I Believe Statements

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Jack Rolland

Instructor Foor

Intro to Education

30 October 2019

Personal Philosophy Statement

1. I believe that all students should be able to relate learning material in class to their own


a. And so I will provide real life scenarios in which content is seen in the real world

with current events and discussions

2. I believe that students should have the opportunity to not only grow as a student but also

as an individual in the classroom.

a. And so I will work to build relationships with my students in which I can hear what

is going on in their lives so if they need guidance with anything I’ll be there.

3. I believe that all students should be taught to respect all cultures and let everyone show

their true selves

a. And so I will hold events throughout the year in my classroom celebrating

different cultural holidays.

4. I believe all students should be taught content that challenges them and allows them to

grow and raise their knowledge.

a. And so I will utilize the common core standards to ensure students reach the

level of knowledge that they are suppose to be at.

5. I believe that students should have the ability to have their learning catered to them and

their learning style. They should have the best chance to succeed.
a. And so I will utilize many different styles of teaching to fit all learning styles and

will be open to giving exams in a way that best suits them (verbal exam or hands

on if needed).

6. I believe that all students should have a voice in the world and become informed about

current events in our world.

a. And so I will hold often use discussions between students to engage thought


7. I believe that the classroom should be open to all questions, small or large, and the

teacher should have an answer or want to find an answer.

a. And so I will always ask my students if they answer concepts after I have taught

them as well as having reinforcement activities where they ask both me and their

peers questions.

8. I believe that all teachers should understand current technology and incorporate it into

their classrooms to help students for their future lives.

a. And so I will use various activities in class such as kahoot and quizlet as well as

making sure that my students are knowledgeable in technology.

9. I believe that education for teachers doesn’t stop after college but rather they continue to

further their education.

a. And so I will continue to read new materials to better my knowledge about

teaching as well as observing in my own classroom to adapt new styles into my


10. I believe that teachers must maintain control and order in the classroom and make sure

students show respect to their teachers and peers.

a. And so I will respect my students to show them positive behavior to model as well

as monitor their interactions with their peers.

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