound that’s used in biodiesel – fatty
provides lubricity. By adding just 1 percent biodiesel to
acid methyl esters – is listed as an animal feed additive
ultra low sulfur diesel, the lubricity is increased to a sat-
with the Food and Drug Administration.
isfactory level. Additives could be used to accomplish the
same thing, but by adding biodiesel we’re adding a fuel
not just an additive.
A B2 biodiesel blend has roughly the same cold flow prop-
erties as petroleum diesel, while B20 will increase the gel

point by 3 to 5° F. B20 has been successfully used in cold Where Is Biodiesel
weather temperatures down to -13° C by utilizing the same
Made and Sold in Kentucky?
winterizing steps taken when using petroleum diesel.
In Kentucky, motor fuels inspection and testing are
Biodiesel is very safe and nonflammable. However, rags administered by the Kentucky Department of Agri-
soaked in biodiesel should still be stored in a safety can or culture, Division of Regulation and Inspection. The
dried individually before being disposed of. Commonwealth’s regulations specify that ASTM
Biodiesel has outstanding cleaning properties and will standards, supplements, and revisions shall be ap-
clean your fuel tank and lines. For this reason, it is recom- plied to ensure compliance with Kentucky Statutes.
mended that fuel filters should be monitored and may need The Division tests motor fuels to ensure that the
to be changed after the first tank of biodiesel. quality of the fuel meets Kentucky law and ASTM
standards. For more information consult the Kentucky
Using pure biodiesel, B100, can degrade natural rubber, Office of Energy Policy (
which may affect an engine’s gaskets, seals, and hoses.
However, this shouldn’t cause a problem with the lower In Kentucky, Griffin Industries has a biodiesel plant
biodiesel blends, specifically B20 or less. If a higher biodie- in Butler. Biodiesel is available from retailers across
sel blend is desired, natural rubber engine components may Kentucky, shown in the map below (provided by the
need to be replaced more often. Gaskets, seals, and hoses Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition, December 2005). For
made of Viton are compatible with biodiesel. If you’re updated maps, consult <>
concerned, check with your manufacturer. or <>.

Overall, biodiesel is safer than petroleum diesel to use,

handle, and store. Manufacturers such as Caterpillar, Cum-
Who Is Using Biodiesel in Kentucky?
mins, Detroit Diesel, International, Ford, DaimlerChrysler, In Kentucky, public school districts, universities, national
General Motors, and John Deere will recommend up to and state parks, local governments, and the Transpor-
B5. Higher blends, though not recommended at this time, tation Cabinet are using biodiesel blends. Across the
will not void engine warranties. If you have any concerns, country, users include the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S.
check with the individual manufacturers. Postal Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and
our armed services. Minnesota has a statewide mandate
A companion publication to this one (AEN-90) contains an- that all diesel fuel sold will contain 2 percent biodiesel,
swers to questions commonly asked by biodiesel users. effective June 2005.

In addition to being used in diesel engines, biodiesel blends
can also be used in off-road equipment, agriculture ve-
hicles, locomotives, and marine vehicles and as a heating
oil in stationary generators and boiler applications.

Other References:
National Biodiesel Board (
Kentucky Soybean Board (
Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition
Kentucky Office of Energy Policy (
Griffin Industries Inc. (
2004 Biodiesel Handling and Use Guidelines (www.osti.
gov/bridge). Search for DOE/GO-102004-1999
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of
May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director of Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Ken-
tucky State University, Frankfort. Copyright © 2006 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or
nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World Wide Web at

Issued 4-2006

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