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Second Quarter Examination in Grade 10 English

A. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the best answer on your
answer sheet.

LC 1
1. _______________ means to speak of or address with irreverence.
a. Blaspheme
b. Coil
c. Omnipotence
d. Scourge

LC 2
2. The author’s purpose in writing the song “Common Ground” is to __________.
a. entertain
b. expose
c. persuade
d. tell

3. The line, “A common ground is a good place to start” is a/an ______________.

a. explicit information
b. first-hand information
c. general information
d. implicit information

LC 3

Read the selection below to answer the question that follows.

The word is terracide. It is not committed with guns and knives, but with relentless bulldozers,
roaring dump trucks, and giant shovels like mythological beasts. Dynamite cuts and rips apart
mountains to reach the minerals inside, leaving nothing but empty, naked hills. The land is left
wasted and allowed to slide down upon houses and into streams, making the land unliveable and the
stream water undrinkable. This is terracide, or if you prefer, strip mining.

4. The author’s purpose in writing the selection is to ________________.

a. describe a strip mining operation
b. expose what is meant by terracide
c. inform about the purposes of strip mining
d. persuade the readers that strip mining is bad for the environment.
LC 5
5. Where should you place the stress of the word RECORD if it means to preserve
in writing; to register?
a. First Letter
b. First Syllable
c. Second Letter
d. Second Syllable
LC 6

Below is a news story written by one student-reporter from Jantilao NHS. Read the story
carefully and answer the question that follows.

JNHS G10 studs win gold in Science on-the-spot research tilt

Jantilao National High School (JNHS) Grade 10 students Kier Quisora and Yassy Vilando dominated in
the 2019 District Level Science On-the-Spot Research held at Isabela National High School on
September 10, 2019.

In preparation for the Division Festival of Talents (DFOT) 2019, seven teams from the schools of Isabela
District which are Isabela National High School (ANHS), INHS-Jugno Campus Senior High, Jantilao
National High School (JNHS) Junior High, Siglab Community High School (SCHS) Junior High, and
(SCHS) Senior High vie in the District Level Science On-the-Spot Research.

JNHS Junior High, with their research entitled, “Massive Number of School Solid Waste: Foundation for
School Action Plan” made their way to bag the 1st spot.

“Teamwork and faith lead us to success,” these are the words of Yasmien in an interview after the

Right now, the team is preparing for the upcoming DFOT on September 27, 2019.

6. The author’s purpose in writing the text above is to __________________.

a. argue
b. entertain
c. inform
d. persuade

7. In the song entitled “Imagine” by John Lennon, the lines which says, “Imagine
there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do, nothing to kill or die for, and no religion,
too, Imagine all the people, living life in peace” is a/an __________________.
a. explicit information
b. first-hand information
c. general information
d. implicit information

LC 7

8. What is the theme of the song entitled “Imagine” by John Lennon?

a. Argument
b. Betrayal
c. Peace
d. Romance

LC 9

9. I want to eat ice cream when I scream; it might rain, so I need to catch my train.
The underlined words are examples of?
a. Intonation
b. Juncture
c. Pitch
d. Stress
LC 10

Observe the picture below by paying attention to its details. Answer the question that follows.

10. Which is NOT explicitly emphasized in the picture shown above?

a. Bridging the gap
b. Making things nearer
c. Making things easier
d. Resolving conflict

LC 11

11. What consists of descriptive sensory language, including details of taste, touch,
sight, smell, and sound?
a. Figures of Speech
b. Imagery
c. Juxtaposition
d. Parts of Speech

12. Why is it necessary to use sensory images in any forms of literature?

a. It gives new and various information to the reader/s about the work.
b. It gives vivid description for readers to imagine the work of literature.
c. It helps create beauty to the work of literature.
d. It helps identify the genre of the literary piece.

LC 12

13. Which of the following is NOT a technique in developing an argumentative

a. Appeal to your audience’s rational and logical thinking.
b. Argue using your gathered evidences and researches.
c. Disprove your own position and refute your stand.
d. Use empirical evidences to support your claim.
LC 13

Below is a sample comic strip, study each picture carefully and answer the following question.

14. What is being implied in the comic strip presented above?

a. Argument
b. Bias
c. Discrimination
d. Stereotyping
LC 14
15. When you are asked to define the weight of an object in terms of the numbers
that appear when the object is placed on a weighing scale, you are actually
defining the term
a. contextually
b. lexically
c. operationally
d. technically
LC 15
16. Allen, T. (1974). Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C: Geographic
Society. This bibliographic information format is used when citing sources from
a/an __________________.
a. almanac
b. book
c. encyclopedia
d. magazine
LC 16

Read and analyze the passage by Anne Sexton carefully to answer the question that follows

If you have endured a great despair,

Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.

17. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is _____________.
a. contentment
b. courage
c. fear
d. hopelessness
LC 17

18. Why is it necessary to cite sources in getting ideas/information from different

authors or publications in any forms of writing?
a. To avoid plagiarism in preparing any write-up.
b. To identify the original author’s information.
c. To display the apt ethical standards in writing.
d. To maintain utmost subjectivity in writing.
LC 18
19. The following are ways that a speaker should possess in delivering a speech
EXCEPT the ______________________.
a. effective use of body language like gestures, and facial expressions
b. emphasis on good conviction in delivering his or her ideas in front
c. manifestation of a strong knowledge on the subject matter presented
d. use of abstract and non-concrete terms in presenting the topic
LC 19
20. When my whole family is away, I feel blue. The underlined phrase implies that
the author ______________.
a. became blue
b. became calm
c. felt peaceful
d. felt sad
LC 20
21. Aside from quotation marks, what should be used in writing a direct quotation?
a. Capitalization
b. Hanging indention
c. Punctuation
d. Syllabication
LC 21
22. Which of the following is an affirmative expression?
a. I doubt it, but…
b. Pardon me, but…
c. You have it all, however…
d. Your intention is right, however…
LC 22
Here are lines from the poem “Three Words of Strength,” read the poem carefully and answer
the question that follows.
Put thou the shadow from thy brow
No night but hath its morn.
Know this: God rules the host of heaven,
The inhabitants of Earth
Not love alone for one.

But man, as man thy brother’s call,

And scatter like a circling sun
Thy charities on all.

23. What is the underlying message of the poem?

a. God loves everyone.
b. God loves those who suffered.
c. God loves those who help themselves.
d. God loves those who pity other people.

LC 23

24. In writing your research, what should you include when you refer to summarize,
paraphrase, or quote from another source?
a. Bibliography
b. In-text citation
c. Parenthetical citation
d. Positions

LC 24

25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a well-delivered speech?

a. Conveys information clearly.
b. Demonstrates confidence and ease.
c. Gives an intricate conclusion.
d. Uses facial expressions and gestures.

LC 25

26. Which of the following statements is the best example of exaggeration?

a. Differences in principles foretell chaotic relationship.
b. She cried a bucketful of tears when her pet dog died.
c. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
d. Unfair treatment often results to hatred among people.

LC 27

27. Which of the following is an example of unsupported generalization?

a. All teachers have beautiful jewellery and cars at home.
b. Engineers shed bucketful of tears when they pass the exam.
c. This perfume makes you the most beautiful girl on Earth.
d. You should appreciate the goodness of God to mankind.

28. Education students always sleep at three o’clock in the morning every day. What
phrase or word signals generalization in the preceding statement?
a. Always
b. In the morning everyday
c. Sleep at three o’clock
d. Students

LC 28

29. In a debate, which of the following speaker proves the validity of the issue or
a. Affirmative
b. Moderator
c. Negative
d. Scribe

30. Which of the following speakers disproves the validity of the topic in a debate?
a. Affirmative
b. Moderator
c. Negative
d. Rebuttal
B. Short Response

Direction: Before each number, fill in the blanks the best answer that corresponds to
each description/definition.

LC 4
__________________1. It restates the main claim, summarize the arguments and support
the main premise.
LC 13

__________________2. This type of question addresses the relative merit of something.

LC 16

__________________3. It is the attitude of the author towards the topic.

__________________4. It is often referred to as the atmosphere of a literary piece.

LC 19
__________________5. It is the articulation of statements and procedures used in
defining terms.

LC 22
__________________6. This type of information is not expressly stated in the text.

LC 25
__________________7. These are baseless information that can mislead listeners or

LC 27
__________________8. It is the main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work.

C. Essay

Directions: Respond to what is asked for each item below comprehensively. Read the
instructions for each number carefully and answer them in your answer sheets. A scoring rubric
is set as basis in grading your essay.

LC 8

1. From the topics discussed about the types of questions, formulate claims of fact,
policy, and value based on your chosen topic from the list provided below. Your
claim must not exceed 5 sentences.

List of Topics
a. Resolving Conflicts
b. Unity in Diversity
c. Harmonizing Relationship with Others
d. Recognizing Interpersonal Convergence
e. Bridging the Gap
2. Compose an argumentative essay emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among
individuals and groups. Your essay must not exceed 10 sentences.


Very Good Good Fair Poor

(10 points) (9 points) (8 points) (7 points)

Content, Content is highly Content is detailed; Content is slightly Content is broad;

Organization, detailed; very adequately detailed; slightly unorganized; lack
and organized; shows organized; shows organized; shows of coherence and
Subject Knowledge high coherence and sufficient coherence little coherence and cohesion of
cohesion of and cohesion of cohesion of sentences and ideas;
sentences and sentences and ideas; sentences and ideas; lack of knowledge
ideas; a strong adequate little knowledge and understanding
knowledge and knowledge and and understanding of the topic is
understanding of understanding of of the topic is shown.
the topic is shown. the topic is shown. shown.

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