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School/ Level : SMA

Subject Matter/ Area : English

Theme/ Sub-theme : Personal life/ Using text procedure

Type of Text : Procedure text

Skill : Speaking

Grade/ Semester : XI/ I

Meeting :2

Time Allotment : 2 x 45 minutes

Competence Standard :

1. Understanding meaning of short functional and monologue text in recount,

narrative, and procedure simple text in a real life context.

Basic Competence :

1. Responding to meaning of simple monologue text with using various verbal

accurately, fluently, understandably in real life context using spoken language in
procedure form.

2. Expressing meaning of simple monologue text with using various verbal

accurately, fluently, understandably, in real life context using spoken language in
procedure form.

Objective/Indicators :

1. Learners are able to express verbal monologue text

2. Learners are able to make monologue text

3. Learners are able to use various kinds of monologue procedure in their real life

Instructional Materials :

1. Source

Story/ dialogue in expressing idioms

- Book Look Ahead 1 (text)

2. Media

- Sample story

- Laptop


3. Technique

- Three-phase technique

Teaching Learning Scenario

1. Pre-activity

• Review the structure and the characteristic of procedure text.

• Introduce the material to the learners that is going to be taught.

2. Main Activity

• Divide students into several groups. The groups should be diverse in terms of
gender, ethnicity, race, and ability.(PT)

• Each groups make monologue text in procedure form. (making a tomato

sandwich ) and then present their work.(PT)

• Other groups listen to the presenters.(PT)

• Other groups list the lack and the overplus of making procedure monologue

• Other groups discuss about the important point of making procedure

monologue text. (PT)

3. Post Activity

• Conducting reflection or making summary by involving learners

• Conducting follow-up by giving activities or assignments as part of enrichment
(Learners are going to make a oral and verbal dialogue or text by
putting/adding the given procedures monologue).

4. Learning Resources/ aids

• Material download

• Dictionary

• Look Ahead an English Course 1 for Senior High School Students Year XI

5. Assessment

• Technique : Performance assessment

• Procedure : whilst and post test

• Form : reading and dialogue

• Instrument

First project. Work in pairs. Study the following pictures and create a
monolog about “how to make a tomato sandwich”

Well, my friends, Have you ever eaten a sandwich? All right, Uhm ..... do
you know how to make a tomato sandwich ? No? Would you like me to tell it for
you ? Okey. Here we go. Listen to me.

To make a …………………., you…………………………………………………. and

uhm… --------- what else ....? Oh, yeah, ……………...and don’t forget …………..

Now, to make a tomato sandwich, first……………………......................

……………… this. Then, ………………….

After that, …………………………………….. Then, .........................

…………………………………………. See like this. Don’t forget ……………………..

Now, ………………………………….

To make a tomato sandwich, you need some lettuces, some loaves of bread and
uhm… beef what else ....? Oh, yeah, sausages.and don’t forget the tomatoes. Now,
to make a tomato sandwich , first, fry the beef. Let it becomes this.
Then, let it cool. After that, put the lettuces above the brad. Then, put the cooked-
beef on top of the lettuce. See like this. Don’t forget to put the tomatoes. Now, you
can deserve a tomato sandwich

• Scoring Rubric
No Score
1 – 8 Every correct answer, correct grammar, appropriate word 5
choice and correct pronunciation
Every correct answer, incorrect grammar, appropriate word 4
choice and correct pronunciation
Every correct answer, wrong grammar, incorrect word 3
choice and correct pronunciation
Every correct answer, wrong grammar, incorrect word 2
choice and pronunciation
Every answer is not quite right, wrong grammar, wrong 1
choice of words and pronunciation
No answer 0

Makassar, December 07, 2011

Approved by

The School Principle of Subject Teacher,

Drs. Ahmad Hasan Darman S.Pd

NIP.131847520 NIP.131684630

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